Born a Champion (2021) Poster

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This film had it all
Top_Dawg_Critic24 January 2021
Reviewer "A_Different_Drummer" nailed what I wanted to say about this awesome film. It had it all - drama, sport, mma action, family, romance, etc. And in the way it was shown - part Lifetime Movie style and part Documentary, worked perfectly. It lacked all the Hollywood dazzle, and that was refreshing for a change. I'm still not sure if this is based on a true story, especially when I recognized some famous UFC fighters in this film.

Alex Ranarivelo directed, and also wrote this story with Sean Patrick Flanery, who also starred in this film. The cinematography was decent, as was the score. The pacing felt a little slow, and I feel if it was a little faster and/or 10-15 mins shaved off the 112 min runtime, it would've shown better. The story flowed really well, with some unexpected surprises and twists. It will fill you with suspense and play with your emotions. Performances were convincing, and it was good to see Mr. Quaid in this one.

Overall this film was much better than I expected, and it's a "recommend", and I'll probably see it again. It's a well deserved 8/10 from me. To see my review criteria, or more of my 1000+ reviews, click on my username. Then go see this little gem. Even if you're not a fan of UFC or MMA, the story will keep you entertained.
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Worth your time
drroshanortho22 January 2021
Its a feel good movie with a bit of everything. Nothing is spot on but evdrything is upto the mark. Lets say you are choosing what to watch and have nothing better to do then you wont be disappointed. Not recommended for children as its a little bloody and a few bad words. But sure give it a go.
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the more it breaks genre, the more entertaining it gets
A_Different_Drummer22 January 2021
The script is so ambitious that it never settles on a single theme for more than a few minutes. Equal parts sports drama, MMA, romance, inspirational, motivational, and yesterday's lunch. Strangely it is precisely this lack of traditional story-telling -- an anti-Rocky if you like -- that keeps it interesting. Flanery, softspoken and sincere, is perfectly suited to ground the effort, and Alex Ranarivelo has the solid skills needed to keep things moving. The audience never gets quite what it expects -- the ending makes that more than clear -- and therein lies its charm.
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Nice surprise!
kanjeep22 February 2021
Not a big martial arts movie guy, so I wasn't expecting much. Was very pleasantly surprised. Good story line, decent acting and nice flow. More or a Rocky-beats-the-odds than a martial arts movie. The wife loved it as well.
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It's cheesy but damn enjoyable
calicut11026 July 2021
This is very low budget and the writing and story have some craft issues. That said, if you can get to the core of the fight scenes and story you'll find some unique moments. The main actor is the best he's ever been and really showed the beauty of jiu jitsu. This is as much a rocky comeback story as it is an homage to the power of jiu jitsu. Now, imagine getting this main actor a top notch script, budget and director? I would pay to see that.
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wasn't expecting this to be so awesome
twodiamonds26 January 2021
Really enjoyed the storyline and the characters in this martial arts film. the acting was solid and the story kept you connected throughout. was not in touch with sean patrick flanery's acting although i have seen him from time to time. i had to go back and watch some of his previous movies and have become a new fan. loved katrina bowden in tucker and dale vs. evil and she had a moving role in this movie. watch this you won't be disappointed.
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chadaku3 May 2021
It is truly a love letter to jiu-jitsu, passionately crafted by people with genuine love (and possibly obsession, but not in a geeky way) for the martial art. As such, expect a total package that represents said love and/or obsession. Everything is beautiful and above standard.
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The unknown champion
kosmasp2 December 2021
Or is he? I have to admit, since I don't follow fighting that much, maybe those depicted here are better known than I realize. It's a bit funny too that Costas Mandylor plays an evil Greek (but Muslim?) villain of sorts. On the other hand the character portrayed by Dennis Quaid is just a manager ... and yet while he has a connection with Sean Patrick Flannerys character is responsible for something awful ... but I am jumping ahead of myself.

The movie tells the story of a Jiu Jitsu fighter ... someone who is not out for the fame and glory. He doesn't mind a bit of money of course. And when he meets Katrina Bowden ... well all bets are off. Without knowing her really, he falls heads over heels for her. And there is one scene where he talks about her to a friend of his, that should touch you emotionally ... because he is such a good actor that you are in that moment. One of the better romantic moments in any movie, no matter the genre, hands down.

Sean Patrick Flannery is a cool Dude overall, everyone involved is really giving their best - and in the end you can read in a personal note that he cares much about the Jiu Jitsu. A nice note - no pun intended. Good fighting scenes, some expected twists and turns and a lot of drama ... as it should be.
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better than expected
SnoopyStyle26 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Before the popularity of MMA, Mickey Kelley (Sean Patrick Flanery) is an early master of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu learned under the legendary Renzo Gracie. He only fights to defend himself. He's in Dubai for a demonstration when he rescues paralegal Layla (Katrina Bowden) from a creepy rich Russian. They get married and have a baby. Despite her reservations, he goes back to Dubai to fight in a private tournament for the money. It goes badly.

