Knight Rider (TV Series 2008–2009) Poster


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Annoyingly, this isn't actually that bad.......
majortrojan_20002 April 2016
So having been a child of the 80's where Knight Rider, The A Team, and other such Glen Larson staples were a religion for me I sat down with the full DVD season 1 box set of this remake fully prepared to growl and hate my way through the entire thing.

Annoyingly, frustratingly, and hating myself when I admit it, this wasn't actually as bad as I was expecting.

Yes granted the best way to look positively at this rendition is to not actually compare it it the first run, and especially not the god awful other attempted reboots since the ending of the 4 season run of the original.

The first second you see B list movie staple Bruce Davison in the cast list you know you aren't dealing with the likes of shawshank or schindlers list.

That not withstanding, the series itself has some amusing moments, and Val Kilmer replacing Bill Daniels as KITT isn't as bad as many would expect either.

Yes its shameless lower primetime shenanigans and is completely filled with bare skin heavy pretty girls and leading man handsome men all giving pouty looks and eyelid heavy looks just off camera at every opportunity but when its such blatant americana like it is, this can be overlooked if not forgiven.

The car itself is well designed, the mustang being a very good choice. However the transforming abilities are just a step too far for the suspension of belief for me.

A welcome return was the appearance of KARR with the original voice talents as well.

When you watch this you'll need to be aware of the first series, but try not to cast an opinion based on the warm memories you may have of it as a child.

Justin Bruening is a valiant attempt to replicate the Michael Knight character and is fleshed out in terms of back character a little more than David Hasslehoff was but still, its a channel 5 type budget show so you aren't expecting george clooney levels of talent.

Speaking of the Hoff, his cameo makes a welcome addition to the pilot and is strangely subdued and serious which you wouldn't expect.

All in all, a fun show but not one you'd really expect to be renewed even tho a second season may be fun.

Watch it on a weekend afternoon when you have nothing better to do, its really not that bad and you'll enjoy it if you want a brainless few hours just to enjoy some typical man time with cars, explosions and the like.
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Wish there was more
grlym-468498 February 2019
This is as an impressive reboot. The original was b rated and loved it anyways. This version was great too in the same manner
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Shame It Was Cancelled
tha_real_fluffy2 August 2016
I actually didn't much like the first half of the show. Having watched the original 1982 series, I immersed myself in the dynamic between Michael and KITT as they solved the cases, and only just in the last few episodes did I feel that same magic happen between Mike and KI3T. There were still plenty of moments I enjoyed, and the other side characters are all great. It was just starting to get good, and it goes and gets cancelled without even a second season. Such a shame. It's a worthy watch, if a little over the top as far as the showy tech and special effects go.

I've seen a lot of hate on this show, and honestly a lot of it is just people going "not muh" and touting the 1982 series as so much better. You know why the original seemed so much better? Characters were given room to grow, and that takes a lot of production. Knight Rider 2008 had just barely begun tapping into that potential, so of course to many it's going to fall short. This is a suitable sequel series to the original, I'm just sad it had gotten cancelled after 17 episodes.
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Not as bad as some think, but not that great either
jp757018 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
As a viewer of the original series, I was initially glad when NBC announced that Knight Rider was coming back to the small screen. But the 2-hour pilot movie was poorly paced - like a stretched-out 1-hour episode. It tried to connect with the original series by including David Hasselhoff in a very brief cameo at the very end. (SPOILER - Mike Traceur/Knight is the son of the original Michael Knight.) The new series tried to reinvent the original series while making references to the original. But in trying to please everyone, they pleased very few.

Many fans wanted another Trans-Am KITT, but since that model has been out-of-production for years, that just was not possible. I suppose using the new Chevy Camaro would have been one possibility, but since that model was heavily linked to the Transformers movie, it would have been a poor choice as well. I didn't mind using a Mustang as the new KITT and have grown to accept it. In retrospect, maybe using the Chevy Volt concept car as the new KITT could have been a possibility.

Since the producers have a deal with Ford, the new KITT now morphs into various other Ford vehicles, transformer-style. Not only is this distracting, it is such an obvious product placement as to make the show less entertaining. Some fans like this, but many have voiced their dislike of this new feature for KITT.

