Joe Dirt (2001) Poster


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Surprisingly enjoyable
timelord-321 May 2001
I braced myself for yet another film with low grade humour, plenty of bodily function jokes and not enough plot to go around.

Well, 'Joe Dirt' has all that and more... but surprisingly it turned out to be not half bad.

Perhaps the day of the preview caught me in a particularly good mood, because this story of a white trash loser searching for his parents who left him for dead at the Grand Canyon when he was eight was relatively enjoyable entertainment.

The movie is told primarily in flashback; Joe stumbles into the studio of a radio disc jockey who coaxes out of him his incredible life story. In the process Joe Dirt becomes a media darling as his story of woe and misfortune is heard by an ever sympathetic audience.

This is another movie which relies on the gross and disgusting to get its laughs; dogs balls stuck to the front porch, being covered in excrement, blowing up atom bombs, consumed by alligators and much much more!

The movie works for the most part because of David Spade's affable loser Joe Dirt. He plays a character that is not a 100 miles away from his 'Just Shoot Me' personna - a loveable idiot. He goes through life having all these setbacks - but he still maintains his positive outlook.

The movie does lag a bit at the three quarters mark, but this is a minor quibble for a film that does what is sets out to with a lot more style than its lamentable cousins.

A whole lotta fun

6 out of 10.
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Forrest Gump meets Jeff Foxworthy.
darkjezter10 May 2006
Despite the fact that this movie was trashed by critics, Joe Dirt still makes me laugh every time I watch it. If you've seen other movies made by Adam Sandler, then you should know what to expect: lots of low-brow humor and implausible situations. This movie definitely isn't for film snobs, but if you're just looking for a cheap laugh, Joe Dirt is definitely worth a rental.

This movie tells the life story of a man named Joe Dirt (played by David Spade), the mullet-wearing, hard rock-loving embodiment of every white trash stereotype in existence. This is a very different type of character for David Spade, who usually plays sarcastic and bitter male secretary types as opposed to the likable moron he plays in this.

As the movie begins, Joe Dirt is working as a janitor at a radio station when he is noticed by a Howard Stern-like DJ played by Dennis Miller. The DJ calls Joe Dirt into the studio and starts asking questions, intending to use the trashy janitor as a target for ridicule. It is here where we begin to learn the back story of Joe Dirt, beginning when he was a little kid abandoned by his parents during a trip to the Grand Canyon.

After the initial radio interview, the story of Joe Dirt becomes a national pop culture phenomenon. Our hero is invited back into the studio to continue his story, which consists of his various adventures as he travels around the country looking for his long-lost family. During his travels he befriends the beautiful and kind-hearted Brandy (Brittany Daniel), is bullied by a arrogant jerk named Robbie (Kid Rock), teams up with an American Indian fireworks dealer named Kicking Wing (Adam Beach), and crosses paths with a school janitor with a shady past (Christopher Walken). You also discover that, despite the fact that Joe Dirt is a crude and ignorant individual, you can't help but find yourself rooting for him and admiring his ability to keep a positive attitude despite all the bad things that keep happening to him.

I gave this movie a 7 out of 10. It's funny, even uplifting, and worth seeing at least once if you aren't offended by toilet humor.
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Joe Deertay rocks more than the kid
Chase_Witherspoon5 April 2012
Forgive the title and you should find a warm, funny film that concerns an unfortunate yokel with a permanent mullet hairstyle (Spade) working as a cleaner at a radio station when a prominent DJ (Miller) sees the opportunity to exploit his pathetic story for the ratings of his drive-time programme. But the sorrowful tale earns a cult following as Dirt re-acquaints with his first romance (Daniel) and encounters an assortment of weirdos as he seeks to discover the disappearance of his parents when he was a child.

Although in some passages Spade is perhaps too smart for his own good, he still pulls off the likable but hopelessly pitiful Joe Dirt (or Deertay as he pronounces it), and his encounters with Christopher Walken as a former mob boss in the witness protection programme, Brian Thompson as a creepy Buffalo Bill serial killer a la "Silence of the Lambs", and future "My Name is Earl" trailer trash Jaime Pressly as a carney with whom he's sleeping and who might just be his sister (which prompts an hilarious scene).

