Crocodile (Video 2000) Poster

(2000 Video)

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It's not good, but it IS unfairly maligned
nick12123527 April 2018
Well, it's crap, but it's entertaining crap. A lot of people judge this movie very harshly because it was directed by Tobe Hooper and I can't blame them. This isn't a good movie. It's silly, it panders to the teen crowd with awful dialogue and stupid jokes. The crocodile is laughable. Bad CGI. But there a few moments I do enjoy, some nice cinematography and overhead scenes of the lake and forest. And if you're a fan of the campy teen scare scene you'll probably enjoy the beginning at least a bit. Overall I'd say it's very middle of the road.
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Well, at least it had potential...
paul_haakonsen25 April 2019
Sure, I like watching creature features, just a shame that most of these movies usually are gut-awful.

Well, let's just start with the fact that "Crocodile" was directed by Tobe Hooper. How do you go from "Poltergeist" and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" to something like this? I am sure it must have sounded alluring in its sales pitch, but come on.

"Crocodile" is a very generic creature feature in every sense of the meaning, for better or worse. It had an adequate storyline actually, but of course you knew exactly what happened way ahead of it actually happening, because the movie was that predictable.

The acting in the movie was adequate, taking into consideration what little the actors and actresses had to work with in terms of script, plot and storyline. Sure, it was overly generic and featureless characters, but that is all an integrated part of the genre.

Now, a creature feature is only as successful as the special effects and CGI. A shame that for the most parts throughout the course of the movie that the crocodile looked like something taken out of a bad PC game from the 1990s. Yeah, it was pretty terrible effects to look at. But on the other hand, some of the practical effects were actually quite good.

"Crocodile" is by no account a milestone in the creature feature genre, nor is it a movie that brought anything new or innovative to the genre. Was it enjoyable? Hardly so. Was it watchable? Certainly, if you can live with the campy nature of the movie and the bad effects.

There are far better crocodile movies out there.
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The first of many Lake Placid ripoffs.
b_kite16 November 2019
Typical early 00s monster fair. It has the usual annoying characters, and at times cringe CGI, but, is lifted above the usual sci fi channel movie by some good practical croc effects and some semi competent Tobi Hooper directing.
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gte173j17 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Get serious, this is one of the best worst movies I've seen in a while. We're sitting around the apartment one evening when I spot the title, (I've always been partial to Crocodile movies after the event that was Lake Placid), we flip to it, luckily right at the beginning, and I'm hooked. You can't deny the humor in the ridiculous acting, the bad plot, and the horrible locations.

Just a few of my favorites (I guess there are spoilers here, but let's be honest, if you made it to this, you've already seen the movie and just wanted to laugh and commisserate with the rest of us):

1. These actors are badass, they definitely need to be brought back for another feature monster film.

2. How do these lose each other so quickly and easily in a sparsely wooded area when they're running from the thing, I mean, it's not like they were trekking through the dense wilds of the Amazon here.

3. And why do the scenes in the woods and on the shore look like they were shot in my backward or on the beach at my lake house? This lake must be surrounded by the most eclectic surroundings of any lake on earth, sometimes there's swamps, dense forests, scrub pines, and the Mojave desert near the end, must be in the sub-temperate zone.

4. The crocodile (which they must have spent most of their money on computer generating, little tip, should've just pocketed that to feed yourselves after the cut from the box office on this one goes away) is as big as and eats a house boat, yet then fits in the gas station.

5. What the hell is the purpose of the old croc hunter and the sheriff, they get eaten without striking a blow, hell it woulda been cooler if the grizzled old guy had pulled out his croc gutting knife and at least contributed a little.

6. And, a kid gets ingested whole, then spit back out because he's covered in bug spray? Inspired.

What was this movie lacking? More nudity, those girls were some cute little ditties, a little more naked action would've taken this outstanding comedy right over the top.
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This Crocodile is a Turkey
krorie18 September 2005
When I saw this on the SciFi Channel, I started to turn it off but then I kept thinking, "This has got to get better." But, no, it kept getting worse. The acting is so awful that it doesn't even play as camp. The teens scream their lines and the older actors (used loosely) are no better. Why, the teens can't even cuss right. Since they are supposed to be from New York City, you would think they could at least do that. Maybe they're Park Avenue teens. They make Joe Namath look good.

