High School (TV Series 2022) Poster


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Not just a puff piece
adilger-imdb1 November 2022
Binged the first 8 episodes this evening.

It is an interesting show, and not just full of fluffy high school nostalgia. This mischaracterized as "Comedy" when it should really be "Drama". People have problems, not everyone is totally happy about everything, and not everything is fixed the way you might hope. Not the standard "there is an issue and it will be solved by the end of the episode" drama. There are definitely good things that happen, not to worry.

Since this is an autobiographical story of Tegan and Sara, it moves along at a realistic pace. I like the fact that a story like this can be made and has an audience, even if it might not be what some people expect.

The soundtrack is definitely top-notch, lots of great tunes in there.
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An EXCELLENT coming of age story
themizk-1971525 October 2022
I only knew tangentially of tegan and sara before seeing this show. It doesn't matter towards your potential enjoyment whatsoever.

The scene-setting for me particularly (incredibly early-mid 90's pilled musically) was so fun to see. My high school experience was a decade after this show but It didn't feel far off at all.

The acting is quite good. The 2 leads are asked to be all sorts of things... snotty, sarcastic, infatuated, caring... and they do all of it well enough. The real heavy hitting will come towards the end of the season I'm assuming.

The Mother is a real breath of fresh air. She strikes a balance between "cool mom" and stern that you love to see.

Having 2 separate but conjoined queer stories at the helm of a coming of age show is something we need more of. Hopefully gone are the days of a "thrown in" queer story or even the stereotypical stuff with a "good heart". This feels very real.
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Really good on all levels
noawareness11 December 2022
I relate to a lot of this show, except the fact that I'm a straight male who never became an accomplished musician. Other than that, I love how much of my childhood this reflects. The music, the way relationships played out in the 90s, the broken home... It's done perfectly. The whole atmosphere encapsulates the period so well but that's not all that's good about this.

The acting (especially from The two leads who technically aren't "actors") is phenomenal. The 90s was a unique decade and It always amazes me when younger people (who weren't even nearly alive in the 90s) are able to tap into the attitude of the era and understand what made my generation, what it was and how we lived on the run up to a technical revolution. It was almost dystopian in some ways and it's incredible how this show captures that in every way.

It says so much by saying so little and I appreciate it for what it is. Didn't think I would like it very much as I didn't think I'd relate to any of it but I gave it a chance and I'm glad I did.

Looking forward to more.
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A fresh and heartfelt teenage show
hopwithit15 October 2022
So far it's a great portrayal of what it means to be a teenager trying to figure yourself out. I really appreciated the nuanced and heartfelt look at each sister and the rest of the characters as they are forging their own paths. A very accurate but not overdramatized depiction of teenage years.

The 90s vibes and music are immaculate. And the relationships feel authentic. The show does a great job establishing Tegan and Sara both as separate characters but fully cringing the viewer into their tense relationship with each other and their individual arcs.

Plus got to love the subtle nod to the episode titles being songs from their 20+ year career!
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It's been worth the wait!
cmarie-2267815 October 2022
Such a great show! It's so cool to see this written memoir come alive on-screen. Railey and Seazynn do a great job. This is the show I needed growing up, to see a reflection of myself at that age. I definitely think the episodes could be longer! This is a show that you hope has longer seasons because it's so engaging. Enjoyable for any viewer, whether it's your first time hearing about Tegan and Sara, or you're a stan. I can't wait to hear their music on the show. The soundtrack they have with each episode really sets the scene. The wardrobe department did a great job - definitely sets the time of the 90's.
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I want more!
marabellaphillips21 October 2022
I quite thoroughly enjoyed this! Wasn't expecting much given kinda cheesy high schooly tv show trailer but ended up really liking it! I wasn't previously familiar with the artists/book but I saw an article talking about Clea DuVall was working on a new show (very intriguing) only to realize it had just come out! And I was so definitely not disappointed. 90s setting was great loved the costumes and makeup. Loved the different perspectives and cast of characters. Everyones acting was surprisingly good too I thought! It was exactly the kind of show I've been in the mood for, easy to watch but not too light/no substance, well made and got some heart in it, got some good lesbian representation YAY. I've been really longing for more of a certain kind recently and this hit the spot. Overall, they did a great job of roping you in and keeping you interested. I only wish the season was longer and definitely hoping for more soon! I binged very fast though so more please!
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Loved it!
emilcadd30 October 2022
I loved this show! I thought it was amazing in every way and the actors playing Tegan and Sara were phenomenal. I didn't expect a cheesy drama as I was previously familiar with the memoir but I wasn't expecting it to become one of my favourite shows. There isn't one boring episode this whole season. As someone who is in high school, it's an accurate portrayal of what it's like. I loved how it switches point of view of the characters and not just from Tegan and Sara but to characters like Patrick and Simone. I like how it validates the feelings of teenagers and doesn't belittle them in any way. 100% recommend!
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Review for episodes 1-3
mccabe-shannon17 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One of the reviews starts with the facts it's about twins who are both lesbians set in the 90s- yea right. And about "the message". Well sir, it's based on the autobiography of The teen girls who became famous musicians sooooo. Now, did it get greenlit because of its "wokeness" yea maybe. But it'd not a work of fiction made to placate the masses.

