Dark Angel (TV Series 2000–2002) Poster


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The show's OK... Alba is awesome
jokerz-so-serious9 June 2010
This isn't the best show out there, but it is pretty good. The writing is OK (if a bit predictable) and the acting passes(nothing special), but the real reason to watch is Jessica Alba. She does a superb job and I never got bored with the show, which is unusual for me.

I can't figure out why they would cancel it, it had tons of viewers, but if you are looking for more you can read several books that were written continuing the story. For those hoping it will come back you are out of luck because it has been years now since it was canceled, but i still haven't given up hope of a feature film sometime in the future.

Bottom line: If you are looking for a short entertaining show and you like Alba, this one's for you.
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Show set in 2020 delivers
FNG197826 November 2020
Corruption, untrusted media, armed militias, good coffee hard to come by, and the almost mystical safe haven called Canada.

Reality in the US? I don't know, but for sure the premise of "Dark Angel" set (coincidentally?) in 2020.

James Cameron, we need closure! For 2020. And the show. Is a season 3 with a moderate happy ending really too much to ask?
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What started out great, ended with a bad heart-ache.
OtkGrl132 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Dark Angel was a fun and exciting show....in the beginning however. As the first season ended with what i thought was a promising future for the show, began with a second/final season that was just awful.


The first season focused on a young woman whose living out a pretty normal life in a post-apocalyptic world where the only good job was working at an express delivery service. -mainly where the young woman, known as max works.- It turns out though that max is actually a genetically engineered super soldier that's an escapee a secret government corporation, known as manticore, was/is after since she escaped at age 11. -not sure of the age- Anywayz, from here it's known that max is a cat burglar looking to make some extra cash. Here she meets the reporter known as 'eyes-only' whose out looking to make the world a better place. From here on out with occasional arguments and jokes max and 'eyes-only' work together to bring down the baddies and find max's 'family' which are her comrades that also escaped the evil manticore. You see to me this show was great. I mean the first season was fun with an original story that kept me wanting to see more. The acting was done right as well with twists and drama that made the show watchable. HOWEVER, upon the second season...things went terribly wrong. Without giving too much away, the second season basically strays from what the original story was all about to confused story lines with far-fetched complicated plots that UN-successfully launched the supposed 'third season'. Long story short, first season was much better than the second. -see it for yourself and you'll know why- i give the show 8/10 because it's the first season that makes the show great. the second was SOMEWHAT ALRIGHT, but very confusing with UN-liking stories as well as characters. but hey, who knows what you would like.
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Many "bad" but here's a "good"
andronikent26 April 2011
I have watched this series for the first time on DVD. Actually, I just finished last night. I agree with the many of you that there were things that could have been done better. However, I really enjoyed the series! I only wish it had survived at least 2 maybe 3 more seasons. Sure there are many "cliche'" scenes and some "bad acting," but over all, for me at least, it was a very enjoyable escape into a world of unending possibilities. There were many memorable characters. Of course Jessica Alba as Max is a great reason to watch this series, but so is Jensan Ackles. I grew to actually like Alec. Who can forget the lovable mutant Joshua, the romantic struggle between Max and Logan, and the excitable action sequences? I'm just saying, many people are focusing on the negative aspects of this show. If you look for things to complain about, you'll find them. But if you just sit back and enjoy it, not worry about how "lame" something might seem, you might actually find something quite satisfying to watch. I give this show a 9.5 out of 10. But that's just me.
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Please bring back Dark Angel James Cameron
jendowoz13 March 2017
I bought every season and episode of Dark Angel and was very disappointed when it was axed. I would really implore that this continues even if set from a few years later, or another version of Dark Angel is made with the original cast, particularly Jessica Alba.

Jessica Alba is perfect for this role and with the popularity of Arrow, The Flash, DC Legends of Tomorrow, Spergirl and various others, I am positive that Dark Angel in this day and age would be welcomed back with open arms by great deal of people, myself included.

I've recently been watching them again and they thrill me every time even though I've seen them all before. I am so pleased I bought the whole set and am enjoying them as much as when I first watched them on Television. Please James Cameron and Charles H. Eglee bring it back and continue it from where it was left off. I guarantee it will be well accepted.

kind regards, Jennifer Atterton
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Wish it could have survived, but needed better writers.
badbri1312 September 2002
The pilot was awesome, and the first season was great. We couldn't wait to watch it every Friday. Jessica was excellent for the part and played it extremely well. The supporting cast also did a great job, and the characters and plot was working very well.

