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sadagar6 December 2008
Being lucky, I already saw "Yes Man" and was pleasantly surprised. Jim Carrey is not really my all time favorite (despite his comic talent and acting skills), but in this movie he seems to have hit the spot.

The story itself is really simple: Carl (Jim Carrey), a very negative man, goes to a meeting among the very positive Yes people, whose charismatic leader (Terence Stamp) preaches that one should say Yes to all questions and agree with all propositions. Carl is reluctantly convinced to try it out, and after meeting a girl on a scooter (the ever so lovely Zooey Deschanel) all sorts of things start happening around him. But being 100% positive might be tricky sometimes...

It is all very silly, of course - but this feel-good comedy has a small undertone of seriousness as well. And it has a great cast, many delightful scenes, a reasonably relaxed Jim Carrey and a lighthearted style. Y/N? I say Y.
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Say yes!
dead4754820 December 2008
Yes Man follows the same basic genre comedy structure that we've seen an endless amount of times in the past few years. The main character has a big problem, they work to solve that problem, the problem is solved and happy times are had. Then another problem arises as a result to the solution to the original problem. So everyone is sad. But then that problem is solved and everyone lives happily ever after. And there's a message about how to live your life sprinkled in there. For every single comedy in the past few years with that structure, I've gotten so bored by the time it's over because I just lose interest when the drama comes in during the third act. I either don't care about the characters or I don't care about the message.

Every comedy except for this one. Not only did I care about the characters so much (thanks mostly to the performances from Jim Carrey and Zooey Deschanel who put a beautiful, free-spirited romance at the core of this seemingly typical comedy) that I was emotionally impacted during that predictable turn for the worse near the end, but the message of the film was actually something that I found relatable to my own life which is something I've never experience during these kind of comedies. I'm definitely a man who doesn't really live his life (as cheesy as that sounds) because I isolate myself by making excuses to just be alone and not be with anyone. As a result, I was definitely more invested in this film than I have been with other comedies of the same vein.

Add to all this the fact that it's completely hilarious throughout to the point where I have no hesitation in calling it the funniest movie of the year and easily the best straight comedy (not that there have been many good ones; three by my count). Plus, of course, Zooey Deschanel is absolutely infectious in every moment she's on screen (especially her lovely singing). I love her more than air, and this is just another example of why that love is justified. Call it fanboyism if you must, but she's my #2 of the year in supporting actress right now falling second only to the Cruz. In summation, do yourself a favor and say yes to this great comedy.

I'm so sorry, I had to say it.
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Yes Man
Davide7431 December 2008
I always get excited about a new Jim Carrey movie. In my opinion, he has rarely done anything unwatchable in whatever genre from The Mask to Liar Liar via Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind. Yes Man is an excellent feel-good comedy with an outstanding turn from Jim Carrey, Zooey Deschanel & Terence Stamp. The movie is unfortunately predictable (like most Jim Carey flicks) but very enjoyable with a hard-to-ignore message about how people should live their lives. Don't be surprised after seeing the film to start saying yes a bit more often and how much of a difference it may have on your daily life. Yes Man is a worthy addition to Jim Carrey's filmography.
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Pure joy. A great film, true to its rom-com genre roots. I was uplifted, and grandly entertained!
bopdog20 December 2008
Yes Man was a delight to watch. Critics had panned it a bit, but unfairly, in my view. Granted, it is formulaic, but it IS a rom-com, and rom-coms have formulas. What made this film so great was the natural charm of Zooey Deschanel. She is beautiful, of course, but not in a "model-y" kind of way. She has always had a freshness and honesty about her that makes her appealing. When I first saw her in "Almost Famous," playing the older sister, I wished I had an older sister like that. When she played the girl lead in Big Trouble, she was quirky, but without any of the self-aware conceit that can often accompany quirky young female actors. I will be kind and avoid names, but perhaps you can picture in your mind some of the "Tragically Hip" and oh-so-cool young actresses who do quirk with a smirk. Zooey Deschanel has an innocence and a friendly quality that really make her shine, in the way a flower shines.

Jim Carrey was also very good in this. He is who he is--- goofy and loopy and elastic. This wasn't a "Serious Role," such as Truman Show serious--- but wasn't over the top like Ace Ventura. Maybe he's mellowed with age. I liked him as a wild kid, but like him even more now that he is a bit "evened out." He is still hilarious--- but also a bit more human, and a bit more approachable.

