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The Humanity of Horror
mstomaso3 May 2008
If, two years ago, you told me that within a couple of years two excellent Stephen King film adaptations would be released, I would probably have laughed it off. Films like The Shining, Shawshank Redemption, Stand by Me, The Stand and 1408 are usually pretty far between (Note that I consider The Green Mile and Carrie to be the most over-rated King adaptations, so they do not appear here). I like most of the films that have been made from Stephen King novels, novellas, and short stories mainly because I like Stephen King, but I do not recommend many of them as truly good films.

Frank Darabont's (writing and directing) The Mist adapts a horror novella of the same name. King's horror work has been the most difficult material to adapt, but this film is comparable to other genre stand-outs such as The Shining and 1408.

A brief, dramatic thunderstorm is followed by a freak mist that descends on a small New England town. As the mist permeates the town, people congregate in the local supermarket and hardware store to stock up and gather supplies. David Drayton (Thomas Jane), his son (Nathan Gamble), and his neighbor (Andre Braugher) are among them. Tension builds as a steady stream of military vehicles pass through the mist headed south from a nearby base. But serious concern doesn't start until one of the locals runs to the supermarket with blood spatters on his clothing and talking of monsters in the mist.

Indeed, there are horrors outside in the fog, but there are also horrors inside the market - as paranoia, irrationality and religion come into conflict with practical issues of survival.

Unlike many horror films, The Mist examines fear and its effects realistically, looks at the horror created by forces beyond human control and the even more terrifying horror that fear creates through forces that are completely within our grasp - our own fears, our beliefs and our treatment of each other. It does so using a classic formula which is comparable to films like Night of the Living Dead and, more recently, Feast.

The cinematography, editing and directing are all excellent. The acting is quite good - Marcia Gay Harden and William Sadler stood out for me - and the script is exactly where it needed to be for this adaptation.

Highly recommended for King fans and horror fans. Recommended for Sci-Fi fans. Weakly recommended for average cinema-goers who are not generally interested in horror.
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Wonderful, horrific, twisted and shocking
seawalker28 July 2008
Pop quiz. Tell me, what do you consider to be the most successful Stephen King adaptation, made for film or television? "Carrie"? "The Dead Zone"? "Salem's Lot"? "Stand By Me"? No! Not "Maximum Overdrive"!! (And if that is your choice, may God forgive you, because I won't.)

All of the above, except "Maximium Overdrive" of course, are great pieces of work. But my choice as the benchmark Stephen King adaptation would probably be "The Shawshank Redemption", directed by Frank Darabont.

Stephen King has been very good for Frank Darabont. "The Shawshank Redemption" has become a modern classic and "The Green Mile" was nearly as good. I am glad to say that "The Mist" is nearly as good again.

"The Mist" is a great film, perfectly structured, but a film that requires patience. It is a film of the slow build and of a gradual getting to know the characters, their obsessions, their fears and prejudices. It was nice to see a King horror film where his great talent of touching on the reality of a small town, has been exploited. It makes it all the more horrific when all hell does break loose, because the people who are getting hurt are ones that you know.

Thomas Jane is faintly wooden. Personally I would not have cast him, but all of the other performances are top notch. Marcia Gay Harden's possibly psychotic, fundamental Christian, Toby Jones' short, pudgy, perfectly ordinary hero, Andre Braugher's uptight, big city lawyer and William Sadler's scared, malleable blue collar worker. All excellent.

"The Mist" is not "The Shawshank Redemption" in one crucial way. Whereas "The Shawshank Redemption" was about hope and life, "The Mist" is about hopelessness and death. One thing that they have in common is an astonishing ending. The ending of "The Mist" is wonderful, horrific, twisted and shocking. Not anything that I saw coming.

"The Mist" is marvellous. Must see.
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A great film with awesome depth of characters
the_li1 July 2008
I won't go into details as I don't want to ruin this film for everyone, but I will highly recommend it! One warning: Do not watch this film expecting a cheesy/entertaining horror, or even a high-quality entertaining slasher as this film is -all- about the characters and how extreme circumstances can bring out the extreme sides of human nature.

By the end of the film I was literally on the edge of my seat - cider forgotten - with my hand over my mouth.

Masterfully written screenplay (from the original short story by Stephen King) and masterfully directed, anyone who is generally sceptical about adaptations of Stephen King "horrors" will be rewarded by watching this, Frank Darabont has done a typically marvelous job (see Shawshank and Green Mile) and well and truly delivered.
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Fantastic Lovecraftian Horror And Hard-Hitting Political Allegory: One Of The Most Faithful King Adaptations To Date
gogoschka-127 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In the hands of a lesser filmmaker than Frank Darabont and processed through the mind of a typical studio screenwriter for hire, a Hollywood film adaptation of Stephen King's novella THE MIST could easily have become your run-of-the-mill monster movie: creatures from another dimension devour people trapped in a mall (presumably the monsters pick them off one by one, after the typical formula employed in countless generic horror films). But the most captivating thing in King's story is not really the plot about the monsters attacking and the "breach" into another dimension (although I love that idea): it's how the human characters react to it and what happens between them.

