2 Guns (2013) Poster


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A good combination of action & comedy
tr9120 October 2013
'2 Guns' turned out to be a better film than I expected it to be. I liked the plot and it had plenty of twists and turns. It is quite suspenseful in places and keeps you guessing. It is about a bank robbery (the masks here were quite cool) that goes wrong and the two have to team up to put it right.

The acting is very good. Mark Wahlberg and Denzel Washington were a very good team, they had a good on screen chemistry and I liked how their friendship developed. The supporting cast were also good.

The film is a mixture of action and comedy. There are good shoot out scenes and car chases etc. Then there is comedy thrown in for good measure, made even funnier because it's silly humour in a serious situation. Mark Wahlberg's character has some memorable funny moments and both do the action scenes very well.

Overall it was a good fast paced action film, it had suspense and humour too. A really good mixture. At 1 hour and 35 minutes I felt it was a good length, you got everything you wanted out of it and it wasn't dragged on like some other films would. I enjoyed it from start to finish and would recommend it.

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Entertaining and Twisty
bob-rutzel-125 November 2013
Bobby (Beans) Trench (Denzel Washington) and Stigman (Mark Wahlberg) work together to rob a bank where they know drug lord Papi (Edward James Olmos) keeps his money, but each doesn't know the other is a lawman trying to take Papi down. However, instead of the $3-million they expect from Papi's money, they take out about $43-million. Now, they are confused. Whose money is this?

And, from here things get twisty after Stig learns that Bobby Beans is a DEA agent and shoots Bobby and takes off with the money. And also, it is here that the story hinges on the $43-million and brings out other players from the woodwork.

We are not sure if Bobby Beans and/or Stig are really good guys or bad guys and it takes a long while for us to know which is which. This holds us because we want each one to be a good guy.

The interplay between the Washington and Wahlberg characters is good, but I found it and some of their snappy lines "forced" at times.

However, this is entertaining mostly because of the pacing, very good stunts and the twists around every corner. Just when you think things would get somewhat better, another twist comes into play to make matters worse. Other players like Bill Paxton as Earl, Paula Patton as Deb and James Marsden as Commander Quince aka Harvey contribute to the complications big time. (7/10)

Violence: Yes. Sex: No. Nudity: Yes, briefly. Language: Yes, at times.
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It's not a masterpiece or work of fine art. It's not meant to be. It's meant to be entertaining and that's exactly what it is.
GManFromHeck3 August 2013
When the credits started, I had a big smile on my face.

What is your perception of 2 Guns? Whether you've seen the trailer or read the comic, you might have an idea what sort of movie this is. If so, you will be correct and happy you decided to watch it.

The big surprise many seem to have is the fact that this movie is based on the 2 GUNS comic Boom! Studios put out in 2007. I'll admit, despite the fact that I've always read a lot of Boom's comics, this series somehow completely snuck by. I did read the series before watching the movie. Whether or not you should do that, we'll get to that in minute.

The movie stars Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg. That in itself is pretty impressive. These two actors crank up the charisma during the movie. You can't help but enjoy their presence on screen.

These two guys are planning on robbing a bank. It turns out it wasn't a simple bank and they ended up with way more than they thought. The twists and turns avalanche upon them as they discover others that are interested in the money plus the fact that they don't know each other as well as they thought. If you've watched the trailer, you probably know more about the movie than you should.

Washington and Wahlberg are great together. For a movie with a lot of shooting and one- liners, it's the kind you can just become immersed in. This is pure entertainment. Parts may get a little outrageous and a tad predictable. But there are still plenty of twists to catch you off guard. You'll laugh, you'll be on the edge of your seat and you'll even find yourself flinching or cringing a little at times.

Should you or should you not read the comic first?

That really depends on how much you want to know ahead of time. Some of the twists weren't revealed in the trailers. The movie is pretty faithful to the comic, something pretty rare for a "comic book movie." There are obviously some minor differences but if you have read it before, you'll smile hearing some lines taken directly from the comic. Washington's casting is a bit of a departure. I felt as if his character and Wahlberg's were closer in age in the comic. But seeing the two together, it absolutely does not matter. These two made the movie fun.

