Max Payne (Video Game 2001) Poster

(2001 Video Game)

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Now here's what an action game should be. (* * * * out of * * * *)
AngryMovieNerd14 October 2005
Now here's what an action game should be. Max Payne is like a tribute to such Hollywood action icons, such as The Matrix (1999) and director John Woo. This is one of the best video games I have played in a long time. Never in a video game have I seen such good graphics, great dialogue, and intense action.

At best, a game like Max Payne runs like a television marathon series. The game is separated into three chapters with at least seven parts each, including the amazing graphic novels.

The game has a promising premise: DEA agent Max Payne is framed for the murder of his partner, Alex Balder, during a robbery in a New York subway station. With his partner dead, Payne is framed for the crime and the robbery. The case takes a bigger turn with the flow of a new drug in the city, and the possibility of a corrupt organization's involvement in supporting the drug (known as Valkyr). For Payne, it's going to be a long night in New York, during the city's snowstorm blizzard of the century.

Max Payne is a dark video game, and the title hero is also the narrator of the story, and while Payne doesn't seem confident in his storytelling, at times, he provides humor during the narration. The game shifts us to the events leading up to Payne being set up.

There is a sad and somewhat unpleasant sequence where Payne's wife and baby daughter are murdered by Valkyr junkies. And there is the possibility that the corrupt Aesir Corp. may be responsible for his family's death.

Payne must also battle a trail of mobsters, security agents, and black ops operatives, who all want him dead.

What makes Max Payne a great video game is the graphics, which uses New York locations we've probably never seen before, such as a run-down night club called Ragna Rock, and an old seaport.

There is even a great chase sequence where Payne chases a mobster from buildings to a construction site, and to the rooftops of New York apartment buildings (Not in that order).

Payne is also given a cache of weapons, such as handguns, grenade launchers, and machine guns. All enough to start a war. There is even a feature known as bullet time (reminiscent of the action styles seen in the John Woo movies), in which Max is able to slow down time and get a better advantage over his enemies. And if you're a hardcore John Woo fan, you'll notice that Payne is also able to do that familiar double handgun leap in the air.

And while Max Payne is such a good game, it does have its minimal flaws, which is its lack of character variety; the mobsters (who resemble Joe Pesci wise-guys), and agents all look essentially the same. The body count, and the amount of bullets used are ridiculously too high. And sometimes shooting someone point blank in the head doesn't work all the time. I guess it's trying to follow that great tradition of the John Woo Hong Kong movies in which there is always a high body count and a person is hit more than once.

Not all levels rely on handguns and automatic weapons. There is a moment that I like where Payne is unarmed and he must fight through a hallway full of thugs with a baseball bat.

There has been rumors that Max Payne is being made into a motion picture by Twentieth Century Fox that will fill in the gaps missing in both games. The video games, alone, are perfect. Max Payne creates a hero, who, if not plausible (he does endure mega doses of violence, and manages to live through the cold, stormy night), is at least persuading as a man determined to find the truth and clear his name.
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A very good game with an interesting plot to follow, shown through graphic novels
MovieAddict201618 August 2002
Max Payne is a man with nothing to lose. He has been framed for murder, and lost his wife a child. Now, you must take control and lead Max to the ultimate revenge against the killers of his family, and the people who set him up. With a great plot to follow, shown with comic graphic novels, realistic gritty surroundings, bullet time-a slow-mo matrix kind of effect- and weapons, revenge and more, MAX PAYNE delivers to the hard core gamers out there. I think it's one of the most under rated video games ever. If you like games such as Grand Theft Auto 3, you'll love Max Payne . Also, get the game on XBOX. It has the best graphics out of all the systems. 4/5 stars.

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Not just a good game, but a great story
BroadswordCallinDannyBoy28 September 2004
Games don't usually get this good. I mean, this is an absolutely amazing game. From the involving story, the terrific direction, and awesome action and game-play this one has it all.

Max Payne is a cop infiltrating a drug ring and just about everything goes wrong. Everything. It is up to his guts and guns to solve the problem.

While this is a shooter a gritty and realistic feeling pervades the game making it more of a movie. The bad guys are punks, security guards and such. They talk, run, scream, and are afraid to die. They are placed in realistic locations. And speaking of locations...You actually feel like you are in the city. The graphics and story just place you in the moment and you push through the gauntlet of pain and bad guys with sympathies for the character.