It's relatively slow thus far. I do enjoy how the filming lends to the era, the sets, costumes, makeup etc are all great for the era. Anymore it seems like something set in the 90s they got by current pieces that were similar to styles then. The moms hair is definitely not mid-90s though or atleast doesn't seem to be so for someone going to school and working.

I've always enjoyed the same story told from different characters vantages. Especially when not too much itself is duplicated.

The storyline itself is still a bit boring. But I anticipate it's going to get better so for now it gets an 8. If it does not get better and stays as it, it will be a 6. I'm in no rush to watch the next episode but if they were all out I'd continue going.
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Such a good show that so many people can enjoy
WhereDoesTheGoodGrow16 October 2022
Was super excited to watch as tegan and Sara is my favorite band. I absolutely loved it, I think everyone involved did a wonderful job. For one, It's genius rhey used song titles for each episode. I've seen so many queer stories shown on TV, and this one is one of the best I've ever seen. While it does deal with serious topics, there's also funny bits mixed in which is good. This is a show so many people can enjoy. Lgbtq+ kids. People who grew up in the 90's. People who are really into music. Tegan and Sara fans. I really really hope this show does well and continues to get more seasons. I also hope more people start listening to tegan and Sara after watching the show, because I absolutely love their music.
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Needs more work, but has potential
BlackEden15 January 2023
I appreciate that this is a story centered around females and queerness, being a queer female myself. However, it is important to highlight the lack of racial diversity - which regardless of the original story could be adapted to be more inclusive today.

The 90s vibe is cute but not very convincing for some reason. The main actors are also unfortunately pretty bad. I get that it's their first time acting so I avoided giving a 5 rating, but their lack of emotional range/expression really contrasted strongly with other cast members who were clearly experienced.

Also, whoever adapted this book into a screenplay could have done a better job at avoiding consistent dullness. There was no sense of buildup or tension; every storyline and interaction felt like it was just skimming the surface.

A soundtrack would have definitely aided in setting the tone of different scenes. This is where adding 90s tracks can assist in creating a more-convincing time period by playing into the nostalgia factor.

Honestly, I would be surprised if this ran for another season. If it does, I hope the cast and crew can reflect on what needs to be improved to make it a more immersive experience. Fingers crossed.
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It was amazing!
scotlynhulvey15 October 2022
When the book first came out, I fell in love with it immediately. I read it over and over. Being a queer teenager, I found comfort in their story. This book has gotten me through my own adventures in high school and never leaves my side. When I first heard the idea that it might turn into a TV show, I was excited but also very worried the show wouldn't be nearly as a great of a representation of T&S' origin story as the book, as it wasn't made by T&S themselves. And I got even more worried when I found out the actors playing T&S weren't actually actors. I thought that it would maybe be a hard watch, but I was most definitely proven wrong. Clea, Railey, Seazynn and everyone else involved with the show did an absolutely phenomenal job bringing T&S' origin story to life. The first episode was a great introduction to who T&S are. I really enjoyed how the second episode spent time focusing on their mom and her struggles. The change of perspective throughout was very well done and the show did a really good job letting you know who the characters are. Even if you're not a fan of T&S and go in to this not knowing it's a real story about real people, it's still going to be an enjoyable watch. The show does an amazing job representing what it's like to be a queer teen trying to navigate life. I am beyond excited for the next four episodes.
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I sure did not see what the others views saw!
cdeanroane27 October 2022
I watched several episodes of this show, and found it to be utter modern trash! I also took a gander at the others who has left reviews since I seemed to have watched a totally different show then they did! There was only person who has more then 10 reviews and I is being generous when I said the others have less then 5! Most this was their only review some have been on IMBD for years, but this was their only review! Others had just joined to review this show with in the last week. There are so many new shows now thanks to the all streaming stations and regular stations having more then one channel it should be easy to find a much more interesting show them sad example from Amazon!
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A gift for the queer youth
andreaolivio11 November 2022
When I read High School, the memoir by Tegan and Sara of which this show is based, I thought this book is truly a gift to young queer people. Tegan and Sara open their lives and share their stories of what it was like growing up and finding themselves in Calgary in the 90s. To make it even better, they discover they are musicians. What a treat this is to discover and you are on the edge of your seat waiting to find out what happens next.