You're probably aware this isn't a piece of fine art. It's not meant to be. Usually at this point in the summer, all the "big" Hollywood movies have been released. This is a movie that gives you a reason to go back to the theaters one more time.

It's more than just about Washington and Wahlberg. Those two could have easily carried the burden of being the box office draw. We are also treated to great performances by Bill Paxton, Edward James Olmos, James Marsden and Paula Patton. That's what makes the movie even more of a pleasant surprise. You get a sense that some thought and care was put into the making of this movie. Not only is it faithful to the comic, the filmmakers also made sure it had a great cast and delivered a really good quality production.

The movie is rated R. Clearly there is quite a bit of violence. There's plenty of shooting, killing and explosions. It gets a little over the top but that's what you should expect from this kind of movie. There is also some brief nudity and plenty of profanity. In other words, this isn't a family film. What it is is a movie you go see with your friends. Buy some popcorn, lean back in your seat and just enjoy the movie and have a great time.

I mentioned leaving the theater with a smile. It's not a "feel good" movie. But it will make you laugh and give you a good time. That's exactly what I want for my money. It's fun and absurd with over the top action. Do I want a sequel? Boom! Studios did release 3 GUNS this week. I would indeed love to see these two return to the characters.
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2 the hard way
btnthx1 August 2013
The right pairing of actors together can make or break a movie. And since 1967 there have been buddy cop movies. Now "In the Heat of the Night" is no "48 Hrs." or "Lethal Weapon", but the concept is the same. Two cops or cons/cops with opposite styles, attitudes, and methods coming together for a common goal. Well with "2 Guns" I think I found one of my favorite pairings in this genre and of the year, Wahlberg and Washington.

I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the screen play written by Blake Masters, or maybe it is the characters created by Steven Grant for his comic book series. I think it's the combination of both, but it was Wahlberg and Washington who make it all come alive. Bobby (Denzel Washington) and Stig (Mark Wahlberg) are two criminals trying to work their way up the crime food chain. Unbeknownst to each other, both Stig and Bobby are undercover, trying to achieve the same goal. The goal is to bring down Papi Greco (Edward James Olmos), who is a drug kingpin. The way they decide to do so is to rob a bank that Greco has some money stashed away in. Instead of getting Greco's money, Stig and Bobby rob the C.I.A of forty three million dollars. What follows is a lot of one-liners, and if the title didn't give it away, a lot of gun fights.

When it comes to the month of August, it is the place where the questionable movies go. The not-good-enough-for-July dump bin if you will. They are questionable because they are not the "big" summer movies, but summer movies none the less. When it comes to "2 Guns" I think the studio got it right. This is the perfect movie to follow all those sequels and not so fun "big summer movies" (yes I am talking to you Lone Ranger). How about a fun movie with two actors that everyone loves? With plenty of action mixed in with just the right amount of comedy, this is the kind of movie I look forward to seeing. Mark Wahlberg makes the movie, and the reason is simple, he doesn't play that guy he plays in almost every move he is in. You know the quiet but nice guy, who just looks tough. In "2 Guns" Walhberg plays a cocky bad ass, who is good at what he does and he lets you know it every chance he gets. Denzel on the other hand is just Denzel, which after saying that, I have said all I needed to say. Directed by Baltasar Kormakur, who makes a good version of a Michael Bay movie. This is a great choice if you are looking for something fun to do this weekend, because in my mind, you can never go wrong with a fun time at the movies.

Brian Taylor

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Chemistry saves the day.
usif9213 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Washington and Wahlberg, the W duo. Washington is undercover DEA agent Bobby Trench and Wahlberg is naval intelligence officer Stig Stigman who is undercover as well; they're both working together to try and rob a powerful drug lord. Simple? Well, not entirely, mainly because each one doesn't know that the other is also working undercover. This is just the beginning of the complications and twists that they are about to face in this thrill ride.

Negatives: The movie has a few clichés here and there, as well as action scenes that aren't really new in any way and in general just feel quite lacking.

