Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin (2021) Poster

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Watchable but not a PA film
stellafoster29 October 2021
I love the PA franchise because they were original back in the day, and they scared the bejesus out of me. The third movie is my favourite. That rotating fan in the kitchen!!!!

This film kept my attention all the way through, the acting was solid, the location spooky and... That's all. Unfortunately the plot was weak and there were some unexplained plot holes. But the most disappointing part was the fact that it bears no relation at all to any other film in the franchise AND there is absolutely no paranormal activity in it! I was so disappointed at that.

I will definitely watch any more films they make, but with a hope they return to including paranormal activity.

It's still a decent horror film for Halloween so give it a try because, let's face it, there aren't many new horror films being released anymore.
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Midsommar meets Rec
Fortressofdoors30 October 2021
I won't go into it too much because it would be basically a repeat of what has already been said. This is not a Paranormal Activity movie, it just borrows from the name for promotional purposes. For that, I was disappointed.

I thought the acting was fine. I didn't dislike any of the characters like you eventually do. I thought story was fine, although not exactly new. It was definitely creepy, so I can't knock it for that. I was entertained. Of course there is a lot of footage where they would have never been filming, as per the norm, but I get that they have to tell a story through the camera. Personally I can't stand reviews that tell you to watch something or not to watch something. Reviews that tell you to ignore the positive or the negative reviews. I mean that the purpose of reading reviews, to eventually form your own opinion, then make up your own mind whether to watch it or not. You decide.
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Moderately more entertaining than some of the others in the series
YRLY59E29 October 2021
I mean it's not bad, it creates a good found footage atmosphere a few elements are just a bit too cheesy and some of the shots detract from the ambiance. Maybe 15 min less chopping some of the cheesiest parts and a few of the camera cuts would have made this a really decent movie. As it stands it's kinda long. It's still entertaining enough and just creepy enough to make a good watch for the Halloween weekend.
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Has nothing that used to make the Paranormal Activity movies great
jtindahouse29 October 2021
'Paranormal Activity' films used to be the staple of every Halloween. They were remarkably consistent right up until the very unfortunate 'Ghost Dimension' which killed the series. Now, years later, we have another entry in the 'Paranormal Activity' series. The only problem is that it is a part of the series in name only. It has no connection to the previous films and it has nothing that demands it be a 'Paranormal Activity' movie. It could be any old found footage film - and not a very good one at that.

The original series was so good because it was set in an ordinary looking house like yours or mine. And the thought of your partner spending hours through the night standing over you and staring was simply terrifying. A film set on an Amish farm isn't scary in any way, because who of us is ever going to go to one?

A couple of things I did like. They were able to recreate the feel of the series in the first half of the film. It was actually building up quite nicely for a while there until it decided to go well off the rails at the end. The other thing I liked were the main three characters. They were very likeable and people I could get onside with.

I feel like I'm mentioning it a lot in films lately, but it needs to be remembered that less is more. This film goes so hard and in your face that it can't possible be scary. What we don't see is always scarier than what we do. This film completely forgets that at the end.

I so desperately wanted to like this movie, with the hope that it would reignite a series that I love. This wasn't the storyline to do it with though. This feels like a random found footage film that needed a selling point, and so chucked 'Paranormal Activity' in front of its title. Very disappointing. 5/10.
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Nothing to do with Paranormal Activity ...
tchitouniaram13 March 2022
Except name there is nothing even remotely close to the original franchise , saying that , it is a very decent found footage horror film. Kept me interested right to the end .Nothing really special , but definitely worth to watch once !
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moderately interesting flim marred by bad technical decisions
phenomynouss31 October 2021
Whether by attaching itself to the Paranormal Activity franchise or some other reason, this film commits itself to being a found footage style horror film. This works great for most of the Paranormal Activity films, and even works out nicely for many parts of this film.

The problem is that this film was unwilling to fully commit to this, and thus ends up making some really stupid camera decisions that completely draw you out of the immersion of the film and even prompt laughter.

The film itself is straightforward: a woman, Margot, who is adopted discovers her birth family is apparently Amish and goes to visit them, all the while bringing a camera, boommike, and two friends, Chris and Dale, to film for a documentary. Who she is and why she apparently warrants a documentary is unclear and ultimately irrelevant.

