Hunt to Kill (2010) Poster


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Decent action movie
halbarad_loire13 October 2010
Right, we need to be honest about some things to begin with. First, this is going to have a lot of people giving it the next title of "WORST FILM EVARRRRR" and while they are all wrong, they are people too!

No, but seriously. When you come into a film called 'hunt to kill' with Steve Austin as the main character, I highly doubt you're going in expecting a film with some Al Pacino style acting, the action equivalent script of The Shawshank Redemption and the cinematography of Lord of the Rings. I suppose my point is that this film isn't that bad, nor is it that great. It's a decent film. The acting on most parts is competent. It's not perfectly shot but I've seen so much worse.

I'm not going to go into the story, it's a basic run of the mill good guy/good guy's family gets caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, stuff happens.

On one note, I hated the character played by "Marie Avgeropoulos". I always have hated know-it-all teens who think they know everything and just cause more trouble.

It's worth a watch either way.
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Was this directed by a 10 year old?
steve_d627 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Truly awfully directed. Steve Austin brings it up to a 4 out of 10 just for being Steve Austin.

Villain - bearable.

Hot girls - watchable.

Deaths - unrealistic.

Setting - decent.

Characters thought process - laughable.

Ending - painful.

Storyline - dull.

Movie - barely watchable.

Thats my views on the movie anyway. Thought there was too many stupid scenes in this movie to be considered good. *SPOILERS* Small things such as using an axe or a stick instead of guns which are in sight or even on them. Not tieing up or keeping watch on steve austin while asleep. And don't get me started on the bit where Steve was suppose to die.
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Straightforward Action, but nowhere near flawless
Hogader31 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched this movie and had to write a small review on it. This movie in short is a straight forward action flick with a thin plot line. Now that doesn't make it bad. The acting however, wasn't bad either. Even the use of Rambo sound and action feeling seemed to work out well.

However the movie contains an incredible amount of flaws. Not just a couple you can overlook, but it looks like they shoot every scene and before doing that they think about changing things all over. Mistakes like weapons not having a magazine in them and without a blink they have :S. Other mistakes include the main villain suddenly having a revolver instead of a silenced pistol (where did he get that, and what has happened to the previous gun), bullet holes that are on different places then the hole in the shirt, rock climbing up on a totally different place of where he falls down even if he couldn't even move. Just named a few, but i can assure you that there are just too many to be named.

All in all it's a decent action movie, however the amount of flaws won't pull it higher than a 5/10.
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Oh it's a stinker alright
choatelodge16 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
And I was generous with three stars, of ten. Explanation to come.

A buddy rented this one and brought it over. Starring the only two known 'actors' Steve Austin and Eric Roberts (who has stumbled along on his acting career, never approaching his more famous sister Julia's prominence), Hunt to Kill starts out with a familiar formula: Two cop (southern border guard?) buddies, the two already mentioned, staking out a trailer in the desert. It's desert so it must be the southern US border. They call for backup and then decide to storm the trailer without waiting for the backup to arrive.

At this point we can see what's going to happen in this movie. The writer is going to have the characters do totally illogical things because he hasn't taken any care to advance the story in a plausible fashion, and we the audience will spend the rest of the show rolling our eyes saying all the while, 'Now why on Earth would somebody do that?'. The movie delivers.

Of course the bust goes wrong. Eric Roberts must have been expensive because he's only on the screen long enough to get killed. The trailer is full of hidden bad guys and everything blows up in magnificent fashion, leaving only Steve Austin knocked flat but alive.

Next thing we know it's four years later and Austin has transformed into some sort of Rambo-like master of the forest and now he's in the Pacific Northwest. All the setup with the trailer and the killed partner? It has nothing at all to do with the rest of the movie except maybe to establish that Austin is tough. Oh, and we see him being given a birthday present of a watch with a woven band that can be unravelled into a rope.