Positives: Small twists and turns in the plot will keep you guessing for a while, but what really makes this movie worth it is the chemistry. The W duo are just excellent together, their interactions seem genuine and are delivered in a way that is quite satisfying to watch, especially from Wahlberg's side. Also Washington's undercover character was superb, I believe everyone met or knows someone who is like him.

This is a movie that doesn't take itself seriously, so for you to enjoy it you must lighten up, grab a couple of friends, some popcorn and watch the film zip away with it's fun flair.
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HK Auteur Review - 2 Guns
hkauteur9 October 2013
2 Guns is reminiscent of buddy cop movies in the late eighties and nineties. Unlike a lot of recent throwback 80's action films, it tastefully retains much of the fun factor by concentrating on character and dialogue and removing some of the modern tropes that have gone stale, like overloading the film with pop culture references. With its setup and buddy dynamic, at times it actually reminded me of the 1996 Adam Sandler and Damon Wayons buddy cop movie Bulletproof.

What elevated 2 Guns from standard action fare were exactly the snappy lines and the buddy dynamic between Washington and Wahlberg. The two lead actors create a believable long-time friendship and it gave the movie a sizzling charm that you just can't look away from. Watching Walhberg and Washington rapidly throw zingers back and forth alone made the price of admission. After seeing his facetious performance in this film, it's easy now to imagine Mark Wahlberg taking over the role of Tony Stark in future Marvel films.

The film has a good supporting cast. James Marsden and Edward James Olmos seem overqualified for these supporting roles. It's nice to see them but they have too little time to truly shine. Paula Patton is cast in a seemingly intelligent female role, but is ultimately there for her sex appeal. Bill Paxton is the only one who gets to properly chew up some scenery as a scary CIA agent with a flair for torturing his victims.

The story moved along fast like a shark, for fear that stopping for a thoughtful pause would ruin its momentum and shatter the illusion of how complicated the plot seems. The action scenes are fun. More importantly, they are visible and you can follow what's going on. When it came to the finale, the film forgoes all the dramatic buildup from the first two acts and serves a lesser solution to its conflict. Had it been a slower moving story with less charming leads, I would have considered the finale a cop out ending.

But this time, I just went with it. 2 Guns just oozes old school charm, and charm can go a long way.

For more reviews, please visit my film blog @ http://hkauteur.wordpress.com
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2 Guns and 2 Actors...
Thanos_Alfie19 January 2014
"2 Guns" is an entertaining movie in which I liked both of the two actors who are on leading roles and these are Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg.

Especially I liked the plot of this movie that kept me in tense and this is a really cool feeling when a movie can make you feel it. In this movie we have many action scenes, many gun shootings and of course humor between the actors.

Finally I want to tell you that if you want to see an entertaining movie which will make you sometimes laugh and on the other hand make you fell this tense I talked about previously, then you have to see it!
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Not an average buddy cop type of film, but nothing too special
naregian1 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers

I had heard about this movie back before the main cast was attached and once I heard Marky Mark and Denzel were on board, I had to see it as soon as it came out. Lucky enough, my local theater had it 4 hours earlier than most so I caught an 8 p.m. showing with a heavily packed crowd who I laughed along with much more than I thought I would, but more about that later.

The movie had a little bit of The Departed in it in terms of plot and characters, and had little hints of comedic buddy cop films like Rush Hour. The plot itself was pretty well thought out with a few minor lazy elements but overall it made for an entertaining and very quick 109 minutes. Despite having somewhat predictable twists and turns, the way they play out in terms of result/consequence keep you guessing if only at least for a little bit, and it's those minor sequences of suspense or confusion that kept the movie interesting for me.

In terms of acting, of course Mark and Denzel bring it on and make for a believable pair of righteous men on a track they can't quite figure out. The introduction of so many different crews of people after our two main protagonists reminded me of Midnight Run. To the some of you who remember that film, if you liked that, I can tell you that many of it's elements are brought to surface in 2 Guns.