The story is much better than expected. It's a very good underdog tale. Flanery is playing it very reserved and maybe he's playing it too reserved. It's not the most magnetic performance but he does well in the fight scenes. It's missing an early scene when he follows Krav Maga into the bathroom. It doesn't need to show the fight but it does need to show that he didn't jump the guy. It has to be a honorable fight. Katrina Bowden is not known for great acting but she is very good in this. There are great ideas like Taco's porch. On the other hand, Karate guy gets a little too much. He would be better if his threats are less cartoonish. He could threaten to fire him and his threats are better with quiet intensity. The final fight also has a few issues. The movie keeps making the point that MMA is not as barbaric as the layman expects but the final fight ramps up the brutality a lot. In fact, Mickey does something very dirty which diminishes his honor. The second problem is Dennis Quaid's personal revelation. It's too convenient, coincidental, and comes out of left field. The third is that Mickey would never be able to collect on that bet. The Russian would never pay. The film needs to make the Shiekh the guarantor behind the bet. Quite frankly, I was going to give this a 7 but the last act has too many of these little issues.
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Average at best.
lakegrovefc12 August 2021
All the 10 star reviews are fake. Not sure why fake reviews are posted. Are people paid to post fake movie reveiws on IMDb? I wonder. Here is a real review- The movie is okay to watch at home on a weeknight. Giving this movie ten stars is just ridiculous. It is a violent Lifetime/hallmark made for TV movie. I give it 5 stars.
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Surprisingly very good !
destroyerwod28 January 2021
So i didn't knew what to watch and had a look at new movies, i always enjoy Martial Arts movies, and i saw this, i was like alright ill give it a try. I am not Brazilian Jiu Jitsu's biggest fan as a Martial Arts in general, i mean i know its very effective but its not the best one to watch either on TV (UFC) or in movies, i prefer more flashy stuff like Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Wushu or Kung Fu. Yet this movie blew me away.

The fights are very well done and they never bore you, main actor being an actual BJJ Black Belt, but they are not the main point of the movie, what really hook me is the story. This movie is filmed as if it was a true story (wich i don't think it is at all) and you really get into it, you feel for the main character and you actually wish this was a real story.

Its really one of these movies that if the story wouldn't had been good, i would had probably negatively review it, because there is not a lot of fight, its more of a drama WITH fights in it. Kinda like what Rocky is to Boxing if i can say, altough there is a little more fights than the first couple Rocky movies. But since its well written and you do care for these characters and what happen to them, you really get into it. At least for me that was.

Honestly if you remotely enjoy BJJ, absolutely watch it, if you enjoy Martial Arts, give it a shot too. Its only like 10$ Canadian on Xbox Marketplace and it has French audio too. Not that it matter for most of you but well ;)
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Great movie (surprised)
hifiman-6227029 October 2021
Not an MMA fan but thought this was a strong story. Well enough acted. Some brutal fight scenes . Suggestions it's. A true story but not sure. It's really a less action packed rocky movie. Well surprised how good this was.
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jarrodmccay6 February 2021
Cheese Factory. Was exactly what I was hoping it was not. It is clear that these high star reviews have been paid for. Either that or the people reviewing it are juvenile delinquents with no real appreciation for film. I am a long time MMA fan and this was very disappointing. Nothing wrong with the fight scenes really except that the wins seemed to come with no real effort, it was the music, the fact that they jumped right into the love interest which was not believable at all, the acting was passable, the cliches were abundant, all tied down by a rusky-voice narration with an over dramatized tone. I have too many bad things to say about this, but hey; If you are a young fight fan with no understanding of film, you may enjoy it. One thing I want to make clear; Directors please, can we please make an effort to create characters that are believable and likable, even if they are the bad guys. The 80's is over, it was fun, but it's over.
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Terrific movie and a touching story
mj188420 September 2021
Touching story, with a lot of emotions well done played and very unique.

I was sure 100% that was based on a true story - this is genius.

Love the movie.
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Very enjoyable
sheepshearer17 April 2021
I don't think it's a true story but it tells the story of one.

Almost like Bloodsport with a romantic sideline.
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This was good!
bardattack24 January 2021
Not having heard anything about this movie, I expected a straight-to-video type martial arts film based on BJJ - considering there seems to be a few cash grabs out at the moment. I figured it would be half way decent because Sean Patrick Flanery is a solid actor. What I didn't expect was a damn good story with great performances all around. I was also surprised to learn that Sean is a legit BJJ black belt, which is obvious as soon as he gets on the mat. Seeing this movie more than makes up for having to sit through the last 5 bad ones.
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Surprisingly excellent, with flaws
JoeHud18 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Most MMA movies are about as good as most video game movies, and I've been watching UFC since the beginning. So I came into this without much expectations and it blew me away, amazing acting by Sean and Taco, best love story since The Notebook, good cameos, and a great overall story.