In staying faithful to the source material, Darabont uses the microcosm consisting of the people trapped in a small town supermarket to explore the dynamics and power shifts that happen very quickly within a society when a powerful outside threat appears. Just like King's excellent novella, the film is a hard hitting allegory for how easily even seemingly "civilized" countries become susceptible to the hateful, crazy messages of demagogues when they are faced with a serious crisis. And it not only manages to perfectly capture the subtext and political undercurrent of the novel, Darabont's film also gives the audience a true sense of the Lovecraftian horror King unleashed on the page (the creatures look fittingly otherworldly, misbegotten and truly frightening).

As it is, THE MIST isn't just one of the most faithful King adaptations to date, it's one of the best horror films of the new millennium.

P.S. (for new IMDb users): In case you don't know whether to trust this review or not, because you have no idea what my tastes in film are, just click on my username - gogoschka-1 - and you'll see a list what my 50 favorite movies are.
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Mostly faithful to book, but character development and ending disappoint.
christopher196023 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Having read the story and listened to the unabridged audio many times, this film version leaves me flat. Character development of David, especially the removal of the narrative style of the story in the book, hollows-out the characters, leaving the relationship of David and Amanda out altogether (which had been one of the best parts of the story). The death of Norm portion in the loading dock/storeroom was especially faithful to the story, however, and shines as the best portion of the film. The suspense of the scene is carried off well as is the pharmacy scene. Yet again, the book makes the pharmacy seem to have been a smaller store than depicted with the addition of the MP death by baby spiders scene being wholly gratuitous. The race to David's truck was nicely carried out, with the reverses well played. It surprised me that the screenplay author felt it necessary to leave out the faint hope of Stephanie Drayton yet being alive by the return to the Drayton's house and the discovery of her body there. A constant in the plot had been of David visualizing Stephanie working in the garden as he had left her on that first morning. This was a source of guilt on David's part because of the developing relationship with Amanda. But, the most galling portion was the murderous end of the movie! This was a complete opposite to the book, which had the survivors holed-up in a hotel some distance from their hometown at the end of the novella. A feeling of hope was given in the book, whereas the movie left one with a feeling of pointlessness, especially when the woman who had gone to find her children early in the movie turned up alive and well with her kids. When the book had her as one of the first to die. Overall, a movie that showed promise at first, but leaves a lot to be desired at the end. SK's books are always a lot better than the movies accredited to them.
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craigwashington-3020031 January 2020
I still have trouble stomaching the ending. its one of the most heart breaking and depressing endings to a horror movie that i have ever seen.
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dolniakj21 August 2019
A little low budget movie with a great show od emotion od main charakter and how they change true the movie. It IS a food movie for a fryday night, i would recommend.
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Just watch it
guythebruce25 April 2020
I never review movies, however, me and my friend just saw The Mist and it is by far our favorite horror movie. From the creatures to the atmosphere, this movie is spectacular. The acting and the way people react to scenarios is also very on point. The ending is one that you won't forget in the near future either. It is very much a must see to anyone who enjoys sci-fi or horror.
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I remember liking this back in '07 and it still holds up
ife-4167523 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The acting is good for the most part, and the mist definitely creates an ominous atmosphere throughout the movie. Some of the CGI is a bit dated but it's from 15 years ago people. The ending is rough, in a heart wrenching way. I didn't read the short story so I don't know how much it follows it, but I would assume some creative additions were made in order to make it a full movie. There are some parts that drag a little bit, and possibly some over zealous reactions from the characters, but all in all I think it's a creative representation of what people might do when faced with such a horrific scenario..


Previous reviewers don't seem to realize that it happens over the course of a few days, maybe even a week. Yes the crazy religious lady being able to develop a following might be a little overblown, but when faced with such dire circumstances who knows how some devout followers may react? You have to put yourself in these peoples heads and remember that they have NO IDEA WTF is going on or out there in the mist, so paranoia is gonna set in. Survival instincts are gonna kick in, and when faced with what could seem like the end of the world to some people, intense beliefs are gonna start to take hold too.. As far as the ending, put yourself in their shoes. As far as the 5 survivors know, the mist means death. They weren't able to get away from it with the gas they had! So what are you gonna do? Go outside to meet a grizzly painful end? Or shoot yourself in the head? What could've been an even more tragic ending is if the father puts his sons head next to his so that one bullet can kill both of them, then we see the tanks roll up and think "If only they had waited another minute or two.."
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True Horror
bonesnbraids9 February 2009
I'll start out by saying that I'm a Stephen King fan and thus I may have some bias. I've watched many Steven King movies but have never given one a rating this high. Most of his horror movies are in the 4-6 range with classics such as The Shawshank Redemption, The Shining, and The Green Mile ranking 8-10 (although two of those aren't technically horror movies). In most modern horror (like the Saw series) there is a greater emphasis on gore than the horror of the human condition and this movie, kudos to the actors, help weave a tale that disgusts you inside and out without the pure reliance on blood spatter (although granted there is a fair amount of that).

Thomas Jane (leading male and well known from The Punisher) has a brilliant and emotional portrayal of his character in a mind-blowing situation that we feel intimately associated with thanks to his acting and great directing. Laurie Holden (of X-Files and Silent Hill fame) has a more subdued performance but plays her role well and for any X-Files nut (such as myself) it's fun to see her in another movie. The cast is chock full of well known actors and some unknowns that really see and express the writer and directors vision. It pays off: They succeed in pulling you into a traumatic situation made worse with a mixture of religious zealotry, military conspiracy, and small-town ignorance that explodes in your face wondering if your humanity is worse off facing The Mist or the human condition.