This movie runs through its rom-com paces, but each new scene, while a bit predictable, was nonetheless a pleasure. I felt uplifted by the end, and am very glad I went, even in the blizzard occurring where I am now staying. It was worth it!
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Funnyman Jim Carrey Returns
J_Trex21 December 2008
After seeing "The Number 23" I was beginning to wonder if Jim Carrey had renounced his trademark physical comedy roles he played to such great effect in "Bruce Almighty", "Liar, Liar", "Dumb & Dumber", etc.

Carrey is back in form with "Yes Man". While the plot was lacking and somewhat formulaic, it was fun to watch the best physical comedy talent of our generation doing what he does best for two hours. Zooey Deschanel was good as the love interest (and she did a nice job singing to).

If you liked Carrey's earlier works, you'll find plenty to like in this movie. I hope Carrey keeps on doing these comedies. It's what he was born to do.
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A very good flick!
mitchlax1417 December 2008
I saw this movie as a early showing and having gotten the tickets for free I said "what the heck, I'll see anything for free". So right off the bat I went in with low expectations. The previews made it look like the same old Jim Carrey Schtick. However, I was pleasantly surprised.

There was no ridiculous plot line (Liar Liar) or over the top characters (Ace Ventura) but a simple yet humorous story-line that is played to perfection by Carrey. There were plenty of good chuckles to be had and some down right laughs (and yes for those into it, a gross out scene that will make even this amazingly desensitized movie going generation cringe).

Overall, Yes Man is definitely worth the 10 bucks or so that movies are now ridiculously priced out now a days. But most definitely worth the trip if its free :-p.

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Don't be a no man!
zoe_washburn27 December 2008
I went to this film as one of those process-of-elimination things: Valkry had Tom Cruise, my friend had already seen Benjamin Button, Spirit's show-times suck, my local theater is idiotic and not showing Doubt or Slumdog Millionaire, all leaving Yes Man which neither of us were enthused about, but hey! it got us out of the house. We were shocked to leave the theater with our lungs hurting. The movie was well thought, well executed, and the humor was smart, snappy, and so far from the usual toilet humor of Jim Carrey. I was throughly and delightfully surprised with this film. On the note of message: I think this film actually has a very valuable message. Never in the history of humankind has the average person had so many opportunities to live life in ways never before imagined, yet never before have we been so isolated. Our computers; our phones; our mp3s and ipods; dare I say it, our movies all keep us isolated from actual social interaction. We are skeptical and judgmental about those who actually seek social interaction and friendship (site: Norman) that we fail to realize we are the ones who are actually lame--we are the ones not gathering with the people we love and those we have yet to meet. We are the ones spending our nights lulled into lame predictability, sitting in front of our TVs, telling characters in films to "just snap it off already." Yes Man is not just a fun filled film. It is a well deserved social critique.
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What a fun movie!
fredman555520 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit, I was skeptical at first. I hadn't seen a Carrey movie in awhile -- the last one was Lemony Snicket's which was not too great in my opinion, but the previews and the reviews for this looked good so I figured I'd give it a chance. I was happily surprised! Jim Carrey has improved over the years -- no doubt about it, and for a start, one thing I really liked about this movie was how he took it to a semi-serious level while managing to interject humor that, for the most part, wasn't aimed at the intelligence of the average seven year old. This movie has a plot. It has drama, and to a point, it draws you in.

Carrey got rid of (well nearly) his almost constant facial contortions which had defined so many of his past movies. For this one, he relied on the personality of his character, which was placed in the potentially compromising situation of always having to say yes, to be what led the movie, and he did a good job of it.

The movie was truly enjoyable overall, and you do feel sorry for his character toward the end when he has a falling-out with the leading lady (though not so sorry that you actually want to cry yourself). The emotional level of this movie is simply, "fun." It won't "wow" you! You won't leave the theater feeling like you've run the gamut of emotions yourself or anything like that, but you won't be disappointed either. You'll leave the movie smiling. Oh, and be sure you stay through the credits!

All-in-all I give it a 7 of 10. The acting was believable, good but not great, and entertaining 'til the end. The premise was plausible, and the characters are pleasant to look at, but perhaps most interesting is how there really is a good lesson built in there for all of us to learn.