What upset me most about this turkey was when I looked up who was responsible for it. Would you believe Tobe Hooper? Has he been smoking wacky weed again! This is a long way down hill from "Poltergeist." And the special effects are an abomination. Some of the cheaper sci-fi flicks of the 50's look like Star Wars compared to this one. Apparently the SciFi Channel edited parts of the film. But I doubt if that makes much difference here. Take my advice and watch an earlier Tobe Hooper creation, such as "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre."
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If you're eaten by a giant croc, wear bug spray
farce4u12 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is laughably awful. The crocodile defies gravity with amazing hang-time (it leaps about 30 vertical ft. over a police boat), plows down buildings, blows up trucks, eats people like gummy bears, and chomps a dock to oblivion. Leave alone the fact that crocodiles are generally saltwater creatures. Enter two grizzled, enigmatic yocals who know all about the killer croc (Why? no one really knows), but can't help hand-feeding the thing dead chickens. The action scenes consist of jiggley cameras and ketchup squirting from squeeze bottles.

The characters show no remorse for fallen friends and even cheer when a truck containing one of their peers is blown to kingdom come. Surprisingly, the acting isn't the worst thing about it; the screenplay is worse. You know from the beginning who will be alive at the end and who will be croc feed. Each character is easily compartmentalized so as not to strain the short attention spans of the teens and twenty-somethings this movie is targeted for.

Even Anaconda had redeeming moments compared to this garbage.

Rating: 1 / 10
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One of those movies..
ascen_pro10 September 2020
It's one of those you have never heard of and decide to check out, then it takes six seconds to realize you hate it. Looked like two-bit Baywatch casting with lots of closeups of made up little faces, then you say adios.
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Horrific, for all the wrong reasons.
martinoh-gm3 January 2022
Let me start by saying I have a soft spot for modern B-movie creature-features. They're usually formulaic, but both the creators and the audience are in on the gag, it's played appropriately, and the odd genuine surprise is made sweeter.

Crocodile though takes every element of the formula and strips it of what makes it fun. The script, direction and acting are lacklustre, the effects are sufficiently bad to be plain bad, not funny, any intentional humour was presumably left on the cutting room floor, and any hope that you might care about the fate of even one of the characters is dispelled in the first fifteen minutes.

It was made incredibly cheaply, and despite that has perfectly OK cinematography and lighting (excluding the FX), so it scored some points from me. Unfortunately everything else got a minus number, putting in firmly in the "never again" category.
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Who Tobe, Why?
drownsoda9027 August 2004
I watched this movie late at night on the Sci-Fi channel, and I was surprised to see who the director was when I looked it up. I couldn't believe that Tobe Hooper directed this. It just doesn't seem like a Tobe Hooper movie when you're watching it. It seems more like a cheap made-for-TV movie, it's pretty bad.

The plot is based around some stupid teenagers camping in a swampy area, and a giant crocodile starts to hunt them down and kill everyone within the area. This is basically a below-average horror movie, a little bit cheesy if you ask me. The CGI effects of the giant crocodile aren't convincing at all, sometimes it's almost laughable. There is a lot of gore, but some of it looks kind of fake if you ask me. The story is pretty far fetched, and the acting wasn't too good either. Not what I expected from Hooper, who brought us "Texas Chainsaw", the best horror movie of all time. Pretty bad in my opinion, but entertaining if you have nothing better to do. 4/10.
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Ha ha ha ha....Comedy ensues!
CheeryToes18 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my word, I laughed out loud at the truly wonderfully campily bad crocodile, the blatantly obvious plot and the dialogue...I hate to say I laughed out loud at people being eaten, but it was sooooo funny! CHOMP CHOMP ...hahahaha...the one girl practically has to bend down and squnch herself into the crocodile's mouth...and when it opens and closes it's mouth ...ho ho ho...clap on clap off - the clapper...and at the end when the 8 inch egg opens up and the baby alligator is put into the mouth of its mama (ahhhh) the baby is suddenly like three feet long! If you like B movies, if you want to laugh out loud and you really and truly don't have ANYTHING else to do (I was coloring my hair) then sit back and laugh at this movie.
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Not the best film I've seen...
rockdude24 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers fact, possibly one of the worst. The cast are wooden, the effects are not of the highest quality and the plot is laughable. The death scenes are often excessively sadistic, I feel, and the characters are far too cliched for my taste.

I love film, as I'm sure most of the people on this site do. I tend to rate films quite high but on this occasion, I feel inclined to slate. This film has knocked my faith in the man who brought us `The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' - yes, it really is him.

