Guns of Eden (2022) Poster


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csearchfield22 March 2023
We have some of the worst acting of recent times. It is so fake you might only watch it because it is so bad that you laugh at the actor's lines and the music. This again is another 2023 movie which is only noteworthy because it is so bad which follows the last few years of terrible B grade movies being put out.

If you not tired but need sleep use this moving to help bore, you into a great night's sleep.

I am glad some other person had fun watching it as they may be the only one. If they are trying for sequal maybe the actors will pay the studio for exposure as this group was very ordinary. When will we see quality again - hopefully soon.
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Drop it or die
nogodnomasters23 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Jeremy (Peter Johnson) and Megan (Alexandra Faye Sadeghian) are partners ob the Buffalo police force. Megan is the junior partner but served in Iran. While shopping in a convenience store after work, a robbery goes down. Megan accidentally shoots a uniformed officer. She quits the force. In an effort to cheer Megan up they go on a camping trip with Blake (Dominic Luongo) and Gabriella (Nicole Colon) in Eden County. Here they espy the tail end of a drug bust, one where the cop (Bill Kennedy) illegally executes the criminals. Having been seen they are all hunted like John Rambo with large groups of heavily armed vigilantes.

The hunted acquire guns so they are able to fire back. AS in most stories the hunted becomes the hunter. It does seem to grow long and boring. The story tries to be critical of Second Amendment groups, but misses the mark with its gross fictional tale.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Not the worst, but still really bad
BigGuy19 April 2023
I have seen worse movies, and I have given up on better movies. It is in the zone where it can almost be enjoyed for how bad it is, but it is teetering on the brink of being so bad it can barely be stomached.

Overall this reminded me of exploitation movies from the 60's and 70's except with worse acting, directing, special effects and writing. It really seemed like a bunch of teenage boys wrote the script, trying to outdo each other for how macho and tough they can sound. Except the lines are being delivered by their parents.

For the copious amount of guns, they drew in explosions and maybe cartridges ejecting, not to mention occasional ricochet sparks and incredibly evenly spaced holes in cars and buildings. I think they also spent about five dollars on ketchup packages.

Anyway, if you are a fan of really bad movies, give it a shot. If not, avoid it at all costs.
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The only redeeming thing is the forest
sauerkraut-9646724 March 2023
This movie is horrible at everything, and I'm not sure how they managed it! The worst part is the script. The lines sound like they were written by a 3-year-old, and that is probably being unkind to the 3-year-old. To make this movie even worse is the acting. Acting can at least make a bad script a little better, but in this case, it makes it even worse! The lines could be spoken better if they had used a computer voice simulated. They are spoken with literally no emotion at all. The location is at least good to look at. I would rather be hiking in the woods alone that watch this movie.

AVOID this movie at all costs.
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Total waste of time. Rotten movie all around.
Viewer11130 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Guns of Eden is a very badly made movie. The premise is some campers see sheriff's officers murder a man. From there, it is a shoot and chase movie.

Positives: Some nice forest backgrounds.

Does point out the "gun nut cult" Parodies some current politicians as catering to insane ideologies.

Negatives: Except for Alexandra Faye Sadeghian (the female lead) no one else in the movie has any acting ability at all. Extremely crummy acting, and stumbling thorugh their lines.

Dumb plot.

Production errors all over the place. People in one shot, suddenly have different equipment in teh next view. Bodies disappear as the camera angle switches, and a host of other junk like that. A high school film class could do better.

Inaccurate depiction of how firearms actually work. "Actors" frequently have fingers off the triggers, yet the weapon is firing? Really? The special effects are added in and are just stupid and inaccurately placed.

This film makes Christians all look like ignorant, gun totting, cousin marrying, murderous, idiots.


Supposed to be gruesome scenes, but the makeup is not even up to 1950s standards.


Except for the single black character, who is a good cop, and is then murdered, the rest of the law enforcement people are made to look bad.

My grade, is a strong F. This movie fails, fails, and fails again.
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Waste of time
gmmdhvv23 March 2023
This has got to be WITHOUT DOUBT the absolute worst film I've ever watched in my whole life. I've got no idea why I watched it all as the first scene was pants and set it up to be really bad. Worst acting and soundtrack ever. I can not find anything positive about the movie, it's not even good enough to be called a made for TV movie. It should've gone straight to Betamax!! If ever you get the chance to watch it, don't!! I'm struggling to even find enough words to fill this review with negative comments!!