When the first season ended, we couldn't wait for the second season. Unfortunately, as the second season progressed, it appeared that the story writers were running out of steam. It seemed to me that they made a wrong turn with the plot along the way, and they couldn't seem to find a way to get back on track. It was an awesome show, it definately had potential, and it is unfortunate that it had to end like it did.
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i loved this show. But i was disappointed
sally_hardesty24 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
For what it was i loved this show. The first season was great. It had great ideas and interesting characters. There were other ways i would have loved the show to go other then the way it went. But the second season was horrible. It had a completely different writing scale. It 100% disappointed me. It deviated so much from the original story, it was difficult to follow and felt like it was completely rushed to get it over with. I was extremely disappointed in the fact that a large part of Max's x5 group was dead. When all she ever wanted to know was that they were OK. I think Zack or William Gregory Lee got a raw deal when he died and i would had loved to see Max and him together more.Tingas death just plain upset me. Then the whole ending stunk. I was never a real fan of the alba and weatherly relationship to begin with.

If this show had not been as expensive i wish they would have explored more about the x5 group instead of the scifi freakier x7s and direction they went. I liked the original plot. Rather then the more extravagant issues coming on the end. If i could say one thing to the writers it would have been less is more and drop the whole Joshua daddy complex thing that wrecked it.
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My heart was broken when it was canceled!
jay_harrison5 November 2019
Dark Angel is one of my all-time favorite tv shows. Jessica Alba was at the top of her game and kicked as the main character, Max.

I will never forget how awful I felt when it was canceled right after reporting it was confirmed for season 3. It's been almost 20 years now and I'm still sad about it.

I have had both seasons on DVD since they went on sale and I watch them at least once a year.

I feel like canceling this show was one of the worst mistakes Fox has made, or Camron (not sure where the fault lies) and it would have been successful if they let it have a few more seasons.

For anyone interested, there are a few books. Book 1 takes place before the show, book 2 takes place during the time of the show and book 3 takes place after the show ended and most importantly, it ties up all the loose ends left when the show ended on a cliffhanger.

If you get a chance to watch Dark Angel, I absolutely recommend it.

Oh! Season two bonus: Jensen Ackles goes from a small part to part of the main cast.
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A star is born
SnoopyStyle23 August 2013
In a post apocalyptic world, Max Guevera (Jessica Alba) is a bike messenger in Seattle. She was one of a group of genetically engineered children who escaped from a military lab. She battles the corrupt world with cyber-journalist Logan Cale (Michael Weatherly) known as Eyes Only. She struggles to survive and uncover the truth of her origins.

After the success of Titanic, James Cameron produced this TV show. It was TV series filmed in Vancouver for Seattle. The look of it was limited by its TV budget. The story is there but not fully fleshed out. Maybe there's a need for better support. Maybe the dialog isn't quite as sharp. No matter what, Jessica Alba was truly a star being born. She glows on the screen.
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One of the few shows/movies which feature a Jessica Alba that could act.
munhasen15 August 2009
I agree with a previous poster that said the show needed better writers...and more specifically, better DIALOGUE writers. I loved the show and wish it would have continued on for more seasons. I felt Jessica Alba did an excellent and convincing job acting with what she was given.

And to the poster who said she wasn't athletic enough...you're a complete idiot! One of my first thoughts was that, besides her acting and her looks, she was perfectly picked BECAUSE of the athleticism.