It follows the typical routine of Our Dumb Heroes getting themselves in trouble by ignoring pleas and orders to not do stupid stuff and go exploring forbidden areas, all to further the plot.

None of it was particularly interesting. What really stuck out horribly for the film is that, despite the aforementioned commitment to the Paranormal Activity franchise of found footage, the film goes and does so many stupid things that break the format.

The most blatant and stupid incident, which I had to rewind just to make sure it actually happened and wasn't me misinterpreting something, involved the cameraperson backing away from "something" in a dark hall. They are alone and have the ONLY camera. The camera then cuts to an object BEHIND the "something", a location the cameraperson was nowhere near and completely unable to film at any point in time.

These sorts of impossible camera cuts start to pile up closer to the end, until at one point the camera just seemingly disappears, and we get conventional movie-style shots.... only for the film to somehow return to the "camera"'s framing, as if the camera had been on and filming everything the whole time despite no one holding it.

These stupid camera decisions constantly ripped me out of the immersion of the film, and there was one incident in particular where for no reason at all the camera went into a gratuitous slow motion sequence during a scary bit that was too laughable to take seriously and absolutely should have been cut.
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Decent film
elliotjeory12 March 2022
I had low expectations for this film and I was suprised when it turned out to be a good thriller. It's an interesting story and it's creepy in parts. It's better than some paranormal activity sequels which may not be saying much but if you like creepy horrors it's worth a watch.
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Just call it Next of Kin...
and_mikkelsen13 April 2023
As many have already staten... this movie has absolutely nothing to do with the other Paranormal activity movies what so ever! It features no elements from the other movies, other than found footage and demonic possesion! Though nobody would probsbly watch it if it wasn't called "Paranormal activity"

The movie itself is far from the worst, but also far from the best! The story is not that interesting and very predictable! The characters are also flat and boring with little personality! Instead the most memorable part of the movie is that it has some creepy disturbing scenes and it does scare you a couple of times! It gets points for that! Though some of the scenes feel stupid as they revolve around the characters acting as dumb as possible! The climax is also intens though even if it continues the trend og stupid characters!
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nothing to do with the franchise
trashgang14 November 2021
This franchise was loved or hated by the fans. Still it was original in it's concept and due teens being afraid of the first entry it became a succes.

So 14 years after number one we are left with this one. Why it's called paranormal activity is still a riddle for me. It's more about some myth surrounding the Amish and it's there that the story starts. A crew staying at home with an Amish family but they have a secret.

The score used is the same as in the franchise. But it isn't a found footage like the franchise was all about.

It isn't bad at all, do has some scary parts but another title would have been better.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0/5.
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Ass mode engaged
begob9 November 2021
A woman once abandoned as an orphan leads a documentary film crew into Amish country to record her first encounter with blood relatives, but their welcome disguises a chilling fate ...

Contrived 1st person POV folk horror that barely connects with the concept of the origin story. Sustained on a thin gruel of jump scares, it switches to execution mode with a high degree of implausibility as the characters find themselves in underground territory reminiscent of As Above So Below. And the climax is stretched out in an excessive run time.

Nothing organic about the forced scenario, and light years away from the emotional impact of the first few movies, where we got to eaves-drop on a relationship into which a deadly past steadily crept its way.

In similar style to the later episodes of this franchise, the found footage conceit is betrayed by obvious dramatic edits and touches of music that take the viewer out of the moment. And some heavy CGI - a literal-minded loss of confidence in the power of suggestion. The pacing is OK, but not choppy enough to distract from plot holes.

Four stars for competent acting, and for unusual lighting in scenes involving candles and lamps, plus a few overhead drone shots of the forest. Also a few aspects of the cult's lifestyle are interesting, particularly at the dinner table.
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Fun, enjoyable B horror
alexfiles31 October 2021
That's pretty much it! Emily Bader did a great job, as did the rest of the cast. If this is the kind of movie you like, this is a good movie!