The story shifts to a group of bad guys who have stolen some bonds and who are not only baby kicking bad but who betray each another at the drop of a hat. They kidnap Austin, actually kidnapping his newly appeared incredibly stupid daughter to force his cooperation in order that he should lead them through the forest to their fellow bad guy who has stolen their stolen bonds (don't ask) and taken off with a guide to sneak into Canada through the forest... (I warned you) The watch with the magic rope band that we expected Austin to use to save the day at some point? At one point the McGuffin (bag of bonds) had fallen off a cliff, Austin volunteers to go get it and just up and produces this magic watch band rope in front of everybody, unwinds it, and heads over the edge! Oh, that twist caught me by surprise! I had a great laugh over the fact that the watch-band rope once unravelled, became a half inch line of a good couple hundred feet in length.

Of course the bad guys betray him, grab the McGuffin, cut the rope so that Austin falls off the cliff, and leave him for dead. Of course he's not dead.

The forest part allows the story to go the way of presenting Austin as Rambo, although he runs through the bush in a very awkward fashion as though he were wearing high heels. We get to enjoy seeing such eye rolling and laughter inspiring events as Austin leaning back against a log in the middle of the forest and discovering a bag slung up into a tree, that contains a compound hunting bow! How handy. You can almost hear the scriptwriter say to himself, "Now I want to introduce a hunting bow for Austin, how can I do that?" "I know, he just finds it in a bag, strung up in a tree!"

Mind you, later Austin discards the bow when he has shot all of the arrows. You can't reuse undamaged arrows, it seems.

There are enough scenes to inspire laughter that I didn't pull the DVD out of the player. It was funny enough to keep watching, I'll give it that. There were some visually stunning scenes shot around the abandoned Brittania copper mine in Southwest British Columbia and cliff scenes obviously shot around nearby Squamish.

I can't give it all away but I've said enough I think. Austin has to rescue his daughter before the bad guys can escape with her to Canada. It's not so awful you can't get a laugh or two, but it's pretty awful.
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Bad acting - waste of 90 minutes
tire_iron00228 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I rented this after reading the reviews here - and all I can say is those that gave this more than 2 stars have WAY lower standards for entertainment than I do.

The lead role - played by Steve Austin had all the charisma of the rocks he found himself (repeatedly) climbing. I mean come on - he falls off of TWO separate cliffs in this movie. As another reviewer wrote - he is being pulled up the cliff and trying to make it *look* like he is climbing. Of course he doesn't look like he is climbing.

He just happens to find a bag up in tree with a crossbow and cameo face paint - right AFTER he heats up a knife red hot - to do what??? - to cauterize a bullet wound of course. How did the bag get there?? The story was so weak - and had so many holes in example - he climbs down a cliff using the para-cord from his watch - except this para-cord magically turns into climbing rope. He descends this cliff to retrieve a bag of bearers bonds that the bad guys want. Trouble is the bad guys have Steve Austins daughter too. So Steve says "I'll go get the money and they you will let my daughter go before I give it to you". So he climbs down this cliff - gets the money bag and climbs back up - and expects the bad guys (who all have guns and have already killed a number of people) to let his daughter go....which they don't...and he is surprised. SHOCKER! Luckily I only paid $1.00 to rent this - but I am forever out of the 90 minutes I wasted hoping the movie would get better - which it didn't. Shame on me.
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sikkwolf11 June 2011
This is quite possibly the stupidest action movie I've ever seen. The plot, is cliché, sure, they all are in this genre now. There is a reason that Stallone and the Spermanator are famous for their abilities to make crappy plots work.

Stone Cold doesn't have that, the dude is a good actor, and was a great athlete, but they have to stunt doubles for him RUNNING for christs sake. And as awesome as a clash between "Steve "I drink beer and have rough sex with fear" Austin" and "Darth Maul" could have been, it's not. It's the antithesis of what you'd expect from such a showdown.

I mean, there is a low speed ****ing ATV chase, and seeing Austin pop a wheelie on a four wheeler to smash a bad guy into a wall, before shooting said ATV with a flare... Was beyond my tolerance for stupidity, I was hung over, on the couch, and helpless to turn this off since my xbox controller was out of reach. I'm warning you ahead of time so no one else has to suffer. Don't watch this.
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How can the other reviewers be sooo wrong, bad!
stingetje20 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
What a bad movie, how can the other reviewers be sooo wrong. I specifically signed up to write this message. Sure, the story reads like a Silvester Stallone movie and even though I think he is not a good actor, he is definitely a million miles better.