There is no spoiler here but I will say this about the ending: It's what makes the movie and makes it so much better than most of the crap put out there in horror land. Yes, yes, getting cut in half and having limbs ripped-off is horrible. However it is the decisions we have to make that concern those we love and respect that can really drive one mad. The ending makes you look at yourself and wonder, if given the same situation, what you would have to do with the information you have available. It makes you think hard about your humanity and your soul and about what is right or wrong in any given situation involving our mortality.

I would suggest this movie to anyone that likes horror or science fiction and wants something a little more intense than, say, Army of Darkness (one of my personal favorites for totally different reasons). This movie deals with serious issues we hear about daily. The mist is just a piece of Science Fiction thrown in to bring out the best...and worst in us.

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Writing This Review....My Jaw Is Still On The Floor From The Ending.
Matt_Layden19 June 2008
After a freak and powerful storm, Drayton, his son and their neighbour ride into town to grab some supplies from the local supermarket. Upon arriving at store, it seems almost everyone in town had the same plan. A man bleeding from the nose runs into the store screaming about something in the mist that attacked him and took his friend. The mist rolls in and everyone is trapped inside, scared of leaving because of the creatures the dwell within it.

When I saw previews for The Mist, I wasn't too impressed. I thought it was going to be another run of the mill Hollywood horror film that wouldn't be scary, thrilling, gory, tense or have any characters that I could give a damn about. That was even with Darabont behind the camera. After finally seeing it, I sit here wrong on all counts. The Mist is just as thrilling and scary and tense as you want it to be, yet it falls short in many areas, mostly out of frustration on my part.

Thomas Jane isn't the best actor around. When you fight fight sharks and John Travolta how far can you really go into a character. Here he gets the chance, being a father who must take care of his scared son, act as a leader in the store and ultimately survive the horror that awaits him outside. Now he does try here, but it comes off as some twilight zone B movie acting. Which is, what I can only assume, is what Darabont wanted. His screaming in the film's conclusion is hurtful, both in terms of acting and in sorrow for the character. His son is given nothing to do but cry and be scared, which you can guess is exactly what a little kid would be in this situation.

The tension created is great, the mist rolls in and everyone is stuck inside. We don't know who or what these things are, but we know we are in for some scary things. Then we actually see them and that tension goes down a bit. In scenes in which the creatures interact with the humans, it comes off as fake and cheesy. By itself, it is quite neat, but still not truly horrifying. I felt like they missed a chance with some tension in the audio department. It starts off nice, with an alarm alerting the town of danger, but after that we get things that are few and far between. For instance, while we are in the mist, to build tension we could have heard the creatures crawling around. For people at home it would be great with surround sound. The only instance I remember them doing this was in the pharmacy.

I like that we don't know for sure where these things came from, and the sci/fi element is a neat addition. If we were full blown told what these things were and where they came from it would ruin the ambiguity of the whole film. This film stands out for me because of the way it was shot, very surreal, hand held and in the moment. If everything were nicely panned and smooth flowing, it would feel to fake.

I have two gripes, which is why the film is rated lower then what this review if praising it for. One, for those who've seen it know where I am going, is the ending. I won't spoil it for you, but you will either like it, or hate it. Which is ironic because I am on the fence with it. I applaud them for throwing a curve ball and showing us something that is so anti-Hollywood, but I felt cheated. You don't invest two plus hours into these characters and then pull off something like that. I called the a joke. I didn't expect it to be true. It's not really a twist, but what happens is shocking.

Second, the characters. I have never hated so many characters in one film. The Jesus freak stands out as one of my most hated characters in cinema history, right up there with Franklin from Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I know she was suppose to be hated, but I just couldn't stand her at all. While watching the film, I put myself in some of the characters shoes and I would have never let that woman done half the stuff she did. Also, how do 90% of the people in there fall victim to her babble? I could understand some people following her, but with her reputation and the amount of hate people had for her it was too unrealistic to see so many do her bidding. Whatever happened to people banding together to defeat evil, not turn on each other. Are we as humans so disgusting that when we are thrown into danger we kill one another. That isn't what America would have you believe, especially after the 9/11 attacks. I literally got up out of my seat and cheered at one scene, which finally shut her up.

The Mist is a hard film to like all the way through, it pulls you in so many different directions that you feel uneasy about it as a whole. It is skillfully made and 2/3 of it is horror classic. Yet it doesn't fulfill what I wanted it to, which is a shame because I really liked it.
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One of the best horror films I've seen in a long, long time
arichards2229 March 2008
On first impressions The Mist doesn't remotely seem like the kind of film anyone should be excited about. The Mist, what? A bit like The Fog, then. Stephen King's The Mist, oh, that makes it even worse. Directed by Frank Darabont, since when did he direct horror films? Okay, so he scripted Nightmare on Elm Street 3 and The Blob, not bad films, but not classics in any sense. Starring Thomas Jane, has anyone seen The Punisher. And, to cap it all, The Mist died a quick death at the US box office. It'll probably go straight to DVD in the UK.