Go ahead. Take a break from holiday shopping and enjoy this flick! You'll be happy you did.
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Say "Yes" to "Yes Man"
jon.h.ochiai3 January 2009
"Yes Man" is surprisingly good, and here the punch line is everything. Jim Carrey is great in Director Peyton Reed's hysterical romantic comedy. Zooey Deschanel is amazingly charming and quirky. In "Yes Man" Carrey plays Carl, who has been divorced for 3 years from Stephanie (flighty and hot Molly Sims) and has an uninspired job as a loan officer at Brea Savings in Los Angeles. Carl has pretty much checked out in life. To that end he says "No" to all invites. Carl even forgets to attend his best friend Peter's (funny Bradley Cooper) engagement party. An old buddy invites Carl to a seminar given by Tony Robbins-like self help guru Terrence Bundley (charismatic Terrence Stamp). Terrence invites Carl to accept the "covenant" to say "Yes" to everything in life. Reluctantly, Carl accepts.

However, there is a point to the screenplay by Nicholas Stoller, Jarrad Paul, and Andrew Mogel based on the book by Danny Wallace. In a great conversation with Carl and Terrence later in the story Carl asks, "So this is bullsh*t?" Carl has been so not present in his own life. Obviously, saying "Yes" mindlessly to everything is ridiculous. What if taking on saying "Yes" as an operating practice is a way of practicing being enrolled in life. When you are enrolled in life, and become enrolling, you are now open to a new realm of possibility. Reed and his writers present this transformed perspective in both a hysterical and touching manner.

Saying "Yes" immediately does not seem to make a difference for Carl. Carl ends up giving a ride and all of his money to Homeless Guy (funny Brent Briscoe). With his cell phone dead and his car empty on gas, Carl ventures miles to a gas station where he meets free-spirited scooter girl Allison (Deschanel). Allison gives Carl a ride, and leaves an indelible mark on his heart. In not the most linear or obvious ways, Carl soon embraces saying "Yes". Peter asks, "So you say 'yes' to everything?" Carl confesses, "I wasn't open to stuff. Now I am…"

Carl eventually is fated to meet up with Allison. Carl tells Peter that "…She is so not me." There in lies the genius. There is a quiet moment at the Hollywood Bowl where Allison tells Carl, "The whole world is a playground. Somewhere along the way everyone forgets that…" Here Reed is unexpectedly poignant. Carrey and Zooey's sweet and funny chemistry give "Yes Man" its big heart.

"Yes Man" is hysterical. Carrey is at his best playing outrageous comedic with an underlying humanity, instead of straight up serious drama. He is amazingly hysterical as he serenades a Jumper (funny Luis Guzman), takes a drunken beating from an angry boyfriend, and jacked up on Red Bull in a jogging photography class. Zooey Deschanel is Carrey's amazing romantic foil. There is a nice scene as she and Carrey walk side by side along a barren Nebraska road. She is cute and has such a radiant spirit and vulnerability. So her Allison must touchingly reconcile for herself whether Carl is just saying "Yes". "Yes Man" is about what's in your heart and being open to all the possibilities of life. That's not a bad message for a hilarious and outrageous comedy from Jim Carrey and Peyton Reed. Say "Yes" to "Yes Man".
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Better than I thought it would be
TheLittleSongbird15 March 2010
When I first saw that my two sisters wanted to see this film, I was not that motivated initially, thinking it would be a substandard and predictable comedy with contrived romance. I don't know why I thought that, despite starring Jim Carrey who is quite likable anyway and an intriguing concept, part of my brain was telling me it wasn't going to be good. But I watched it anyway, as I always give films a chance even if the film turns out utter rubbish. After watching, I was pleasantly surprised; it has its flaws but it was an above average film. The romance isn't as good as Carrey's enjoyably wacky antics though, the pacing is sometimes uneven and there was one scene when Carl's neighbour makes sexual advances towards him that I felt wasn't needed. That said though, the concept about what would happen if you answered every question with the answer yes is very intriguing, and the script is good. Also well done is the pleasant cinematography and very good performances from Carrey and the beautiful Zooey Deschanel, who gives her Allison free spirit and charm. Howver it is Rhys Darby as the geeky, Harry Potter-obsessed bank manager who comes very close to stealing the film. Not to mention Terrence Stamp as Terrence, the quasi-religious seminar leader. Overall, flawed, but intriguing and surprisingly likable. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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Carrey's return to box office greatness?
Joejoesan29 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
After commercial failures like Lemony Snicket, Fun with Dick and Jane and The Number 23 Jim Carrey could use another hit. Yes Man might just do the trick. It will undoubtedly not only mark Carrey's return to box office greatness (a 45 million dollar opening (when there are no snowstorms around)?), it will also go into history as the first movie in which the Canadian born actor gets oral sex on screen. No kidding. But more on that later.

