Fired Up! (2009) Poster


Eric Christian Olsen: Nick Brady



  • Nick Brady : I think our bus crashed and we're in heaven.

    Shawn Colfax : No, we would've heard "We are crashing, we we are crashing"

  • Nick Brady : [trying to talk his way out of football camp]  So not only yesterday do I find out I'm adopted. The people I've been calling "Mom" and "Dad" are actually two infertile impostors who bought me outside of a meth clinic in Cincinatti for two boxes of Sudafed, but I also get this news dropped on me - my birth father, Bruce... well he needs a kidney and I'm the only match and apparently Bruce needs it "stat". Mmm-hmm. You need it stat, Bruce? Huh? Well maybe I needed a father stat instead of my stay-at-home dad who showers me with love everyday of his life, this goddamn spermless liar!


    Nick Brady : So now I have to be at Kaiser Permanente at 6 a.m. tomorrow. I know, Bruce couldn't even afford a real hospital... managed care. Ironic, isn't it? He never *managed* to care for me.

  • Nick Brady : Bottomless breadsticks only keep you at the Olive Garden for so long, until at some point you look up and say 'Why the hell am I at the Olive Garden with all these fat people?'

  • Nick Brady : I'm too straight to be gay. I could suck knob and still be straight. I could have one in my mouth and two in each hand and still win a straight award.

  • Jennifer : Hey, Nick!

    Nick Brady : [aside to Shawn]  Name, name, I need a name.

    Shawn Colfax : Jennifer.

    Nick Brady : Jennifer! Hi, how are ya?

    Jennifer : I'm great, really great. Are you going to the bonfire tonight?

    Nick Brady : You know it! I was just saying to my boy Shawn here, I can not wait to go to the bonfire tonight so I can hang out with...

    Shawn Colfax : [whispers]  Jennifer.

    Nick Brady : [sings]  Jennifer.

    Jennifer : I'll see you tonight.


    Nick Brady : Okay, Jennifer.

    Shawn Colfax : It's not that hard a name to remember.

    Nick Brady : C'mon, I went out with her last semester. After thirty days the name gets erased from my brain to make room for new ones. There's like three thousand kids at this school!

    Shawn Colfax : So why can't you just remember more names?

    Nick Brady : I don't know how it works, bro, talk to tech-support.

  • Nick Brady : I wonder if her carpet matches my drapes.

  • Nick Brady : Hiya, Dick.

    Dr. Rick : It's Rick!

    Nick Brady : Ah, sorry, I don't know why I keep doing that. You just look like such a *dick* to me.

  • [from the trailer] 

    Nick Brady : What are you doing later?

    Diora : Not you.

  • Nick Brady : Hi, Carly.

    Carly : [sarcastically]  I know, it's the most beautiful name you've ever heard, my eyes look like forever, and you love every bone in my body, especially yours!

    Nick Brady : No, but that's a good one, do you mind if I use it?

  • Poppy : Tell ya what. I'll teach you some basic cheerleader moves. Hi v's. Low v's. Touchdown. Baskets.

    Nick Brady : Whoa whoa whoa. Don't the guys just throw the girls up and catch 'em?

    Poppy : Pretty much, eh. But I'll let you practice on me and tell you what they're called. In exchange... I get Shawn's room.

    Shawn Colfax : [simultaneously]  No.

    Nick Brady : Done!

    Poppy : Those are my terms. Take them or get out.

    Shawn Colfax : [simultaneously]  We'll get out!

    Nick Brady : We'll take 'em!

    Shawn Colfax : Dude! I've got my own bathroom.

    Nick Brady : Dude, after cheer camp you won't even need your own bathroom.

    Shawn Colfax : What? What does that even mean?

  • Nick Brady : What makes this girl so great, bro?

    Shawn Colfax : I don't know, there's just something about her. You know, when she bumped into me on the bus. Or, uh, when I saw her reading that book. She orders pudding for dessert.

    Nick Brady : OK, now you're just listing things that people do.

    Shawn Colfax : No I'm not!... Sometimes she writes with a pencil.

  • Nick Brady : [Nick and Shawn are cooking and watching TV in the kitchen]  Oh, look at that hottie, I wonder what she wants to do with her life?