The acting is SUPER wooden, VERY unnatural. And a lot of scenes don't even make sense, let me give a few, trying not to give too much spoilers: - in the trailer, the guy is lying NEXT to the door, easy to get him out - next scene, waking up in the cold forest, without a hat, which he only puts up AFTER getting up, stupid! I know, I am bald too... - and the worst of all (after that, I left the movie): when climbing the rock at the river, it looks soooo fake, he is clearly being pulled up!

I will give it 2 points, just to show that I expected the storyline to be what it is, but after reading the other reviews I expected much better acting. And I was very disappointed in that.
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Cliffhanger: First Blood (Mash-up). Better than The Stranger!!!
BklynBryanCM2 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Hunt To Kill was 100 times better than Stone Cold's previous movie (The Stranger). I Definitely recommend Hunt To Kill to all Stone Cold fans and WWE fans. HTK is a mash-up of Cliffhanger and First Blood. You have to be patient and wait until Steve Austin starts hunting! Yes, the movie may start out slow as hell, but give it a chance. The final two fights at the end are both awesome! Director Keoni Waxman did a decent job.

Steve Austin plays Jim Rhodes, who is a border patrol agent. JR (ironic that he has the same initials as Austin's real life friend Jim Ross) knows the terrain and is at home in the wilderness (Gabe Walker + John Rambo = Jim Rhodes). The film begins with partners Steve Austin and Eric Roberts about to take down a crystal meth lab. It goes wrong, and Rhodes loses his partner. FFWD >>

Jim's daughter always manages to get into trouble and so she is in the sheriff's office "At The Wrong Place, At The Wrong Time." Because a small crew of criminals are after their money that went missing in the area. They need someone to guide them. Jim Rhodes gets a call from the sheriff so he heads to the office not knowing what awaits. Rhodes agrees to guide the thugs, but the main villain Banks shot the sheriff.

So off they go into the woods ... One of Bank's henchmen tries to molest Jim's daughter Kim which leads to Stone Cold's first fight. It was short, but an okay skirmish none the less. The Main Bad Guy Banks is an idiot so he kills his goon (Banks will later commit another even more moronic blunder). FFWD >> They find the money and of course, GUESS WHO GOES TO GET IT? Yeah Jim Rhodes, just like Gabe Walker in CLIFFHANGER. So, Jim retrieves the $ and then Banks shoots him down into the river. Now, the young Kim Rhodes becomes the guide. So, she purposefully leads them astray.

Once again, one of the goons lays a hand on Kim. Banks' female companion Dominika takes exception which leads to a scuffle between her and the goon. She kicks his ass, breaks his leg and the posse decide to leave him behind. Later on, they get hungry and guess who was carrying the food? Yep, the guy they left behind (Geary).

FFWD >> Stone Cold catches up with Geary and finds out which direction they went (Austin shoots him up with arrows after wards). Austin catches up to his enemies which leads to Stone Cold Fight 2. Steve Austin vs. Gary Daniels (from The Expendables). It was a good fight scene between Jim Rhodes and Jensen. They have a stick fight or a tree branch fight. Austin finishes him off by sticking the branch through Jensen's chest and he says "Stick Around" just like Schwarzenegger did in PREDATOR. It was cool to see Austin vs. Daniels because they were on the same side in THE EXPENDABLES and now in HUNT TO KILL, they are enemies.

FFWD >> Austin catches up to Banks and Dominika (last 2 villains left). J.R. throws a wooden spear at Dominika and then she is dead. So, now it is Rhodes vs. Banks, but his daughter is in the way (think Arnold vs the main villain in TRUE LIES).

Banks escapes, then he pistol whips Kim and takes off on a motor bike. Austin catches up to Banks which leads to the FINAL FIGHT. The last fight is COOL. I don't want to spoil the way Jim Rhodes kills Banks, but I will say that Banks is very persistent. At the end Banks taunts Rhodes by saying "you can't kill me!, you can't kill me!!" & Austin says ... "When I Hunt, I Hunt to KILL!!!" Jim Rhodes then proceeds to kill Banks in a unique and special way!

