Grown Ups (2010) Poster

(I) (2010)

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steve-667-101905 October 2019
Hollywood has lost the art of being funny. Mainly because everything has been done beyond the subtle. Short attention spans, filth masquerading as entertainment and too much freedom without consequences has reduced what's seen as funny to banal dick jokes.

You know what's worse? Reading the sanctimonious crap written here in this forum. I hate that some contributors want to coerce our agreement to their opinions by suggesting we have no taste if we disagree.

Well, there's plenty of rubbish being peddled as comedy but like I said, I've seen worse.

The overriding feeling I got was that the cast was having fun. Seemed natural with lots of ad lib. So what? I had fun too. So what!
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Adam Sandler took a vacation with his buddies and got paid to do it.
cricketbat25 February 2021
I had very low expectations for Grown Ups, so I was surprised that I actually liked this movie. The jokes are predictable, and the plot is almost non-existent, but I laughed more than I thought I would. I also enjoyed seeing a group of friends just hang out on the screen. Adam Sandler is a genius. He took a vacation with his buddies and got paid to do it.
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Grown-ups will find this feel-good, nostalgic fun, despite not being a five star winner
inkblot1123 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Lenny (Adam Sandler) and his pals Eric (Kevin James), Kurt (Chris Rock), Marcus (David Spade), and Rob (Rob Schneider) once played on a junior champion basketball team, winning at the buzzer. Their beloved coach took them to a swanky eatery to celebrate, when they were kids, and told them to live their lives meaningfully before the "final" buzzer sounded. But, now, as adults, the quintet may have forgotten his words. In Lenny's household, the two sons play video games and text the nanny for refreshments all day long while his wife (Salma Hayek) works on her fashion designs. Lenny, a top agent, is living the good life but can't get his kids to go outside, not even his lovely daughter. Word arrives that coach has died and, although Lenny and family were to travel to Milan, they postpone the trip by one day to attend the funeral. Meeting up with his former friends, Lenny finds that their lives are off-track, too. Eric has gained weight and has 2 bratty children, Kurt has become a house husband, Marcus drinks too much and chases skirt while Rob is married to a considerably older woman, his fourth go around. Changing plans, Lenny rents a huge loghouse to let everyone linger a few days together, ceremoniously scatter the coach's ashes and re-connect, children, too. From hikes to swims to "paper cup phones", this crowd is discovering what is important, right? It would be impossible not to laugh at the good moments of this film, which seems like a long improvisation by these experts of comedy. There are some great lines and funny situations, certainly. No, its probably not the most memorable film of the year but if a feel-good experience is needed, this one should fit the bill. The cast is stellar, with all of the major actors doing fine and funny work. For the most part, too, they seem to work as an ensemble, passing around the catch phrases nearly equally. This viewer, however, wished that Rock had had a few more lines but he certainly makes the most of what he was handed. Hayek, Maria Bello, Maya Rudolph, and Joyce Van Patten, as the leading ladies, support the men nicely. The scenery, from the lovely wooded home to the riverfront, is a joy and the costumes, camera-work, script and direction are above average as well. Yes, some of the humor is not appropriate for younger children so parents need to be cautious. Nevertheless, if you like Sandler, James, Rock, etc and/or you would welcome a chance to laugh with your loved ones, ante up and go see this flick soon.
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The more bromance The better
SnoopyStyle5 October 2013
Five childhood friends reunite for their basketball coach's funeral. It's some 30 years after their championship game as a bunch of 12 year olds.

This movie works for one reason only. It's the chemistry and comradary between the five leads; Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade, and Rob Schneider. The stories and quite frankly the ladies are mostly unimportant. They really need to give them some more funny stuff to do. They need to spread some of the stupid and silly stuff around. It works better with the bromance. The more time those five can spend together alone the better.
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How best to sum up this film in two words... Hell I'll give you one word: "FAIL".
captainflab26 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If you prefer two words, I can think of any number of things to say. Since I am bored, I will give you a full review.

If you had told me the premise of Grown Ups maybe a year ago, I would have been stoked... "Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Rob Schneider, David Spade and Chris Rock, hanging out in a lake house, cracking wise at each other for two hours? Sign me up! Whats the plot? Wait that IS the plot? You mean they just hang out and insult each other? OK OK, still somewhat excited, it will be R rated right? No? Hmm."