One thing to be noted is definitely the very pleasantly surprising amount of genuinely funny content throughout the movie. There are very frequent scenes of dialog that are written ever so smoothly, and along with the perfect delivery of our two seasoned veterans, they make for very realistic dialogs and conversations throughout.

Overall, the film was very well written with very immersing dialog, had great acting across the board, but fell somewhat flat with seemingly predictable twists and turns, and some scenes where suspending your disbelief is just too hard. But hey, it was great for what it was trying to be: A fun, entertaining, lightly suspenseful ride!
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Decent but not great.
portarian25 July 2013
Had a chance to view it this week with only the trailer as a guide as to what I was about to see. It turned out to be mildly better than I was anticipating. Mark Wahlberg brought a comical element that worked with the overall story with Denzel basically being the straight man throughout. Denzel plays his role smoothly with a slight sarcastic comedic side. I thought they both played off each other very well to keep you intrigued with the ongoing twisting plot. Good to see James Edward Olmos after a long absence from the big screen. Always be LT. Castillo from Miami Vice fame to me. Don't base your opinion on the trailer as I had. Worth a look.
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"Ticklegear" Apparently Just Does Not Like Mark Walberg
thpgmc2 August 2013
Reading the review of "Ticklegear" I had to check out his other postings. Apparently Mark Walberg is his anti-actor. There was not one movie with Walberg that he remotely liked. "Walberg stinks up another movie"..Walberg this..Walberg that. Man...just DON'T bother going to any of his movies. I suppose he thought "Ted" was a stinker also. As far as "2 Guns" he was dead wrong. This movie was great. The chemistry between Walberg and Washington couldn't be better. The humor (mostly from Walberg) couldn't have been any better also. The story line was fast and above all easy to follow. The action scenes were as good as one could want. Not over bearing (like this summer's "Man Of Steel")but a great crime thriller. I wasn't a fan of Walberg's when he first started appearing in films but have progressed to where I totally enjoy his current movies. Regardless,if you like a thriller/drama/comedy you'll love "2-Guns". Rated a one star by "Ticklegear'???...give me a break!
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Not as good as expected
Gibbs98-242-10791727 September 2013
When I first saw the trailer for '2 Guns' I couldn't wait to see it. It had so much potential to be a great film but after watching it seems to be a bit of a let down. Almost any Denzel Washington film is at least good and usually a great film, this is an exception to the rule. The plot isn't great and it isn't delivered well either. At times it is even confusing. The selection of Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg to play along side each other should have resulted in loads of funny little lines throughout the film and both actors playing off one another. This was not the case. The script didn't allow the full potential of this acting pair to be utilized. This was one of the main reasons this film fell down. Without Wahlberg and Washington being used fully it just became a mediocre action film with two expensive main actors and a confusing storyline. (6/10)
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Good Action and comedy
zachvalencia2 August 2013
This is a pretty good movie and is definitely worth watching and probably gonna watch it again when it again when it is free. If you love action there is a very good amount in this movie. The movie also has comedy throughout which definitely makes you laugh. Has a very good plot especially compared to a lot of movies this generation. It also has a good conspiracy plot so if you like that then this is also good movie for you. The movie has two likable actors in Denzel and Mark Whalberg. For Mark Wahlberg this is a big improvement from Broken Ciy which I was not a fan of. Wahlberg is also very funny in the movie. Denzel was good too and he showed comedy. In the end if you like action or like comedy or Wahlberg and Denzel I think you will like this movie
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Better than I had anticipated...
paul_haakonsen17 December 2015
Initially you would think that something with Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg is an instant hit, and this movie was actually quite alright. It was a combination of good storyline and a great cast ensemble.

The storyline is fast paced and captivating. The story shifts into a high gear right away and sticks to the high gear right to the very end. The plot is easy to follow, but it captivates the audience and takes the audience along for an action-packed ride.

A good storyline is only so much without a proper cast, and the cast in "2 Guns" really did deliver. Of course it was to be expected with names such as Mark Wahlberg and Denzel Washington. But with a supportive cast that includes Bill Paxton and Edward James Olmos you just get a great level of talent thrown into the fray.