Not a lot of gore, a few jump scares, and the logic behind the movie's secret was followed. Pleasantly believable heroes. Classic creepy setup.
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I wouldnt call it the best Parabormal Activity movie but it's worth a viewing
kevin_robbins1 December 2021
Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin (2021) is a movie I recently watched on Paramount+. The storyline follows an orphaned young lady who traces her roots back to a Mormon society in the country. They take her in with open arms and show her their ways and tell her the story of her mother. As she stays with them she starts seeing weird phenomenon by the woods and around a rundown church. If she digs too much into her family history she may find more than she wants to know.

This movie is directed by William Eubank (Underwater) and stars Emily Bader (Charmed), Roland Buck III (Better Call Saul), Dan Lippert (Son of Zorn) and Henry Ayres-Brown (The Black List).

The storyline for this is a bit cliche but well told and interesting enough to keep your attention till the final scene. The cinematography is very good and the settings are beautifully depicted. The movie drags at times, but the last 20 minutes are excellent. I will say everything about the pit frustrated me; as in, I kept thinking "you'd never do that," but it wasn't enough to detract me from wanting to know what's going to happen.

Overall this movie is okay and worth watching. I wouldnt call it the best Parabormal Activity movie but it's worth a viewing. Essentially, the last few scenes are worth sitting through the movie. I'd score this a 5.5-6/10 and recommend seeing it once.
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Paranormal boredom...
paul_haakonsen30 October 2021
When I sat down to watch the 2021 horror movie "Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin", I must admit that I wasn't really expecting much of anything grand here, as the movies have been dull, uneventful and over-hyped since the very first movie. Yet, I have stuck with the franchise and watched the movies as the years went by, hoping that eventually the franchise would get better.

Sadly so, then "Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin" was not the movie that was going to turn the frown upside down. Writer Christopher Landon managed to achieve to keep this seventh movie in the franchise in the same monotonous, dull, uneventful and rather boring atmosphere and pace as the previous six movies. Perhaps that is an achievement in itself actually, keeping the movie on the same level as the previous ones.

The storyline told in "Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin" was just downright boring, and you have to get up to about the last 20 minutes or so of the movie before things start to pick up. Just like it has been in every single other "Paranormal Activity" movie, so nothing new there. But by then it is just too little, too late. And so was the case with "Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin" from director William Eubank as well.

The acting performances in the movie were adequate, sure. But I can't claim to be able to pinpoint a single performance in "Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin" and say that it was the best or the most memorable. So don't expect to be in for a grand cinematic experience here.

Visually then "Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin" was right up alongside with the previous six. So if you enjoy shoddy and questionable camera work, dark footage and barely seeing whatever it is that is doing the paranormal activity, then you are in for a treat. Not really what tickles me all the right places, so I wasn't impressed with "Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin".

My rating of "Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin" lands on a generous three out of ten stars. It had potential, but fell into the slump of being just another run-of-the-mill "Paranormal Activity" movie.
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Paranormal goes Amish
SnoopyStyle6 November 2021
Margot with her friends Chris and Dale are filming her quest to find her biological family. She was adopted after being abandon at a hospital. Her search leads to Amish country and a dark secret world.

This is a fine horror premise if somewhat obvious. The actors are good for a low budget horror. This one is stepping away from the franchise's normal suburban setting and that's a problem. It's a bit slow for the first half. Most of it is waiting for the obvious demonic story to unfold. In a way, it's blander and less interesting version of Midsommar. The most compelling part is going underground. The most disappointing part is leaving the underground. I would have intensified the second half by staying in the mine and creating a better monster. This is a post-pandemic production although the Amish country doesn't require it. This doesn't feel like Paranormal Activity. It's just another low budget horror.
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It was alright
kuarinofu31 October 2021
I might be somewhat biased cause I enjoy Eubank's works to a certain extent. I think he's consistently almost a good director. The Signal was an interesting starting project, Underwater was too rushed and too focused on Steward though.

As for the PA franchise, I watched 2 or 3 of these when there was a hype going on, but as it went on it grew old fast so I eventually dropped it.

I don't know if this one follows the story or is a standalone film, but as far as these go, it was ok.

I enjoyed its atmosphere, the overall look, and, surprisingly enough, the dated found-footage gimmick was certainly used well in this.