There's a number of memorable moments as Joe gets pushed around by the thugs of this world, while his endearing personality reaches out and inspires the rest, a champion for the underdog, as they befriend and protect him from further embarrassment and humiliation. The ending is satisfying and overall the movie hits the right note, merging good humour with dollops of sympathy, sincerity and even a couple of moving moments. Not what you'd expect from the title and personnel and well worth a look.
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This movie is a garden...dig it!
Incubus_Reborn10 June 2003
Joe Dirt is simply one of those underappreciated comedies. Having reacquainted myself with it recently (and repeatedly) after having not seen it in almost two years, I myself am beginning to realize that. Not only is it thoroughly funny, it is entertaining and fast paced. David Spade plays Joe Dirt, a kind, well meaning radio-station janitor with an unusual hairdo (mullet!) and extremely bad-luck. He shares his life-story with the listeners of the radio station, which mainly focuses around his never-ending search for his parents (who ditched him on a family trip to the Grand Canyon) and his unrecognized love for hometown hottie Brandy. Joe meets many unusual people along the way, has many misadventures, and as if you couldn't guess, sets himself up for many disgusting and painful situations. The humor is pretty low-brow, but who cares? The movie is funny and that's the bottom line. What I like about this movie is that I can just turn it on and let go. The movie is so well-made for a simple comedy. Spade wrote the script himself, and you can tell he took his time. Every event in the movie happens for a reason and alludes to something that will occur later down the road. Also, Joe Dirt is Spade's first likeable character. You actually feel for this doofus. Even though he looks like white-trash, he is still a good person. Which of course, leads to this movie's moral: Good things come to good people. Or as Joe would say "Life's a garden, dig it!" or "You can't have 'no' in your heart!" Christopher Walken has a hilarious bit as Dirt's co-janitor at an elementary school that has been placed in the witness protection program and Kid Rock plays Joe's bully perfectly (I love the part where he reads the note just like those guys in high school who couldn't read past 2nd grade reading level). But Spade is the real star here. Too bad this character/movie never took off. I seriously love this movie. It is consistently hilarious, has dozens of quoteable lines (stuff that you say to people in your daily routine) and has an overall feel good vibe to it. I don't know how anyone can trash this movie. For one thing, it's an Adam Sandler production, you know what type of humor you're in for. And secondly: The movie is called 'Joe Dirt!' There are no pretensions here, folks. I wish there were more movies like this out there. And although not everyone appreciates it, I am glad that I at least have this movie and can watch it a million times if I want to. Joe Dirt, you're my hero.

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I watched it for Walken, but ended up enjoying the whole thing.
ArneArdvark28 August 2015
OK, absolute silliness, yes. Yet, there was a depth to the movie that kept you intrigued, gripped.

I watched this movie solely to see Christopher Walken's cameo and tag line threat. But by accident, gained an appreciation for David Spade who I have never paid much attention to in past.

So once you come to grips with fact that this show is primarily a goofy comedy, and like many goofy comedies, plot weaknesses abound (why would one even expect a solid plot... duh). It is a succession of brilliantly executed comedic dialogues and settings. The naivety of the fireworks vendor's endeavors being a great example.

And the fact that a number of more notable actors of the time would participate in the film (Christopher Walken, Rosanna Arquette, Dennis Miller), tells me that there was something more to it than just a silly slapstick comedy. They must have felt something bigger was being created. I feel it was. A bit of a classic that not only has clever antics, but a positive, uplifting message.

I would recommend it.
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Possibly one of the worst movies I ever saw
Private Ryan-226 September 2001
This flick is pointless, plot-less and completely unentertaining. "Joe Dirt" is about 95 wasted minutes of your life that you'll never get back. Avoid this loser if you can.
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Life's a garden,dig it!
PredragReviews5 May 2016
Joe Dirt is a classic white trash trailer dude, that gets lost at the Grand Canyon when he's a kid. He tells his story of where he is today. A janitor at a radio station. The station ends up broadcasting his story and it ends up getting the listeners interested and becomes famous. This story is very humorous and has a bit of a love story in it.

Yes, the humor is silly and often intentionally stupid, but I can't help but love it. If it's more cerebral or subtle humor that you want, you will not find it here (beyond the excellent mantra: "life is a garden, dig it," that is). The Joe Dirt experience is all about good laughs from silly jokes, wacky characters and ridiculous situations. Highly recommended for those who like 70's rock, nostalgic hair styles, and anyone who pulls for the underdog.