Overall I would give "Hunt To Kill" a 7 out of 10. Yeah, the budget was low and the film starts out real slow. But once Steve Austin starts hunting, the movie picks up the pace!! Hunt To Kill is > The Stranger. It is not better than Damage or The Condemned.
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Poor man's Rambo
udar5527 November 2010
Looks like I am 0-for-2 when it comes to DTV action flicks with "kill" in the title this month with this and Dolph Lundgren's disappointing THE KILLING MACHINE. Some genius producer corralled the villains (Steve Austin, Eric Roberts and Gary Daniels) from Stallone's THE EXPENDABLES and put them in a cheap-o film. Jim Rhodes (Austin) is a border patrol agent who is forced (via the hostage daughter routine) to lead a gang on an excursion near the Canadian border. The gang is led by Banks (Gil Bellows, looking rough) and they are trying to find the guy who double crossed them after a heist. After they get their haul, they leave Rhodes for dead but he uses his Rambo-esquire survival skills to get them. Zzzzzzzz. This is the first "Stone Cold" Steve Austin film I've seen and he is surprisingly personality deprived (surprising because of his popular wrestling persona). The film's highlight is a fight between Austin and Daniels, which ends with Daniels run through with a stick and Austin saying, "Sorry you couldn't stick around." 2010. Director Keoni Waxman did several of those awful DTV Steven Seagal flicks and offers nothing outside of the film being in focus and some good forest locations. It is one of those movies where bad guys uncover a bomb in a huge warehouse and everyone stands 2 feet from it while one guy defuses it instead of getting the hell away. Eric Roberts is the doomed partner is the prologue and is gone by the seven minute mark. Skip it...and that's the bottom line cuz "Stone Lukewarm" Udar55 said so!
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Better Than Expected, But Predictable
gavin694211 November 2010
Starring Steve Austin, Gary Daniels and Eric Roberts, the main villains in "The Expendables", here's another action flick for you. Except that it's a story you've probably seen before, or at least have seen enough elements of it.

Who hasn't seen a cop or gun-toting man have his daughter kidnapped and then he is forced to either help the villains or kill them all? I mean, really... the least you could do is substitute a son.

The best part of this film is towards the beginning after the heist. The interaction between the criminals is pretty awesome. Once Steve Austin shows up, it's kind of downhill. Not his fault, mind you -- Austin was terrific in his past work and is pretty decent here. The story just gets old quickly.
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Stink to Kill
p-stepien9 November 2011
A real stinker, albeit not without one or two gratuitous moments of untimely satisfaction. We open up with a scene, where Jim Rhodes (Steve Austin) from the Mexican border patrol police, just days before moving up North to the Canadian side, loses his partner Lee Davis (Eric Roberts) in a bust gone awry. Normally such an event is introduced to have some significant influence on future events, but in "Hunt to Kill" the death of Lee seems to be utterly inconsequential.

No matter. Jump forward several years and Jim Rhodes is hiking it out on the Canadian border, a bona fide Rambo with a badge. After the best part of the movie: the opening credits, we suddenly get thrown into a money heist led by Banks (Gil Bellows), who has an odd case of on-and-off insanity. After being made over by one their own Lawson (Michael Hogan) they follow him up North to track him down in the wilderness. There they kill a random sheriff and then take Jim and his daughter hostage to initiate a chain of events, which gets multiple people killed for no good reason.

Where to start? Characters are all over the place, lacking any sense of coherence to there actions. Save for one or two of the supporting cast motivations, personal traits and situational reactions are incoherent and change from scene to scene. Much has to do with the fact, that no plausible story is really created, hence situations are created at random to forward the story. From incredulous scene to abysmally moronic scene we wander with the plot into the US-Canadian forest areas, where Steve Austin ultimately goes postal.

Jim Rhodes himself, however likable he may be, fails to ignite a strong lead, instead falls flat due to lack of proper exposure to his actions and reactions. One of special note is the ruthless skewing of two of the kidnappers, despite the fact that their only true crime was following around the mental Banks. Yes, they stole money, but you got the feeling that the punishment far outdid the actual crime and you honestly start thinking that Rhodes should be imprisoned for his wanton vigilantism.