Obviously, the movie loses a lot if you just ask yourself "why are they still filming?", but in this installment, they seem to mix found footage with a couple of cinematic shots. I actually think that this is a good idea, not wholly original though, since I've seen this done in REC 3: Genesis.

Yes, it was predictable and very reminiscent of the first REC or Quarantine, but all the good stuff I mentioned earlier was enough for me to watch it.

I think that for a franchise this stretched it was an ok addition.

Fans of the franchise might not enjoy it, horror fans might find it too predictable, but it is certainly watchable for the least.
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I mean, who hasn't accidentally unleashed an ancient evil?
ksgillihan29 October 2021
I had decent hopes for the latest installment in the Paranormal series. The trailer looked alright, the film seemed to be creepy. I like the concept of the movie. However, it lacked any feeling of dread or fear throughout the entire running. The characters are not all that likeable and even though they have a great environment for scares, they never actually come. It's overall a disappointment.
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The Halloween III of the Paranormal Activity franchise
queeroid30 October 2021
It's a good found footage(-ish) film. But it's not great. And it _definitely_ should not be called Paranormal Activity. The cash grab of slapping that name onto the title is a big mistake that just ruins it for the people who would watch it. I'll explain...

  • Horror fans: They would've already seen the previous PA films. They either hated them (and wouldn't like this one any better, as is the case with most anti-found footage snobs), or they became...
  • Paranormal Activity fans: They would watch this one hoping for more greatness and then be sorely disappointed by this film that not only has nothing to do with the previous films, but also feels nothing like them. Even though the story itself _should_ feel very personal (an adopted child finding their birth family), you can't help but feel separated from it as the setting is one most people would never find themselves in. And not only that...
  • Found footage fans: They'd be the most annoyed out of everybody because this film breaks the cardinal rule. It abandons the format whenever it feels convenient, which also makes the scenes where they stuck with the format (and specifically _didn't_ show what the viewer would want to see) frankly obnoxious.

I'm grading it on my own personal found footage scale, as I do with every found footage film I can get my hands on (yeah, I'm one of _those_ weirdos), but honestly... I'll only watch the next one if Sam keeps his shirt off.
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*Deep Sigh*
Go_For_The_Jugular29 October 2021
Ok, so I'm over the moon to know that the Paranormal Activity franchise is still going strong...there's another one due in 2022, but I'm disappointed that after all this time, this is the best they could come up with.

Seriously...this is probably the weakest link in the franchise...not because it's particularly bad, but because they could of done so much more with it. You expect franchises to get better with every movie, not get worse, or stagnate.

A very, very, very basic premise...and a paper thin, overused script. Nothing new in relation to any of the previous instalments. One thing the PA filmmakers always seem to do well, is make decent movies with relatively unknown actors.

I think this would of been better received if it was a standalone movie, with no links to the PA universe.

Not great, but not awful by any means. A few good jumpscares...and some great tension-building scenes.

Spoiled by a weak ending.

I still think 'The Marked Ones' is the one to beat.
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I really liked it
jmbwithcats30 October 2021
I'm watching Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin and honestly, even though some say it's a reboot or unrelated, it feels completely related to the series... the Amish family teaching the children in part 5 are a lot like perhaps who these people are before they came to the city.

It feels a bit like a partial origin story... but my worries were completely set aside as the farmhouse, secluded and natural environment works really well with the story, making me far more hypersensitive to the experience.

I have no idea how anyone else feels about it, but I really liked the new Paranormal Activity movie by Oren Peli, Blumhouse, and Christopher Landon. Next of Kin reminded me of The Shrine gone horribly wrong... scary movie, solid story.

