Stir of Echoes (1999) Poster

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Suspenseful, well written and decently acted
geertvdheide30 September 2007
Stir of Echoes (1999) tells the story of Tom, a middle aged man who, after being hypnotized, starts seeing things. This is the start of a suspenseful psychological thriller that sucked me in and did not let go until the credits rolled.

The acting by all the lead and supporting characters is more than adequate. Kevin Bacon is right at home in his role of a somewhat bitter individual who undergoes heavy changes throughout the film. He does a great job, as do the other actors. The film is shot in a sober and down-to-earth way, giving it a serious tone. Plot wise, the movie is also more than decent, with only a few small plot holes which will only bother the most scrutinous of viewers.

The movie's plot does however remind some viewers of other thrillers, mainly The Shining and The Sixth Sense (another 1999 release which overshadowed Stir of Echoes with a larger marketing campaign and larger overall budget). Some aspects of the story are indeed less than original, but the movie as a whole feels different and is very enjoyable.

Overall, the movie falls just short of greatness in its genre. I found the quality and depth of the story to be good, but not quite as good as some of the afore mentioned greats in the thriller/horror genres. even still, I recommend this film to every fan of thrillers and suspense.
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Above average horror
CharltonBoy11 March 2001
The biggest problem with Stir of Echoes is the timing of the release. As we all know it was released at the same time as The Sixth Sense and the subject matter is coincidentaly very simular. This film not quite as good as the Bruce Willis classic because i dont think the twist is quite as dramatic. The thing that compares favourably to The Sixth Sense is that Stir Of Echoes is thoroughly entertaining from the first minute. Kevin Bacon Stars as a father who is hypnotised by his sister in law, which results in the opening of his mind to the spirit of a girl who was murdered in his house. His son already had the powers to speak to dead people and together they try to solve why the girl keeps contacting them. The young boy is brilliant in the roll as is Kevin Bacon and the whole film keeps you on the edge of the seat. The way this is filmed is stunning, especially when he is first hypnotised, i nearly went under myself! A Very entertaining movie. 8 out of 10.
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Horribly underrated
mentalcritic12 November 2000
In 1999, the media was in a frenzy about a new film that used real things to terrify and excite its audience. Stir Of Echoes was not it. Partly due to the studio's financial difficulties, Stir Of Echoes came and went by itself, unsung and unappreciated. Which goes to show that recognition in the Hollywood system does not go to innovators or the best storytellers. It is all about marketability, and while Stir Of Echoes had this, the companies involved in making or distributing it did not seem to want to spend the cash involved in taking advantage. Either that or Artisan and Fox decided to use it as their tax write-off for that year.

I have not read the novel by Richard Matheson, so I cannot comment on how faithfully the film follows its source. But that is irrelevant. When compared to its more big-name competitor, at least Stir Of Echoes has the courtesy to acknowledge its source. The film updates the story to a more modern era, thus saving a few dollars, since period pieces are expensive to make. In fact, the dramatic angle of the film keeps it rather cheap, since effects shots are few and far between. Not to mention the effects that do appear are fairly simple in nature. Indeed, Stir Of Echoes only cost about thirteen million to make, according to estimates. Which makes it all the more peculiar that Fox was unwilling to invest a little more effort in publicising the film.

Kevin Bacon is in fine, fine form as the film's central hero, a regular guy called Tom Witzky. Kathryn Erbe is also in great form as his wife, Maggie. Illeana Douglas is decidedly odd as his sister-in-law, Lisa. But the real surprise here is child performer Zachary David Cope. After the pretender, that pile of sachaarine garbage called The Sixth Sense, child stars had such a bad reputation that Zachary deserves a medal for portraying such a genuinely likable, layered character. Indeed, director David Koepp took one hell of a risk by placing so much of the responsibility for the plot on his shoulders. That it pays off is a testament not only to the strength of Zachary David Cope's performance, but to the strength of the material he was given. Indeed, all the best scenes in Stir Of Echoes involve interaction between Zachary, Kathryn, and Kevin.