I hope that they either bring the show back, or they do a feature film with the original cast.
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Could this actually happen?
kris-bagnall6 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Overall a very decent TV series, in my book a decent TV series make you want to instantly watch the next episode, not because of a silly cliffhanger but because as a package its just brilliant. Sometimes Dark Angel achieves this sometimes it doesn't. The first season took me a little while to get into but then it really gets good, as it ends and season two picks up Dark Angel takes a huge shift. I found Season 1 a much better season, with the mystery cult popping up from no where, Joshua (who was almost a jar jar binks character) and original Cindy barely featured in season 2. Season one was much more enjoyable. One of the gems of Dark Angel was the soundtrack with Chuck D (Public Enemy)at the helm, it was always going to be good. Even after a few years of it being produced the music is still top notch, this almost makes it better. The key thing of Dark Angel how close it is to the world we live in DNA and genetics being altered to make 'better' people. This could be going on somewhere in the world today. As the truth becomes known to the general public, what disappointed me is that the mass majority hate and want to kill anyone from Mantacore.I would like to think if this happened in our world today there would be a significant percentage of the population willing to accept them in our society and communites. If you are a sci-fi fan, this is well worth checking out (even if it just for Jessica, very hot)
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Wish it did not stop.
shqipnja5 June 2014
I really loved it. The first season is the best. The second one is okay but it does get boring with Joshua. The first one has some good things in it. Jessica tried to know more who escaped Menticore and faces hard time.

I wish, I really wish we had someone starting from season 3 but sadly it wont happen. Jessica has her family and wont be bothered doing this thing again. I have to say she did a really good job here.

Come on James Cameron, make us happy and start another Dark Angel series.

Find someone who looks like Jessica Alba and make it happen, just have a try and I am sure people will like it.

Don't do things just because of money. You have enough of it.

Having it play in Seattle would be really nice. Somehow I love this city.

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Decent TV Sci-fi cancelled too soon
Tweekums8 November 2020
This science fiction series is set in a near future when much of normal civilisation has collapsed following an electro-magnetic pulse. What is left of society is fairly corrupt. It is centred on Max Guevara, a young woman who works for a cycle-courier company in Seattle; she isn't like other women though; she is one of a group of genetically engineered child super-soldiers who escaped from a government agency known as Manticore several years earlier. She meets crusading cyber-journalists Logan Cale and is soon helping him expose corruption. All the time trying to stay one step ahead of Lydecker, the head of Manticore. The second season sees a new threat as Max discovers group that has being selectively breeding super-humans for millennia. She also has to deal with mutant transgenics she freed from Manticore; some of whom present a danger, others who just need help.

I watched this series when it first aired and enjoyed the first season but was somewhat disappointed by the second; rewatching both on DVD I still prefer the first season but enjoyed the second more than I expected. The basic plot is solid and provides for both good standalone single episode stories and season long plotlines. Max is a good lead characters, Jessica Alba does a fine job in the role. Michael Weatherly, is solid as Logan. The rest of the cast are pretty good and there are plenty of fun characters; notably Max's various work colleagues. Each episode provides plenty of action; most of this is fairly impressive although some scenes haven't aged well with obviously sped up action that doesn't look great. While this isn't the best TV sci-fi, it is a pity it was cancelled after only two seasons; especially as the final episode was clearly setting things up for a third season.
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Hideously Bad - Jessica Alba kills the show dead
simonsmeaton11 February 2007
I didn't have much hope for this show. After all, one of the writer-producers declared proudly that he didn't like Science-Fiction and that it therefore was going to help him make a great Science-Ficiton show.

Sorry, but that sort of speech is usually followed by a dud, because it is very difficult to excel at something you don't even like.

Dark Angel met all those expectations and more.

But what really killed this show was Jessica Alba. You can imagine the producers going "wow, what a babe!! With her in it, our show will be a major hit!" And it's exactly that kind of condescension for the audience that killed this show.

Jessica alba can't act. Her grimaces make her utterly unattractive and she can't speak lines correctly. She's not even athletic enough to be convincing in action scenes.

Without Jessica alba, this show may have had a chance to get better. But with her, Dark Angel was DOA artistically. James Cameron's name sustained it for two more seasons than it deserved.