Overall rating: 7 out of 10.
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Ughh, It was torture!!!
AliasC431 March 2003
I'm 13 almost 14 and my friend convinced me to watch Joe Dirt with her....what a waste of time.I kept checking the clock to see how much time was left. I enjoy a variety of movies, from cute chick flicks like, Bring It On or Sweet Home Alabama, to Die Hard and the Matrix.I love light-hearted funny movies but this was pure TORTURE!I enjoyed only one part of the entire movie...the credits, which meant, it was OVER!Spare yourself and go see something worthwhile, life is to short to waste an hour and a half or so on this movie.
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Better with age
theycallmebrandon6 March 2011
I just thought that it was amusing reading the reviews all the way from 2001 to the present. This movie received almost entirely negative reviews when it first came out, but now there is nothing but positive reviews.

It seems that most people that saw this when it first came out were expecting something closer to Tommyboy or Blacksheep, with David Spade portraying a sarcastic sidekick with little more to offer than the occasional zinger. Instead we have a great tale of an average Joe that makes keeps a positive attitude even though he is constantly thrown into hilarious (for us) situations.

Whats the deal? It's a great film, maybe it was ahead of its time.
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An absolute cracker
giggsmiller18 May 2006
I'm giving this film 7 out of 10 on the fact that it has made me laugh and laugh again. I have films like the Godfather, Scarface, Shawshank Redemption and others in my DVD collection but I can tell you I have watched this film more than any of those. As others have said this film does what it sets out to do, make you laugh, and that it does and then some.

Its stupidity is great and the abuse that Joe (David Spade) receives is just fantastic. If you like watching a lovable loser get abused then this is the movie for you. Lots of laughs and memorable sayings, its a classic, 'Life a garden, dig it' and 'you can't have no in your heart' all coming from a white trash loser with a mullet who announces on the radio that he was 'jerkin his gherkin'makes for a laughfest. Highly recommended but don't expect to use your brain, juvenile amusement all the way. And Brittany Daniels as Joe love interest 'Brandy' is incredibly hot.
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This movie is not funny, don't see this.
bandunk26 May 2001
As we made our way to the drive in I wondered how I was going to take the movie "Joe Dirt". Well, as respectable as I could be I sat and quietly watched the whole movie. At the end of it not only was I angry that I had wasted my money but I was also mad that I had sat there quietly, because I didn't laugh once!

This Jay Leno/Adam Sandler type humor film stars David Spade as a guy with a mullet trying to find his parents. The story is cheesy and the mix of nostalgic and sappy music helps drill that into your head. None of this really matters though because you know the makers of this film would say "Oh, we were just trying to make a funny movie, not win an oscar." The only problem is the movie isn't funny... at all. The jokes can be seen a mile away and the delivery of them are unoriginal and haphazardly done.

The thing that bothered me the most though was how my enemy was in this film. The decadent, no talent Kid Rock plays himself; a redneck idiot that picks on people and has ten words in his vocabulary. His character is also not funny and very irritating to watch.