There are a few limitations, this is a game after all, like the bad guys have basically one tactic, and some of the action scenes are way over the top, but hey... if this is based off of an action movie, it's perfect.

Basically YOU GOTTA PLAY IT! 9/10

Rated MATURE: unrelenting violence
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Bloody Brilliant.
Le-Samourai28 December 2004
To this day no game has gripped me like "Max Payne". I remember I got this one Friday afternoon and had it beat by Sunday morning. Yes I did spend most waking hours playing it, but that is a testament to the game's story. I rarely find myself addicted to a game's story. I rarely find myself wanting to know where the story goes. In games, plot does take a backseat to game play for me. But "Max Payne" got it right. It's short enough not to lose focus from beginning to end, but long enough to become a deep and immersive experience. The game's pacing is flawless. The style by which the story is told – graphic comic strip narrated by the hard-boiled Payne is also perfect and adds much to the game's style an atmosphere.

The much-hyped slow motion aspect of the game is simply the icing on the cake. There is nothing like jumping into a room – gun in each hand – in slow motion and re-enacting your favourite John Woo action scene. Nothing. It is true that the A.I. isn't the small tool in the box, but what lack in brains they make up for in numbers. The vast selection of weapons is also impressive, though I have myself found myself going through the entire game using only handguns except when other guns are essential to the objective. But that's just the Woo fan in me.

The graphics were jaw-dropping at the time and are still damn impressive today. There was times when I was simply amazed at the details: if you got the camera right behind Max's shoulder you could see the micro-fabrics of his jacket and the singular strands of his hair. Bullet hits were also impressive – both visually and in their restraint. They remind me a lot of Exley's shotgun massacre in "L.A. Confidential". Debris flies over the place but not in an over-the-top Woo or "Matrix" way. This helps retain the gritty realism the makers were striving for.

"Max Payne" is derivate of a lot of works and is quite clichéd, but it is executed with style, atmosphere and an immense level of game-making professionalism that makes it an experience unlike any other. Put film noir, John Woo and "The Matrix" into mixer and "Max Payne" is probably what you get. And it's one hell of a cocktail. The game is thrilling, visceral and explosive. What more could you want in an action game?
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Perfect story and perfect action game.
EVON1TY18 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A man with nothing to lose.

He is a policeman and he loses his wife and his son at the same time. Now he is a man with nothing to lose. The game is immersive and perfect. Graphics, controls and playability is really good. Amazing game for that times. And amazing game for even this time.
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Show me a better game and I'll show you the best game.
ooutland3 September 2001
Max Payne is more of an experience than a game. You can see a level of realism that most games-and some movies-cant touch. You can hear every bullet just barely miss you as you dodgeshoot (a form of slow motion action similar to what is seen in The Matrix). You can feel max's world around him as he physically and psychologically deteriorates in front of you. Above all, you will admire the action-packed thrill and the overwhelming terror of the game. When you dodge a thousand bullets and look behind you, you will see a wall with a thousand holes in it. Your dual ingrams will tear down rows of those who wish to stop you, as every death leads to more questions. You will know what it is like to escape from flaming buildings and be ripped into chaos as the dreaded "V" melts away your mind. Throw in a story to rival any movie, and you have, like half-life before it, a true experience. From the murder of his family at the hands of a designer drug to his framing of murder, to the very end, this game will leave you screaming that you are never "too tired to go on".
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The greatest "film-noir" game I have ever seen...
detori13 August 2002
Max Payne is the titular cop hell-bent on revenge after his wife and child have been murdered by a group of strangers in his own house. While the plot of the game feels good enough for any film-noir it is the unique atmosphere that separates it from the rest.

While most people will probably remember the game for the revolutionary bullet-time that allows the protagonist to move in glorious slow motion, there is I must say a whole lot more to the game.

Take for instance the movie references; The code for a passageway is "John Woo" while at a certain point Max dryly comments before attempting to take out some terrorists: "I played Chow Yun Fat..." Max Payne also has an awareness of itself in the game, whereby he accounts that "I feel like being in a computer game..."

All in all I must say that Max Payne is the greatest film-noir game and you surely must try it to experience it!
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Outstanding. I can't say enough.
GlowstickChick8 November 2001
It took four long years in production, but Max Payne has lived up to and beyond all expectations and earned the rave reviews it deserves. First of all, the whole game is visually stunning. When you first load up the tutorial, trust me, you'll just be sitting there staring. When you first pause the game and watch the camera circle Max's virtually photo-realistic body, you'll keep on staring. When you first launch into slow motion and watch the bullets actually flying past, you'll stare some more. Basically, the graphics are fantastic; I've never seen better in a PC game.