There is a good amount of action and gunfights in the movie, which were nicely executed and put on the screen.

A nice action movie with an entertaining story, but an even more impressive cast. "2 Guns" is well-worth watching.
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Mildly entertaining, a double cross extravaganza, and completely forgettable.
nesfilmreviews2 August 2013
Based on the ultra-violent comic-book miniseries by Steven Grant, "2 Guns" director Baltasar Kormákur hits all the right notes stylistically, but comes up short on everything else. Don't anticipate a hard-hitting drama or an edge-of-the-seat thriller because the real focus of the movie is on the ever so slightly humorous relationship between its two main characters: Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg. Both interact well enough together, but the film falls flat when they're separated, and sometimes it's for long stretches. However, director Baltasar Kormákur shows a great deal of improvement over the last time he worked with Wahlberg in the disappointing, and uninspiring "Contraband" (2012).

"2 Guns" is about a pair of undercover agents, neither of whom is aware of his partner's real identity. Bobby Trench (Denzel Washington) is a DEA agent and Stig (Mark Wahlberg) is Navy Intelligence, but both are playing the role of a legitimate crook. Their mutual goal is to take down the cartel headed by Lord Papi Greco (Edward James Olmos). Their plan to do this, which is never really explained in a way that the audience can truly understand, has something to do with robbing a bank where Papi's money is supposedly stashed in safe deposit boxes.

After the robbery takes place, however, it comes to light that the stolen money belongs to the CIA and their enforcer Earl (Bill Paxton), and he wants it back. The DEA intends to use it in a trial against Papi because getting a search warrant would be too much of a hassle. Naturally, our heroes end up being targets for what they know, having to finally work together to piece together your standard run-of-the-mill double cross extravaganza.

The real business of "2 Guns" is the camaraderie between the two bickering leads, which comes across a lot like flirting. They finish each other's sentences, order each other's breakfast, chat about "Les Misérables," and even have a scene where they stroll into the sunset arm in arm. There are chases, shootouts, and explosions, but there is nothing here you haven't seen before. With the exception of the final shootout sequence, the cinematography rarely impresses. There is limited amount of fun had in watching how Bobby and Stig survive a variety of seemingly inescapable situations, but sadly the predictable plot keeps getting in the way of all the action.

The elements gel well enough to make "2 Guns" an enjoyable summer cinematic experience. However, it is never any doubt how things will play out, and it's nothing likely to resonate after the dust has settled.
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Good movie
0U22 February 2020
Great little film. Funny sometimes, with a litlle dose of violence, 2 Guns keep me entertained for almost 2 hours. The strong point really is the big chemestry beetween Washington and Wahlberg, the two leads. Follows the rules, albeit formulaic, but it's a nice film to watch just to have a good time. Dont see any negative aspects of it. I recommend it to action comedy fans who are in desire to see an old school movie...
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Not an academy award movie, but I must say very entertaining
jpfloydster21 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is surprisingly a great low lighted action comedy that works in many more ways than "Contraband". It's a fun popcorn flick, plus it's fun to watch Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg on screen together. Overall, a fun movie to watch on a Saturday night.

Washington plays Bobby Trench, a cool customer plotting a small town bank robbery with caffeinated Michael "Stig" Stigman (Wahlberg). What neither knows is that the other is working undercover: Bobby for the DEA and Stig for U.S. Navy Intelligence. They're both on the trail of drug kingpin Papi Greco (Edward James Olmos) and the bank reportedly houses $3 million in drug money.

What confuses Bobby, Stig and the audience for a while is why their robbery nets more than $43 million. It turns out that the CIA is somehow involved, with a sweaty, sadistic agent named Earl, played by Bill Paxton, leading the pack. The Navy, represented by so-helpful-he-can't-be- trusted Quince, played by James Marsden, also wants the cash. Papi isn't happy, either. A lot of shoehorning and short cuts are required to fit all this skullduggery into one movie but it mostly works.