On the plus side the movie gives a good dosage of laughs thanks to some sixty-feet watch-rope (watch it to believe it), goodies like composite bows hanging randomly on a tree, appallingly hilarious one-liners and an end scene to die laughing for (when finally Rhodes declares that he hunts to kill!). The longer the movie goes the funnier it gets and I for one can say that those kinds of movies can be really entertaining. An additional bonus are some exquisite location shots of the foresty highlands areas.
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A Fun Action Flick
snomisc25 February 2021
I can't believe all the negative reviews I'm seeing here. They either get their jollies by knocking movies, or they had no idea what they were watching. If you like action movies with some drama and suspense thrown in, this won't disappoint. By no means is this an Epic Tale or Oscar Winning picture, but it's a hell of a lot of fun. If you're looking for a Meryl Streep or Jessica Tandy type movie, then this isn't for you. If you're looking for a Steven Seagal, Dolph Lundgren, and Sylvester Stallone type movie, then get comfy, grab some munchies, an ice cold beer and sit back and enjoy the film!
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Hunt to Kill
Scarecrow-8829 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"When I hunt…I hunt to kill."

Stone Cold Steve Austin stars as a US Border Patrol agent on vacation in the Montana mountains in quite a bind as his daughter is held hostage by a group of menacing bank robbers out to find the security bonds stolen by the leader of their heist operation who ran off with the loot leaving them with a bomb set to go off when he calls a number to the phone attached by wires to the C-4. Gil Bellows (the man Ally McBeal had google eyes for) is hell bent on finding Lawson, the old timer who left them to die, heading by van into the Montana mountains. Bellows is a nasty individual with a mean streak and doesn't adhere to any moral code as he shoots an innocent sheriff just to make a point to Austin that he is willing to do whatever it takes to get his hands on what he believes belongs to the group. What happens as Austin, who knows the mountains better than anyone, takes the cold-blooded bunch into the wilderness to find Lawson is standard action genre fare—Austin will break from the pack, with the thought of keeping his daughter alive if at all possible while reducing the numbers in Bellows team.

What I thought was fun about HUNT TO KILL was the use of thick sticks to impale members of Bellows bunch while Austin tosses action hero quips shortly afterward. Austin, of course, is just like Rambo and can fall down the rocky sides of mountains, get stabbed or shot repeatedly, take massive blows from hard objects, and bleed like a stuck pig, yet keep coming—God, I love action movies for these sorts of implausibilities. Bellows finds his inner beast in this movie, no conscience, willing to break any sort of possible negotiation for that bag of bonds—the embodiment of the repellent action movie villain, with a pack of wolves ready to devour his leftovers if they are needed. Because of his rugged looks and blue-collar persona, Stone Cold is believable in a role where the character lives off the land and knows how to make weapons using what nature provides. When he puts on his "war paint" and begins to blend in with his surroundings, I was like, "Give me a hell yeah!" Using his crossbow and sharpened spears, and especially his fists, you get plenty of Stone Cold opening a can of whoopass—particularly when Stone Cold snaps the limbs of Carl when he attempts to rape his daughter (Big no-no). Oh, if you think Stone Cold can take a licking, check out the damage Bellows withstands, such as several slugs to face with a shovel and a fall through wooden pallets from off a scaffold. So HUNT TO KILL has the identifiable traits we are accustomed to when watching dumb, loud action movies. Breathtaking, gorgeous location where all the action transpires( the Vancouver, Canadian wilderness substituting for Montana) is most definitely an asset in the film's favor. Eric Roberts shows up in a (really) small cameo as Austin's former Border Patrol partner who gets it when the two raid a meth lab. Michael Hogan is Lawson, with Gary Daniels as Bellows' British henchman (Jensen), Emilie Ullerup as the stunning Dominika (betrayed by Lawson and left to blow up with the bomb trap)who wants to get even with her former lover, Marie Avgeropoulos as Stone Cold's tough, resilient daughter (Kim), Michael Eklund as computer techie Geary with big mouth and aggressive, antagonistic nature (not to mention, his need to bring out his stun gun to tease Dominika who is more man than he is, the pipsqueak), and Adrian Holmes (as Crab, always screwing up and finally goes one step too far when he tries to rape Kim) round out the cast.
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Stone Cold...
VictorRayado16 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Steve Austin not at his best. He gets a main role of a father whose daughter is kidnapped by a group of robbers. His "main" role as a border patrol officer doesn't make him untouchable. I mean, his is beat up the entire movie. Other minor characters have fighting skills better than his. I've seen most of his movies like Stranger and Damage and it is the same case. They don't give Steve Austin the right role. He is a major action movie star and he should be getting better roles. There is no doubt his best movie is his first movie: The Condemned. Finally, the movie has a lot of action but some scenes are unrealistic. The second climbing scene is so not possible because the surface is completely smooth. I think the story is too repetitive and kind of long but if you like Steve Austin, you definitely have to watch it.
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Don't waste your time
elliot-117-80385427 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Oh dear. I don't expect much from an "action" flick starring Steve Austen, but this managed to tick all the bad film boxes.