The only reason I bought and watched the film was on a recommendation from a friend. He pleaded: "You have to see this film. You won't believe how good it is." So I put his judgement to the test.

And thank God. This is a great horror film. From the opening scene, Darabont sets a tone that's creepy, sinister and beautifully judged. The script is realistic, the character are believable and the direction... Darabont has almost reinvented himself. The Mist is dark, scary and even funny (intentionally). You care about the characters, the scary scenes are scary, and the whole film is carried off with an efficiency, a lack of pretension and a strong idea of what makes a good, if not great, horror film.

And the ending... how dark can you get? I can understand why this didn't do well at the box office. But neither did Shawshank Redemption...
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Something wicked this way wafts
Craig_McPherson19 November 2007
When it comes to adapting written works of Stephen King to the big screen nobody has enjoyed greater success than Frank Darabont. In 1994 he parlayed King's The Shawshank Redemption into a score of Oscar nominations, and repeated the feat with 1999's The Green Mile. King has even gone so far as to anoint Darabont as the filmmaker he trusts most to faithfully render his work into movies. As such it should come as no surprise that his visioning of King's 1980 novella The Mist is about as faithful as a movie can be to the source material, but in this case that's not always a good thing.

For those not familiar with King's story, the movie recounts the events resulting from the aftermath of a severe thunderstorm that hits a small Maine town, which finds itself enveloped shortly thereafter in a dense mist that brings with it a horde of mysterious and deadly creatures. Townsfolk gathered at a local supermarket to stock up on supplies to get them through what at first seems like little more than a prolonged power outage, find themselves barricaded within as the creature concealing fog rolls in. From there the story alternates between the shoppers trying to survive against the various carnivorous entities that have them under siege, and the interpersonal drama that takes hold as a religious zealot in their midst does her utmost to convert the survivors into her own version of Jonestown, and it's on this component of the story that the movie stumbles – though not fatally.

If there was one facet of King's story that screamed out for re-work, it was the sub-plot involving the bible thumping Mrs. Carmody (Marcia Gay Harden) which rang hollow in the novella, and doesn't fare any better here. While it's understandable that in a story populated with archetypes there's a need for foils to provide narrative momentum, choosing a religious nut-case as the vehicle is about as unconvincing as having some white haired nutty professor pop up in a lab coat shouting "it's alive". Don't worry, that doesn't happen. Fortunately, both Darabont's screenplay, and King's story upon which it is based, have the good sense to forward the plot at a quick enough pace so as not to allow things to become bogged down in a stereotypically bogus anti-religious tirade which, at times, flirts with seriously derailing this movie.

Eschewing leading actors and instead opting for character players, The Mist doesn't disappoint when it comes to acting and effects, both of which are of high caliber. Devotees of King's original story may find themselves taken aback by Darabont's decision to pen a decisive ending to the tale, rather than the open-ended conclusion chosen by King, however in an e-mail to the director after reviewing Darabont's ending, King gave it his unequivocal endorsement saying if he had thought it up at the time, he would have used it.

It's rare to find a creature-feature that actually delivers when it comes to fear factor, however The Mist is a wonderful throwback to those movies that scared the jeepers out of us as kids, and had us sleeping with the lights on, and a chair propped up against the closet door.

Frank Darabont can safely add yet another successful Stephen King adaptation to his list, even though it's safe to say there won't be any Oscar nominations headed his way over this. One can only wonder what their next collaboration will yield.
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hope, despair, and that damned ending
da_lowdown7 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to bother giving you a synopsis of this movie. The Stephen King novella has been out there for several years already. I urge you to read it. Should you just read the story and pass on the movie? Well, that depends on whether you should read more anyway, and whether you don't mind sitting through a pretty weak ending. But, more on that a little later.

Most of the original plot points and characters of the original story remain. The setup has been tightened, but at the slight expense of Norton's character development. The mist itself also does not receive the proper build up like in the short story. I love watching movies, but one of the medium's shortcomings is it's inability to get into your head, and characters head, the way literature does. I realize that books and movies are completely different mediums, and you shouldn't compare apples to oranges, but I digress.

What does remain is the building terror, hopelessness, and Lovecraft inspired people eaters. Mrs. Carmody's character receives more focus, but with good reason. Some folks may complain that it stereotypes, and slanders Christians. No, what it does is shine a light on religious fanatics, and their exploitation of people's fears and sense of despair. It attacks fanatics, not Christians. Got that? The same kind of fanatics that talk desperate young men and women into blowing themselves up along with other innocents, or drinking poisoned Cool-Aid in a South American jungle. Several of the characters passingly express their faith in God, but are not presented as lunatics. However, if you can see the Camrody character for what she really is, and what she represents, there is no need to feel offended. But if you took this character as a serious attack on your faith, maybe the shoe fits. Hmmmm. Oops, I digress again. Got ahead of myself.

Actually, one of the things I admired about this film was how well it presented this argument. Frightened, desperate people with no answers to mounting crisis (personal or otherwise) tend to flock to charismatic psychopaths that promise answers and solutions. This can happen to even the most 'normal' person under the right circumstance. Look at what happened in Jonestown, Heaven's Gate, Waco. 'The Mist' illustrated part of this dynamic pretty well. Marcia Gay Harden's performance is so effective, I almost denied her my praise. Some may call it overacting, but, have you ever heard a revivalist on a roll?