It's best to forget the plot and simply enjoy this bumpy, bullet-ridden ride. Washington and Wahlberg make such a wonderful team — a modern Butch and Sundance in patter and aim — that you wonder why Hollywood never thought of this pairing before. Each character has an identifying quirk: for Bobby, a collection of straw fedoras; for Stig, a punctuating wink. Mostly the actors are just having fun and it's contagious.

2 Guns is a movie based on smart callbacks and sly flip-flops of loyalty, regularly interrupted by spasms of well-staged violence. The perplexing nature of Masters' plot takes effort to sort through but sets up a terrific finale, literally a Mexican standoff between everyone wanting the money, with Bobby and Stig back-to-back in the middle, spraying gunfire in all directions. It's a dynamic sequence that, like the rest of 2 Guns, proves overkill can be amusing.
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a throw back to the days of buddy movies
sully-woodley12 February 2014
This movie is just a pure fun, plain and simple buddy movie, borderline colour by numbers.

All the elements of the 80s classics are there.. # two tough guys that don't like each other # one liners galore # shoot outs and explosions So on and so forth.

My favourite from the 80s being the classic Running Scared (1986) and this one was not far off on the action/comedy scale, Denzel was on top form even though hes practically taking a break with this compared to the Masterpieces he usually creates, Mark Wahlberg (?) again is right at home shooting bad guys and making jokes, a fine performance as far as it goes. Edaward James Alamos was great as always (loved him in Battlestar) And an old fave Bill Paxton was also amazing.

Direction was pitch perfect. Editing as great. Soundtrack was fun.

All in all a great, fun, action packed, often hilarious buddy flick that would of been right at home between 84-89.
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"I threw a bone and he followed me home."
classicsoncall23 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You might call this an 'anti-buddy' movie, since the two protagonists, Bobby 'Beans' Trench (Denzel Washington) and Michael 'Stig' Stigman (Mark Wahlberg) are eventually revealed to be using each other to bust a major drug cartel, while coming from opposite ends of their respective organizations. Bobby is really a DEA agent, while Stig is with Naval Intelligence. Even so, all is not as it appears, since both of their employers are dirty, with a third party extremely interested in the bank robbery they undertake in the town of Tres Cruces. It's the CIA whose stash of forty-three million dollars is stolen by the unorthodox duo, wise-cracking and dodging bullets along the way throughout the story. Their often-ad-libbed banter is what makes most of the picture's nearly two hour run time enjoyable, along with the unconventional methods they employ to get out of their predicaments. As it turns out, they're the only good guys in the story, since everyone around them plots to get their hands on the forty-three mil.
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A little bit of sexy, a little more violence and a whole lot of fun action
JohnRayPeterson21 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First, a note about the director, Baltasar Kormákur; he's a busy guy, very, and he's been so for a while. Had him on my radar since the 2005 film 'A Little Trip to Heaven' which I liked a lot. He did 'Contraband' with Mark Wahlberg last year, and that might explain how they are reunited in this production. In any event, directing in this movie, loaded with talent could not have been arduous.

SPOILER REMINDER; You've been warned. The full plot is somewhat complex but not convoluted. I'd capsulate it as: Homeland Inter-agencies debacle, run amok with corruption.

DEA, Naval Intelligence and CIA, not to mention the drug cartel, are all out to catch DEA's Robert Trench and Naval Intelligence's Michael Stigman, played respectively by Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlber, but mostly, they're after the $40million the two robbed from Cartel King-pin Papi Greco (Edwards James Olmos), though only a small fraction of that was Papi's. Stigman is under orders to get the money first and foremost; again, he thinks it's only about $3million. Bobby Trench is after Papi and has been for a long time. Neither Stigman nor Trench knows the other is undercover; they had recruited each other, buying in the other's cover. Turns out the loot belongs to the CIA, whose been scamming it from the Cartel and that's why Naval Intelligence is after it; well not officially, just a corrupt officer, Quince, played by James Marsden, is. Quince had managed to turn Deb, played by Paula Patton, girlfriend of Trench to the dark side by setting him up for the fall so they could get the money for themselves, but the CIA doesn't let that sort of thing slide and hard case Earl, played by Bill Paxton, the guy responsible to get the money back is in no mood to be nice to anyone.