Poor script, poor acting and terrible direction, but worst of all was the plot, if it's not an insult to plots to call it that. There were so many holes and improbable coincidences, it's hard to know where to begin, but I'll point out a few which will make sense if you have had the misfortune to see the film:

  • Why did Lawson leave the bomb in the place most likely to be found by the other baddies? Not very clever.

  • Why did he wire the bomb so that the cutting of the only wire connecting the phone to the explosives deactivates it? Not very sophisticated.

  • Why did he wait a good five minutes after making off with the loot before deciding to make the call, giving others plenty of time to find and deactivate the bomb? Getting really thin, now.

  • When other baddies find the bomb, they all stand around it discussing what to do (putting their fingers in their ears in case it explodes). They are in a big warehouse (conveniently with only one exit - they couldn't shoot the lock?) full of equipment and stuff. It doesn't occur to any of them to barricade the bomb in one corner and barricade himself in the opposite one.

  • Why did Lawson try to get to Canada through the woods when he could have just driven across the border? Geez this guy was stupid.

  • The other end of the rope tying up the daughter was held in Dominika's hand. Ooo - very secure!

  • Why did the baddies not tie Austin up at night to prevent him attempting to escape/kill them?

  • How did the watch strap turn into so much climbing rope?

  • Why did Austin retrieve the bag without getting Banks to let the girl go first? Rather dim.

  • A bit convenient when Austin finds the bag with the bow in it?

  • When did Austin get the time to build the hide beneath which he was camouflaged before attacking Jensen?

  • Austin then shoots Jensen - in the backpack? Why not through the neck or head!

  • Dominika finds Jensen's backpack, but not Jensen's body, a few feet away. Not much of a search!

  • Why did Austin, having picked the baddies off one by one (Rambo-style), does he choose to run, completely exposed, across a rock face in full view of Banks?

  • When Banks has Austin semi-conscious and totally at his mercy, why does he choose to run off and leave him to recover?

  • Banks finds the scooters. He knows he can get away. He has already ruthlessly killed several of his fellow baddies, cops etc, but he chooses to merely punch Austin's daughter. Not very likely.

And finally, and worst of all: - Banks finds three scooters. He is being chased by two goodies. Why, in heaven's name, doesn't he disable the other two?

I don't mind a little bit of dramatic licence for plot development purposes, but this film just took it way too far. Don't waste your time.
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What a movie
anuranjan-kgp21 October 2010
Had to be patient to complete the movie to write this review about it. what a movie, the guy who wrote the script surprised me by adding ridiculous twist and turn onto the most used action script in the Hollywood. And the actors didn't leave the chance and screw it further. Stone cold definitely was the star in the movie and this is the only reason that anybody should watch it moreover location was good too, cinematography was no bad at all. In India we have movies like this and people appreciate, people who loved this movie must watch some of the Rajnikant movies. In short it's a popcorn movie, rent a DVD and watch along with your friends and make fun of it, sure you will enjoy this.
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Cliffhangar Without The Edge
Theo Robertson1 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was broadcast on the Syfy channel for some strange reason . I say that because it has no science fiction angle to it whatsoever . Perhaps the nearest connection to sci-fi it has is the casting of Eric Roberts which DOCTOR WHO fans will remember as having played the Master in the rather disappointing American TVM from 1996 . In fact casting Roberts in itself seems rather tenuous and cynical in that he appears in the opening pre-credits sequence where he is killed off . It's certainly a shock to see his character die but you're also left thinking this is a play on the audience and he'll suddenly reappear in an important scene later on . This doesn't in fact happen which is a great shame because the surviving cast aren't really enough to carry the film