Problem was... BIG SPOILERS...

So many things were over the top: million dollar payout, dude was commanding officer of his dead son who was besties with our hero, hero's wife dies, hero goes full permanently blind, after being in a coma, bad guy quits for good at 31 after one off the books underground loss (what?) , and the world didn't hear about the fight because 9/11 happened. Sheesh one thing at a time here, writers. But still a real good movie.
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VIEWS ON FILM review of Born a Champion
burlesonjesse56 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"Protect yourselves at all times". Ain't that the truth. That's especially inherent when drawing bloodied hands in the realm of white-knuckle jujitsu. 2021's Born a Champion delves into this system of unarmed combat training. The film feels a little direct-to-video but in these trying times, what doesn't.

"Champion" is a violent sports drama. It is cut from original cloth and pigeonholed with a TV feel. It's not based on a novel or a magazine article but on a story concocted by its lead actor (Sean Patrick Flanery). As something about an American black belt fighter who seeks revenge on another fighter who almost ended his life, Born a Champion is akin to a jujitsu version of Rocky (or any of its sequels). The main character is even named Mickey and he's got a "cut" about his eye. Natch.

Born a Champion saddled with good intentions, does a lot of research in regards to the art of jujitsu fighting. And I'm sure star Sean Patrick Flanery had a lot to do with it. As grappling brawler and family man Mickey Kelley, Flanery completely disappears into the part. We're talking a change in voice, a change in weathered appearance, and a change in body type. Sean channels his inner Mickey Rourke here because he almost looks the way Rourke did in the late 80s (or early 90s). This is not the same guy I remembered from Powder, Suicide Kings, or 1999's Body Shots.

The fight sequences in "Champion" are adequate, the locales are isolated, the direction by Frenchman Alex Ranariveto is standardized and scorching, and the acting is a little C-list had it not been for Flanery's disciplined transformation (and Dennis Quaid's reliable supporting performance). Bottom line: Born a Champion's diegesis unfolds steadily like a blanket. It is good enough to not "tap out" early.
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Solid Movie
brojitsu9 December 2021
To begin with, Sean Patrick Flannery is a legit BJJ blackbelt and a good actor. Seeing that this movie was made by folks who understand what Jiu-jitsu is, it was very pleasant to watch. The storyline was pretty good too. Definitely one of my favorite martial arts movies of all time. And Renzo Gracie is awesome, so it was super cool to see him, as SPF is a blackbelt under Sean Williams who is a Renzo blackbelt. Then again, coming from a Renzo lineage myself, may just be a bit biased lol.
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Good movie
big_asapper13 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A little bit to much sadness but it's really good... the sad parts only reason it's not super great.. I am a new sean Patrick fan
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Yawn, a chumpion
numsi-5766425 January 2021
I have to be completely honest, I really hoped they would have done something different with this movie and made a break the mould MMA movie, but I knew everything that was gonna happen before it did. The only saving grace is that Sean Patrick Flanery actually is a black belt in BJJ so the fight scenes had a much more realistic feeling to them for the most part. But the storyline was pretty one note
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Hands down the best movie I've ever watched
iambabyhuey29 April 2021
This is one of thoes movies going in you say eh looks good enough and than walk away going omg what a amazing movie I felt every punch and not just the ones landed with fists im talking about thoes gut punches that leaves ur heart in ur throat this wasn't just another mma flick this was a movie about love family combat the American dream hats off and a salute to the producers directors and actors this was hands down the best film I've ever seen.
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Not winning any awards
temujin1822 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a fine way to spend a couple hours on a rainy day, but it's not great. It's a cliche Mary-Sue fighter's story.

It is basically a big advertisement for Brazilian jiu-jitsu - but, at the same time, it fails as advertisement.


Since his training focus has solely been grappling, In the final match, he loses his sight and is beaten into a coma because he doesn't know how to protect his head.
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Good B Movie
Jewilliams883 February 2021
All in all it's not terrible. The acting, although not great, was passable. The plot was decent enough. I think it could have been alot shorter and a lot of unnecessary stuff could have been cut. It's worth the watch if you have the time but dont expect Warrior or even Embattled.
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The late coronation is also a tragedy of being late.
g-896224 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The late coronation is also a tragedy of being late. The price of the coronation of the new king is the loss of light, the loss of witness and the opportunity to accompany the child to grow up, and the attempt to lose the gray years to work hard for life. Fictional story, no big scenes, but still quite inspirational. The ending is good, not the kind of brainless success of the conventional story, the protagonist finally blind, but also reflects the cruelty of professional fighting sports, how many people in order to become famous and physically disabled, suddenly exit, there is a certain cautionary significance.
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