Acting and special effects in the first half of the season were simply awful. Student films exhibited more skill. Both acting and effects have improved somewhat but there is still room for improvement. The show's executive producer is more versed in car action movies (see "The Fast & the Furious") than he is in one-hour scripted drama.

The new show expanded the original concept into a covert government agency. Many viewers objected to this, so that storyline was changed and 3 principal cast members were written out (including, arguably, the best and most experienced actor on the show). But the show still failed to bridge the connection with the old series. There were numerous references to KARR, but when the big showdown came, it was over in 1 to 2 minutes. The "mysterious past" of the new Michael Knight - which could have been an interesting subplot - was referenced numerous times early on, then quickly explained away with little resolution.

There are fans of the new show, but far too few to justify the expense of this one-hour show's continued production. NBC ranks fourth overall of the Big 4 broadcast networks. Times are so tough for NBC Universal that they announced a $750 million budget cut in December 2008, laid off nearly 1,000 people, and have since announced a reduction in primetime scripted dramas by 5 hours each week (to be replaced with a new Jay Leno talk show at 10 PM Eastern).

In the end, the success or failure of the new Knight Rider must be based on its own merits and shortcomings, not in comparison to the original series. The new Knight Rider appeals to some, but seems to be a poorly conceived action/drama that fails to create characters we can care about. (Make no mistake, the original series was pretty cheesy, but somehow we accepted it and the characters.)

Hopefully, another more skilled production team will take Knight Rider and give it the care and attention it deserves. Maybe this would fare better on a cable channel such as SciFi (also owned by NBC Universal) if the appropriate budget and care could be devoted to it.
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sikamikaniko8 December 2009
This remake is a sacrilegious bastardization of a true TV classic. I understand that it wouldn't be feasible to have a 1982 Firebird fighting crime in 2008, but at least keep it within reason.

One of the great things about the original is that all the technologies could exist, as futuristic as they seemed back then. Not once did KITT ever turn into a Transformer. Even today, that's so far-fetched it's ridiculous.

The producers should have kept in mind the original audience of KR and catered to them. What's the point of using the KR name to develop a show that has nothing to do with the original premise? They could just as easily have called it "Fast and Furious Transforming Rider" and it wouldn't have made a difference. There's more to Knight Rider than a name and a red light on the front of a car.
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warnerdang11 February 2011
Had a lot of high hopes for this show. Terrible writing mixed in with a "transformers-esque" car. Knowing the TransAm wasn't available the Mustang was a great choice but it was over complicated.

Casting wasn't the greatest but also wasn't terrible but plot lines were not well put together or executed. Unfortunately the dismal ratings ended the show before the cast could possibly gel.

It's difficult to bring back pseudo-cult programing but it has shown to have been done successfully over the past few years. The best example may be Glenn A. Larsons Battlestar Galactica which has spawned a spin-off and a potential feature film.

If Knight Rider had taken a similar approach which was to create something new based on an old idea it may have had a shot.

Final rating: This show sucked a**
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Well that was short
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews11 March 2011
Mike is your average male heroic lead in a Hollywood production... he has no trouble with the ladies, he's defiant but wins for the good guys, and he can handle himself. Is there nothing else to him? Well, he seems to have a crush on Sarah, and the audience is meant to hope they'll get together. It'd help if the characters in this weren't so crudely drawn, nearly being caricatures. The dorky(yet hot) chick, the nerdy guy, the tough-as-nails boss, and I could go on. Acting-wise, we're not much better off. Anyway... aforementioned descendant of The Hoff is this generation's(yes, we're ignoring the '91 TV-movie... everyone is) driver for K.I.T.T., an ultra-modern car graced with its own AI, the voice of Val Kilmer, and occasionally a sense of humor. Ah, if only the funny moments of this were intentional. On the plus side, it doesn't take itself seriously, with comic book-style "villains" and plans, not unlike the vastly superior Alias. For the concept, this could(and should) have far more vehicular stuff, but what there is, is quite cool. The remixed opening theme beats the original, at least in my mind. One does have to wonder why half the one season this got did not have any faces in the credits... were they unsure if they'd stick with the cast? Technology leaps since the 80's show are taken into account. The dialog is OK. This has some nifty plots, if it is overall low on memorable content. The action is reasonably choreographed and executed. Cinematography and editing are fast-paced and at times suffers from the current infatuation with hand-held photography. At its best, this is dumb fun that you can get into quickly, and do not have to think about. But as far as that goes, you can do an awful lot better. I recommend this to those who must get into any entry in this franchise(at least it's not TKR). You shouldn't have trouble finding the episodes... they all awkwardly work in the word Knight into the title. 6/10
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Money badly spent
el-fast5 May 2009
I wondered about this show. First of all, I was rather disappointed about the car. I mean, discarding the stylish Trans Am for a mere Mustang? Just doesn't do the job. After watching KITT for a while, it turns out he can even transform in three forms, which is quite senseless and most of the time it does not even make sense... The voice of KITT is rather boring and toneless.