Denzel and Wahlberg do a terrific job with their respective characters; the dialogue works very well for them and they know how to exploit it. I remember Denzel working with the luscious Paula Patton in 2006 in the movie 'Déjà Vu', which I enjoyed enough to recall to this day.

There are a few serious dramatic moments in this movie but they are kept in check and are not overplayed, just as the humoristic ones are restricted to that which the dialogue by itself brings out, quite nicely. The action binds the whole thing and that's why it was so much fun to watch this movie. You get intrigue, double cross, romance and ass kicking, all neatly tied together and well balanced, not to mention a great Mexican stand-off in the end. No talent was wasted in the making of this movie and so I recommend it if you are okay knowing all I wrote ahead of time.
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More than decent - entertaining
palavitsinis24 February 2016
Well, this movie, I was wondering how I managed to miss it when it came out. Story-wise it's OK, but the mixture of Walhberg and Washington was amazing! The acting was really good and the two types of characters they embodied were really entertaining.

This is a fun movie, packed with action and nice lines. The back and forth between the two protagonists was delightful each time they talked to each other. The duration was OK and the final outcome of the movie was also as fun as hell.

I don't know but it seems that there are some movies that are just unproblematic, fun to watch and straightforward. And this is one of the top movies in this category. Definitely worth your time.
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Exactly What I Wanted
aequitas_veritas_00729 December 2013
Film quality was great, acting on par, and action appropriately over the top but enjoyable. I had the awesome experience of watching this while pulling a 24 hour duty shift for the Army. It was exactly what I expected, and is one of the best bromance comedy-action movies of recent years. The way that Denzel W. and Mark W. banter back in forth is hilarious, and the action scenes are well shot out and entertaining at perfect levels of crazy. The characters in general in this movie are great by reaching perfect levels of what they are suppose to be in a cliché type film such as this one. They are annoying without being at the lame end of the spectrum. There is also a great level of....shall we say...bare skin to attract people in a sensual manner as well. Overall exactly what I expected in a movie of this variety, and if you want a great action flick, watch this one. I give this 8/10 stars and I will be buying this on BluRay/DVD.
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Old-school double trouble
osj250710 June 2015
This was exactly how I thought it might be, an old-school, double trouble, hard hitting, guns blazing, action comedy :) Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg actually works out quite well together, better then I had expected, their different styles goes together in each their own crazy character way and that is just fun to watch.

This was a fast moving and entertaining film in many ways, some might find it quick and dirty or even too much and superficial, but I liked it, just watch it with the promise of lots of action, big mouthing and guns blazing then you will not be disappointed that is for sure.

I don't know what else to say, then watch it, be happy and enjoy, it is what comedy action should be.
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Bullets, Banter & Betrayals
seymourblack-110 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"2 Guns" begins like a routine 1980s buddy movie with two criminals planning a bank robbery and swapping a series of witty remarks. It's soon revealed, however, that there's more to these men than meets the eye and the adventure that they get themselves into, quickly develops into an immensely entertaining, fast-paced and action-packed romp in which bullets, banter and betrayals all feature strongly.

Bobby Trench (Denzel Washington) and Michael "Stig" Stigman (Mark Wahlberg) had previously been taken in for questioning by the U.S. border patrol after trying unsuccessfully to complete a large cocaine deal with Mexican drug lord Papi Greco (Edward James Olmos). During the interview with Bobby, it was revealed that he's actually a DEA agent who's been trying to infiltrate Greco's drug cartel but in view of recent developments, his involvement with the operation is terminated. After the two men are released, Bobby goes along with Stig's plan to rob a bank in Tres Cruces because he knows Greco launders his money there and (although he isn't authorised to do so), intends to turn in his partner after the robbery and use the loot as evidence to bring Greco to justice.