This will genuinely only appeal to white trash redneck conspiracy theorist survivalists!!
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Absolutely Horrible!
racersgraphics25 April 2023
Bad acting even if it was a 70's porno! There was nothing good about this movie. The cast needs to go back to acting school. They were all absolutely horrible. The plot was dreadful. If I was a hillbilly I'd be following a lawsuit against the makers of this film. It portrays them to be 10 times worse than they actually are. The budget on this film must have been scraping the bottom of the bucket. Did they just roll up to a town and ask it he wants to be in a movie, can we use your town. The director of this film should be absolutely ashamed themselves. I know everybody has to start somewhere but this is not a good start at all for anyone. The best thing that could happen to this film would be to remove it from all streaming services and burn the hard copy.
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Thanks For Inviting Me.
wandernn1-81-68327420 April 2023
Near the beginning of this one an off duty cop shoots a real cop, who is not wearing his standard issue vest while on duty. -1 Star

If you are going to portray cops, at least make an attempt to be accurate.

Oh man, the acting in this bomb is almost as bad as the script. What a horrid, horrid thing. I had to shut this off 18 minutes in. That's all I could make it.


And IMDB has now made it so a review has to have 600 characters before it can be entered. I really don't expect that to last very long because people are sure to complain about it. But until that happens I guess we have to expect reviews to be long winded and sometimes about absolutely nothing to do with the show in question.
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Worse than watching paint dry
mactek7 September 2023
First off.... DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME ON THIS DOG OF A MOVIE !!!!!!! Worst thing I have seen all year. The plot is a joke. From the description- Plot: "Four weekend campers are hunted by an armed militia." SERIOUSLY ? This is an agenda, and a weak one at that. Militias have nothing better to do than "hunt weekend campers" ? This is an attempt to give militias a bad name. I think the second movie I have seen with the same plot in like a couple months. Script-horrible. Acting-horrible. Plot-even worse. Laughably ridiculous. Militas were created to protect citizens, NOT "hunt weekend campers". I can only reiterate how bad this movie is and how watching paint dry is more entertaining. SERIOUSLY DO NOT waste your time on this dishrag posing as a real movie. Time watching this tripe is time you will never get back.
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Decent Low Budget Movie
BrokenGlassOfWhiskey9 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The trailer made this movie look really impressive for a low budget film. I watched it and enjoyed it for the most part. But there were a number of gaffs and plot flaws that just seemed like they were forced in for whatever reason. *Spoiler Alert!* a few examples...

-Why split up when you're running from the cops? Doesn't make any sense. Stay together. You're severely outnumbered, so there's no point in splitting up.

  • Why did Blake just run at the police? He was so overcome with his girlfriend captured that he decided to run at them and shoot instead of maybe wait and try to sneak in and get to her? Not even use something as cover? I think this was suppose to be emotional. It wasn't.

  • There's apparently only one way in or out of the woods. That entrance is a giant clearing where you could see a car from a half mile away. But, they act shocked when they're only maybe 100 feet away?

  • The helicopter attacking Gabriela. Then it just gave up? They didn't radio it in? Doing it CGI-less was impressive though.

  • Lynn Lowry made her keep her guns outside? Why? If she didn't want them, she could have just taken them instead of leaving them out after she knew the police were chasing her?

  • The "Alpha Woman Killer" that came in the end? Were we suppose to say "oh boy! It's getting good!"? She died within seconds hah.

Also, the last little dialog driven scene between Megan and Preacher was too long, not intense, and just needed to end asap.

Although it didn't live up to the trailer, it was still a pretty decent time. I enjoyed watching it.. Megan (lead) and Jeremy other were very good actors who played their roles very well. I would expect to see both of them a lot in the future.
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A really fun and punchy (explodey) indie action film!
desreddick30 November 2022
Having been a fan of Greg Lamberson's previous horror efforts, and knowing his love for the action genre, I was really excited to see what he could do.

And, man, was I delighted. This script is tight, punchy and strong. It weaves some of the action tropes we've seen before into a fresh plot with a multitude of antagonists (a group of several small armies) and some well-done fight scenes. There's even a ridiculously good-looking helicopter that would have you guessing about its legitimacy if you didn't already know what they did going in.

The highlight of the film is its star. Alexandra Faye Sadeghian plays the role with pathos and weight without sacrificing fun. She is absolutely an action star.