Then the new intro song. Normally I like remakes with a bit of a rock twitch, but this one? Rather disappointing.

Then the more important things: The stories. I watched several episodes, as I want to give it several chances, but it does not really seem to get better. The stories are rather flat and chaotic and even quite repetitive to some lengths.

The acting is most of the time either overacted, or on the contrary missing livelihood in mimics and body language.

The special effects are really well done. Alas most of the time, they do not add to the story. On the contrary even, they are too often a way to show off with the CGI capabilities.

In some fist fighting scenes, the stand-ins didn't even look like the original actors. Different size, different body mass, different colour of hair, different hairdo. Normally I do not complain about such things, but here it's embarrassingly obvious at times.

Long story short: they better had spent less money on the effects and more money on decent writings and talented actors.
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Please bring it back!
Edservin30 April 2012
I used to watch the old Knight Rider back in the 80's. I am 46 now. When I saw the new series "Knight Rider 2008" I was really happy so I watched it. I love the action, the car is OK, I got used to it. It's still a nice vehicle. And all the things it can do, I was impressed with the new stuff. Please guys, don't stick to the old concept, we are in the new century, we've got to have new stuff. Science fiction is part of the process to create things in the future. Some of them already exist.

I really enjoyed the show and I'd give it a 10. It's great for the whole family and full of action, a bit of fun, romance sparkling there, with some gorgeous girls. I think it's got something for everyone. I just don't understand why people judge so quickly and bring down the show. It really was getting better and better. It needed to create momentum. And when it was getting more addictive, someone decided to cancel. Come on producers, give it a chance again! You have no idea how that show is so liked in other countries.

I hope one day, somebody retake it again and bring it up to the next level. Knight Rider could continue with some little improvements, and make it just like the show 24, full of action that way. But keep the same actors and characters. Bring back the good ones too. Knight Rider is just like Superman, Batman and the sort, it is a legacy that can continue on forever.

I miss the show. They didn't give it a chance to grow.
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A guilty pleasure that has no business, whatsoever, in prime-time.
alanrayford19 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to lie about it. There are a lot, and I mean a lot, of things wrong with the 2008 "Knight Rider" series. Thankfully, a few of these problems were rectified by writing the characters portrayed by Bruce Davison, Yancy Arias, and Sydney Poitier off the show. I have nothing against the actors, and they've done good work in the past, but their roles were unnecessary. However, consolidating the cast was more of a drop in the bucket than a silver bullet.

The stories, while greatly improved from the beginning and still improving, aren't yet where they need to be. The acting is still too heavily steeped in cheese to be taken seriously. Worse, the saving grace of the show, the F/X devoted to KITT, are, in general, weak sauce. Regardless, in its own way, the series can be highly entertaining—if you know where to look.

The writing team could teach a doctoral level course in the art of comedic set ups and follow throughs, both intentional and unintended. Deanna Russo and Smith Cho are both attractive women and have a respectable grasp of of comic timing. Paul Campbell is also pretty funny as the perennial, squeaky voiced geek/brain. Justin Breuning is such a cookie cutter, pretty boy face smasher that it's pretty hard not to laugh—in a Johnny Bravo kid of way. Lastly is Val Kilmer as the voice of KITT. While originally, the car felt like some kind of leering, trench coat wearing perv that fixated on pheromone levels, it has been revamped into a more engaging character. But all of this doesn't come close to fixing the real problem at the heart of Knight Rider.