That would have been my reaction a year ago. However, I first heard about this film recently, so I fortunately didn't have any time to build my expectations for it above "first day of school" levels of dread. Even so, I was disappointed. Grown Ups is a horrible thing that has been unleashed on the movie-going world.

I guess maybe I'm not giving this film any credit. There is a plot; seems the five aforementioned stars used to play Middle School basketball together. The coach of their championship team dies, and THAT'S why they all get together at the lake house. Sorry if its hard to follow but if so then maybe you will like this movie.

What follows is an odd collection of tender family moments interspersed with fart jokes, nut shots, and fat people (Kevin James) or short people (Rob Schneider) getting hurt. Oh and did I mention the barrage of one-liners? Basically, the entire script is one big wry joke after another. I guess the writers realized nothing they could come up with was particularly funny, so they should go for quantity over quality. There are also several running gags (the not-yet-weaned four year old, the dog barking a lot, Kevin James is fat, etc. etc. ad nauseum). This might have worked, if even 25% of the jokes were actually funny.

sample of actual dialogue: (wayward basketball knocks beer out of woman's hand) Woman: Hey! You spilled my beer! Husband: Why does everything have to be about you? Woman: Why do you have to be such a DICK? hahahahaha! funny right? no? anyone?

Problem is I laughed maybe three times, and I'm being generous here, throughout the whole movie. The phrase "one-joke-premise", used disparagingly for many films, would be an accolade for Grown Ups. Oh and lets talk about casting; I appreciate the filmmaker's decision to help make up for their lack of skill by putting as much eye candy on screen as possible (Rob Schneider's daughters especially). But am I really supposed to believe Kevin James is married to Maria Bello? I didn't believe it with Leah Remini in King of Queens, I'm not going to buy it now. And Sandler with Salma Hayek? That one was only plausible because they made his character filthy rich.

I could probably rant about this film for a few more paragraphs, but I digress. You get the point by now I hope.
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Enjoyable and Fun
robcartwright-2603417 January 2019
Very mixed reviews on here, but just got around to watching this movie for first time. It's light hearted and quite enjoyable. The mix of characters keeps you engaged until the end.
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Just not funny
Sandcooler18 September 2010
Some might disagree, but I'd say Adam Sandler, Rob Schneider, Chris Rock, David Spade and Kevin James is actually a pretty good main cast for a comedy. But that's also pretty much what makes the movie so frustrating, because absolutely nothing is done with them. Not only are the jokes weak and almost maddeningly predictable, the actors don't even get an actual story to work with. You can literally just erase main characters from this movie and it wouldn't affect the proceedings at all. Honestly, what does Chris Rock get to do in this movie? Can't remember a single one of his lines, really. The movie never really works up to a point, the characters have no goals, they just exist and you sit there and accept it. I really wish I could say something nice about this movie but seriously, even Steve Buscemi is bad in it. A bad Steve Buscemi. How do you do that? Very tiresome, witless comedy.
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Judge me, I don't care. We need more Sandler's & Cos movies like this.
vkikherii14 March 2019
Great one-liner thorughout the movie, it was like stand-up comics delivery. Always feel affection for the entire cast, Sandler, James, Rock, Spades and yes.. even Schneider. Can't wait for Grown Ups 3!
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It's actually funny
mitsubishizero25 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was funny. The water park scene was funny as well as some of the dialogue like in the scene where they're at the restaurant and the kids are talking about getting "wasted". Adam Sandler, Chris Rock And Kevin James are funny in this movie. Most of the jokes land and there's a decent story:

Some childhood friends now grown up meet up and spend a vacation together with their families. I know a lot of people don't like his comedy style and it's understandable but in this case it works pretty well. The critics were wrong with this one. I suggest you check this movie out.
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Groan Ups
mmalone-145 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is terrible. What a poor excuse with all of the talent involved. I am so glad that Adam Sandler and his friends had fun making this piece of garbage. Next time include a paying audience in on the joke. It would have been nice if one joke (were there any?) would have worked. Did I mention that not one joke worked? Adam Sandler claims that he co-wrote this mess, but we all know there was never a script. Adam just called up his SNL drinking buddies and said, "Hey, Let's take a vacation and film it for $80 million and charge people for it". Adam Sandler plays just a lazier version of himself. There is nothing he does in his movie that is amusing, but he did manage to crack himself up in nearly every scene. So at least he has that going for him. (I know that Adam's character stepped on the line and that is why he grew up to be a jerk.) I don't think anyone told Chris Rock that they were filming a movie until after it was completed. He looks befuddled in every scene. It is a shame that he is so bad in this trash when he was so good in Death At A Funeral. His acting in this movie is the real kiss of death. Kevin James has never ever been funny and so I expected nothing from him and he delivered a grand slam. Kevin spends almost half the movie inside a KFC box. That is how embarrassed he was. Dennis Dugan did a lazy job of directing(?) this "woodland waste". It's like he just set the camera down and let these 5 men try to act around it. I bet he spent most of his time trying to convince the stars how funny each scene was. He should be Razzy nominated. I will skip to the end of the movie because nothing really ever happened. Out of nowhere comes not even half-baked melodrama with each couple overcoming some stupid problem. Each issue is brought up and resolved within 5 minutes and then never mentioned again! Why bother even brining it up in the first place because no one cares in the slightest. The final basketball showdown is filmed as if the entire crew fell asleep. I've seen more tension in a Dora the Explorer episode. Sandler's final lesion is worthless and really doesn't make much sense when you think about everything that has happened before it. Sandler's family was due for a loss and the evil guy was due for a win. What??? The evil guy was a jerk to everyone in the movie. And besides how do you know he was due for a win you haven't been in town for a long time. You know nothing about his life. How in the world does that insignificant game change that much? No one in the audience is buying that ending Sandler. No one. The women characters in the movie do nothing of note, are interchangeable and look as bored as they audience watching these 5 idiots try and make the lamest stuff funny. I won't mention the women by name to spare them of unfair blame. And last but certainly not least (or very least) is the acting duo (?) of Spade and Schneider. They are so bad that they make the acting in Troll 2 look Oscar worthy. Both should have to give up their SAG cards for this. I want to vomit just thinking of their acting again. They are worse then amateurs. I think both of them must be hiding a dark secret of Sandlers; otherwise why are they here. I have an idea for Adam Sandler's next movie. Please call it "Train Wreck". This way when it is released no one will be surprised when it sucks.
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Just another Adam Sandler film...
frankveer-111 July 2010
There is nothing wrong about this film... there is nothing right about it either. It's just another Adam Sandler feel-good movie, and if you like these (I certainly do), you will like this movie too. If you hate them for a lack of plot or the shallowness of the jokes, you won't. I just know I laughed a numerous amount of times, and I felt good after having watched it.

And no, I'm not a stupid guy; I like a good plot, good acting, directing and well-thought-of puns as does the next guy. But there are times when you feel like watching a complicated drama, and there are times when you feel like watching a no-brainer.

This is definitely a no-brainer, which will make you feel good from time to time. That's why Adam Sandler makes these movies, and that's why they keep doing so well.

They will make you feel good :)
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DHKR: Grown Ups- "A Harmless Summer Bro-Film"
Krusader_Donkey27 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Grown Ups isn't good. It's actually quite awful in critical terms. It's only saving grace is it's cast of actors, but even their potential is squandered at Sandler's obviously juvenile sense of humor, which mostly relies on the whole "Hey! Look at this, isn't it wacky and silly?" notion. It's story is nonexistent, much like Seinfeld, only going through simple settings and ideas for a clunky-linked sequence.

As you guessed, this is a Happy Maddison film, makers of a surprise hit ( but mostly are infamous for their juvenile- humor movies that are meant only for the lowest common denominator. Don't ever expect anything from these guys, cause I'm aware of how little they care. They, in turn, should realize how little I care.

If I'm able to tip my hat to the production company for anything, it would be that HMP knows who it's general audience is, and knows them in spades,which isn't particularly a bad thing. Before, I stated that Sandler's modern filmography, when under this production company's name, can be enjoyed as films you watch with friends over the summer. And Grown Ups, silly as it is, is exactly the definitive film for that description.

Grown Ups has it's moments, but it's always pushed to the side so Kevin James can earn a ladder on a board game of Chutes and Ladders or if David Spade can take another groin-shot by Rob Schneider. It's dumb, it's full of plot holes and subplots that go nowhere, and it really is just an excuse for Sandler take a vacation at the Lake and still get him and his buddies paid.