For any British readers, I feel I should have known better than to watch a late-night film on Channel 5, but I thought it looked mildly entertaining as a cheesy horror film. This film is cheesy, but the cheese is mouldy. (Sorry, maybe took the metaphor too far...)

*** SPOILERS ***

The crocodile itself is laughably fake. The animatronic model LOOKS like a model and the CGI croc is a long way from realism. And just when did crocodiles become able to jump 30 foot in the air and somersault over a boat? Since when did crocodiles possess the ability to track an egg hidden in a backpack full of toiletries from halfway down a river? The bug spray? To coin an Americanism, Puh-lease!!

These complaints may seem slightly banal when applied to a monster horror film - the film would be rather short-lived if it was completely true to life. But is it too much to ask for a little realism in a film - just enough to make it watchable.

I give this film 1/10 only because I can't go lower.
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actually pretty fun...
ejskaterboy9 July 2010
Alright... let's be honest here... when you come across a movie entitled Crocodile what can you expect at the most... I mean seriously. Your not gonna expect Jaws or any other big budget film... I guess what I'm getting at is that this movie is pretty decent for a low budget B monster movie. I mean the acting is a little below average considering it was most of the casts first movie. The effects are actually somewhat decent for the time, aside for a few shots of an ugly CG crocodile. The story has been done over and over but that's the fun of it, in my opinion, comparing them all together. The gore was decent and it was bloody enough to satisfy me. This movie, honestly, is what you'd expect from a B movie, and you can't really ask for anything more of it... you just can't. But i do believe this was the first to start the whole cheesy B crocodile movie phase but this one actually executed it pretty well. It's entertaining, fun, hilarious, cliché, and cheesy but that's what i look for when watching a film like this. So if you happen to look for the same things I look for one coming upon a film such as this than i recommend it, but if your looking for a Lake Placid then don't watch it.
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Not great but I have seen worse
atinder24 June 2009
Eight teenagers go out on a weekend boat trip on a remote lake in Southern California only to have it turn into a nightmare when they are stalked by a very large, monstrous man-eating crocodile after they disturb its nest, and soon they must band together in order to survive from the beast

I love killer Animals movies , this is not that bad at all, I for one think this movie is really good, , it had some good scare scenes, which made me jump.

Acting in this movie was not great but not bad at all, as I have seen much worse.

For me this movie never got boring,as I was really griped into the story!

Very good cheesy /scary Crocodile movie 6/10
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C'mon Hooper...stop messing around, will ya!
BA_Harrison28 July 2007
A pound doesn't buy a lot these days, so when I saw a brand spanking new copy of Tobe Hooper's Crocodile on DVD for precisely that amount, I figured there must be worse ways to waste a quid and 'snapped' it up.

And while I don't exactly regret buying the film (I am, after all, a total horror addict, and will watch virtually any rubbish in order to satisfy my cravings), on reflection, a pound does seem a little steep.

With its monster-movie-by-numbers plot (killer croc on the loose), one dimensional characters (assorted jocks and bimbos, a tough cop and an experienced hunter), and clichéd delivery, I realise that this film was never intended to be anything other than a bit of low-budget B-movie monster fun, but even with my expectations set low, I found Crocodile to be rather disappointing.

Usually, even when at his most uninspired, Hooper is capable of delivering an occasional moment of dark humour, the odd creepy scene or convincingly nasty bit of gore, but with this lacklustre effort, he merely goes through the motions. The result is an instantly forgettable giant-killer-animal-on-the-loose straight-to-DVD clunker of the type found clogging up the bottom shelves at your local Blockbuster (the kind that sport such inventive titles as Octopus, Python, Spiders, and.... well ...Crocodile, I suppose).

I'm not sure what the budget was on this production, but judging by the effects on display, I'm guessing it was mega-low. The titular monster is portrayed via an unconvincing mix of full-size models and laughable bargain basement CGI, whilst the sparse gore, by the usually reliable KNB FX group, definitely looks like it was knocked up on the cheap. Hell, the budget doesn't even stretch far enough to convince the babes to get their norks out—exactly what kind of B-movie is this, Mr. Hooper? If you can't give us decent gore, at least give us gratuitous nudity.

To be fair, the film doesn't drag, and there is a certain amount of fun to be had from this flick's general cheesiness, but one can't help but wonder how the man who gave the world Leatherface could sink this low.