This show is simply not suited for a prime-time spot on a major network. While greatly improved, it still doesn't have the polish of pretty much every other show that comes on Sunday—Saturday, between 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. But if Knight Rider's time slot was late at night on the weekends, it would probably fare much better. I mean, back in the day, I used to love "Highlander". However, I knew that show could only exist on late nights during the weekends. Well, this show is pretty much in the same boat. The deficiencies which are so glaringly obvious in its current time slot would not be so, were it to come on much later, Friday through Sunday. As an added bonus, it could probably get into some darker territory, like slaving and drug addiction, and take a more realistic approach to the danger this show's character's frequently find themselves in.

So, once its eighteen episodes have finished airing, this show doesn't have to stop and it shouldn't. Oh yes, it has to be dropped by NBC and expunged from prime-time. But this doesn't have to mean hasta la vista. NBC should free the production studio behind Knight Rider to take the program and sell it off as a syndicated action show—much like the "Legend of the Seeker" currently is. I, for one, would definitely have no problem watching the further adventures of KITT and company when I was seriously winding down after a long day and didn't want to have to think too much. Matter of fact, I don't think a couple million people would mind. But eight o'clock, on Wednesday, is just too early in the day or in the week to shut my brain off enough for me to truly and fully appreciate this show for what it is...a guilty pleasure.
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Why A Remake
bazinga2318 June 2009
When I first found out that they were doing a remake to the original Knight Rider, I thought how could they do a remake of it. To me, Knight Rider is with David Hasselhoff as Michael Knight and always will be. I'm not surprised that the new version didn't make it pass Season 1. I managed to watch the 2 hours episode to promote the new version but only because David Hasselhoff makes a cameo appearances it and that was the only thing that interested in me and after that, I wasn't really bothered about watching it. Knight Rider was one of the best things that happened in the 80's and it should stay like it and plus the original Knight Rider was the one that made David Hasselhoff known for who he is.
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Pure Fun!
Togrady155 April 2009
This show is getting a bad rap for the simple reason is that people are expecting some kind of masterpiece. This show is a present time follow up to the 1982 series starring David Hasselhoff and features a futuristic car that was created to fight crime. Although it started out a little too ambitious by involving the FBI as the owners of KITT and took on story lines that were large in scope, it has now moved toward the original premise of the original with a small operation proving that one man (and a super cool car!)can make a difference.

The thing about this show is that it is just pure simple enjoyment and shouldn't be looked at for more than that. It features a cool car, doing cool things with a sexy cast that plays well together. I mean people talk about the original like it was Shakespeare or something, but in reality it was nothing more then fun as well. I mean the story lines were far fetched and gimmicky as much if not more then this series, but the 2008 version constantly gets knocked for it. My advice to anyone that watches this show is to put away any pretentious preconceptions of what it is "supposed" to be and sit back and enjoy the ride. Television is supposed to be a fantasy diversion from our hectic lives and that is exactly what this show provides.
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Great show. Should have giving it a chance
dvdking4420 October 2012
Some of the reviews on here are crazy. This series was good. i love the original and i love when the brought it back. keep your mind open people. Everything does not have to be just like the original. If it was then why remake it anyway? I hate the series ended so soon. it was nice to see KIT back in action. Good TV. But everyone only want to see stupid reality shows that is not reality at all. Fighting and cursing. Just my opinion but lets keep an open mind. Knight rider was a classic but this remake was good for TV. To bad the rest of you don't think the same but hey lest's watch flavor of love now thats TV. LOL. Peace out Bitches.
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So so bad
endlessname28 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is horrific. The actors feel like characters from a bad video game. The action is cheap and predictable. The target for this show seems to be the 5 - 10 year old audience.

KITT is now a Ford Mustang. There are so many options for a great car these days. But since the car had to be American, I guess they had to go with this. Although when it transformed it looks a hell of a lot like a Nissan Skyline GTR.

Worst part of all this is KITT is voiced by Val Kilmer! The intro from the original series is much more entertaining than the whole season of this new series. I don't know why these networks keep canceling great original idea TV shows (Firefly, Kings) and destroying good old shows by recreating previous great shows on such a cheap and bad scale.