I used to like Adam Sandler movies(Yeah I know its terrible.), but he is becoming increasingly predictable and less funny as he gets older. "Joe Dirt" is dirt, and the next movie coming out of this studio "The Animal" I'm sure will be even worse. "Joe Dirt" is a midget short of a Kid Rock video and a million jokes short of being viewable. I give this movie a 1 out of 10. Don't see this!
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Good for some laughs
Jakealope22 December 2001
Before I saw this movie, I was turned off by all the negative reviews and the fact that it was a SNL spinoff. But I bought a used tape from my video store. Instead of war coverage and serious drama, this has become a ray of hope. Make no mistake, it ain't winning any Oscars. But the slapstick is funny, has great co-stars like Joe Don Baker and Chris Walken. It has a good plotline, a search for his family. It's a lot of laughs and fun for plebes at heart. Serious, deep people will be offended, but when we try to make humor serious and deep, we're in trouble.
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A Nice Surprise
WisdomSeed20 January 2007
I am not sure what was expected from this movie or why the people who did not like it did not like it, but it was a nice surprise of a movie for me. Occasionally some people get together and make an unexpectedly good movie and this was one of those time. With a good amount of humor and cuteness about it, and a surprisingly sympathetic performance from the normally acerbic David Spade it was a pretty nice waste of time, like Fifty First Dates was. There was some guttural humor (an atomic *stink*bomb), it was a well layered joke when you think about it, but it was (thankfully) no Farelley brothers piece of... well you know. It does not ask a lot of you and keeps you entertained. Joe Dirt is the lovable loser, on a mission to find out that home is where you make it (or to love homeboys naked).
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Poor Kid Rock.
Anonymous_Maxine14 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
A movie like The Adventures of Joe Dirt is not the kind of movie that is going to trick you into thinking that it is something worth watching, the way movies like Armageddon try to. David Spade is almost universally associated with low thought comedies, but like Joe Dirt, these are not always all bad. Joe Dirt is the type of movie that comes across as a goofball comedy that is not likely to be very believable and certainly will not promote much cognitive activity, but I respect it because there is a place in the entertainment industry for movies like Joe Dirt. There is a place for bad comedy in the movies, and the reason that I don't hold Joe Dirt's status as a bad comedy against it is because it doesn't try to be anything else. There are so many movies these days that could so easily have slipped comfortably in with this country's truly great films had it not been for the addition of stupid, stupid love stories or idiot comic relief (a glaring recent example being Pearl Harbor) that it's refreshing to see one come along every once in a while that knows where it stands.

That being said, I would like to also point out that I certainly have little to no respect for Joe Dirt outside of knowing its place. It is a comedy full of bad jokes that either are looking for a cheap laugh or, in a disturbing amount of occasions, are making jokes about things that really shouldn't be joked about. The movie is about a guy named Joe Dirt who is proudly the most redneck person you could ever hope to meet, whose parents abandoned him at the Grand Canyon when he was 8 years old. It is not that easy in this country for an 8 year old to get through life on his own, but mostly because it would not be too long before he was picked off the streets by a shelter or the police or any number of institutions. I doubt that he lived in the woods until he was old enough to pretend he had enough of an address to get a job, although that would certainly account for many things about his appearance and demeanor.

After being noticed by a radio show that badly needed some sucker to laugh at for a few hours, Joe gets a spot on the radio show talking about his life, which at first starts out as a hilarious joke for the DJ (Dennis Miller), but ends up capturing the heart of the DJ and the audience and earning Joe several more days of air time to tell his story. He talks of when he went out in search of his real parents, leaving us already aware that he didn't find them or didn't care to know them once he had met them (given the fact that he still seemed pretty parentless), at first accurately portraying what a pathetic person he is, but ultimately his struggle becomes apparent and he starts to come across as some weird sort of tragic hero. Well, a goofy comedy's version of a tragic hero, anyway.

As has been one of Spade's most prevalent skills throughout his career, in Joe Dirt he capitalizes on his weaknesses, making us laugh at how pathetic Joe Dirt is and, at the same time, how easily Spade can portray this kind of person. Kid Rock has a bit part as anther redneck who is trying to steal away from Dirt a stunningly attractive blonde who has probably the most inexplicable attraction to any person in any film in the last 20 or 30 years. This might be considered the point in the film where it switches from the realm of mil romantic comedy and goes full force into the world of science fiction, fantasy, and horror.

Kid Rock plays a character that he is familiar with in real life, a tire-squealing redneck with little to no education and the total conviction that he is the coolest thing on earth. Unfortunately, by playing this character, he emphasizes the already prevalent detail that his taking a role in this film is an obvious attempt to switch over to acting and away from his flailing musical career. Overall, Joe Dirt has it positive moments. There were parts of the movie that were genuinely amusing (although not very many at all), but unfortunately there were also an enormous amount of parts that were supposed to be funny but were not even by the furthest stretch of the imagination (such as anything involving septic tanks shaped like missiles and buried mysteriously in the desert or anything about Joe's exposed brain).

Someone thought, for example, that it would be amusing to have Joe Dirt say that he was born without the top of his skull, with his brain exposed, which completely mystifies me. This is a completely backwards step in developing the character of Joe Dirt (who they are trying to present as a normal guy underneath his astonishingly dorky exterior), and more importantly, it's not at all amusing, it's a horrible way to try to generate gross out humor. Maybe the writers forgot that people in real life are born like that. Maybe Joe, unlike the writers, sacrificed the top of his skull at birth for some sort of care for his fellow human being, and on top of that (no pun intended, of course), they throw in a hideous mullet wig that Joe has miraculously worn all his life.