The story plays out in a predictable manner . A bunch of desperate , violent crooks get doubled crossed and need to quickly cross the rural border in to Canada . Desperate crooks require desperate methods and who better to guide them to the border than a good family man who just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time . The story is very similar to the 1993 Stallone film CLIFFHANGAR so much so that it even has a loud mouthed Brit as one of the baddies . The problem is that you're reminded of the big budget Stallone flick the more you realise how low budget and unthrilling HUNT TO KILL is which is standard straight to DVD fare . It also contains a streak of meaness to the way the characters interact and this is not a selling point
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Fails on every score
cosmo-bongo13 January 2012
Unless you are a deeply dedicated fan of one of the "stars" in this film, you will, like me, be sorely disappointed, I'm sure.

The flick fails on every score, from the dull cinematography, to the wooden stilted acting and posing, to the amateur dialogues, to the hapless direction and silly music choices.

After reading a few reviews on this site, I thought I'd be in for an action treat, at least a clever thriller movie, but I was let down dreadfully.

Well, I paid only a couple dollars for this at a charity shop, so I don't have any regrets, apart from my time wasted trying to watch it!
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Ignore the haters
mbeck-6438420 January 2019
It's ironic that anyone who claim to have wasted their life watching these kinds of movies, somehow still find the time to write a review about how much they dislike the movie... This action film, yes, "action" film, does enough to keep you intrigued. Could it of been better? Sure, but it is entirely watchable and entertaining. I also recommend "The Package" and "Maximum Conviction", if you enjoy Steve Austin movies.
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Shameless Cliffhanger copy
Leofwine_draca20 July 2015
HUNT TO KILL is a routine action vehicle for wrestler-turned-actor Steve Austin, who plays the usual unstoppable hulking hero type in this story about a gang of bank robbers who abscond to the forests to make their escape by crossing the border into Canada. Along the way they pick up Austin's daughter, forcing him in turn to become their guide under the threat of violence.

What follows is almost a scene by scene rip-off of Stallone's CLIFFHANGER, made on a much lower budget of course and without much of the finesse. Saying that, it's still a relatively entertaining B-picture, packing a plenitudes of action into the brief running time. It's certainly more entertaining than some of the rubbishy vehicles that director Keoni Waxman has made for Steven Seagal.