I do think this film has its faults. Chief among them is that the story needed another ten minutes to properly develop. Plot threads like the group of psychics, a member of which helps put Kathryn Erbe's character on the path of greater understanding, needed better resolution. One moment, Maggie is asking this policeman why her husband is obsessed with a scene of memories to the exclusion of his job. The next moment, not only are details like the job forgotten, so too is the group and the policeman. Smoothing out intricate plot points such as this would have helped the story no end.

In the end, however, Stir Of Echoes is proof that the artistic work one does not hear about may just be the one that has more merit. If nothing else, it is worth watching to see a small ensemble cast that excels. Even small performances like Liza Weil's demonstrate a sense of dramatic flair that has long fled most of the rest of Hollywood. It is for this reason that I gave Stir Of Echoes an eight out of ten. It is worth watching just to see how badly misdirected the hype machine often is.
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Hypnotic Suspense
epsilon328 March 2005
Stir of Echoes is a very good horror thriller in the traditional sense. It's the story of a guy who gets hypnotised and develops precognitive psychic abilities which he can't control.

Kevin Bacon is excellent and shows he can be a leading man, while the rest of the cast performs well. Sets, special effects and cinematography are all very good - nothing flashy but solid.

It has shocks and suspense, especially in the first half, and although it could be accused of being a little clichéd, it never strays too far into the 'seen it all before' category.

The second half of the film turns into a more traditional thriller but still holds up well, unlike similarly themed movies such as 'What Lies Beneath.' This is because it is pleasingly short, lasting around 90 minutes (the correct length for a film of this type). There are some plot strands that aren't explained, but this can be forgiven because of the film's running time.

Although not mind blowing, it has a decent payoff at the end and left me satisfied that I'd just watched a good movie. Not a great one, but a good one. Pick this one up cheap on DVD.
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Starts out well then falls a bit flat
neil-47621 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
You can see what this film wanted to be, but it didn't really succeed.

Despite being sceptical, Kevin Bacon is prevailed upon to be hypnotised at a party. This experience opens him up to visions and ghostly visitations which turn out to relate to events which have happened in the house he is renting. Eventually he receives a message telling him to dig, so he does.

In one of those astonishing coincidences whereby two movies with very similar themes arrive in cinemas at nearly the same time, this one arrived just after The Sixth Sense which, in many respects, it resembles (Bacon's small son can also see the main apparition). Unfortunately, it's not half the film The Sixth Sense is, even without the you-know-what delivered by Sixth Sense at the end.

And that's a shame, because it starts off really well. There's a strong sense of location, character, and community, and the sequence leading into the hypnosis is nicely atmospheric. Following that there is a decent sense of mystery and mounting paranoia and obsession on Bacon's character's part.

Unfortunately, from there it devolves into a variation of Roy Neary's irritating obsessive from Close Encounters, only rather than making mashed potato mountains, Bacon is digging holes in the garden. I always thought that aspect was by far the worst part of CE3K, and it is the worst aspect here, too. And the resolution, when it comes, is depressingly mundane - a bit more bang for the buck would have been welcome. All the mystique built up at the start is flushed down the drain.

And good performances from Bacon and Illeana Douglas (never one of my favourite actresses, but very good here) are unfortunately completely counteracted by Katherine Erbe playing Bacon's wife - as written and directed, no doubt - as one of those profoundly annoying people who you just want to slap (in a politically correct way, of course).

And it all started out so well, too.
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Annoying rather than frightening
davek2811 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I marked this down because I got intensely irritated with the characters not talking to each other. Why on earth did Maggie go see Neil herself instead of sending hubby so he could get some reassurance about his new-found powers? Why did the two of them just have a shouting match instead of discussing the appearance of Samantha quietly with their son? Why couldn't Tom explain "DIG" to his wife instead of going psychotic about it? Why didn't Tom just call 911 as soon as he found the body and thereby avoid the final fracas with the hick neighbours?