But that's not all that makes Max Payne so remarkable. The story is really intriguing, and I think calling it cliched is missing the point; it's supposed to have that film noir, crime novel feeling, and it pulls it off creatively through the graphic novel scenes that pop up throughout the game. When you're not tearing through gangsters and junkies and suits, you may find yourself listening in from around corners, hopping from rooftop to rooftop, even wandering through Max's actual nightmares. The use of the graphic novel is great; it's wickedly written and a nice break from the action sometimes.

Which brings me to the action itself. Wow. Playing against such amazing graphics and animation, gunfights in Max Payne are *intense*. The slow-motion feature is a wonderful addition; you start to feel so cool sliding past bullets in midair that you're able to suspend disbelief. As with any other game, you learn to ration your resources and deal with confrontations more efficiently, but the awesome thing is that this game learns along with you. Max Payne actually adjusts to your skill level, making the game challenging without being impossible. And it's about time someone made a shooter like that!

So combine all that with really good voice acting and blessedly infrequent load times, and you really do have one of the best PC games ever made. Inevitably, there are a few problems; the weapons interface can be a little difficult at first, and enemy AI can be kind of questionable, but those are common glitches. The only significant drawback is only that the game doesn't last long enough! For most, it won't take longer than ten or fifteen hours to complete. However, what it lacks in quantity, Max more than makes up for in quality, and it's very replayable anyway.

All in all, this one is a landmark game and a masterpiece -- super-innovative, compelling and beautifully made. Deservedly, it's sure to land more than one Game Of The Year.
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The "The Usual Suspects/Memento" of PC games.
af0919 October 2001
Max Payne uses the better aspects of movies (ie plot twists, character depth) to set it apart from the thousands of other "shoot 'em up" games out there. Over the course of the game you get into Max's head, learning his personality and understanding how he feels about his family's demise. Max did critically well except critics said the noir-ish writing was over-the-top (ie "The sun set with practiced bravado"). They equated this to bad writing, while in my opinion the overly wordy writing was on purpose. Also there is supposed to be a movie released based off this game. If the movie makers take this title as seriously as did the game designers, this could be a great movie. Personally I think Edward Norton would be a perfect Max Payne.
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A Timeless Classic
jedfarcry22320 December 2021
The fact that Max Payne came out in 2001 is one of those facts that is always.never going to sink in for me but it's one of my favorite games of all time and a game that I always find myself playing every now and then.
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Just amazing, what we Finns can do..
Velros31 August 2001
I got nothing to say, i'm still drooling.. Even just the story is amazing ! (this means, that Finland is Really improved at computer-games!) So, what are you waiting for? BUY THE GAME, will you?

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The best computer criminal story ever told...
-Poncho-21 September 2001
I was so surprised when playing this game. I knew the graphics would be stunning and the gameplay extraordinary. But what really got to me while playing was the immense and truly thrilling story that was written before my eyes. With tons of intertextuality, humor and great voice-acting (unlike Hitman for example) it developed into a story unlike I had never experienced neither in a computer game, a movie or a TV-series before...