The TV show and specifically Clea Duvall, does a wonderful job of capturing these critical life moments and watching it feels like you are there watching it all unfold. It is poignant and moving and the casting is exceptional in recreating such a specific time, place and feeling. This show hopefully finds the viewers that need it and becomes as iconic as the singers themselves.
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Great! (Not perfect, but really really good)
jordanwagnerbiz28 October 2022
Basically, what the title says. I've been a T&S fan since "If It Was You" era (I'm getting old). I read the book, of course. I honestly didn't have super high expectations of the show and was just gonna watch.

I gotta say, even if you're not a T&S fan, it's great and worth watching. It's a very under-done snapshot of a certain time, place, and experience in life (growing up gay in the 90s). The pacing is good, the music and style references are on point, and the acting across the board is a solid A- (the twins can be a little awkward and stilted at times but I forgive them as this is their first foray into acting, ever. They're doing great).

My mark of a good TV show is if I watch it without any other distractions and if I look forward to it every week, and I gotta say, this show hits that mark perfectly. I've been a Tolkien fan way longer than T&S fan, and uh... That Show is not hitting that mark for me at all.

TLDR: great show, if we ever get a second season (navigating the late 90's Canadian indie music scene and becoming adults? YES PLEASE), I bet all of my extremely minor gripes are fixed.
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serenapapanek27 December 2022
I put this on having NO clue what I even put on... I was QUICKLY sucked in, this coming of age story had me hooked, each episode leaves you wanting to know more about the main characters, even the mom and step dad. I absolutely love that its set in the 90s and the music scene is amazing! Sara and Tegan the twins are on a quest for self discovery which is so hard when your in high school. I can't say enough about this show other than go watch it for yourself! I really hope there is a second season I am now invested in finding out what happens to these amazingly talented twins, who I know succeed.
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Didn't want it to end!!
loriepot1 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Gotta admit, the first few episodes I struggled to fully commit to High School but as soon as they found Patrick's guitar I was hooked!!

When I was a teenager I discovered music and I also played the guitar and was a bit of an outcast at school so really feel like I just connected with this show.

Now I'm a married mum, with my own home and feeling like I need to dust off my guitar and go and listen to some of my old favourite emo/punk pop music 😂

I really hope they announce a second season as I was quite emotional once this first season finished 🙈 and I was really hoping they'd wow all their school peers with their performance!!
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This is really good, surprised it didn't get more attention.
ArdentVes18 July 2023
This show appeared by luck in my feed in "more like this" imdb section.

It feels, by the number of ratings that amazon didn't really bothered to invest too much in advertising for this show.

This show has so much soul, the characters and their actions feel so real. This kind of shows about teenagers are so rare in this days. I had no idea at what to expect from this. At first I thought that the 2 leading actors play themselves in a story about their high school and the beginning of their career of musicians. Only then i found that it is based on real life duo Canadian Tegan and Sara.

After i watch the show, i searched about their musical career, and found alot of good songs, my favourite we're definitely some of their old acoustic sessions. Watching on YouTube some of their interviews, they are so funny and those banters in concerts are absolutely a joy to watch. Also, the book and audiobook are so good, especially because they are narrated by the authors themselves.

My only fear is that they will not get a second season, and will not be able to finish the story. They found the perfect cast, not only the leading cast that are perfect for their counterparts, but also all the group of friends and their family. Maybe they should have made a miniseries with longer episodes?