Yes Man is a typical Jim Carrey feel good movie. Like Bruce Almighty (a human becomes God), The Mask (a mask transforms a zero into a hero) and Liar Liar (a man is forced to tell the truth all the time) the film has a strong but ridiculous premise. What would happen if you said yes to every offer that you got? The story features Carl Allen (Carrey), a dull man who got stuck in a dull life. He's living the same life for at least three years now – ever since his girlfriend left him for another. His best friend Peter (Bradley Cooper) tries to draw him back into life, but Carl remains a hermit, saying no to every invitation he gets. When he accidentally forgets Peter's engagement party Carl decides to change his life drastically. He signs up for a Yes Man seminar by philosophy guru Terrence Bundley (Terrence Stamp) and embraces life by saying yes to any offer that's made to him. Guitar lessons, flying lessons, even a penis enlargement: Carl is your man. And wow, his life does get better. Carl not only gets a promotion, he also meets the charming Alison (Zooey Deschanel), a free spirit who sings in a band and has a job as a photographer. The two fall in love. But what happens when Alison finds out about his Yes Man way of life and begins to doubt if he really wants to choose for her?

Ever since I saw the trailer I wanted to see Yes Man. In dark times we all need a laugh and let's face it: there's a lot of truth in the fact that only a Yes opens up new opportunities in life. Luckily, Jim Carrey fans should not be worried: Yes Man delivers the goods. The story is safely predictable and although Carrey carries the movie, he gets help from a strong supporting cast. Terrence Stamp is great as Yes man guru. Bradley Cooper – Carrey best friend in the movie - is a handsome man with some great screen presence. This movie could be his real breakthrough. But the real treat in Yes Man is Zooey Deschanel (The Happening, Bridge to Terabithia) as Carrey's love interest Alison. You can't help but falling in love with her in this movie. She's happily strange and immensely charming. I give her a 9/10 on the Drew Barrymore scale (with Drew having a 10/10 of course).

Storywise Yes man starts rather nice. When Carl learns that 'Yes' means progress and 'No' could mean punishment he reluctantly agrees to almost anything – including his 70 year old toothless female neighbor giving him oral sex. I don't know what to think of the scene actually. It is funny, but it's a long way from the Claw in Liar Liar – if you know what I mean. Needless to say, Yes man is not exactly family entertainment. On the other hand, in Transformers there was also a dialogue about masturbating. So maybe Hollywood is growing up. One of the funniest scenes is the one that follows the kissing of a beautiful girl in the bar (as seen in the trailer). Her boyfriend wants to beat up Carl and what follows is a very funny fight between a muscled dumbo and a very drunk Carrey. In this scene Carrey really shows his comedic talent. Pretty hilarious.

Overall Yes Man is nice entertainment. Carrey fans won't be disappointed and there are a lot of strong moments. Too bad the ending of the movie seems rushed. All the actions Carl undertakes under his Yes Man spell suddenly all turn out for the better (and that's just a little bit too convenient). The movie is only 82 minutes long and I suspect that there are a lot of scenes cut that could've given the story more drama and suspense. Despite the oral sex scene Yes Man is Jim Carrey's most romantic movie in a long while. Just watch the scene on the Hollywood Bowl stage... Well done!
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This movie is a fun one has good humor and is interesting until somewhere before the end.
mcoelenfun22 August 2009
This movie is a fun one has good humor and is interesting until somewhere before the end. I mean don't expect the best work of Jim Carrey here but it's better than Bruce Almighty in my opinion. The humor is understandable by anyone but not one in a dozen, it is keeps it freshness throughout.

Unfortunately there are some problems with this movie as well, the movie keeps strict to the formula of a Rom-Com so you aren't surprised anywhere and can guess the plot from the beginning to the end. This is not to bad if you can switch off your mind and just enjoy the movie.

Worse is the need to have a moralistic end. Without telling how or what I will just say that this forced moralistic ending upsets the whole flow of the movie and it would have made a better movie if it had been left out. The moral is to obvious and just bad.

The last flaw I really noticed was the enormous amount of products which were being endorsed by the film. It was almost funnier to watch every product which came by then the jokes of the film itself. Anyway it would make a great drinking game if you would drink every time anyone saw a product endorsement. One scene particularly would get you loaded when Jim Carrey shout a brand name at least ten times.