Another interesting point the film makes is how you can't expect that reason and logic alone will protect you or save your life. Like in the book, the Brent Norton character refuses to believe the dilemma they are in, simply because it doesn't fall in line with what he knows (or thinks he knows) about the world around us. In his mind, there is no need to fear something that makes no sense to you. If you can't see it, why fear it? This point of view costs him his life. And, at the other end of the spectrum, is Carmody, which I just discussed.

There are a couple of fine scenes of superbly executed terror. The pandemonium that breaks out during the first night when some of the creatures make it into the store, is simply amazing. The scene in the pharmacy had me almost in a fetal position in my chair. Well executed.

***** Major Spoiler Alert -I'm not kidding, turn back now!!!******

Still with me? Okay, Sounds like I really liked this movie, so far. Right? Well folks, sometimes a game is decided in the final seconds. There's no way I can talk about this movie without talking about the ending.

First of all let me clarify my position on the cookie cutter, happy Hollywood endings that give closure and warm fuzzies to all. I abhor them. Some of my favorite classics do not have happy endings with complete closure: Casablanca, Citizen Kane, Gone with the Wind, 2001 a Space Odyssey. A well crafted anti-ending should leave you with some kind of yearning, or maybe leave you reeling from 'punch in the gut' ending that challenges your intellect. I can see that they really tried for this, but they failed. Why? Well, it boils down to plausibility. You can get away with just about anything in your story telling, but your character's development and the story construct has to lead up to it. You have to convince your audience that their actions are plausible, no matter how outrageous.

Drayton popping bullets into everyone's head almost immediately after he runs out of gas is implausible because of his drive (and everyone else's) to survive just a few hours before. What?! You mean to tell me this guy's will to live turned on a dime that quickly? And no one in the car protested? How could Darabont have made the ending more plausible, thus more effective? How about watching (time lapse over days) them slowly run out of food, water, start to get sick. How about having them pinned down by those creatures for several days to the point that despair sets in. Then the ending would be plausible coming from these characters. And then watching their would be salvation roll in just a few seconds later would have made it even more poignant. Just another five minutes of film would have done it. But the way it was handled, it didn't feel natural, it felt forced and contrived.

I applaud Darabonts attempt at underscoring the importance of not losing hope. How falling into despair can lead to tragedy. If he had pulled it off, it would have been a true knock-out ending.

Unfortunately, the ball got fumbled in the final seconds. Such a shame.
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One of my all time favorite horror films
ZachRomero4 April 2020
Frank Darabont returns to the Stephen King well once again and this one is my personal favorite. I have a soft spot for horror stories, I know The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile are both much more subtle artistic masterpieces of modern cinema, I watch those films quite often and they tug at my heart strings each and every time. This film, however, is a fantastic character study with a subtly layered screenplay, powerful performances from it's ensemble of movie stars and "hey it's that guy!" character actors that also just so happens to include expertly directed gut wrenching sequences of horrorific monsters. It's a truly spooky film unlike most modern horror films. Darabont puts you right there in that supermarket, surrounded by panicked townsfolk and religious nutcases. Not only is the film scary, it's painfully tragic. I don't want to spoil the ending because it's so incredibly powerful so I'll say as little as I can but just don't expect every character that you've grown to love to make it out unscathed. This film has immense rewatchability unlike so many horror films that are meant to shock you momentarily with a jump scare then laugh it off with a quip. This is NOT that kind of film. Yes things get shocking but they're earned shocks and not just a series of the filmmakers shouting BOO!
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Watch this instead of the TV show if you haven't already!
kristi_ocampo30 July 2021
Okay, first of all, I think I would have appreciated this movie a lot more had I not watched the Netflix Original series, The Mist (2017) previously. But if I had watched this with fresh eyes, free from spoilers, I would have definitely been more engrossed, less likely to be frustrated by certain characters in this film. Nonetheless, it has all the elements of a class Stephen King ensemble: a crazy religious fanatic, unexplainable supernatural force in a small town, and a flawed yet somewhat likeable main character. I really want to describe how I feel about the ending, but I do not want to cloud anyone's judgment. It's best to watch this film not knowing much about it at all.
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"The Mist" is worth watching!
Gatecrasherfilms22 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I've been a member of IMDb for many years now and rarely do I take the time to comment on a film. In addition, I watch, on average, about 10-15 films a month, split among all genres including horror. Lately though, I've been very disenfranchised with most horror films especially with the proliferation of shock/gore/splatter/torture-porn films such as Hostel 2, The latest Saw film, Captivity, etc. Enter "The Mist" and I leave the theater saying to myself "this is why I go see movies".