Way to go Remedy! Can't wait to play the sequel...
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Good film-noir action game, but way too hard and too repetitive game-play
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews9 April 2004
The two things that stand out most about this game is that it's in the genre of "noir", which exceptionally few games are, and that it's the very first game to involve bullet-time. The film-noir works very well in the game, and the story is pretty typically noir(revenge is the main theme), and all in all, I'd say the game has a very good noir feel to it, especially due to the narration. The bullet-time has(which was surely to come in some game, after the massive success of The Matrix, in which the photography technique was invented and used quite well), since this game was made, been done a few times more, most of them better than in this, so that's not as special anymore, but they did marvelous in programming and animating it, and while it isn't as nicely explained as it was in aforementioned philosophical sci-fi action film, it's very well-integrated. The game has you controlling Max Payne, an ex-cop with good cause to seek revenge. I won't reveal here what happens to the man to provide him with said cause, as the in-game reveal is quite simply so effective as to rival the emotional impact of a masterfully directed motion picture. The story develops throughout, with clues being provided and Max slowly figuring out who's behind it all. The voice acting is very good, and the diverse character gallery is credible and well-written. I'm not sure which of the two games, this or the sequel, had the better story(though perhaps this had too much technology by comparison), though I remember more of this... perhaps simply because I played it for longer, more times. This had the more concise amount of characters, and at least one character went through a change in the second game that I didn't care too much for. The game seems far too hard to beat; the enemies seem to have far superior aim, or maybe their weapons just several times as much damage as the player does... anyway, I often found myself emptying entire clips(!) at my enemy, only to be killed by a single shot, when Max stopped shooting to reload. The game-play is also incredibly repetitive. The only thing you do is run around and shoot. Of course, the slow-motion running makes for more intense fire-fights, and the dives help give you the feel of being in a John Woo film(giving the game a feel of, I suppose, being in a noir film directed by the Chinese master of action movies). Oh, actually, there are also a few jumping puzzles(yes, jumping) in the game, which really mostly serve as more frustration as you also have far too little(read: hardly any at all) control over how long or how high your character jumps. The weapon selection is very good, with a Beretta(and dual use available, fitting right in with the John Woo feel), an assault rifle(from the looks of it, probably an M4), two shotguns, one of which is a sawed-off, a sniper and more. Last-mentioned ranged weapon has a very nice slow-motion camera effect that I won't describe in detail, activated simply by shooting at an enemy with the rifle, using the scope to aim. The sound is very good, everything sounds as it should, with marvelous ambient sounds to make you feel like you really are in New York. The graphics are very good, but the graphic engine requires far too much, and the game will sometimes lag on computers that can run newer games with better graphics flawlessly. It especially lagged for me in the cinematics, bringing several of them so far out of sync that most of the enjoyment of watching them was severely negatively affected. The game has a great atmosphere, they've managed to capture the whole experience of a noir film almost perfectly, with the mood, the music, the story and the plot-twists. Had the game only been better game-play-wise, it would have been very short of a masterpiece. Unfortunately, the creators were too busy improving the graphics and inserting in-jokes to do anything about it. They put more effort into the atmosphere, graphics and bullet-time, and the game-play, re-playability and length suffered. The level design of the game is very good, but it still doesn't save it. Overall, the game is good, but it could have been great. If you are going to play it, I urge you to try it with mods, instead of the regular game... heck, actually, with how many marvelous mods that are available, for free for download off the 'net, I urge anyone who enjoys action games and can run this to get it just to be able to play the mods(in fact, for any creative folk who double as gamers out there, I can say as one such person myself that modding for this game is a *lot* of fun... if you can use the tools. You can make new levels(and program cinematics for them, *tons* of fun), mess around with coding, put in new weapons and change just about everything to fit what you want to achieve. It may not be the most easy to figure out how to do, but there are a ton of tutorials, and these two are quite probably the games that let you change the most... at the very, very least among them). If you do intend to play the game through, do it because of the excellent story and the noir-like mood, and don't expect a very diverse experience to be gotten out of the main game-play. Also, if you insist on beating it, prepare to use cheat codes, unless you're very, very stubborn(like me) or very, very patient. The game takes about ten hours to beat, give or take, and after that there is somewhat little chance that you'll play it again. It's just far too hard, to the point of being frustrating at times. I recommend this to people who dig noir and/or third-person shooters. If you have the patience. 7/10
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played it once and that was enough pain.
ThunderKing61 October 2021
Max Payne was a shooting game where you played as some guy shooting pixels in order to see the end credits. YAY!!

Usually when I play piss poor games, I don't finish. Max Payne is the exception. A clunky, stubborn, unthrilling shooting game.

I'm not sure why people rate Max Payne so high when it's not that good. Maybe I have high standards or maybe I'm a nit picker. Doesn't matter, this game was meh at best.
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One of the finest actiongames ever created
action-623 February 2004

"Max Payne" is brilliant. You just cannot say it in any other way. MP is a super-cool actiontitle that uses the so-called bullet-time effect to create extremely stylish shoot-outs where the main character Max Payne constantly dives into bloody gun-fights. Playing it again over 2 years since its first release still confirms its excellent quality, and it is a game that easlily passes the test of time. Some people may argue that this game is only inspired by "The Matrix", which is not correct. John Woo`s brilliant actionmovies like "Hard-Boiled" and "The Killer" are both among the most important source of inspiration for the Finnish developers. I can guarantee that if you give this one a go, then you will be hooked.