Again in short it was a good film but it could have been better. And if you need a drinking game this movie is bound to get you loaded.
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Probably exactly what you imagine it will be.
laymonite-210 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Carrey pulls his faces and is occasionally annoying while 'doing his thing' (pulling faces and being 'crazy') as you would expect. Unfortunately this doesn't fit in with his character at all, which is kind of the basis of the film.

There is no apparent reason why Carrey is some kind of 'stay at home' life waster as he always instantly charms crowds and attractive ladies wherever he goes and has a bunch of friends.

The plot of the film is utterly formulaic and predictable. But you can tell that from the trailer.

There ARE laugh out loud moments though, and although Zooey Deschanel has little point ultimately, she really charms you despite the horrible script and unlikely direction her character takes.

The whole thing is basically a formulaic Carrey vehicle. WHY is he so popular to the characters in the film? And talented and funny to everyone he meets...while supposedly being some kind of secretive social inadequate outcast? It's an OK and fun film, a formulaic Carrey vehicle and fine for a laugh and to rent and enjoy and then forget.
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Jim Carrey is Superb!
namashi_116 March 2012
Jim Carrey is Superb, YET AGAIN, in his 2008 box-office hit 'Yes Man'. A Decent Comedy, that works mostly because of Carrey's Performance.

'Yes Man' Synopsis: A guy challenges himself to say "yes" to everything for an entire year.

'Yes Man' is entertaining & innovative. Sure, it's not out-and-out hilarious, but Carrey's Matchless Comic-Timing & Impeccable Screen-Presence do the trick.

Nicholas Stoller, Jarrad Paul & Andrew Mogel's Screenplay is Innovative & Funny. Peyton Reed's Direction is passable. Cinematography, Editing & Art Design, are mention-worthy.

Performance-Wise: Obviously, Carrey owns this film, with a Superb Performance. The Legendary Actor is truly unbeatable! Zooey Deschanel is excellent. Bradley Cooper is quite good. John Michael Higgins does well. Terence Stamp is awesome.

On the whole, 'Yes Man' works! Say "YES" to this one!
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Jim Carrey returns with full force; if only "Yes Man" could keep up
MasterDebator514 March 2009
Yes Man

Directed by Peyton Reed. Starring Jim Carrey, Zooey Deschanel and Bradley Cooper.

In the late '90s, Jim Carrey decided he'd had enough of playing the silly goofball and started on a path to more serious films like "The Truman Show." Ten years later, he's had his share of hits, but for the most part, his comedic efforts have fallen flat. Excusing 2003's fairly enjoyable "Bruce Almighty", Carrey hasn't had much recent success with the genre that he once dominated ("Fun with Dick and Jane", anyone?).

In "Yes Man", the skilled physical comedian has dusted off the cobwebs and is back in good form. Carrey really seems to be enjoying himself, putting on his best game face and immersing himself in the sight gags and slapstick madness that were so commonplace in his earlier films. He hasn't lost his touch or his talent at making people laugh, and he makes sure that the audience knows it.

Truthfully, the plot to "Yes Man" is irrelevant. Carl Allen (Carrey), a man afraid of living life, challenges himself to say 'yes' to everything for an entire year. Hilarity ensues and in the end, everyone learns a lesson. It's nothing more than a vehicle to showcase Carrey's ability. But really, which one of his comedies isn't? There are no unexpected twists or surprise endings, just Jim Carrey doing what Jim Carrey does best. Everything else is secondary.

The film is rounded out rather nicely by a few of its supporting players. Zooey Deschanel is a cute and bubbly romantic interest who even adds a bit of mayhem to the proceedings, instead of being relegated to straight-man status. "Flight of the Conchords'" Rhys Darby shines as Carl's Harry Potter-obsessed co-worker. However, some of the cast feels extraneous. Bradley Cooper and "That '70s Show's" Danny Masterson are given little to do, and contribute little as a result. The missed opportunities are irksome, but will do little to affect one's enjoyment of the film.

"Yes Man" is a fun time waiting to be had for those who know what to expect. The movie is generally funny throughout, but not clever or inventive enough to justify a second look. It's the kind of entertainment that leaves you chuckling, but won't be remembered long after viewing. The biggest thing going for the film is that it has re-energized Jim Carrey. He's an absolute joy to watch; one only wishes that "Yes Man" could keep up with him.