    Shawn Colfax : What?

    Nick Brady : You know how Bianca wants to go to cooking school and Silvi wants to be a pilot... and... Oh, my God, I actually know these girls, as like friends, and I care? I'm becoming a fully formed person with like sensitivity and empathy!


    Nick Brady : Alright, I'm a person!

    [looks at the woman in a bathing suit on TV] 

    Nick Brady : Oww, look at the pooper on that one! I could rest my beer on that shit.

    Shawn Colfax : And you're back. What kind of dressing goes on Greek salad?

    Nick Brady : Olive oil, top shelf.

  • Nick Brady : Dude, why didn't you tell me you're gay? I would've been totally okay with that. Paint with all the colors of the wind and whatnot.

    Downey : Wait, you're straight?

    Nick Brady : [laughs uncomfortably, then stops abruptly]  Yes.

    Downey : But what about your diary? And then you asked for my beads and you stuck them in your mouth...

    Nick Brady : I thought it was a bracelet!

    Downey : Why would you stick a bracelet in your mouth?

    Nick Brady : I don't know!

    Downey : The closet door is made of all different kinds of wood, my brother.

    [leans in closer] 

    Downey : All kinds...

    [Downey slaps Nick's ass and leaves] 

    Nick Brady : Ahh... God, that is *so* awkward.

  • Ms. Klingerhoff : Don't judge a book by its cover, Carly. You never really know what a book is about 'til you get to... page 50!

    Nick Brady : 50? I wouldn't have guessed a page over 40.

    Shawn Colfax : More like 35.

  • Nick Brady : How'd you two crazy kids meet, Rick?

    Dr. Rick : It's a funny story actually. Our parents knew each other from way back... and they introduced us.

    Shawn Colfax : Whoo. Not that funny a story. Not even a story really, just like a fact.

  • Nick Brady : Mopey, I'm talking to you. You've been sitting out here staring into space for like two hours.

    Shawn Colfax : [checks watch]  It's been five minutes.

    Nick Brady : Really? That was five minutes? Wow, I guess I really do suck in bed.

  • Nick Brady : I could be watching a Project Runway marathon with Nathan Lane under my dress and STILL win a straight award!

  • Coach Keith : How do you spell 'fired up'?

    Cheerleaders : F! U!

    Shawn Colfax : Not really...

    Nick Brady : Uh-uh.

  • Nick Brady : [about cheer camp]  Tell you what, man, that'd be the place to be.

    Shawn Colfax : Instead of sweating our balls off in the desert with Coach Shit-Shit.

    Nick Brady : ... So let's go?

    Shawn Colfax : What?

    Nick Brady : Let's go to cheer camp, lets be cheerleaders!

    Shawn Colfax : Cheerleaders? Oh, my God, are you coming out to me? I am so proud of you, man! And you know what, on some level I kinda always knew.

    Nick Brady : Would you shut up? I'm too straight to be gay. I could suck knob and still be straight. I could have one in my mouth and two in each hand and still win a straight award.

    Shawn Colfax : [grossed out]  Alright...

  • Nick Brady : Let's bet how many times he says 'shit.' I say seven.

    Shawn Colfax : No way. Ten.

    Nick Brady , Shawn Colfax : Hey coach!

    Coach Byrnes : You shitheads think you're the shit? That you don't need to pay attention out there? I'll kick the shit outta ya! You pumped for football camp?

    Shawn Colfax : Eh, I guess so.

    Nick Brady : Yeah, two weeks without girls. Who wouldn't be pumped?

    Coach Byrnes : Don't mess with me shitdick! I'm gonna push ya like you've never been pushed before. Your muscles will ache, your head will throb. You're gonna shit blood out of holes you never knew you had.

    Nick Brady : Well at least we're gonna be in Daytona Beach.

    Coach Byrnes : No no. They changed it up this year. Camp's gonna be in El Paso, Texas. Hotter than your shithole. We're gonna get you shits conditioned! Bus leaves Monday at o' shithundred hours.

    Nick Brady : Which is...?

    Coach Byrnes : 4:45 am.

    Nick Brady : Of course.

    Shawn Colfax : Unusual.

    Nick Brady : Mmhm.