I hope this gets canceled or they bring in some new actors and writers for the next season.
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The knight life.
pugnanspm21 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I got enough of people insulting the new show and rating it low in comparison with the original. First of all: the ridiculously stupid and random twists and subplots of shows like Lost and Heroes aren't examples of good writing. By the way, the few good ideas behind Heroes are a total rip-off from X-Men. Then: the original show was fun, I loved it as a kid, I sincerely enjoy it today. But it was just that. The scripts were campy to say the least, with holes and non-sense everywhere. The characters were... a talking car. Nothing else, Michael Knight was just optional. The new show, also, is just fun. A talking car, a funny character for Michael Knight, punch lines and that's all we need. This new show delivers some good action, not too much, funny lines and even some acceptable (and advanced) visual effects. I like it just like i liked the old one. And by the way: KITT has to be a cool car that you can expect to see everyday, like it was the Trand Am, like it is the new Mustang. Great choice
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Bring back Bruce!!!
morpheusatloppers12 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
New Knight Rider is no worse than old Knight Rider - but it could have been BETTER. Having got rid of Bruce Davison, the HQ feels EMPTY. And while I approve of losing Big Brother, the new, sleek, downsized team seems a bit lost.

The premise is ludicrous of course - an operation like KITT would cost serious money - and full of holes - what is the PURPOSE of the giant hanger? (Presumably it's an old airship hanger - it LOOKS great, but we haven't seen it USED in ANY way).

But the MAIN failing is the WRITING. ALL TV shows that want to truly entertain, need WRITING - even lightweight "fun" dramas. America has produced PLENTY of shows where the premise was absurd, but the attention was drawn by superior DIALOGUE. Even low-brow series can entertain if the WORDS are there.

And there IS still POTENTIAL here. Val Kilmer hits the right note, Smith Cho is Gorgeous and even the guys have their moments. The SFX is superior and while the product placement is a little invasive, it PAYS for the damn thing - deal with it!

So get NEW WRITERS - and have them write BRUCE back in. I know he's dead, but if Bobby can wake up in the shower...
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Feels like TKR and lasted as long
neacorp8 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, the new series felt like TKR in so many aspects, but the writers didn't do their homework, and like TKR it also was an unsuccessful spin-off. That wasn't even a big shocker really.

The first half of the series was horrid and seamed like a crossbreed between the original series 100 words or less plot summary and the "Transformers" live action movie it was inspired on. Seriously. The transformers were a cool brand name and many people paid to see the movie once. But there is a difference of success in profit, and success in making something we would watch again. The first halve of the series had too many subplots, adult teasing in every episode and one big fiction no sense conspiracy. Its literally "writers gone wild".

The original KITT was a simple car with an integrated super PC and extra features, all covered in an invisible armor jell or something like that. The new KITT was anything but simple. Many features seamed too appear out of nowhere and were never seen again when needed. Is the new transforming shell liquid like in the film, or plate? Sometimes the system couldn't do simple things like visually track planes through a satellite, but the next time it seamed like they could hack pentagon. That got really annoying really fast.

When the viewers got fed up of this (insert your emotion response here) and made it clear to stop watching an insult to the original series, the writers realized they were so close to getting fired, they finally started to take it seriously and went to what we were expecting. The cast went down to 4 main human characters and became more about a regular detective show. Some of the episodes after the KARR battle were good to watch, but it was too late and had the writers done so in the first place, the series might have lived for another season or two.

In TKR I really liked not only the new cars (more than one) special abilities, personalities (yeah, they could simulate emotions), but mostly the vertical flight super plane. The practical idea of the original knight semi was something we all wanted to do at least once in our lives. Here we were given almost no practical effects, just plane effect. Explain to me how spinning KITT helps scanning the exterior? Explain to me what happened to the pilot who wanted to bail out of the carrier plane and why did the carrier plane explode in the first place? You cant without using the words "writer", "looks cool" and "developer".

Worst of all the series had some of the original development crew form the original series. I kept asking myself, what happened to these people? Why did they make this so different from the original that we can't recognize it? Did they stood up and tried to make a change before the verdict on the show was made? So many questions.