Frank Darabont should be the only one adapting Steven King novels and short stories...period. He brings a human balance that's missing in most horror films these days. You can have the most unbelievable, and maybe even the most ludicrous, situations and events, but if you make the characters believable and further peel the layers to expose fear, prejudices and vulnerability then you have the foundations towards making an effective film. I was absolutely gripped during the entire film, and that all-too-rare-these-days sense of dread permeates through almost every scene and left me emotionally exhausted at the end. And speaking of the ending, isn't that what almost everyone is talking about? I'm not going to give anything away, but in my opinion, I loved it. I can see why it can split into camps of "loved it"/"didn't like it" but for me it was a great conclusion to the entire storyline of the human condition. I wouldn't have changed a thing.
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Pretty good, as far as Stephen King adaptations go
michaeljharvey4 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Let's be honest, Stephen King stories have not had very good luck when it comes to big screen adaptations. For every "The Shining", there have been 10 terrible movies. I was pretty leery about seeing "The Mist". I had enjoyed the novella and I wanted to see something that would do it justice. This film does a pretty good job, although I'm not sure it deserves its current lofty rating here on IMDb.

The plot is rather simple. A mixed group of survivors are trapped in a supermarket as a mysterious, deadly mist suddenly rolls in. No one is really sure where it came from, although theories abound. Some think it's the end of the world, Biblical style. Others think it's an industrial accident. Still others are convinced this has something to do with the research being done at a nearby military base. Very quickly the survivors learn there are weird monstrosities lurking in the mist. Creepy, prehistoric predatory creatures. They also quickly learn that any trip into the mist usually results in a gruesome death within minutes. There is no communication with the outside world, so the survivors are left to speculate how far the mist has spread and if any one else has survived.

Over time tensions begin to get the better of the survivors and civility breaks down. Some turn to a religious zealot for answers, others look to our hero, David Drayton (played by Thomas Jane), others simply commit suicide. At this point, the movie becomes more of a disaster movie with some movie-monster special effects thrown in. It's a study of how quickly society can break down when the normal routine and rules are removed. The movie also raises interesting questions about making decisive, life-changing decisions when it's hard to have a clue what the right answer might be. Do you stay in the supermarket, with an increasingly violent group of people, and hope help is on the way? Or do you try to formulate an escape plan and risk the mist, where no one has survived for more than a few hundred feet?

The psychological aspect of the mist is what's truly scary and isn't explored nearly enough. The actual monsters in the mist aren't all that frightening. Giant spiders, giant lobsters, giant insects, pterodactyl-like flying creatures... They all seem like rejects from a bad science fiction B-movie. The "military research gone wrong" angle also fits nicely with B-movie tradition and seems a little tired and ridiculous. The movie is far more enjoyable as a disaster movie, rather than a horror movie.

The end of the movie is surprisingly downbeat and nihilistic. What if our hero, who seemed so confident and in control all along, was just guessing like everyone else? What if he made some disastrously bad decisions, through no fault of his own? That's the end of this film. It seems the cowardly people, who were afraid to take action, are the ones who probably survived. All along we are so focused on the character flaws of the supporting characters, we fail to see that perhaps the hero might be just as flawed.
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This King adaptation gets it right
pnarco2 December 2007
I was very impressed by this adaptation of Stephen King's 'The Mist'. I have been a fan of the story since it came out and have played the text game and have heard the 3-D audio version of it. This is a masterful suspense/monster movie that puts an ensemble cast into the untenable situation of being in a deteriorating situation they cannot escape from. We watch as alliances are formed, religious paranoia takes hold and, nicely, the movie takes the time to establish characters whom we come to care for before the true action begins. I dock it a couple of points because some of the monsters seemed a little too cgi, and the middle lags a bit, but the much talked about ending is indeed awesome and I was most impressed by the director's decision to keep the music soundtrack down and even eliminate it completely during many of the action sequences. So many movies nowadays crank the music up to 11 to make up for the fact that their suspense scenes do not work. This movie does. I was breathlessly on the edge of my seat for most of it, even though I was already familiar with the story. Highly recommended.
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Could be worse, but not much
rbruckner13 January 2008
Well, i saw this movie last weak in a sneak preview, and was really surprised it had such a good rating (especially because it seemed that everybody in the cinema hated this movie). At first, the idea behind the story isn't that bad, but in my opinion too much inspired by dawn of the dead and half-life. Some people are trapped in a supermarket and threatened by an unknown power from the outside. It could have been a really haunting movie about a group of people in an extreme situation, with some suspense added by the supernatural powers from the outside, and somehow it really tries to be this movie. But there are 2 big reasons, why this doesn't work:

1.) Most of the characters act too stereotyped, and after some dialogs you think: "Did he really say *this*", and thereafter: "Yes he had to, he's the classical hillbilly/snob/leader/whatever". You're getting either annoyed by the stereotypes, or you have to laugh about them. So you can't take the movie seriously anymore, which destroys the whole atmosphere the setting could have constructed.

2.) There's an religious fanatic, and you are hating her after she said two sentences. And the director let her do several monologues about several minutes, which are that annoying that they really keep you from enjoying the movie.

So i gave this only 2 stars. It was technically well done, but i would strongly recommend to watch dawn of the dead instead of this one (the remake), because the situation is quite similar and the people act much more realistic.
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Classic Horror in a Post Modern age
hoobits25 November 2007
Let me take a breath... Never have I had such a visceral physical reaction to a film... ever. Not even with Elem Klimov's Come and See. In the last fifteen minutes I was nearly physically paralyzed, and then started shaking, realizing how numb my body was... and I am dead serious. Frank Darabont's adaptation of Stephen King's novella goes heads above a 50s/60s monster movie homage. This is grade "A" chilling, terrifying, unsettling and utterly hopeless cinema in line with the most cynical and depressing classics from the 70s. The Mist itself and the monsters it brings are just the appetizer here. As all good horror should be, this explores the ultimate enemy, ourselves. In short one of the most beautiful, thrilling and terrible times I've had at the movies.