This movie reminds me a lot of THE SHRINE.
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Not a fan of this camera technique
deloudelouvain19 November 2021
I didn't really yawn during this movie, for that there was a decent amount of mystery that kept me interested, but I can't say I was super thrilled about the story. Do we really needed another Paranormal Activity movie? It's getting a bit too much of the same stuff. The acting wasn't bad, but for a horror movie there were just not enough horror scenes, at least not to me. I'm also not a big fan of the first person camera shots. I've never been a fan of this technique and in this movie there is just too much of it. Hopefully this was the last Paranormal Activity, time for something else.
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Way better then expected
chadstephen200529 October 2021
It was a fresh take on a very tired series. Based on the trailer I expected to hate it. It surprised me. I'd like to see another entry in this particular story!
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Should Be a Stand-Alone
S_dot_M_dot11 November 2021
Tracked down by a distant relative after being abandoned by her mother, Margot (Emily Bader) gets a documentary crew to get a first-hand account of where she is from. Traveling to Amish country alongside Chris (Roland Buck III) and sound guy Dale (Dan Lippert), Margot discovers the way of life her true family lives. Night after night of unsettling encounters, Margot soon discovers why her mother may have given her up.

The paranormal crew has now traveled to Amish country, and the result adds an extra layer of dread. There is an eerie quality to being in the middle of nowhere with no modern technology, leaving you vulnerable to anything that passes by. The homestead where they stay is vast, and each creak of the floorboards has you gripping your seat. The team behind this builds the tension in grand fashion.

The cast involved all carry the story towards the finish line. Dan Lippert as Dale steals each scene he is in and is the life behind the film. Emily Bader and Roland Buck III have good chemistry between them that can get you invested in their relationship. Some of the family members are dialed in but flat in their presentation.

While the POV found footage can add that extra layer of tension, which this film does at times, there are moments where things feel staged. Even though they are filming a documentary, areas that should be caught in the moment seem to have perfect blocking and everything falls perfectly into place.

Next of Kin tells a story that is a part of the Paranormal Activity franchise, but could have worked as its own entity. A tweak here and there could have elevated the suspense of the film. Since it is a part of this franchise, you already have an idea of the outcome. This is still a film that should be watched by fans of the franchise, and it could also attract a new audience because of its separation from the series.
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Not like the franchise
ExiledRoyal29 October 2021
I thought this was dull and predictable. The acting's OK, but it just turns into a monster movie with a shallow plot. I wasn't convinced by the reasoning behind the story, and there were too many over-used ideas to make it original in any way.
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Not Amazing. Not Awful.
Foutainoflife29 October 2021
An adopted girl makes a connection with a biological relative and decides to make a documentary about the family and community, she came from.

I'm not a huge fan of the Paranormal Activity franchise. I mean, they're not bad but they don't satisfy my horror needs. They are simply some creepy movies with a few jump scares. I've not watched a film from the franchise for several years so I thought I'd check this out and in my opinion, it's more of the same old stuff. I'd say it's great if you like the format, content, paranoid atmosphere and jump scares but just "blah" if it's not really your thing and are just looking to past the time.
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The Last Act More Than Makes Up For It
SoumikBanerjee199631 October 2021
I'm probably one of those very few people who continue to have a soft spot for this franchise. Don't know about the others, but for me 'Paranormal Activity will forever have a special place in my heart. Cause, it is precisely what introduced me to this rather deserted realm of Found Footage and now being an admirer of the same, I couldn't feel more indebted.

Unlike many of their previous iterations, 'Next of Kin' comes alongside a more contemporary approach. Drones, GoPros, Mirrorless Cameras; the advancement of the technology itself has certainly upped their game, at least on a technical level.

The same goes for the Audio, which is immaculately mastered with neat sound designing and a nearly flawless combination of Spaciousness & Clarity. Some of the credit must go to the Location too, as it was eerily beautiful and dreadfully empty, all at the same time.

Talking of Scares, they are served alright. They often make you feel disgusted, uneasy and most importantly puts you in an isolated space. Characters are surprisingly not as upsetting or idiotic as other films in this genre tend to deliver. Regardless, I'm still not fully convinced about their functionality, as we've still got a lot of blank spaces (In terms of Backstories) to fill.

Story and Screenplay wise; I wish there was a bit more elaboration. A lot of the aspects have gone unnoticed or purposefully avoided. The pace is another factor, that seems to have struggled quite a bit, particularly in the mid parts.

Luckily, the third act more than makes up for it.

Possibly the most intense, and the weirdest segment in the whole film. And by the looks of it; more likely than not, there is a sequel in the offing. As the story has yet to come to a feasible conclusion.
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