    Coach Byrnes : Skip your morning shit and get down there.

    Nick Brady : Ten 'shits'. You win. How do you always KNOW?

    Shawn Colfax : It's a gift. I'm not proud of it.

  • Shawn Colfax : Hiya sis!

    Poppy : Why am I looking at you? Speak!

    Nick Brady : [patronizing]  Poppy, you're getting so big now! How old are you?

    Poppy : I'm 60. Can we get past the small talk? The only time you and my brother come to see me is when you need something. What? Tug mags? Mike's Hard Lemonade?

    [looking at Nick] 

    Poppy : Another ride to the clinic?

    Nick Brady : [appalled whisper]  Poppy!

  • Nick Brady : Look at that, huh? We're all here thinking inside the box, and you're outside of it, playing a little game of 'What If.' Gorgeous AND brilliant. The triple threat.

  • Brewster : I have not been skinny dipping since Indian scouts!

    [takes his underwear off and starts swinging his hips around] 

    Brewster : Nobody look! Windmill!

    Nick Brady : We're leaving our underwear on bro! We talked about this, remember?

    Brewster : You talked. I listened.

    [swinging his hips in different ways while the rest of the group looks away] 

    Brewster : Paint the fence. Cutting the cake. Hangman's noose. Hangman's noose!

  • Dr. Rick : [holding up his hands]  If these weren't tools for healing, I would crack you in the jaw.

    Nick Brady : YOU'RE a tool for healing.

  • Dr. Rick : I'll be watching you.

    Shawn Colfax : Yeah. That's exactly what an audience member does at a performance-based event.

    Carly : [to Rick]  Just go sit down.

    Dr. Rick : [makes 'my eyes are on you' gesture]  Robert DeNiro, Meet the Parents reference. LOVE IT.

    Nick Brady : [as Rick walks away]  God he seems great.

    Shawn Colfax : Really nice!

    Nick Brady : Mm, I like him.

  • Nick Brady : Remember when I pretended to be really into Nickelback for that senior chick?

    Shawn Colfax : God they suck.

    Nick Brady : So did she.

    [holds up hand for high five] 

    Nick Brady : Up top!

    Shawn Colfax : Dude. I am not gonna high five you for a BJer you got a year ago.

    Nick Brady : [high fives self] 

    Shawn Colfax : Doesn't count.

    Nick Brady : [grabs Shawn's hand and high fives his own hand] 

    Shawn Colfax : NO!

  • Nick Brady : [to guy in Eagle mascot costume]  'Sup Eagle?

    Brewster : Oh, mascots don't talk. They just gesture.

    Nick Brady : Even... in their bunks?

    Brewster : The whole time, babygirl... It's total immersion!

  • Shawn Colfax : I think you're being a little dramatic.

    Nick Brady : Well, I have never...!

  • Diora : Welcome to day one, everybody. Let's start with a warm-up run.

    Nick Brady : God, she's such a fox. I guarantee I'm gonna tap that before we leave.

    Shawn Colfax : Dude, she's married, and like 30 years old.

    Nick Brady : That's just how I like them, ancient and regretful.

  • [Dr. Rick reveals that Nick and Shawn are in the camp just to get girls. Carly is furious. Rick reads Nick's diary aloud to humiliate him] 

    Dr. Rick : "Cheer camp, day one. The sun rises in the summer sky like Rembrandt's brush on a dogwood branch." Ha-ha-ha. Queeratron. Ha-ha-ha.

    [Nick approaches Rick angrily] 

    Nick Brady : Let's go. Give it to me.

    [Rick's burly friends stop Nick] 

    Dr. Rick : [continues reading from Nick's diary]  "And thereby Diora"...

    [Rick sees that Diora stands nearby and points at her. She is surprised to hear what he reads from Nick's diary] 

    Dr. Rick : ..."I lie awake thinking, will I ever say "Diora", as a whisper in an ear? Will she ever say "I love you", in a moment with a tear?"

    [Nick charges at Rick, but again Rick's burly friends stop him until Rick reads more. Finally Nick gets the diary back] 

    Nick Brady : Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

    Shawn Colfax : Carly, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.

    Carly : Just leave, okay? Just leave like you always planned on doing.