But, for all my griping, I feel a weird creeping nostalgia of my own summer vacations when watching this. I felt myself actually smile, laughing even. Take a moment to think about all the dumb things you did with your friends over that time. The time you first time you went on a massive water slide at a water park and went so fast that you almost broke a toe. The time you won 4 games of Scene-It in a row and your buddy threatened to punch you in the face if he found out you cheated. The time you first did something so profoundly stupid, resulting in any injury imaginable, but you just laughed and laughed because you were under some kind of influence. It's very cartoonish, sure, but don't you remember having any close calls like that?

That's what makes Grown Ups work as a Summer Bro-Film. It makes tons of money from teenagers that laugh at Sandler's bag of tricks, but it also makes one connect to one's personal past from the summers you spent AS a teenager, acting like a bunch of jackasses after watching TV. It's still bad, as a film, but for those who can look pass that, I think you can enjoy it.

3 and a half Stars- C-Ranking
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This movie feels longer than church
kballard-9096311 June 2020
What do you expect, this movie is an insult to human intelligence. It feels longer than church.
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Special Screening
davenzof111 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
My girlfriend and I were invited (along with over 300 people) to see a screening of this movie and overall it was "Very Good". Good solid chemistry. The jokes kept rolling. One or two sections were flat and a few too many fart-jokes. But the chemistry was awesome as were the ribbing the main characters gave each other throughout the movie. Rob Schneider was called an "Elvis Oompah Loompah" as well as a "Midget Phillipino Fonzie". Out of everyone there who was asked to stay, around 30 of us, about 85% of the people thought it was at least a "Very Good" movie. Not until our opinions and feedback made did we realize the director was behind us the whole time. I personally have him my 2 cents of feedback and we'll see what happens.

Its not as good as "The Hangover" but definitely better than "Step Brothers". I give it a grade of a B+.
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OLD style comedy
torstensonjohn8 August 2018
Like films of the past such as Meatballs, Police Academy, Summer Rental and many others, Grown Ups delivers in SNL style comedy. with a star studded cast of Adam Sandler, Kevin James, David Spade, Rob Schneider, Chris Rock, Salma Hayek, Maya Rudolph, Maria Bello, Steve Buscemi and Tim Meadows this original style comedy is fair.

A childhood basketball coach dies and the boys and their wives get together for a week to say goodbye and reminisce about the good old days and along the way teach their kids what being a kid back then meant. There is old style humor that if you grew up in the 80's you would remember.

It is a fun film for adults who recognize the meaning behind friendship and the childhood they had. I give this a solid 6 of 10.
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One of the laziest movies I have ever seen
Smells_Like_Cheese5 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of seeing a great Adam Sandler performance in Funny People. I was telling my friends how my opinion might have started to change with Sandler and that he does have a lot of potential to be a great actor. Then my friend dragged me to see Grown Up's, Adam Sandler sent me back with this failure of a movie. My God, my head hurts from this movie, it's like Adam Sandler just sent his friends over to his vacation home and said "Hey! See those camera's? Let's act like idiots for 2 hours and make millions of dollars by releasing the footage as a movie!", heck, for a few million dollars I would just film how my friends and I act if I was guaranteed good money for it. Adam Sandler wrote this script exactly for his own ego, his character is successful, a great basketball player, a wonderful father, a kind man, married to Selma Hayek, rich, loving, funny… do you get the point yet? This is one of the laziest and most hurtful movies I have seen this year and is a shame to the word "comedy".

Lenny is a Hollywood agent married to Roxanne, Eric is married to Donna, Kurt is a stay at home father and is married to Deanna, and Rob is married to Gloria despite the fact that Gloria is 30 years older then him. Lenny gets the news that their old basketball coach that led them to their one and only championships has had a heart attack and dies, he contacts all the guys to see how things are going, and to tell the about the news. The five men, along with their families, come to their hometown for the funeral. The families go to Lenny's lake house for the weekend, and reminisce about the good old days. Lenny is constantly insulted by the guys, making fun of him because he is a "ugly Hollywood agent". They make fun of Rob's wife, they make fun of Eric's obesity and breast feeding wife, they make fun of Kurt being "Mr. Mom", they make fun of their single alcoholic party friend Marcus. Lenny and Eric then take their kids to the water park, only to be mocked by the team they beat in the championship leading to another pointless game, they for some odd reason haven't gotten over the win that was how many years prior? Throw in some random family oriented problems that they skim over and that's how we get in Grown Up's.