Maybe it's me, but it seams like there is a failure curse on all the Knight Rider spin-offs. Hell, they even didn't beat TKRs 22 episode marker. Really sad.
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Does not have the heart and soul of the original!
ShelbyTMItchell7 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
OK in a recent review, the original show had cheesiness but also it had the heart and soul. And did not take itself so seriously like the new show seemed to. Or better yet, tried way to hard to.

As you can never replace the Hoff as Justin Bruening not the best actor but he has wit like David Hasselhoff, who's Michael Knight is Bruenings TV father.

Bruening is OK. Val Kilmer has the hard task to replace witty William Daniels as the voice of the new Kitt, this time instead of a Pontiac Black Top, it is a Chevy Mustang.

Even though they made cast changes in the middle of their only season and trying to get to where they needed to be. Still, there could be only one Knight Rider!
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American series-making at its worst?
jhoeboer-11 March 2009
I just watched an episode of the Knight Rider 2008-series and after about 10 min I couldn't help but laugh while at the same time trying to suppress the pain in my brains.

This show has so many glaringly obvious problems. I love the old show and although it also had the occasional badly or cheesy written episode it always did it with heart. You cared about Bonny and Devon and you liked them as characters.

The new show: 1. Poor script writing with characters dropping in and out in ways that make it nearly impossible to suspend disbelief as well as loopholes in the script so big even KITT couldn't turbo-boost over them.

2. Very! poor dramatic implementation of dialogue. Example: Michael and his esteemed colleague are in KITT while napalm heats up the car to the point where they'll either die of overheating or running out of oxygen. Does the scriptwriter try to convey the panic of that moment? Not at all. Instead, we are "treated" with smug comments from totally irrelevant "team" members whose only job seems to be making said smug comments instead of actually energetically working out a plan to save their lives from getting snuffed out.

This could be mistaken for tongue in cheek comedy but in my eyes its just a sign of inadequacy.

3. Over the top reliance of the director on fast camera movements and CGI effects to past it all together. Seriously, after watching the show for 15 min my eyes were basically hurting. It's like they were trying to make a 45 min long videoclip instead of reserving the fast-paced action shots for when it really mattered: the action scenes.

And what is it with US film/series makers and their ill-conceived ideas about visible lasers in broad daylight in a dust-free environment anyway? I know it's supposed to be a semi-scifi show but really they should give the people in the US film industry a speed course in basic physics.

4. Totally irrelevant characters. It's great one geek has 6 Phds in advanced sciences and its equally great another character can speak 9 languages but despite all of these "assets" they're totally irrelevant to the show and more a nuisance than anything else.

The end result? I give it 4 for effort but for the rest they failed miserably. And that's even without knocking the developers on the head for the blatant "lets do some product placement for Ford" kind of thing.
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Knight Industries Three Thousand
suchetvguha10 February 2019
You folks at NBC really NEED to bring this show back. You did not give this show a chance. You pulled it after 17 episodes, not even the complete 22 episodes as first ordered. SHAME ON YOU!!! To us the fans of Knight Rider of Knight Industries Two Thousand a 1982 Pontiac Firebird and David brought back to us our youth by giving us the 2008 version. Sure it was a Mustang, we...GOT USED TO IT!!.....The stories were Ok. Could be improved on....BUT you NEVER intended to give this a chance!!! Now this is 2019 and WE WOULD APPRECIATE IF YOU BRING THIS BACK!!! Stop taking away from viewers stuff because some idiot decided that is so! Did you bother asking your viewers what THEY THINK????
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Started strong, went out with a whimper
jamvikt23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This show started so well; they initiated a story based on the same inventor creating a new KITT and then recruiting Michael Knight's son as well as surrounding the lead with supporting characters that could also have their own backstories, it really had a great foundation (no pun intended). And KITT was really cool, he morphed into a battle mode that was plausible via nanites. Alas, they couldn't get a good story established so half way through the season they wrote out many characters and turned KITT into a Transformer (a cargo van?! What?). Then they brought back KARR in a weak effort to put some excitement into the season to avoid cancellation. It didn't work. Hoping something can be done in the future.
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A let down and then some
mark-mcphee21 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
So, when this first came out, there was a hope for a good show. Unfortunately several things let it down. 1. A very poor cast and terrible acting. 2. The show tried to incorporate too many characters and had poor scripts trying to fit them all in on each episode. In addition, the show went from One Man helping people to grand stories involving governments and end-of-the-world stories. 3. Terrible CGI and instead of using the nano skin concept from the pilot they went down the Transformers route. Any way for Ford to get as many of their models into the show, same thing happened in Team Knight Rider.