The last time Hooper dabbled with killer reptiles, he gave us Eaten Alive, which I gave a reasonable 6/10. With this second attempt at a croc-shocker, he gets 3.5 (generously rounded up to 4 for IMDb). If I were Tobe, I wouldn't try again. I'll probably end up having to give a 1... and I really don't want to have to do that!!!
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Go into this one at your own risk.
billybrown411 March 2002
Hmmm. This movie is kind of a double-edged sword. It's like this, I saw the box and grabbed it up because I wanted something to make fun of. Much like I did with Alligator (which turned out being really good). But here, Tobe Hooper was directing, so I figured it may be worth a shot. Back to what I was saying earlier. There is a lot to be made fun of in this movie, if you're not used to this sort of thing. Those weird people (like myself) who spend much of their free time bashing other people's work will be right at home here. Whether it be some of the characters' ill-executed dialouge or the even iller-executed Croc effects, which sometimes work and sometimes don't. Or it could just be the fact that this is the dumbest bunch of college-agers ever put on film (with the exception of Urban Legend: Final Cut).

Let me say what I like about this movie before I go any further and tell you what passes for the plot. A bunch of beer-swilling college kids (they look like their around that age, but I don't think any of them are smart enough to get in college. No, I'm not being funny) are on a Spring Break and have rented a house boat for what promises to be a fun trip on the lake. They've got all the goods. Beer, beer, and more beer. There's every characters cliche that you would come to expect, featuring the smartass, the whiner who's having trouble with his girlfriend, the loudmouth, the one who's just a little bit louder than the rest, the prude, the slut (I liked her), you get the idea. Everyone has seen this all before...Anyway, one of the girls happens to be unknowingly carrying a crocodile egg in her bag that the prankster put in there as a joke...I don't get it. But, that's the set-up for the whole damn movie. Understandably, the croc is none too happy about her egg being stolen and she's going to try everything in her power to get it back. and maybe have a little fun along the way. You can figure out the rest. The ultimate beer-bash on water, turns into a fight for survival.

Now, even though I've seen this done a thousand times, I still enjoyed Crocodile and rarely got bored. Their were a couple of moments that spent too much time meandering, but the characters are fun to be around and even the Crocodile has a certain charm. Like many other horror flicks out right now, this one has the punk/pop soundtrack and it just makes the whole thing that much more fun. Even though it's predictable, Crocodile is still worth a rental. I would've expected more from the guy who brought us the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, though. Anyhow, give it a run. It's great for some laughs.
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How worse can it get?
thekillagummybear12 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I just got done watching Crocodile on Scifi and I could not shake off the fact that this movie was horrible.

It seems like another "teen" cheap sci movie. Nothing spectacular about it. They obviously didn't seem to read up a lot about crocodiles, or animals for that matter.

Since when do shells bounce of a crocodile when you shoot them? Or when does a crocodile stand next to a car ready to blow up and not get tanked? I don't know, whoever wrote this movie & what-not, must of been on some serious drugs.

So my advice when it comes to it is this, it's only good if you're realllllly bored.

1 out of 4 stars!
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worst movie I've ever seen!
JamesEGuidry14 February 2002
When it comes to bad movies,I thought the hi-jinks of Blair Witch or the continuous comebacks of Michael Meyers and Jason Voorhees would garnish the prestigious title of "WORST MOVIE EVER",but let me explain why Crocodile takes the cake.First and foremost,the expectations I had of Tobe Hooper.Even Texas Chainsaw 2 has it's moments,but nowhere in this movie does it make sense.I mean,the croc egg is in her backpack and the croc wants the egg.Granted,she doesn't know the egg is in her backpack,but jumping in a lake with that thing on her back and a croc on her tail?She never opens the backpack so why the hell carry it(are your schoolbooks in it?)The editing was as bad as the script which was as bad as the acting which was as bad as this director is! P.S.-I'll never be able to watch Poltergeist the same again! My vote- 0
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A bad film, but bloody with it
Leofwine_draca20 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The DVD cover of this movie is plastered with sentences like "From the director of 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre'" and yes, that does mean the return of Tobe Hooper. Sadly, gone is the innovative '70s maverick and in his place is a by-the-numbers director out to make a buck from impressionable teens. Well, CROCODILE is a cheesy and nondescript B-movie at heart, and fans of monster flicks might find this one a guilty pleasure.