It won't be missed.
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I love this show
kath054420 March 2018
One of the greatest. most unique and amazing shows ever created. Lots of character development, intriguing stories and fantastic dialogue. It's got everything from drama to action to comedy. The main actors are great, have good chemistry, and make any episode easy to watch. Both seasons are really well done; even the weakest episodes have an important feature. Each episode is different and easily distinguishable, which is hard for a show to achieve. Season one is both dark and disturbing by exploring Max's past filled with haunting flashbacks. All this makes Max very sympathetic. Season two tackles important realistic issues people can relate to, such as racism and judging appearances. Max feels proud of who and what she is, no matter if she's different from a regular human. The directing and writing are superb when they need to be. This show knows when to be chilling and intense, especially when it comes to important episodes. Some of the best parts of the show are the brilliant set design made from scratch to really emphasize a post-pulse world and the beautiful music.
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Season 3
greppelll5 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Waiting for over 10 years for season 3... Stil Watching THE 2 seasons that where made. Would been a great comeback if there was a next season. Cant wait to See how It ends, huge fan like to See It start again. In stead of avatar jist make next season of dark angel and keep THE fans happy again. I believe there Will be lots of fans that Will support iT. I can only imagine how iT ends, bit to See iT end in a actual series is much better. Love to See jessica alba on THE screen, and of course Michael weatherly.

Jensen ackles nog to forget.

Even my children watch THE series and iT had been way before they where born, that sais enough of how amazone THE series dark angel is.
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A show with great potential
flask10 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
James Cameron's "Dark Angel," starring Jessica Marie Alba, debuted on television with the glitzy fanfare of a P. T. Barnum exhibit. It was intended to be Fox's answer to "Buffy: The Vampire Slayer," but unlike the latter show, "Dark Angel" never lived up to the potential which it displayed in the pilot episode.

The lead character, Max Guevera/X5-452 (Alba), with her enhanced feline abilities was interesting enough despite the all-too-familiar "I just wanna be normal" superhero formula lurking underneath. Gratuitous shots of Alba in a skin-tight leather outfit was undoubtedly a major selling point with the teenage male audience but cheapened the series to the level of a D. C. comic book.

The overarching plot involving super-soldiers whose DNA had been artificially engineered, inserted as fertilized eggs into the wombs of surrogate mothers, born under military supervision, and then escaped as children was interesting. This was tacked onto a futuristic setting in which a dystopian Seattle has been devastated by an electromagnetic pulse. These two premises were mildly compelling, and the show was at its best when exploring them, but the moment it would veer into bizarre subplots, it would fall from an average weekly thriller to a stinking pile of fungus.

The ensemble cast that populated the show was by far the worst failing of this short-lived series. The supporting characters were stereotypes painted in broad, one-dimensional strokes (i.e. Original Cindy) and sounded like imbeciles. The point of using slang is to make communication quicker, not to use it so much in a sing-song fashion that basic conversation becomes ridiculous. Apparently, middle-aged creators James Cameron and Charles Eglee were trying so hard to make a hip show that appealed to teenie boppers that they didn't realize being too trendy is just as detrimental as being too normal.

Coupled with the annoying overuse of rat-tat-tat-tat dialogue, a "battle of the sexes" theme existed throughout the series which could have been wickedly amusing if it hadn't usually lacked wit. Max saying lines such as, "Girls kick ass, it says so on a T-shirt" was humorous. Max saying lines such as, "Guys are the weaker sex" to a grieving widow who has just lost her beloved husband only makes the audience groan. Comedy is a difficult art. The Dark Angel writers should have remembered Mel Brooks' famous advice, "If I cut my finger, that's tragedy. If a man walks into an open sewer and dies, that's comedy."

For the action scenes in which Max displayed her "dizzying" superpowers, the Dark Angel crew often utilized a simple fast-forwarding technique. This is an effective trick if executed correctly, but instead it often came across as sped-up footage from a shaky hand-held video camera. In retrospect, far more interesting combat effects could have been created using wire stunts ala the choreography of Yuen W. Ping.

Ultimately, the corniness of "Dark Angel" became more and more insufferable; the weekly episode writing didn't improve; the characters became so posh they were snotty. Midway through the first season its Nielsen ratings began to slip. Seeing no quality improvement, viewers abandoned "Dark Angel" like rats from a sinking ship. By the second season, the once-promising series had degraded to having Max slaying Buffy-like monsters and encountering freakish mutants that seemed borrowed from X-Men comics. If only the series writers had aimed for a wider demographic audience other than teenagers and focused less on being devastatingly hip, "Dark Angel" might have lasted a few more seasons.
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Wish it was still on
alecmcdowell-8904315 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was such a good show, why did they cancel it