There was so much irrational behaviour in this movie that I found it annoying rather than entertaining or frightening.
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Great movie, released at the wrong time...
Mr Dread31 March 2000
(A) The Sixth Sense and Stir of Echoes must have been the two movies of '99 that I enjoyed the most. Both had good scripts and stories; they were interesting, mysterious, dark, weird -- those are my kinds of movies! They are also a proof that the mysteriousness of ghosts is something we will never tire of or not think to be intriguing.

Stir of Echoes was somewhat similar to Sixth Sense but it was also in many was DIFFERENT. First of all, it (SOE) is dealing with hypnosis and has a more 'criminal' as well as supernatural theme.

This movie is spectacular and the reason it was not recognized as such, is because it was released just a few weeks after The Sixth Sense - a movie which had already satisfied the audience with its supernatural theme. And because The Sixth Sense was such a hit, Stir of Echoes was shoved aside and didn't get the recognition it deserved. Don't get me wrong! I loved Sixth Sense, but this movie is also very good and if you liked The Sixth Sense, I highly recommend you see it!
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Shows that predictable can still be decent
Leofwine_draca5 August 2013
STIR OF ECHOES is a classic ghost story based on a novel by the late, great Richard Matheson. It stars Kevin Bacon as a sceptic who undergoes hypnosis and soon finds himself suffering extreme flashbacks and visions of a ghostly girl with vengeance on her mind. The story has been done to death by Hollywood recently - this came out the same year as THE SIXTH SENSE, which helped popularise the ghost story genre once again - but this film works, possessing a finesse and level of quality usually missing in the genre.

The good things about STIR OF ECHOES are the reliance on good, old-fashioned storytelling over blood and guts and jump scares. It's a slow-burner of a movie and writer/director David Koepp allows the suspense to generate naturally. Most of these films have a disappointing back story when it finally gets revealed but that's not the case here - the narrative remains gripping throughout. And when it does descend into cliché at the climax, you can forgive it for the quality that's come before.

Kevin Bacon is one of those underrated actors that Hollywood doesn't really know what to do with, and he's rarely given the chance to shine. Yet when he does he burns up the screen with an energy like no other, and he's on top form as the mild-mannered husband and father who finds himself channelling a kind of supernatural vengeance. His mania is both convincing and frightening. Kathryn Erbe is also very strong as his put-upon wife, and child actor Zachary David Cope is excellent in a creepy kid role. STIR OF ECHOES is a lovely surprise, a modern twist on the ghost story that feels fresh and exciting despite its familiarity.
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Bacon 'Cooks' As An Unwilling Medium...
cchase4 December 2008
I have always admired and marveled at Kevin Bacon's versatility as an actor. From the likable fish-out-of-water guy who trips the light-fantastic through a piece of fluff like FOOTLOOSE, to putting everything on the line to play a pedophile in the unnerving THE WOODSMAN, there's hardly anything he can't - or won't do - to show his amazing range.

That being said, STIR OF ECHOES still holds what is for me one of his all-time Top Five performances.

He plays Tom Witzky, a regular mug living with his family in a working-class suburb of Chicago. Though he loves his family, hotter-than-hot wife Maggie (Kathryn Erbe) and precocious son Jake (Zachary David Cope), he's also a man becoming bored with his life. He wants to do and be something more than who and what he is.

Obviously, the old adage "be careful what you wish for" went right over Tom's head.

At a party for family and friends, Tom volunteers to be hypnotized by his flaky sister-in-law, Lisa (the always excellent Illeana Douglas), who makes a powerful suggestion to Tom that his mind takes literally. What happens next will change his life and everyone's around him forever.

A 'doorway' has been opened inside Tom's head that allows him to communicate with the dead, and for them to reach out and touch him...whether he wants to or not. When the "nightmares" that he's been having begin to intensify, Tom knows he must find a way to close that doorway for good before he loses his family...and his sanity. The urgency is heightened when he discovers how sensitive he was before the hypnotic suggestion, in the most chilling way seems that son Jake can see and talk to the dead as well.