Final Grade: C+
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A funny, light and enjoyable comedy
Jackpollins10 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The comedy, Yes Man stars Jim Carrey as Carl Allen, a man, who upon realizing he's losing his friends since he never wants to see them, agrees to go to a seminar as asked by an old friend named Nick (John Michael Higgins). The seminar is a yes seminar, in which a man named Terrence Bundley (Terrence Stamp) talks about the importance of saying yes to everything. Carl makes a deal with Terrence that he will say yes to everything, or else have bad luck for not saying yes. This leads to meeting a gorgeous biker chick/aspiring musician named Allison (Zooey Deschanel). The relationship, although involving an age difference is sweet, tender, and funny. Carl soon figures out the most important lesson of them all: you will not succeed in life being the boring, always refusing guy he is. As you dig deeper in the story, Carl soon figures out how to live life (going to nightclubs, traveling the world, getting hyper on red bull, etc.) Rhys Darby also steals some scenes as Carl's wacky boss, Norm. Although the movie certainly does have its flaws, and it is not anything new, it is an enjoyable comedy you should definitely see.
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The world is a playground.
BlueIrisDaisy3 January 2019
I've seen this movie so many times now. It's hilarious and inspiring all at once. Zooey is perfect in her role, as are the rest of the cast. It has a great soundtrack, it's entertaining and never gets boring, it's moving, and it inspires you to get out and enjoy the world. The humour is smart, none of that toilet humour that I detest. I think anyone can be inspired by this movie, it's not about doing extreme things or expensive things (like learning how to fly), it's about saying yes to life and yes to opportunities. Even if it it's something small.
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Not Jim's best, but still a nice comedy
Smells_Like_Cheese22 March 2009
Jim Carrey, a man who has delivered some of the most memorable comedies of the 90's: Ace Ventura, Liar Liar, Dumb and Dumber, and the Mask. He used to be one of the funniest men alive, now it's just kind of odd, he's gone into the drama genre in films, which is good, he's actually proved to be a good actor. But with the comedy, it's like he was once the person who you would be first to invite to the party because he was so funny, now he's the guy who invites himself to the party and laughs at his own jokes. I think because he's older it's just awkward watching him trying so hard to make people laugh. Not that Yes Man is a bad film, it's just a different version of Liar Liar, yet he's not even hypnotized into saying yes to everything, he just does so because he thinks it'll make his life better. So instead of feeling bad for him you just go "ummm, are you an idiot?". I don't wanna know if a man hit on him if he had to say yes to that too.

Los Angeles bank employee Carl Allen has become withdrawn and depressed since his divorce from ex-wife Stephanie. Routinely ignoring his friends, he has grown used to spending his spare time watching DVDs alone in his apartment. His outlook on life has become inherently negative. But when a friend persuades him to attend the "Yes!" self-improvement seminar, motivational guru Terrence Bundley publicly browbeats him into making a covenant with himself. Carl reluctantly promises to stop being a "No Man" and vows to answer "Yes!" to every opportunity, request or invitation that presents itself thereafter. After the seminar he meets Allison, an eccentric young woman who is refueling her scooter. After this experience, Carl adopts a positive mentality and seizes every opportunity that comes his way. He takes flying lessons, attends Korean language classes, learns to play the guitar, and even joins a Persian dating website. Saying "yes" constantly works to Carl's advantage. As their relationship blossoms, Carl and Allison meet at the airport for a spontaneous weekend excursion. But while checking in for the flight, Carl is detained by FBI agents, who have profiled him as potential terrorist because he has taken flying lessons, studied Korean, approved a loan to a fertilizer company, met an Iranian mail-order bride, and bought plane tickets at the last minute. Then Allison begins to doubt whether his commitment to her was ever sincere.

Yes Man is over all a good comedy, it has a few good laughs here and there. I think the plot just needed a bit of work, because like I said before it's just odd that he isn't hypnotized into saying yes constantly, he just does so because someone told him to do it. Yeah, it brought him to some great moments in his life, but he ordered a bride? He's just a little bit crazy. But over all I'd have to say that this movie is more of a rental vs. a theater experience. Jim Carrey can still make you laugh, but not the same as he used to, it's just time to grow up, how long can you make those stupid faces for without looking ridicules being a grown man? Well, the money helps I guess.