The bank heist goes well but instead of the $3 million that they expected to collect, their actual haul amounts to $43.125 million. After a clean getaway, they stop in the desert and just as Bobby is about to arrest his partner, Stig shoots him in the shoulder, takes the money and rapidly absconds. It transpires that Stig is actually a Naval Intelligence Officer who was working on a special operation to steal the cartel's money to finance other future operations aimed at bringing down a series of other cartels. Stig then becomes disillusioned when his corrupt boss Lieutenant Commander Harold Quince (James Marsden) takes the money for himself and sets Stig up to be killed.

It soon comes to light that the stolen money belonged to the CIA and their psychopathic enforcer Earl (Bill Paxton) uses some vicious questioning techniques in the course of pursuing his enquiries, which amongst other things, lead him into killing Bobby's DEA boss and framing Bobby for the crime. This leaves both Bobby and Stig cut loose from the organisations that they'd worked for and being pursued by people who are out to kill them. They then take the logical course of action by joining forces to put matters right and take revenge on those who had wronged them.

Based on a "Boom! Studios" series of graphic novels written by Steven Grant, "2 Guns" boasts a nicely twisted plot, plenty of sharp dialogue and a whole collection of characters who are totally untrustworthy. Bobby and Stig had both intended to double-cross each other before their real identities were revealed, Stig was betrayed by two of his superior officers and Bobby's ex-lover, DEA Agent Deb Rees (Paula Patton) has a fling with him despite still being in a relationship with someone else and also puts his life in danger by not following through on an agreed plan of action that was linked to the Tres Cruces bank heist. With its collection of thoroughly disreputable characters and the seriously corrupt activities carried out by the DEA, CIA and Navy, "2 Guns" is an inherently cynical piece of work that's given a great deal of charm thanks to the presence of its two charismatic stars.

Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg work so well together that everything they do and say seems to be entirely natural and highly entertaining. They're also supported by a very talented supporting cast within which Bill Paxton and Edward James Olmos are absolutely outstanding.

Importantly, for this king of movie, its action sequences are all exceptionally well directed with good use made of overhead shots and great panache being displayed in its exciting climax which uses explosions, shootouts and flying bank-notes to good effect. Whilst "2 Guns" may not be a classic, it's certainly a lot of fun and could never be accused of short-changing its audience.
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Gun buddy film that I found completely ordinary
siderite25 November 2013
I was recommended this as a no bullshit film. Well, it wasn't a bullshit film, but it wasn't a very good one either. Or perhaps I am just automatically annoyed by movies about people killing and double crossing each other on a joyful American country music soundtrack. It just feels fake.

The cast is pretty good. I like Mark Wahlberg and there was a time when I liked Denzel Washington as well. Bill Paxton used to be one of my favourites as well, while the likes of James Mardsen, Fred Ward and Edward James Olmos complete the cast. However, except some bad boy posturing by Paxton and Olmos, the film is almost entirely Wahlberg and Washington. That lead me to high expectations which, unfortunately, were not met. They do a decent job with the script they have, but the story is just another heist deal with a bunch of people following and shooting each other over money.

The twists were pretty predictable, the action scenes were too over the top, while the incessant dialogue that was supposed to be funny was mostly annoying. My conclusion: average at best, but hey, friends of mine liked it.
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Mindless & Pointless. Stick on an old Lethal Weapon title instead
Info-340-3230675 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
These 2 actors are some of the best of their generations. This movie was a waste of their talent and my time; though I didn't end up richer for the privilege.

Maybe, it is because I am in my early 40's, this crash bang, buddy-buddy, stuff with no storyline and no sense and more holes than a piece emmental cheese I see this movie as, basically pointless dross.

For one example I was 17 when Lethal Weapon was released; compare and contrast. Whilst LW was, let's be honest unbelievable at some level, it was believable at the same time. A little bit of wit, some semblance of a story with good acting mixed in with fine action scenes and there you go! Where Lethal Weapon (and the sequels) got it right, this movie gets it all wrong. Flat, corny stupid. That applied to the jokes, the story, the action, and I guess the actors when they signed up for this rubbish.

Save your time and money and watch any Lethal Weapon movie for 10 times the entertainment.
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