So let's recap, Joe Dirt was born without the top of his skull, he was fitted with the most repulsive wig that must have fallen out of the 1970s, he was abandoned by his parents at the age of eight, and now spends his life mopping floors and being laughed at by anyone he comes into contact with (including us). When you consider the human side of the movie, the comedy drains away, which is ironic since the human side is exactly the part of Joe Dirt that the movie tries to bring to light. Joe eventually finds his parents, only to discover from them within a matter of minutes and while surrounded by TV cameras that okay, okay, they left him at the Grand Canyon on purpose, leaving us with the feeling that the last hour and a half was a complete waste and the feeling that, had the writers not so obviously been complete morons, Joe Dirt really had the chance to have been a worthwhile comedy. A slim chance, but a chance nonetheless.
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Surprise surprise
horrorfilmx15 January 2007
I'm no huge fan of David Spade and I tend to find the whole ex-SNL-star feature film genre lame and unfunny, but I happened to catch JOE DIRT while flipping through the channels yesterday afternoon and was intrigued enough to watch. And oddly enough I stayed intrigued for the next 90 minutes. The humor was crude, but rarely so much so as to turn me off, and the cast was very good (sure Dennis Miller was obnoxious, but isn't that his shtick?) but what surprised me the most was how caught up in the story I became. Sure it's farcical and impossible to take seriously, but for some reason I couldn't turn it off --- I kept hanging in there to see what would happen next. Even the slightly lame-ass ending didn't ruin things for me. I'd have to say JOE DIRT beats the crap out of similar, more favorably received movies like TOMMY BOY (which I found simply unbearable). Give it a chance.
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A daily comment from Midget Emma: Joe Dirt (2001)
I'll keep it short and sweet. Good if your looking for laughs. Not only is this funny but it has heart as well which is hard to find in comedies. A must see if your in the mood for a giggle.

David Spade was very suitable for the role. Everyone had there moments that made me laugh.

This is defiantly one of Spade's better movies.

Better then Dickie Roberts.

Joe Dirt is a good character. Funny,good hearted and lovable. By the end of this movie your heart would have been tugged at a few times.

The supporting characters were just as good as the main character.

I recommend it. A must for anyone looking for a decent comedy.

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grounds for moving out...
dr_foreman22 June 2004
"You HAVE to see this movie!" my roommate said, as if he were talking about an eternal classic on the order of "Citizen Kane." But he wasn't talking about Kane. He was talking about "Joe Dirt."

This is the kind of movie that members of my misguided generation think is great comedy, presumably because there's just nothing funnier than mullet jokes and watching David Spade haul around a chunk of crap that he thinks is a meteor.

At best, this brand of garbage is a guilty pleasure. But if you find brilliant comedy within this film's tacky confines, I fear for you. Pretty please, go out and rent a movie that's actually good.
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Trailer does not do it justice
sidemoss18 June 2001
This had the worst trailer imaginable. This movie was so much better than it was made out to be. The marketing people who set this one up were total idiots.

David Spade is great. He totally carries the movie. His subtle comments throughout show that he is much better than just a white trash hero. You like him so much. The trailer makes him look like he is a lame, dumpy guy with a chip on his shoulder. The movie is not like that at all. I actually wanted to get a mullet like his after seeing this.

Dennis Miller is fun along with Fred Ward and Christopher Walken. It is great to see Joe Dirte tell the story in kind of a Forrest Gump fashion only instead of hating him, you like him because he actually has a soul.
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I'd Rather Eat Dirt Than Watch Dirt
squirtsomegravy11 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The experience of viewing this flick is much akin to the scene in the movie where Joe Dirt gets hit by a giant turd that falls from the sky. But unlike Joe Dirt, who mistakes the crap for a meteorite and only later discovers what it truly is, the viewer knows that this movie is nothing more than a pile of crap from the beginning. But what should one expect from the director of an Olsen Twins movie? Did people actually encourage David Spade into believing this character is even remotely amusing? David Spade should have been killed and buried along with Chris Farley, just like in Ancient Egypt the servants would be entombed along with the Pharoah, because its painfully clear that Spade's career died along with Farley that day. RIP Beverly Hills Ninja (which could be viewed as a double feature with this film for 2 hours and forty minutes of an utterly retch-inducing experience). You won't laugh so hard you will cry.
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The Ish!!!
stephen-lalli23 January 2007
I usually hold myself to a high movie standard. I usually would not consider a movie like Joe Dirt the "cream of the crop." But like many other times in my life I was wrong. Joe Dirt is a fantastic heart-felt flick staring David Spade as a pathetic white trash orphan in search of his parents. He meets many a folk along the way leaving an impression with them all. I saw this in the theater and thought, "wow what a funny movie." But then I caught in on Comedy Central a few years later and lo and behold I was hooked. Good plot, great humor, hot chicks, and even Kid Rock playing his white trash nemesis (it was a real stretch for him :P). If you see this movie for 10 bucks at Walmart or Blockbuster do yourself a favor and buy it. It will keep you company on even your darkest nights.