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Carrey is back with a bang. Yes! Yes! Yes!
saarvardi15 December 2008
Being a teenager in the 1990's, I have to say I was never a big fan of Jim Carrey's mainstream performances in the movies that made him the star that he is today. Hits like Ace Ventura, Dumb & Dumber and Liar Liar left me mostly indifferent to Carrey's rather obscene personality. It was only when he shined in more complex roles like The Truman Show, Man on the Moon and eventually Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind that I grew to respect the wide range of characters Carrey is able to bring to life.

Over recent years, Carrey continued doing his thing, moving from comedy to dramatic roles and vice versa. The problem is that all of the sudden he wasn't alone in the ring anymore, and countless other comedians have tried to slip into his shoes to various degrees of success. There was no place to deny it; Carrey was in need of a hit to re-establish his place in the Hollywood sky.

Cue the brand new comedy Yes Man, that finds Carrey once again in his favorite "What if...?" sub-genre. This time around, he plays Carl, a lonely divorcée that has somehow alienated even his best friend (portrayed successfully by Wedding Crasher's Bradley Cooper). Carl is stuck in a dead-end job at a bank, yearns for his ex-wife and spends his evenings watching rented DVDs... all by himself. When an old friend introduces him to a corny self-help program (lead by a hilarious Terrence Stamp) that persuades him to answer "yes" to every question thrown his way, Carl's life takes a dramatic turn.

As expected, the new approach gets our hero into all kinds of wacky situations - such as spending a steamy morning with his horny elderly neighbor (!); meeting a potential Iranian wife through an online service; partying all night whilst drinking countless cans of Red-Bull and over excessively helping a homeless person. Luckily enough, it also introduces him to the extremely free-spirited Allison (portrayed by the ever-so-cute Zooey Dashnel).

If you've seen the average Carrey comedy, you can probably guess how the plot unfolds from here on out, necessary complications included. The format is more or less the same of what we've been used to seeing Carrey perform in his comic outings, with the main idea being a modern moral story urging people to stop going through the motions of life and start seizing the day. But I digress. It seems as though years of perfecting his comic roles as well as starring in more "grown up" roles have tamed Carrey a bit. A lot of the arrogance and awkwardness revolving his earlier films seem to be missing this time out, and instead I could actually feel true emotion and heart in Yes Man. It seems as if this fact alone contributed greatly to the fact that most of the punch lines actually worked here and I found myself smiling for the larger part of the film.

Some points that still managed to ruin some of the fun are: A. As mentioned above, the film was very predictable, and formulated at that. B. Carrey has definitely aged recently, and it's starting to show. The age gap between him and Dashnel left me feeling somewhat uncomfortable.

However, all in all I had a great time with some excellent laughs - and at the end of the day that's what really counts (:
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Yes, it's worth checking out.
KineticSeoul11 November 2009
This was a surprising comedy, because I thought I won't like it that much and would end up a below average comedy. Even the trailer didn't seem that good and not very interesting. And even when the film started I just wanted to hate it but as the film progressed I started to enjoy it bit by bit. Most comedies usually have a strong start but start to lose it's flair after a while, this isn't the case for "Yes Man". This is a movie to get back to the younger audience for Jim Carrey where the premise is sort of similar to "Liar Liar"(1997) except he isn't forced by some supernatural powers to say yes to everything. While in "Liar Liar" he could not lie because a curse was on him. In this movie he says yes to everything because it opens up doors for new opportunities in his life and it works for the better for him and by saying no he thinks bad stuff will happen to him because he makes a covenant, coincidence or not. But it just isn't something a lot of people hasn't seen before. Jim Carrey's character is one of those guys that stays in his apartment most of the time and hardly has interest in women and says no to just about everything. But that changes when a friend of his suggest he go to a seminar that could change his life for the better. And than his journey begins with random stuff happening in his life when he starts saying yes to everything while being obnoxious and retarded to the point you could tell Zooey Deschanel who Jim Carrey's character falls for is annoyed by him even while trying to act. This is a okay date movie as well since it's actually quite amusing at times and like I said has it's moments while going the romantic comedy direction. Although younger audiences will probably enjoy this movie, it just isn't really appropriate for them. It would have been cool though if they pushed the yes factor and made Jim Carrey do even crazier stuff.