    Shawn Colfax : Carly, please, let me explain. Give me just one second.

    [Rick and Carly walk away, Rick hugging her shoulder] 

    Dr. Rick : See you later, high school.

    [Diora approaches Nick] 

    Nick Brady : I didn't write that. I bought the book. It was in there.

    Diora : It was beautiful. Thanks.

    [Diora kisses Nick on the cheek and walks away. Nick is stunned, for anything he tried so far did not impress Diora] 

    Nick Brady : Wow, I never really thought of that one. Using one's true feelings to wrangle snooch. So simple.

  • [Nick and Shawn are running through campus naked when Coach Keith approaches them] 

    Coach Keith : Holt!

    Coach Keith : What do you two think you are doing? It's way past curfew.

    Nick Brady : We were just...

    [Nick and Shawn grab pom poms in front of them to cover up their privates] 

    Shawn Colfax : Practicing.

    Nick Brady : Yeah.

    Coach Keith : Naked?

    Shawn Colfax : Yeah, we like to do cheers in the nude, so that they really sink in.

    Nick Brady : That way our bodies learn them as well as our minds.

    [Nick and Shawn laugh] 

    Coach Keith : That's very crazy of you. I like it! Proceed.

    Shawn Colfax : Proceed with what? Running away?

    Coach Keith : No, with the cheer, you goose!

    Nick Brady : Don't you want to wait for another coach? Or a witness?

    Coach Keith : [yelling]  5, 6, 7, 8!

    [Nick and Shawn start cheering together in the nude] 

    Nick Brady : Ready?

    Shawn Colfax : Okay!

    Shawn Colfax : [going through cheering routine]  Hey, Tigers!

    Nick Brady : Yeah!

    Shawn Colfax : Hey, Tigers!

    Nick Brady : Yeah!

    Nick Brady , Shawn Colfax : What do we like to eat? Panther meat!

    Nick Brady : I said, hey, Tigers!

    Shawn Colfax : Yeah!

    Nick Brady : Hey, Tigers!

    Shawn Colfax : Yeah!

    Nick Brady , Shawn Colfax : What do we like to do? Defeat!

    Shawn Colfax : Dude, your crank shaft!

    [Nick covers his penis with his pom poms] 

    Nick Brady , Shawn Colfax : Orange, Black, and White Unite! Tigers, Tigers, fight fight fight!

    Shawn Colfax : Tail pipe!

    [Nick covers his butt with his pom poms] 

    Coach Keith : Your counts are off, your spacing is insane, and your moves are sloppier than a kiss from a midshipman!

  • Shawn Colfax : I know you want to be here, because you finish last every single year, but you still keep coming back! Even if it means taking endless shit from total dong-knockers like the Panthers!

    Sylvia : I wanna cut the blonde one!

    Nick Brady : What?

    Sylvia : What?

    Nick Brady : What?

    Sylvia : ...I'm just saying.

  • Nick Brady : Do not poop where you eat, remember? That's why there are no restaurants called "The Bathroom."

  • Nick Brady : [checking out Dr. Rick's ride]  What is with that car?

    Shawn Colfax : Maybe he just won an LPGA tournament.

  • Nick Brady : We're doing a lot of talking during the routine. I'm new, but this seems like a lot of talking during the routine.

  • [Nick and Shawn walk at night. They see Diora dumping garbage. Nick approaches her] 

    Nick Brady : [pants]  Diora! God, it is you. The way the moonlight caught your cheek for a second there, I thought you were an angel.

    Diora : [sarcastically]  Nope, just the head counselor who decides whether or not to make you run laps all tomorrow.

    Nick Brady : [giggles foolishly]  God, I love it, huh? A little back and forth, witty repartee, Hepburn and Tracy.

    Diora : I'm not 16, kiddo. Run along and play.

    [Diora walks away] 

    Nick Brady : Still with the witty repartee, that's terrific. You win this round, Miss Tracy.

    Diora : [without turning back]  Hepburn was the girl.

    Nick Brady : Ding, ding. Knockout.

    [Nick walks away frustrated] 

    Nick Brady : [to himself]  It shouldn't be this hard, she's like 100 years old.

  • [Nick approaches Diora] 

    Nick Brady : Hi.