To elaborate, it isn't a pitch perfect film... Some of the CGI at the beginning is weak, and there are a few lines that can't escape the genre, but other than that this is a home run in every department - The performances (especially from Toby Jones and Marcia Gay Harden), the ingenious hand held camera, which is never used as a gimmick. The sound design, the lack of an underscore... This lends to the great atmosphere and tension Darabont builds. I'm sure you can guess by now this isn't schmaltzy, sentimental Darabont here; this is an angry, maniacal man that rears his head and shouts, "Everything is lost!" and then shoots you in the gut. Any fan of Stephen King, The Twilight Zone or Ray Bradbury, will greedily devour this with a great big grin on their face, then feel very sick but so damn happy and then throw up. Best film of the year yet.
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Kind of like Tremors meets War of the Worlds.
IamtheRegalTreatment21 November 2007
The Mist is a thrilling film about a town swept over by, well, mist... and the movie focuses on a supermarket that has roughly a hundred trapped local citizens, along with a few out-of-towners. Everyone is confused about what is going on, but a few people stick out as they try to pressure their ideas onto others. Some are petrified of the mist while others believe it's the work of God trying to warn them.

This movie was extremely entertaining. It kept my attention thru the entire 2 hours. First, there's no "dilly-dallying"; the movie starts off right with a storm. The mist slowly forms over the lake by the horizon once the storm settles. The local run to the supermarket for supplies, but soon upon arrival, the mist swarms to the store and traps them inside. Some try to escape early but are torn away like mice to mice traps. The mist evolves as the movie goes on to these vial creatures that take over everything outside. As days pass, the people become desperate and that's when they try new plans, only leading to more danger.

Here are the strong points of this movie. You don't know what is in the mist for a good part of the movie, which lets your imagination take over. In my opinion, that is much scarier. Another thing is that the mood is set very well: police cars speeding across the supermarket, the bull horn, the rolling of the mist towards the supermarket; the director did a remarkable job. The last thing was the psychological warfare amongst the people at the market. A quote from the movie was a reply to someone who asked why drastic measures needed to be taken, and he said "People are civilized, but when you take their possessions and put them into the dark, they will listen to anyone who says they have an answer". This movie isn't just about the mist, it is a metaphor for how trouble or error will only be acknowledged when it occurs. We can be civilized today when everything is normal, but once something happens we are lost. We turn to whomever gives advice or a solution because we are so wrapped up in misery that we will try almost anything to get it back. The Mist is a perfect scenario for this occurrence.

7 out of 10 from me, you don't want to miss this if you have the opportunity. Even reading the book if you could would be great.
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A Spectacular Scarefest
Jonny_Numb27 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
While the cast and crew of "The Mist" will herald the Weinstein Brothers at press junkets and the like, the producing duo has made 2007's most refreshingly original horror films ("Grindhouse," "Halloween") sacrificial lambs to fright-unfriendly weekends (there's a good article on this at Dread And while "The Mist" certainly commands a 30-foot screen, maybe its best possible fate lies on DVD, where viewers with surround sound and a widescreen TV can live the horrific, harrowing experience without the distraction of an audience too dumb to decipher their ticket stubs.

"What's wrong with Stephen King?!" one member asked at the climax of "The Mist," certain he had made an alternately incisive and hilarious comment. To which I thought, "Had you actually read the novella, clod, you'd know that King ended on an (almost) upbeat note." With home entertainment fast becoming the industry standard, I guess the expectation of a tactful audience is beyond reason anymore.

Despite the running commentary, I was able to see the treasure most of the room missed out on. As a novella, "The Mist" is—like most of King's work—pulpy, scary, and compelling. The film, written and directed by Frank Darabont, is a stunning adaptation that manages to capture the slow burn of dread and desperation that permeates the novella. And while there is an uncanny titular similarity to John Carpenter's "The Fog," this is an altogether different beast.

The setup is simple: after a brutal storm whips through a small Maine community, movie poster artist David Drayton (Thomas Jane—"Dreamcatcher") and his son, Bill (Nathan Gamble) head into town for supplies, accompanied by Norton (Andre Braugher), their next-door neighbor. Once they arrive at a small shopping plaza, a shear mist encroaches upon them, trapping a large number of people inside a grocery store. The utter randomness of this scenario is enough to make one's skin crawl, but it turns out there are prehistoric-looking monsters waiting in the mist. And the inhabitants of the store become increasingly desperate for survival.

(At this juncture, I will apologize in advance for the upcoming comparisons to "Night of the Living Dead," due to the sheer quantity of mentions.)