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Delightfully spontaneous
PipAndSqueak10 January 2009
This is a very well scripted film with some great lines, amusing situations and appealing characters. Even Australian Norm, played by Darby is beautifully crafted. It's not to be taken seriously of course. This film is a fine antidote to all the bad news that is swelling the news media at present. There are moments when you don't even recognise Carrey, he has matured very well and suits the role given him in this piece. He has good support from the other actors with only one weak point - Stamp is not convincing in his role. He is too much of an ageing and wobbly old man...maybe it is a realistic portrayal of a couple of the 'motiviator' types that are still promoting their +ve thinking messages long after they should have retired. Worthy amusement.
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The Power Of "Yes"
sddavis6323 October 2009
In all honesty Jim Carrey sometimes grates on me. He's funny, but far too often his humour becomes too over the top and his characters become cartoons rather than real people. When he keeps that to a minimum, though, he can work very well, and he managed to pull that balance off with "Yes Man." Of the Carrey movies I've seen I'd probably compare this most to "Bruce Almighty" - not in terms of plot but in terms of the type of character he was playing and the challenges the character was facing. In this, Carrey played Carl Allen, a loan officer at a bank who leads a pretty empty, lonely and unproductive life. One day, a buddy convinces him to attend a self-help seminar, where he learns to start living life by saying "yes" to every opportunity that comes up. Terrence Stamp, by the way, was absolutely bang-on as the self-help guru.

Thanks to the power of "yes" Carl's life moves into overdrive. Suddenly he's involved with everything and everyone: from guitar lessons, flying lessons and Korean lessons to a new job as an executive to a new love - and he's loving his life. Finally, though, his new love interest, played by Zooey Deschanel, reminds him of reality. She tells him that she loves him and asks him to move in with her. Of course he says "yes," but when she finds out about the program she backs out - does he really want to or is he just following the program? Can she believe a word he says to her? The key to the movie in the end is whether Carl can learn to really live his own life rather than just being enslaved to the program that originally seemed to have given him freedom.

It's an interesting premise for a movie, very well written and well acted, and, in the end, both thought-provoking and a lot of fun. 7/10
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A man who usually says no to everything is convinced to say yes to everything instead.
ltlacey7 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The first twenty minutes of this movie looked promising, and actually was fairly good, but then it went downhill, and kept gaining speed as it went further and further downhill. What could have been a decent movie turned out not to be. Part of the problem is Carrey, who is getting too old to be playing such silly parts. There is a difference between silly, which can be fun, and stupid silly, which is just, well, stupid. As an actor ages there are some elements that made them famous in the first place that need to be matured and developed. There is nothing entertaining watching a man in his 40s behaving like someone in his 20s. And it's worse for women. Zooey D. was a total waste in this movie, and her monotone voice is getting old. The same advice goes for her. Liven it up, or just pigeonhole your career into the bored character that comes up with short and snappy lines (Big Trouble). And we won't even go there about the scene with the elderly neighbor. Shades of Grandma's Boy, without the good lines and younger characters. If you're a Carrey fan, wait until you can get it for free at the library.
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kairingler12 July 2013
although not being a huge Jim Carey fan over the last few years I have watched several of his movies,, my fav.. number 23.. and this film was pretty good, for me Zoey Deschanel stole the show, not only can she act pretty good, she's cute sexy and so adorable. as for the movie, our main character, was always so negative,, never really had anything good or wonderful happen to him,, so a friend of his convinces him to attend a seminar.. it's all about saying "Yes".. so he decides to give it a try and low and behold he starts to say yes....... to everything. whether it's ridiculous or not,, he meet a cute girl and they hit it off. overall this was really funny entertaining,, so many laughs.. a little bit of seriousness, a human quality where you feel for the characters,, some sadness, but all in all just a pretty darn good movie that makes you laugh.
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tubby128 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Yes Man is a promising if not altogether fulfilling film. Although the film could inspire it is more of a middle of the way production, which entertains but fails to do anymore.

Zoey Deschanel is lovable and beautiful as the eccentric Alison who bumps into Carl after he begins to say Yes. There chemistry is spot on and just right for the film, providing an engaging relationship. To the credit of Carrey you forget that he is playing Carl he molds into the character very well.

Yes Man does unfortunately become coarse and lewd when it does not need to straying into inappropriate territory as though trying to provide meagre offerings of popular juvenile comedy which have been prominent in recent years.

Rhys Darby as Norman provides the biggest laughs with the Harry Potter themed party and a nod to 300, but on the comedy side of things Yes man is more a gentle showering of laughter.

Yes Man is a good film but it just doesn't either sway to a more serious or more comedic mood, it is pretty linear throughout and it just doesn't have that enchanting factor. Yes, go and see this film as it entertains but it has no element to make it more than just that.
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