It will be a shame to be cancelled, because it's alot of heart put into this show. Tegan said that she hope for 4-5 seasons, but in this days is hard to keep people's attention for such a long period of time, especially if it's not a commercial success. I hope that they will get more seasons, the story deserves to be told till the end.
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Season 2
sarahblanchejarrell10 March 2023
God I hope we get a second season for this. I feel like the directing and the acting are so raw and honest. The way it's written makes it feel so intimate. Do much of the time these days we get stuff that seems so artificial, and people tend to use actresses who have no chemestry for queer relationship; but here, the casting is so well done, all of the actors have such good chemestry, and they all deliver SOLID performances. It's an amazing introduction to Railey and Seazynn Gilliland. I will definetely rewatch this several times. I will be waiting, full of hope, for this show to have a second season.

I would recommend this show to anyone.
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Walking With a Ghost
binkonety20 January 2023
It's not okay, it's so not okay to leave me like this. I was so invested, the story, the actors, the direction. I binged the entire season and suddenly it was gone. I felt such an emotional connection with Tegan and Sara because I've followed them for 20 years. It was beautiful getting to see the rise of their musical career but also, witnessing how they maneuvered their relationships, not only with each other but everyone around them. The direction by clea was absolutely stunning, and the actors were such a perfect fit, please please come back with another season! I need more! Now, time to binge T&S records and music videos until then, they really left me walking with a ghost.
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Makes you laugh, makes you cry, and makes you think
szentesibotond23 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The twin actresses did a great job with their characters, and I loved every moment where they were on screen. The mom the step-dad all did a realistic job of portraying their real life counterparts. Nothing is exaggerated here, there's not a single moment where you would say, "Yeah, right.." The relationships were built upon deep emotional connections, not just out of thin air.

Spoiler starts here: What I didn't enjoy about the first season was the ending. They left a lot of storylines unfinished, and I would've loved if they at least gave us some closure about the future of the characters. Looking forward to season 2 if it every comes.
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Another season please!
alyssafranke-224083 March 2023
This show is one I can't stop watching! It brings an aspect like no other show does. It also tells a story that is new and has never been done before. Gives perspective to people that have gone through similar things. Great casting as the actors brought the story to life and made it realistic with their own style. The music in the show also brings another element as it gives the grunge aspect along with the outfits of all the characters. I know this show will help other people as it has helped me realize similar stuff I went through in high school. This show is one of my favorites now. I hope to see more seasons from this show as it ended on a cliff hanger!
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Omg please bring this back!
juanmuscle25 June 2023
Pray bring this awesome thing back! At first I was like what? Where are we when are we and when I realized the thing and stopped it and researched it I was like, oh , intrigue, it just took a lil' while but after you get into the thing , how they craft the show and the weaving of inter-relationships , I was so hooked , the only thing that sucked was like how it ended, yeah I will be seriously needing something heavy if I leaves me high- n dry like that! Like some happy pill cause that would be a downer, its just starting to really get good, I mean come on now! These two twins are going to rip it up 90's style grunge! Woo! Lol!
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Great season one ,, the only reason for missing 1 point is.....
chinmoy326410 December 2022
Everything is a-ok here. All and all 10 on 10 from me but I feel so strongly about one single thing throughout the whole season one that I gave it a 9 out of 10. It is the parents. All 3 of them. The portrayal of the time era and the school kids are kinda ok-ish in a sense that they choose to focus on showing us the mild to moderate characters and suppress the extremes of that time , its cool , no problem there. The kids are very cool and understanding and good behaving and grownups like , all and all very good kids. So why the parents are such jerks ? And not just sometimes but all the time . Even the lonely dad ? And the stepdad is also rude and controlling beyond his character's plot involvements in the family. I mean come on ! If the mother can't handle such good kids and act like such a "out of place" extreme parent for such minor infractions then what will she do with really problematic ones ? And to make things worse , they gave her character the background of a social worker and also having her to complete a thesis on sexual abuse from perspective of incest ?! With all the heavy education and experience and understanding that supposed to be had by the mother , she acts like a real child herself, throwing tantrums whenever her tween kids show very minor disobedience with extremely valid reasonings and the appolozizations to come with them. Thats why I gave it a 9 out of 10.
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Highschool in the 90s without the cheezy cliche
ryanjohns-8129826 June 2023
The character development is wonderfully paced. Dives into the mind of two twins that start our at odds with eachother. Both living in a very progressive houshold with rational boundries. The udult perspective is just as important as the contrast to the teenagers. You can relate to both.

The teenage angst and tension of coming of age is spot on. It will tug at your heart strings as you start to really empathies with the main charactures. This added with a cool gritty underground tone of the 90s. The soundtrack alone will keep you wanting more if you were a teenager in the 90s. I want... I need another season of High School!
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