I had maybe three small laughs during this film, mainly coming from Steve Buscemi's performance. But seriously, the hurtful jokes were a bit much, they kept making fun of Kevin James' weight, Chris Rock's pride in being a stay at home dad, Rob Schneider's older wife. I can see one joke about it, but they constantly go on and on, making it ridicules and also makes you wonder how these guys are friends because my friends and I give each other a hard time, but not to the extent where it's almost 24-7. Then Sandler trying to throw in family oriented drama or love was so forced that it made me sick. He starts to have a little tiff with his wife and it's passed over within a second, making it completely pointless. This film was a waste of talent and money, it makes you wonder how these guys are "real comedians" that get a paycheck. Don't waste your money on this movie like I did, if you really wanted to see it, get together with your friends for a weekend and goof on each other, you saved 9 bucks. This was just a bad movie.

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Good enough
djsneakypeaky23 July 2010
If you see the cast featured in this movie and think wow, then you'll probably like it.

If you're not a fan of the comedians in this movie chances are you wont like it. I personally tend to like anything Adam Sandler is in and this is no exception.

Kevin James is his usual goofy self, Chris Rock has done better movies but is still decent in this one. David Spade was average as the whiny singleton. Rob Schneider was okay and Madison Riley as the character of his daughter OMG! Smoking Hot!!! I definitely want to see more of her! I did feel quite old (i'm only 27) when I found out that she was only 20...

All the acting was up to scratch and there were several hilarious moments.

A feel good, funny, family film.
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Final nail in the coffin...
GodsPrototype19 December 2012
This is a harsh review but exactly how I feel a few hours after watching it - unhappy and depressed! I looked at the front cover of the DVD in tesco, it looked fun, was £3 and promised lots with some of the best comedy actors in the business, I was excited to see it, I love Sandler, Buscemi, Rock, James and Schneider...then...

...Two hours later... I was wondering whether to hang myself or convince myself that times have changed and this is what comedy is now. This film is without a doubt one of the unfunniest funny films ever.

There can be no real spoilers for there is no real plot - that's okay though, some films without plot are some of the best ever made - but this is just badly written and it's one of those films where every scene you're watching: you're thinking to yourself "Well, my Nan could have made that scene funnier" (by writing it, not starring in it!) I've turned away from Hollywood before and if this is the new future of comedy then count me and millions of others out.

Is this the final nail in the coffin of the career of Adam Sandler? Maybe! But when 'Men in Black 3' is funnier than the latest Sandler film then you know that something has gone terribly wrong. This has actually been £3 wasted and I've never said that about a film before.