Life's a garden, DIG IT!!!
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Was VERY surprised by this one!
bjaardker24 April 2001
I went to this movie with a friend just to kill some time after work. I wasn't expecting ANYTHING from it, Especially after the very cliche' trailers they ran for it.

It only took about 5-10 minutes for me to actually start enjoying the flick. And then when I saw that Dennis Miller was in I was fired up (I'm a big D.miller fan).

In the end, my friend and I looked at each other and agreed, that was the stupidest movie we've seen in a long time however we both walked out with smiles on our faces.

If I had to sum up my feelings on this movie to one word. It would be Endearing.
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Please... make it stop!
isotope21126 June 2002
I would rather be defiled by a syphilitic chimpanzee than be forced to watch this movie again. I thought David Spade in a mullet wig could carry this movie. I was wrong. Nothing could make up for the lack of funny jokes and terrible acting by everyone in this film. This is why all SNL alumni (except Sandler, Akroyd, and Murray) should be disallowed from making movies.
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Ya Gotta Love 'Joe Dirt'
ccthemovieman-110 July 2006
For a typical low-brained Hollywood comedy of this era, it was a pretty nice film. Of course, few if any modern-day comedies are "family fare" and this one isn't either but the lead character is a gentle, harmless guy. David Spade is very entertaining as "Joe Dirt," a down-and-out nice guy (but not exactly pure, either) who tells his tale of trying to find his parents to sleazy disc jockey "Zander Kelly" (Dennis Miller). Brittany Daniel is an attractive, likable female lead.

It's a fast-moving hour-and-a-half. Some of the scenes are outrageous, such as a dog getting his - can I say this? - testicles stuck to the porch. Yes, it's good family fare!! Ha. Ha. No, really, this was a funny film and worth looking for if you need a laugh. I'm surprised there wasn't a sequel.
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Move over Steve Martin, JOE DIRT is in town!!
DJAkin17 September 2003
This movie was worth all nine dollars that I spent on it at the local store. The movie has a lot of giggles and I found myself really liking this great SPADE flick. Look for a great scene with Chris Farley as the security guard.

I like the commentary as well........I will listen to them both.
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Great premise but the disgustingness of some of the jokes ruined it for me.
triple827 June 2004
Let me begin by saying I thought the concept was quite good. I'll also say I liked Joe Dirt himself, he was hilarious and odd as he was, there was something strangely appealing about him. This is the type of movie that would normally appeal to me but the strength of the movie's premise was brought down by one bad joke after another.

Why do so many comedies with really good premises feel the need to go off into stupidland with nonstop bad barf jokes and cruel humor? I wanted to enjoy this but the crudeness and cruelty of some of the jokes started to make me actually queasy. There's funny and then there's just plain gross. The subject matter was interesting enough, the acting good enough and the characters plentiful and colorful enough so that the bad humor wasn't needed-or at least so much of it. I found a lot to like in the movie and so might someone who hasn't yet seen it but if one doesn't have a high tolerance for this kind of "gross out humor" I don't see how one can really get into this.

The best thing, for me was Joe Dirt himself who was funny enough alone. There was so much here that wasn't funny, merely disgusting and crude that I could never I don't think watch it again unless I fast forward through many scenes. In spite of the horrible unfunny humor though, if one has a strong stomach and can handle the constant gross out stuff they might like this rather odd tale. I can't argue with the acting or the premise but this is not good as a pure comedy. My rating is, sadly 2 out of 10.
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