What follows has a lot of thematic parallels to George Romero's "Night of the Living Dead," a B movie whose guerrilla fearlessness and intelligence pushed it into legitimacy and legend. "The Mist" is as much about things-that-go-bump-against-the-plate-glass as the way in which trapped humans respond to such a fantastic situation. Like "Night," the breakdown of social order and martial law is addressed; the role of the military comes into play; religious fundamentalism is personified by Mrs. Carmody (Marcia Gay Harden), a fire-and-brimstone type who becomes a macabre, sacrifice-minded beacon to the store's desperate. In an era where most of today's horror crowd expects "Saw XIV" every time they walk into a theater, Darabont's script is built on a foundation of logic and authentic human action (even when characters do things we know are unwise, their rationale is convincingly fleshed-out) as opposed to manipulative twists and anticlimaxes. The ending is at once ballsy, depressing, and right. Like "Night," "The Mist" is less about otherworldly monsters than mankind's uncanny ability to BE the monster.

That being said, "The Mist" works as well as a traditional horror film, with several genuinely scary sequences involving mutant hybrids of pterodactyls, houseflies, and spiders, with several Cthulhu-esquire unmentionables to complement their Lovecraftian backstory. The CG is well-utilized and the sharp editing keeps it from being overdone. Darabont transforms the creatures—which are essentially '50s B-movie fodder—into absolutely convincing visions of hell. This film bucks current horror trends by actually scaring the audience instead of just repulsing them.

"The Mist" is one of the year's best.
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B-grade cinema called and want their movie back!
eggflip669 March 2008
CGI or no CGI. It felt like a mix of b-grade and even c-grade with a small dose of Hollywood. I am a movie buff. I watch a lot of movies. I watch many movies daily, and I like to think I have good taste when it comes to any movie of any genre whether it be a drama or a horror like this one.

Now I'll get to the point. I try to keep an open mind even with all movies, even the blatantly bad ones or even the films I don't really personally like, as I can admit when they are well filmed or acted brilliantly regardless of my opinion on the actual plot, like No Country and There Will Be Blood for example. Those movies I hated but I can respect them for their brilliant acting and work of camera and hidden themes etc. The Mist on the other hand, well let's just say I'd have more respect for a 10 dollar hooker with a yeast infection. I can at least say I didn't waste my money on this rubbish movie. But that being said, now there's 2 hours of my life I want back.

The acting is so unforgivably bad and a lot of their lines are so incredibly uncredible you can just never get attached to any character as everything everyone in this movie just felt contrived. I mean sure, you wouldn't come across a situation like this in real life, but I refuse to believe that's how people would act if a monster in the mist actually ever did appear in my town. How can citizens be so dumb? So putting the sub par acting aside, I'll forgive Thomas Jane just once for choosing a bad movie because I honestly believe it was mostly the scripts fault here and not so much the actors. I'm not even going to go into how bad the CGI is because I don't want to get attacked by people who will try to tell me you don't need good cgi to enjoy a movie. I am aware of this fact, but I still have to say that in today's world of technology how is it possible for a Hollywood blockbuster to have such incredibly lame CGI? Oh and the ending of this movie just made me want to punch my friend in the face for making me sit through the whole thing.

What more is there to say really? Except to wonder over how the rating for this weak movie obtained a score over 7 on IMDb when it should be less than 5. I have a feeling it has to do with the fact Stephen King lent his name to this abomination and come on, we all know a Steven King fan is not a reputable source as a movie critic. So unfortunately there are an abundance of King fans out there and who will rate anything he has done highly just because they can.

Comparing to the last monster movie I'd seen this year, Cloverfield was rubbish but even that had more cinematic qualities going for it than this waste of a motion picture. In the end I recommend seeing the Fog, 1980 John Carpenter classic. Now that is what a horror movie is supposed to do. Scare you, not make you laugh and cry for the wrong reasons. In The Mist I was laughing at the monster moments and crying during most of the dialog. It really was that bad and right up there with the Fog remake from 2005 only somehow less scary.

B-grade movie enthusiasts however will probably think this is somehow the greatest movie they have ever seen in their whole lives.
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RUN!! Don't stare at it and scream!
lmbiango27 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I really expected a lot coming into this movie considering it had a rating on this site of 7.5. The entire time I found myself yelling, "What are you doing?!" Almost everything the characters did was "horror film stereotypical". As monsters ran towards them, they stood there and screamed instead of running. The crazy lady trying to kill a ten year old child somehow had acquired a huge band of followers within 24 hours who also felt that somehow God would appreciate it it they stabbed the child to death, along with the Army guy. It made absolutely no sense why anyone would listen to her at all. They should have duct taped her mouth shut from the beginning. Overall, I was extremely annoyed by how predictable this movie was and how I felt like I needed to dumb myself down in order to watch it. I couldn't think logically about anything that was happening or else I would have turned it off, so I had to pretend that it was convincing just so I could finish watching it. The ending made me totally nauseas. No one would EVER do what this man did. You battle the monsters for days and risk your life repeatedly and then you think that running out of gas means QUIT?! No, you would not shoot two old people, your own ten year old son, and the woman holding him and spare yourself. That is ridiculous. The personalities that these people had we not the type of personalities that would accept giving up, and the fact that they didn't join the crazy lady's band of insanity shows that the man was not a psycho and would not have shot his child in the head and not himself. I realize it was to spare them from the monsters, but no one in their right mind could do that. Every "mission" he went on was life threatening, and all of those people put their lives at risk by getting in that car, so why commit suicide?? They wouldn't. It was stupid.
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