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Best Game Ever 10 Out Of 10.
goodluckstar6 March 2021
Graphics Are Better Than Free Fire 🤣🤣, Controls Are Better Than Gangstar Vegas Just Wow!!!!!!
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The pinnacle of Interactive Cinematography
clanjadefalcon9 September 2001
This game is not ground breaking in innovation. It is the art of refinement.

For the first time, we have a hard boilded noir representation in a computer game. This game may be short, but every minute played is quality, quality rarely seen in other titles.
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One of the best computer games ever made!!!!!!
sjmking22 August 2001
This game puts you in the shoes of Max Payne, a New York undercover cop who lost his wife and kids to some gangsters high on a new drug called "V", so he decides to go undercover. However his cover is blown when he is framed for a crime he didn't commit. Now with his back against the wall, the mob and the cops after him, he is fighting a war he can't possibly win. This game also introduces a few new elements never before seen in a computer game like "bullet time" it allows you to slow down time (like in the Matrix) and gives you an advantage over your opponents, also as you progress through the game you will see a comic strip like "graphic novel" which provides you with most of the plot which is very well done. The game is very fast paced and is extremely fun, I just beat the game and think it is simply brilliant I can't wait for the sequel!!
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Max Brings the PAYNE!!!
Pumpkin_Man19 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have loved this game ever since it came out! I love the action, the storyline, the drama, the setting, and the visuals! The story is about a detective named Max Payne who is living the American Dream. He has a beautiful wife and a baby girl. But in a minute, it's all taken away. His wife and daughter are murdered by junkies on a drug called Valkyr. Three years have passed and Max is undercover trying to get a lead in the Valkyr case. Max meets his partner, Alex Balder at Roscoe Street Station. Alex is shot dead and Max takes the blame. Throughout the game, Deputy Chief Jim Bravura and the Mafia are after Max. During one snowy night, Max Payne has nothing to lose and finally gets the revenge he deserves! I highly recommend MAX PAYNE!!!
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Still One of the Best Ever
publiclewdness1 May 2020
Max Payne is easily one of the best games ever made and even nearly 20 years later that fact still stands in my view. I have played many games since this came out but it still ranks up there for me. The story is a masterpiece that fits together wonderfully. The voice acting is fantastic, James McCaffrey was a perfect choice for Max. The soundtrack fit well and set the mood. The game play itself was a thing of beauty. No game allowed you to be in a John Woo movie before and until Stranglehold years later none who tried to emulate it did it well. For me one of the things I loved was the little details. When you walk in the snow you leave footprints. After a gunfight there are shell casings on the floor and your discarded magazines. There are bullet holes in the walls left by you and your enemies. All adds to the game and sadly are things many games still don't do for whatever reason. The games comic book style way of telling the story was awesome and fit well with the FMV cut scenes. The news reports in the background and on the televisions was also an ingenious way to add to the story. The cast of characters are memorable. Even after all this time I still remembered them, all the way from Mona; Max; Bravura; Lupino; Gogniti; etc. There isn't a wasted character or bad one in the bunch. The variety of weapons and ability to dual wield most of them made for a kid in a candy shop during gunfights. I did feel that the shotgun was a little under powered sometimes as even point blank it took 2-3 shots to put basic enemies down. It also didn't make sense why Lupino needed so many bullets to go down despite not being superhuman, V or no V. These were minor things though that didn't stop my enjoyment one bit.

I played Max Payne on Linux using Steam's Proton. It never crashed on em and I didn't notice any bugs or glitches. There are 3 settings for AA; 3 settings for AF; and 13 other graphic settings. The game allows you to manually save whenever you want and gives 10 slots for that. There are auto saves for those who prefer. Alt-Tab worked. You can pause FMV cut scenes but not skip them. You can skip the comic book cut scenes. Performance was fantastic. The game certainly is no spring chicken visually but n it's time it was top notch. A few times the FPS dropped from 144 but only dropped to 130 and 119 and only for a split second so it wasn't an issue. I played version 1.05 of the game.

Disk Usage: 792 MB VRAM Usage: 706-797 MB CPU Usage: 10-14 % RAM Usage: 2.4-3.3 GB Frame Rate: 119-144 FPS

If by some chance you haven't had the pleasure of playing Max Payne and enjoy shooters then rush out and get this now. I finished the first play through on the fugitive difficulty and it took me 7 hours and 10 minutes. I forget what I paid for my physical copy years back but for this Steam version I paid $2.55 and it is worth so much more. Even the full price of $10.99 doesn't do it justice. One of the few games worth $50.