The first season was great, loved it, the second season however didn't have the same spark as the first season did,I've always said if they didn't bring back Jensen Ackles for the second season, it would have gotten canceled like 5 episodes in,Alec was the best part of season 2 because he's basically a young Dean Winchester,The whole virus thing with Max and Logan didn't really bother me, because I never really cared for his character, if the show would have went on for 3 or more seasons, Max would've relalized that she can't be with Logan and would hook up with Alec.Because the show ended on a cliffhanger, Jessica Alba, Jensen Ackles, and the rest of the cast along with James Cameron need to come together to give this show a proper ending
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Great show, too bad there are only two seasons
maloris-m14 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished watching the show last night. I really enjoyed it. I like the plot and all the fantasy details that can be passed for realistic. Yes, some of the acting was bad and there were some clichés, but that can all pass. I really liked Logan's role and him as a character. There is action, there are conspirators and there is tense love between main actors. I regret the most that there is no real ending in love between Max and Logan. I know a lot of time passed since last season and that actors aged (not that it matters, most of them like Alba, Weatherly and Ackles look mainly the same), but it would be really cool to have a better ending, at least in a movie, which is maybe even better idea then another seasons. I am not so fond of the ending the way it played out - frozen and incomplete. I would recommend this serial.
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To the person who said it's a copy of a James Patterson book. Even though your probably never going to read this
cjami1313 December 2009
To the person who said that it's a copy of James Pattersons Maximum Ride series, you are so wrong.

Dark Angel came out in 2000. Maximum Ride came out in 2005. So basically Maximum ride is a copy of Dark Angel. So get your facts straight you idiot. And also that book is a horrible book so stop acting like it's better.

This show, while it may not be the best show in the world, it was still a good show and if you don't like then don't look at the page for it. And stop saying it suck cause I bet you haven't watched it. And it was nominated for a golden globe. That says something about the show.

And I also know I come across a hypocrite
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Jessica Alba's hottest role.
ehret1011 September 2019
Jessica Alba is my one that I'd cheat on my wife for but she's out of most people's league and certainly mine. This show however took her normal hotness and added a toughness that still had a softness to her as well. I believe this is one of the most underrated shows ever on TV and certainly for Jessica. I wished there had been more sessions but have rewatched every episode several times. If you haven't watched this before find a way to do so. It will be worth it.
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first 15 great then...
gwmdeclare10 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It becomes preoccupied with the back story and ceases to be fun in the late episodes of season 1. The bloke in the wheel chair become a bore and the whole thing takes itself too seriously. It becomes a boring melodrama. Episodes 1-15 re fun and he rest is filler. At it's best the Dark Angel is out saving the world from evil republican scum despite her obligations to her job as a bicycle messenger and her funny co-workers. 'Original Cindy' and Kendra round out her girl crew. When Kendra departs it all goes to sideways. The character of Kendra was not so compelling as to presage the demise of the show. It's just a benchmark. The show goes seriously wrong when the stories are preoccupied with the past. Really stupid writers and producers are responsible for this programmes demise.
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Bring it back PLEASE
roywallsfamily19 June 2020
This was a great series, bring it back, 20 years later, with good writers and today's CGI, you will have an instant hit!!
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Angel Needed Bigger Wings
BennyBamLegacy20 January 2020
This show had a lot of promise, but it always seemed like it was more about setting up what-if's and cliffhangers over deeper substance. Jessica Alba plays her role here better than in a lot of projects she did after. It is also undeniable that she is hard to take your eyes off of at any point during this series. Take an insanely beautiful woman and put her in tight black leather and this is often the case. Dark Angel never really got a chance to grow and evolve into what it could have been. The story lines would goto places that seemed odd for the original premise as it went further but could not find its way back. Maybe it eventually would have? We will never know.
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Jessica Alba's Bad Acting buried this mediocre show
DannyNeil17 January 2008
This show may have survived its hackneyed scripts and boring premise had it cast a great actress as its lead.

This show was going to live or die by the acting ability of the lead actress to make us forget the bad lines and get us interested in her character.

Instead we got Jessica Alba...

Jessica Alba who seems to think that pouting is the highest form of acting.

Jessica Alba who seems to think grimacing is what expressiveness is all about.

Jessica Alba who is so needful of acting lessons she even dragged down Michael Weatherly's acting into the cellar.

Shame on James Cameron for thinking that a Hot Chick is all that was needed for this show.

Someone with talent and soul is what was needed.
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