The show did get better towards the end of it's run once they killed off a lot of the cast and got back to the premise of one man and one car with a small group of supporting cast. Had the show ran it's full episode amount for the first season, it may have got more viewers and made it to a second season. A lot of interesting story lines were started, but some where left unfinished, others rushed to conclusion. They did miss out on, what could have been a great 2 part episode, when the introduced K.A.R.R. Unfortunately making it a robot, aka a Transformer, and having probably the worst CGI I have seen outside of a B-Movie Sci-Fi special, created a major let down. Had this episode been up to the expectations of the fans, it may have saved the show as it was the jump off point where the show got back to the story lines of the original.

Only 2 things were good in this show. Val Kilmer as K.I.T.T and the Mustang.

Next time, leave Ford and the writers of this incarnation, out of the equation and we could have a good show.
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knight rider is most enjoyable show in a long time
bigjase3610 November 2009
what more could you ask for. its got a gorgeous good looking sexy cast and a gorgeous good looking sexy car. storyline is lighthearted and not meant to be taken serious. i mean how much further can you take the storyline of a crimefighting team and a super-car. car and man get mission to stop bad guy and man and car go out and stop bad guy. its got action, jokes, humour and i even had a tear in my eye at some points. cast are great and all gel really well. the original show was good and now they have just updated it and made it better. just don't take the show too serious, sit down, relax and just enjoy the show. i hope there is a 2nd season as it deserves one
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This version is out as gas
afijamesy2k6 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I Was on the internet eating potato chips after seeing knight rider, my stomach was feeling a little queasy, the feeling worsen as the KITT 3000 Mustang drove in the road and went turbo boost, but talk about an adventure show without a talking car, knight rider, the fifth in a series of knight rider television franchises is dead in the water, the original Knight rider created by glen l. Larson remains a classic tale, the shows pacing, morose techno music score and performances by the cast are forever ingrained in show lore, the others a spinoff called code of vengence (1985-1986), knight rider 2000 (1991), knight rider 2010 (1994) and team knight rider (1997) need not be discussed.

Keep in mind that in each show, the car was dispatched in some new and some spectaular method, so you'd think that by 2008, supposed a quater century since michael long was killed and revived by the ordeal himself as michael knight, the bullet nose big guy would leave kitt in peace, not pieces.

Come on.

Now the son of knight takes over for his daddy and goes on a new adventure, too bad the acting is bad and the talents (davison and kilmer) are wasted and the car also looks terrible, in the original knight rider, the car was sleek and beautiful, this new version (by the way I Love ford mustangs) may look sleek and beautiful, but it's awful, except the attack mode front bumper which was hot), even the CGI Effects are horrible and the ending of this premiere is the worst in recent TV history, Michael knight gets shot down by the FBI, Moments later, he is revived.

This show should be dumped for good.

It's hard to believe that this decade of TV has not been good at all and this should add to this.

This is just plain trash.
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What went wrong..
dtango-9024822 October 2017
So if you liked the Old Knight Rider..When it was first proposed to Universal Studios They had the Pilot and 2 episodes..Universal denied the series due to the cost of the New 3rd Generation Firebirds..Just before they Cancelled it ..There was a Horrible Train accident in the General Motors Train yard in Van Nuys CA..Over 200 new Firebirds were Damaged..Last minute Universal Studios bought the cars and Knight Rider went on for 6 seasons..I'm guessing the new Knight Rider series went thru the same problem..Mainly going thru the Recession I know Ford Motor Corp.helped out..Doing a Motion Picture is a one time Vehicle Expense..When you have a TV series that is based on Cars gets CRAZY stunt drivers/ permits..etc..Too Bad i really liked the New Series..
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