My Score: 9/10

My System:

AMD Ryzen 5 2600X, 16GB DDR4-3000 CL15, MSI RX 5700 XT 8GB Gaming X, Mesa 20.0.5, Samsung 970 Evo Plus 500GB, Manjaro 19.0.2, Mate 1.24, Kernel 5.6.7-1-MANJARO, Proton 5.0.6
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My Favorite Game
maxelliothall4 November 2019
Max Payne is truly exceptional in all aspects, from the action to the music to the narration to the story itself, especially considering the year it was made. All the credit goes to Sam Lake who created the game we know and love even 20 years later. I can still hear Jack Lupino's insane rambling and the baby's crying in the nightmare. It's Gothic, and it's awesome! Above all... it's a great story.
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Payne Delivers!
eric-23116 January 2002
One of my first bought Playstation 2 games, and this will be my game of 2002. Great Action, really scary sometimes and great sound effects! Play it, feel it, live it! We want more Payne!
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This game is f***ing awesome!
terminator80020 May 2002
The greatest game ever made! Played like a gritty action thriller movie in the mean streets of New York. Revolutionary animation (including smart enemies with reactions and originality) and Matrix-style bullet time. Max Payne shows New Yorks seedy under-belly. It's violence, sex and drugs.
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Resident Evil with John Woo bullet-time
Rodichello9 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If it weren't for the cool gameplay, it would be 5/10. There are a lot of meaningless details, interactions with decorations and so on, I added this to the pluses. Living world, sort of. There are also traces of bullets, so realistic...

The plot is something... weird? Resident Evil. Underground laboratories, the Valkyrie virus... Illuminati conspiracy? A wife who accidentally saw secret data that made her husband kill half of city population? Sure, it is cool, perhaps even holistic, but it felts like... what they came up with, that was shoved into the plot in a row. The immortal Max Payne, who treats himself with packs of pills, killed everyone on the ship, killed everyone in every building in New York, killed everyone in the subway, killed everyone in the sewers and killed everyone in the laboratories... Some kind of crap, which was exciting only in 2001, but not now. Now you can think about this trash more wisely.

The whole game could have been played with a bat, really. And who is going to pass it on other difficulty levels, who needs it? Why couldn't it be possible to open them right away and leave only the time-limited mode closed? Some moments I actually speedrun, pinned the bandits in the corner and killed them through the doors with a bat.

Game for one evening, but it feels very big and mixed up. I thought it was a noir detective story, but it turned out to be Resident Evil with a dude, whose answer to everything is bullets and the same facial expression.
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Dariafanguy8 May 2004
The year is 2001 the world trade centers are attacked and diney releases some crappy movies but what caught the eye of every video gamer was a small company called Remedy interactive that had just released Max Payne. Go ahead 2 years and my oddesy begins. After getting my Xbox and 2 two games to go with {among other things} for Christmas one of these games was Max Payne. When i first looked at the cover i thought hmmm... looks like your basic shoot em up tps. I was dead wrong. From the first moment of comic noir to every last bloody body MAx Payne is a modern masterpiece. With its sharp graphics Noir storyline and Graphic novel comic to advance the story, and it is the very first game to implement bullet time. And before you say "heh they stole that from the matrix" The Matrix was released in 1999 Max payne was in development since 1996.{for a side note John Woo is the man who invented bullet time} Now for the story: Max Payne the average Nypd cop is having the time of his life hes young Married has a beautiful baby girl and has a well paying and fairly easy job. But dreams have a nasty habit of turning into nightmares when you're not looking. Max comes home one night to find his family murdered by Valkyre addicts the new street drug. Thrown into deep depression he vows to never let this happen again. He joins the DEA as an undercover agent joining the Punchenello mob. Then just as Max gets closer to shutting down the V trade he is framed for the murder of his fellow agent Alex. And to make things worse the mob now knows hes an undercover cop. So fighting both the Cops the Mafia and an evil corparation to boot he has his worked cut out for him..... There is also many great one liners in hear examples: "Vinnie Gotti the man I've bin killing to see" "I put a few more bullets in his head to make sure he stayed that way" The body count in the game though is ridiculously high not that it makes it worse {it makes it better} but i estimate that you kill over 500 people in this. So in closing if you like Third Person Shooters,Noir Films,Violence,Bullet time and one hell of a story check out Max Payne you wont regret it. {ps: cant get enough Payne? There a sequel out now called Max Payne 2: The fall of Max Payne check it out}
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