Once the brain-damaging shenanigans of the first half are out of the way, the film actually becomes fairly decent, moving quickly and with plenty of action and destruction to recommend it. The crocodile itself is an impressive creation on a low budget, whether the mechanical or the cheap CGI effects are being used – the reason being that old hand Greg Nicotero is on board, and he knows how to deliver on a budget. Of course, the teenage cast are all unknowns and annoying, again picked for beach-model looks rather than acting ability, but who cares when they're being chewed in half, beheaded or generally bloodied beyond repair.

The film is plot less and rambling in places, and the sweary scripting gets quickly wearing. However, the destructive set-pieces (a houseboat and then a general store) are mingled nicely with more typical running-through-the-woods behaviour and at least there is blood in this one. The ending rips off ANACONDA in a big way and couldn't get any cheesier, but then there's nothing particularly wrong with that for this type of film either. CROCODILE ain't a great movie by a long shot but at least it delivers, unlike anaemic offerings such as BOOGEYMAN.
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Pardon my French
alexmalden31 March 2006
This movie was horrible I would not recommend this movie to anyone. it is very BAD! the blood was the cheesiest part there was a art were someone was killed ad there was literary a thin stream of blood shooting out. Some parts were so bad i couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud. There was also to much cursing. I know that in horror movies that tension is high and there is a lot of drama but tat is no excuse for the ridicules amount of it. The acting was terrible too. Not normal bad acting either i mean "I've fallen and i can't get up," kind of bad. Overall the movie was really bad but i have to hand it to them the movie was funny but i don't think it was trying to be.
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phoenixnell25 November 2004
I can honestly say, this was the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. Complete garbage. I think the only reason I kept watching it was because I was having too much fun insulting it and picking it a part for its inaccuracies. I agree the acting was horrible, and crocodile was completely unrealistic. NO crocodile in the entire world moves, walks, swims, and even opens it mouth the way this one did. And I see no reason for it to even be chasing the teenagers in the first place - why would it abandon its nest? The only reason I'd suggest watching it is if you want a really good laugh at how terrible it is. It tries to be a horror film, but comes out as an accidental comedy!
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They should've called it "Crock"...
ChiefBrody_66 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
(Possible "spoiler" included) What a bunch of nonsense! I watched this movie on the Sci-Fi channel last night only because I had no other plans and didn't feel like going to the video store to get a movie. Well, my laziness was "rewarded" with an awful movie! After watching this for a while, I was hoping that the giant croc would finish off the whole group of partiers so the movie could end! The acting was average at best, and the plot was extremely thin. Did the movie ever give us an explanation of how this very large crocodile came to be in this particular lake? (Maybe I had dozed off at that point!) Skip this one unless you're really desperate for entertainment.
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What a waste of time!
andreolang9 January 2003
Saw this "film" yesterday and I wish I had not.

The acting is bad, the story worse and the whole film the worst, I have seen for a long time.

Do not do the same mistake. Even if you like trash, yo will be left disappointed...
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Tobe Bites Back!
pizowell21 January 2001
I've been waiting a long time for Tobe Hooper to comeback with a bad*ss movie......My wait is over. Crocodile is about a group of teens on their spring break, soon they realize they are being stalked by a giant crocodile and most of them won't make it out alive. Crocodile is no Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but it's an awesome party movie to watch with your friends. It has pretty cool effects, a giant croc eating everything in sight, cool dialogue, cool characters, and a cool practical joker named Duncan. Crocodile makes a statement to the world: TOBE IS BACK! Check it out!
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wasn't really expecting to like it but i did
spence7116 July 2006
i was with my brother and stepbrother on a Saturday night and we were looking for movies and i found crocodile so i thought heh could be good so i got it and when i watched it i was freaked the f#$ked out well i was 8 when i watched it but i still like it now first the acting it's okay but could of been better script it's okay as well visual effects awesome deaths even more awesome the thing i wasn't expecting was Tobe hopper directing this let's see what else should i talk about?............................................... nope i got nothing that basically wraps it up in a nutshell you might want to rent it cause the movie isn't that great but if you're sitting with your buddies bored nothing to watch this will sooth your needs other then that just skip it
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Its so bad you have to laugh
jimmyb-032993 December 2019
The characters over way too over douchie that you cant help but laugh at this low budget wanna be lake placid film.. the chicks were ok tho.
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