If you want a film to make you go "huh, that was kinda comical" three or four times in a tedious two hour sitting then this is it, if you want to have a good laugh and feel good about yourself after - head off elsewhere!
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Way too many wannabe critics and haters
Top_Dawg_Critic24 August 2020
How can anyone rate low scores with such an all-star stellar comedic group of actors? This is supposed to be fun and funny mindless entertainment, and it was! I had a permanent smile throughout the entire film, in between all the laughs. Excellent casting and acting, especially Spade. Directing, pacing, runtime and writing were all on point. And the story was excellent! This is a collectors film. A well deserved 9/10 from me.
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Honor amongst friends to uphold a coaches legacy
lark402 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
so we see a all star comedy cast playing a dramedy nicely with Adam Sander playing Lenny Feder Kevin James all ways fun to watch as Eric Lamonsoff his 3 others Chris rock David spade and rob Schneider as the over protective Father of 2 gorgeous daughters and the lads five wives salma hayek a pregnant Mario bello Maya Rudolph Joyce Van Patten as Gloria Ebony Jo-Ann who plays is Lenny feder grandmother who is funny and Witty and Steve buscemi who is plays a bumbling wreck as usually so with all the characters out of the way Adam sandlers favorite director Dennis dugan gives us a lovely film about 5 friends who as you 12 year old 30 years ago In 1978, five 12-year-olds win a CYO basketball championship so to recognize there coach as its the 4 of July they gather with their families for their coach's funeral at the old lake house where they used to party so with 20 people in 5 friends family so all the guys reminisce about the good time but they all having there own grown up problems of life so with so the guy can they forget their troubles by: so with much to do can these Gus rediscover connections in life so with with fashion designers a Hollywood agents,Eric out of work.3daughters that barely see their father and a xwife and mother in law what chaos can be had with connecting again sports games old bow and arrows and dodging them from a 2year old milking from his mother gross out so water slider and water turning blue to hanging on ropes backwards to to an overprotective father to funny speaking stranger with a six pack to the rematch 30 years later and children learning its not about winning its the taking part and making friends that count and keeping connections and never lose the love great point in this dramedy it was fun 7/10
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The Worst Movie of the Decade????
cmaxi-927-20213418 December 2010
This had so much potential. Lots of big names, and good premise. The first 30 minutes of the film are cringe-worthy. No laughs period. The movie starts by showing all the actors in a basketball game which they won a championship. They are children. Then we see them as grown adults. All the typical stereotypes are present. Adam Sandler plays a rich Hollywood Agent (whatever that is?) who has a wife who barely speaks English and 2 spoiled kids who play video games all day! Are kids like this is real life? This was a horrible movie. Please don't watch or rent it and put money into the actors pockets. They should be embarrassed they made this pile of crap! This gets my vote as the worst movie I have watched in a long long time!
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rikdebijl28 July 2019
This movie is so good. I really enjoyed watching this movie. Made me feel good. Had good humor and jokes. Adam Sandler is Adam Sandler, you love him or hate him... same goes tot all other comedians in this movie I think. And I like 'm! Just go watch this movie and judge for yourself...
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A really funny movie...
taylorkingston28 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie. I actually saw Grown Ups 2 at the cinema before seeing this, but I got the main idea of it, and managed to follow along. While I do think Grown Ups 2 is better, this is still a really funny movie with a lot of funny people, including one my personal favorite actors, Adam Sandler. This movie actually got bad ratings, and 2 got even worse, but you can't go by the general population's opinion. It was good enough to get a sequel. I think anyone who enjoys comedy or any of the actors/actresses in this movie, will enjoy it.

After the passing of their basketball coach, five friends and their families gather up for his funeral. They decide to go to the lake house where they used to party when they were teenagers. But sadly, things can't go perfect when you have real-world problems and families to take care of. Some really funny stuff happens on that Fourth of July weekend, and it's a weekend that no one will ever forget.

Overall, I give this movie a 7 out of 10, which in my ratings book is: Great.
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I was forced to watch - worst movie I've seen in a long time
Kwestkickboxing-936-95943129 December 2010
I cannot believe the the depth of horrible acting, plot, and humour in this movie considering the comedic talent that was in this movie.

It felt like the Adam Sandler said "lets just get together, and make some cash, who cares about a story or our credibility as comedians" WORST MOVIE I've seen in a LONG time.

The only bright spot in the movie was the ending where you felt like you could have and end to this travesty and total waste of time.

I was so mad at myself for watching this to the end, which by the way seemed to take forever to get to.

If you like Adam Sandler movies this one doesn't even compare, it's the worst movie he's ever done.
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Feel good, family fun
feyipuk26 July 2014
I can't say I'm a fan of Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Rob Schneider, Chris Rock and most of all David Spade, on there own. There is something about putting all their characters together that (sort of) works.

Yes, they're playing the same characters that they always play. Yes, many of the jokes are physical/slapstick in nature. And, yes, you know that know matter how bad things get, it'll work out in the end. Yet, here that's actually a good thing, as they try to come to terms with how their lives have changed since school, and growing up. For example, Adam Sandler is a "nice guy", who feels his life has got away from reality, which is ironic, given his life is as a Hollywood agent. The way he acts, you do wonder how he got to be so successful at his job or how the story will affect future work.

What makes the difference are the women in their lives. Maya Rudolph, Maria Bello and Salma Hayek play the preoccupied wives well. They have their lives more together than their partners, yet there's the sense that as a result they miss out on having the fun and sharing in the guys lives. The guys aren't trying to overcome some evil adversary with their humour, but trying to reignite the sparks in their relationships.
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