    [Diora is not excited to listen to Nick's lame pick-up lines] 

    Nick Brady : Listen, I don't know if I've told you this yet... but your coaching, I mean, it's been incredible. And whatever happens between us, you've made me a better cheerleader. And for that, I owe you...

    [Diora reaches for Nick's mouth] 

    Diora : You have some food in your teeth.

    Nick Brady : [foolishly]  Eh?

    Diora : And your pecs are uneven. Make sure you don't favor one side.

    [Diora walks away] 

    Nick Brady : Always coaching. Ha-ha-ha. God bless you!

    [Diora does not bother to turn back] 

    Nick Brady : Why can't I crack this?

  • Diora : [breathes heavily]  Meet me on Taryn Field tonight after the competition. Bring your diary.

    Nick Brady : Only if you bring the dance in your step like a shimmering nymph traveling the back of the wind.

    [Nick walks away smiling. Diora moans excitedly. Nick looks back and waves to her] 

  • [after Carly dumps Rick, he tries to punch Shawn but hits Nick. Nick collapses. Diora rushes to help him] 

    Diora : You okay?

    Nick Brady : [smiles painfully]  Nothing a kiss can't fix.

    Diora : [whispers]  Wait till tonight.

  • [Nick and Shawn go to register. They approach Diora, a beautiful woman whose tight red shirt is open enough to show off her cleavage] 

    Diora : Hi. What squad are you on?

    [Nick and Shawn get closer to Diora. Nick looks at her nametag] 

    Nick Brady : Diora? I believe that's Italiano for 'beautiful princess'.

    Diora : [unimpressed]  No.

    Nick Brady : Well, it should be, I'm calling the dictionary people.

    Diora : What squad are you on?

    Shawn Colfax : The Tigers, Gerald R. Ford High.

    Nick Brady : Below-average president, above-average student body.

    [Diora writes down their names] 

    Nick Brady : So... what are you doing later?

    Diora : [puckers her lips]  Not you.

    Nick Brady : [giggles foolishly]  What about accents? You like Aussies? You wanna wear my leather hat?

    Diora : [turns to the mascots]  Mascots, I'll be checking you in ten minutes at the mascot table.

    [Diora turns back to Nick and Shawn] 

    Diora : Why are you still here?

    Nick Brady : You like canopy beds?

  • Nick Brady : Poppy, you got yourselves a deal. Teach us, we go see Carly.

    Poppy : Whoa! Wrong, Gossip Girl!

  • Nick Brady : We're gonna go catch an old Bears game.

    Nick Brady , Shawn Colfax : Gooooo Bears!

  • Shawn Colfax : So what exactly are we going to say to Coach Shit-for-Words to get out of football camp?

    Nick Brady : What every kid says to get out of everything he doesn't want to do.

    [speaking to Coach Byrne] 

    Nick Brady : So not only do I find out yesterday I'm adopted, the people I've been calling 'mom' and 'dad' are actually infertile impostors who bought me outside of a meth clinic in Cincinatti for two boxes of Sudafed, but I also get this news dropped on me: my birth father, Bruce, he needs a kidney and I'm the only match! And apparently Bruce needs it stat. Mhm, you need it stat, Bruce? HUH? Well maybe I needed a father stat, instead of this stay-at-home-dad who showers me with love every day of my life this goddamn spermless liar! So now I gotta be at Kaiser Permanente tomorrow at 6:00 am. I know. Bruce couldn't even afford a real hospital. Managed care. It's ironic, huh? He never managed to care for me.

    Coach Byrnes : Are you shittin' me? Are you saying you can't go to football coach?

    Nick Brady : Yeah, but don't make me say it, coach. It's eating me up inside.


    Nick Brady : It's eating me up.

  • Nick Brady : Humans are the only species that CAN lie. Except for maybe chameleons. Ooh, and possums. They play dead.

  • Coach Keith : Well well well. If it isn't a pair of wolves in cheer clothing! What part of 'the next time I see your punnim they'll be on the moon' didn't you understand?

    Nick Brady : Um, like... the whole thing?

  • Shawn Colfax : [on the football field]  What do you wanna do?

    Nick Brady : That brunette in the third row.

See also

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