The film has plenty of faults, with poor character motivations and a dearth of originality in the screenplay (I was surprised when Austin fell down the cliff-face for a second time), not to mention tons of unbelievable stuff with the star shrugging off bullet hits and the like. But there's at least one decent fight scene (featuring the great, under-utilised Gary Daniels), a fun hammy performance from chief bad guy Gil Bellowes, a cameo from Eric Roberts, and a pacing that's fast enough for you to generally ignore the various problems.
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texast-775-5643406 January 2020
Kim is the daughter. Stupid kid. Lame Could have been better without Kim.
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Hunt to Kill..well what else would you expect?
judgejon9925 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is a film with action!!! has a story? has actors that do the gym and show you how fit they are!!!...they look mean....they look right into the camera lens...there is also some comedy...some nice shots of the countryside...even some "sex" to a small degree thanks to Dominika (Emilie Ullerup)...but i have to be honest, the guy that made this film must think the punters that are going to the flicks to see this, or at worse pay good money to buy the DVD version is a joker in the first degree...a very slow and predictable carefully as you see the main man Jim Rhodes (Steve Austin) is given a wrist watch, "it will help you out one day" to insult us viewers we see him use this strap to abseil down a 150' rock face...and by the time he is at the bottom its a climbing rope...come on we are not stupid....then muscle man Austin falls down another rock face....only to climb back up with no significant injuries...i never did understand why the double-crossing bad boy Lawson (Michael Hogan) went on foot into the wood...he has a vehicle....then he throws the stash away down the cliff....for all to to sum is a "B" movie which has some action but a weak story line that ends up very predictable...Banks (Gill Bellows)gets run over...don't waste you cash...go buy a wont leave a bad taste in your mouth afterwards...
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Stone Cold Steve Austin is absolutely awesome in this movie
nims-197517 November 2018
Hunt To Kill is an absolutely brilliant thriller with awesome action and tense violence. This film about a U.S Border Patrol agent called Jim Rhodes (played by Stone Cold Steve Austin) who is struggling to raise his rebellious daughter in the mountains of Montana, has to face very severe problems when a crew of malicious fugitives takes him and his daughter hostage. These malicious fugitives are trying to take his daughter Kim (played by Marie Avergopoulous) and Jim Rhodes has to struggle to survive by killing these malicious fugitives lead by the very malicious fugitive Banks (played by Gil Belows) and for him to also kill Banks and rescue his daughter Kim. The close bond and love between father Jim Rhodes and daughter Kim Rhodes is absolutely brilliant and the acting by Stone Cold Steve Austin and Marie Avgeropoulous is absolutely brilliant. This film also has excellent acting by Eric Roberts as Lee Davis, Gil Belows as Banks, Gary Danels as Jensen, Emilie Ullerup as Dominika and Michael Ekland as Geary, Adrian Holmes as Crab and Michael Hogan as Lawson. I absolutely loved watching this film and was amazed by Stone Cold Steve Austin because he was absolutely awesome in this film. I don't know why this film was given such a low score of only 5.2/10, the film should been given a much higher score because the film is absolutely brilliant.
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"Life's like a carton of milk: everybody's got an expiration date."
Hey_Sweden5 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Stone Cold Steve Austin is in fine form here as he plays a former Border Patrol officer in Texas who loses his partner (Eric Roberts, wasted in a pre-credits cameo) in a bust gone bad. Four years later, he's working in Montana (although the movie was actually shot in British Columbia), trying to raise a rebellious teenaged daughter (Marie Avgeropoulos) as a single dad. Then the two of them are confronted by a gang of robbers, who need Stone Cold to guide them through the mountains; they're in pursuit of the robbery mastermind, who'd absconded with the loot.

Frank Hannah wrote this refreshingly uncomplicated storyline, which suffers from some implausibilities, but manages to remain watchable and entertaining. At least it has a hero who takes some lumps and isn't always ten steps ahead of the bad guys the entire time. As with "The Stranger" (the last Stone Cold vehicle this viewer has seen), SC isn't the problem here. He shows poise and confidence, and can get his lines out adequately. He may not be terribly expressive, but you still have no doubt as to his ultimate ability to mess up his opponents in a major way. His somewhat antagonistic relationship with his kid is at least somewhat believable.

There are not many familiar faces here, other than Stone Cold, Roberts, Gil Bellows as the main bad guy, action genre icon Gary Daniels, and veteran Donnelly Rhodes as the expendable local Sheriff. The cast is pretty nondescript, but passable; they play characters despicable enough that one is amused to see them get their just desserts. Bellows is a mild hoot; even though he's not that intimidating, he still gets turned into the kind of superhuman villain that will have to be "killed" a few times. The filmmakers might have done better to make Daniels, as the toughest of Bellows' associates, the final antagonist.

The writing may have its fair share of stupidities (why is it that in so many movies of this ilk, cops NEVER wait for their backup?), but this viewer personally is able to forgive a fair bit of silliness, as long as a movie holds his attention. And "Hunt to Kill" is a fair thriller that did at least manage to do that.

Six out of 10.
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Just bad.......nothing else
hofmann-solingen29 April 2012
I wanna keep it short. I could not finish the movie, and I've seen a lot of bad movies, but finished them. The story, the acting ....everything is just so low....wasting lifetime.

I would give a Zero if possible. Actually, I always wonder what Steve Austing is doing in movies, he is a bad actor. Even in Expendables he was just so bad, but we didn't have to watch him too often. In this movie, he is like a toast with two legs...or whatever. Everything what has two legs could play his role. I always thought movies from Dwayne Johnsen are bad..But at least his miming is interesting. So, keep it short: I hope you don't waste your time with this movie
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