Highly recommended.
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Cheesy Fun Action
guse2330 January 2023
I honestly only watched this because of actress Brooke Lewis Bellas. Any Brooke fans just know the trailer makes it seem like she's in it more. But, she came and went. A travesty I say as this is a waste of super talent. With that rant over I'm legit surprised how fun this film was. Cheesy AF and low budget, but overall I had fun. I've seen enough of these and some can drag. This one went by pretty quickly (thought in fairness it's also shorter than expected) I think the ending was either trying to set up for a sequel or maybe there's a message it was trying to state that went over my head? Either way, it just felt unsatisfying. But overall still had fun.
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BandSAboutMovies2 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Buffalo policewoman Megan (Alexandra Faye Sadeghian), her partner Jeremy (Peter Johnson) and his friends Blake (Dominic Luongo) and Gabriella (Nicole Colon) go camping for the weekend to get Megan's mind off of an accidental shooting during a holdup. Except, well, you know how it goes. They witness the execution of a drug trafficker by Sheriff Preacher (Bill Kennedy) and his deputies and try to get out of town, only for the sheriff to send an armed militia after them.

Gregory Lamberson directed and wrote something entertaining here,as sure, we know that Megan is going to make it - the tagline says "Against all odds she will survive" - but for a low budget gun movie, he makes something pretty entertaining with plenty of twists and turns that surprised me. And hey - Lynn Lowry is in the cast! If you're looking for a movie with plenty of hardware - they even got a helicopter for the militia - this will definitely more than do the job. I also appreciate that a sequel is teased at the end.
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Trouble in Paradise
lavatch14 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The budget for "Guns of Eden" had to have been sizable in the area of ammunition, based on the rounds fired during the non-stop action of the film.

In Megan, there was a strong central character of a decent cop who wanted to follow in the footsteps of her dad. But Megan had the misfortune of accidentally killing a fellow officer during a shootout in a convenience store. And when she decides to visit "God's country" with her former police partner Jeremy in order to recover, she must turn survivalist against a strange paramilitary group.

Instead of finding a safe haven, Megan experienced the exact opposite of paradise. Led by "Sheriff Preacher," the zealous group that is apparently working closely with a corrupt New York Congresswoman is preparing for a "revolution." Megan gets in the middle of their messianic quest.

There was far too much violence in the film and some of the most unsavory characters imaginable. While well-acted and well-produced, the film left an unpleasant feeling about a group of disaffected religious anarchists awaiting the end of days.
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Started Out Promising
bronzesrv4 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Started out, promising... But got stupid pretty damn fast! You ever watch a movie that pisses you off because everybody is so stupid? The main character went from being a stupid, naïve rookie who killed an innocent cop to Rambo in 35 minutes? Seriously. Curly, Larry and Moe from the Three Stooges, Could've done a much better script and would've been much better ass kickers lol. And as other reviewers have said, it made hillbillies look dumber then ever, as a black person raised in Texas, I was offended for all my hillbilly friends lol. And they had the nerve to leave the movie open for a sequel! Are they kidding? I watched this for free and I want my money back lol. P. S, also they should've left the religious zealot part out. I thought that threw the script off as well. Having all these hillbillies kill in the name of God seemed a bit off to me. And that backstory wasn't explained thoroughly as it should've been. It was refreshing to see the veteran actress Lynn Lowry in the film, I loved her part. She played the big bad old lady with the gun, who took no mess from anyone.
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A kick ass great time
tcjmnx1 December 2022
Between the awesome special facts, the amazing make up, and the incredible acting, this film is a ton of fun. The themes of this movie are very pertinent to the political landscape. Alexandria does a great job as this female star and Bill Kennedy makes a great villain. In addition, the hero and the villain, as well as all of the villains deputies were believable. This film could take place almost anywhere. That's what makes it so relatable. If you watch this film, you will not regret it. I've seen this film twice and enjoyed both times. I believe this film is slated to release December 6. Reserve your copy now before it's too late.
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brianziemer30 November 2022
Writer and director Greg Lamberson has deliverd the goods once again with Guns of Eden. The cast led by Alexandra Faye Sadeghian (as Megan) do a stellar job, with Lynn Lowry turning in a great performance as "Frances". A thoroughly entertaining kick-ass action/thriller! The synopsis is - Megan, her partner Jeremy, and his friends Blake and Gabriella go camping for the weekend. In the woods, Megan and Jeremy witness the execution of a drug trafficker by the local sheriff and his deputies. The campers attempt to flee, but the deputies seal off the mountain, and the sheriff gets an armed militia to hunt the strangers.
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FIRST BLOOD of a New Era
TyCheman3 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Locked and Loaded, writer/director Greg Lamberson goes into his next cinematic experience "GUNS OF EDEN" with a high-action guns blazing masterpiece. Very impressive cinematography work of Chris Cosgrave, and a handful of talented individuals (recognizable from Lamberson's previous films). Megan (portrayed by Alexandra Faye Sadeghian) struggles to escape a traumatic situation that plagues her life; only to find herself tossed back into the fire when her and her friend's lives are put in danger.

Filled with action packed combat, this film thrives heavily on the character Megan. What happens when the hunted becomes the hunter? Don't miss this film!
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