In the tradition of THE CHANGELING, LADY IN WHITE and THE SIXTH SENSE, the focus of Tom's visions comes from one apparition in particular, who won't leave him or his family in peace until he can figure out what it wants and why. The situation provides fodder for one intense and terrifying performance, and with help from a strong supporting cast, Bacon comes through like a champ.

When movies like this are adapted from older works by classic authors, I usually proceed with the greatest caution. But Richard Matheson's creepy novel has been skillfully transformed by David Koepp, a man who knows a little bit about balancing thoughtful plotting and dialogue with outright terror, (as in APARTMENT ZERO) and the outstanding job he does here will make you think twice the next time somebody wants to 'put you out' at a party with something more than just shots of Captain Morgan...
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Visually thrilling, sickeningly bad plot
Krusty-144 February 2000
The Good: visual effects were excellent, the first 30 minutes were actually frightening. The soundtrack was terrific, with numerous little effects added in (whispers, small noises). An atmosphere of a good ghost story was established immediately. This was by, by far, Kevin Bacon's best work yet, though hardly Oscar-worthy. The "ghost" freaked me out, big time!

The Bad: Big holes in the plot made it difficult to understand and illogical at times. Many characters popped in and out of the script with little attention paid to development (i.e. Neil - who the hell was he and what was his purpose?). In some ways, comparison to other films (Close Encounters, Sixth Sense) was justified. Supporting cast was adequate at best. The middle portion of the movie was too much narrative and not enough atmosphere. The "hypnotism" sequences were cheesy and a bit laughable.

The Ugly: ENDING SUCKED! the final half-hour made no sense whatsoever, and ruined what could have been an excellent movie. What was going on at the end made your typical soap opera look simple. A clearer ending would have done wonders for this film.

The Bottom Line: This would have gotten an 8 or 9 rating with a better ending, but I gave it a 7, based solely on terrific horror imagery and atmosphere. I didn't see this in the theatre, but if you rent it, get in on DVD ONLY!!! The digital suuround soundtrack is the best thing about this movie. I doubt it would be worth seeing in VHS.
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Had the bad luck it was released right after "The Sixth Sense".
Boba_Fett113819 July 2007
Before 1999 this type of supernatural thrillers/horror didn't really existed. This all changed after the release of "The Sixth Sense". It was an huge hit and the movie was the talk of the year. It launched a totally new genre of movies. Every movie of the same 'type' released after "The Sixth Sense" was considered by everyone lame, unoriginal and a rip-off and a movie to quickly cash in after the success of "The Sixth Sense". "Stir of Echoes" was released only a month after "The Sixth Sense" and people wanted to know nothing of it. Completely unfair, also since I thought that the script was even being written before "The Sixth Sense" was and I also thought that filming completed earlier but yet it was released later in cinemas. Who knows what would have happened to this movie if it was released before "The Sixth Sense...It surely would had been appreciate more than it was now.

I'm glad that the movie by now is finally starting to receive the credit it deserves.

You also have to remember that in 1999 these type of movies were still fresh and new, so everything about it was original. However by todays standards the movie perhaps doesn't really seem that original anymore, since dozens like this sort of movie are being made every year now.

The story is greatly written by David Koepp, who really is one of the best writers in the business. Everything is build up perfectly slowly and mysteriously. You never know what is going to happen next and the movie offers more than enough surprise. In the beginning you really don't know what the movie is going to be about or were its trying to head to. You don't know if its real what is happening or is it just the main character imagining things. It provides the movie with mystery and an uneasy atmosphere.

The movie above all is a supernatural thriller (that also definitely has some similarities by the way with "The Sixth Sense", which also might be a reason why it was received so coolly) but the movie also features some real horror elements. And remember again, this was all quite new and refreshing for 1999 standards. I was actually quite blown away by the movie when I first saw it, which must have been in 2000 or something.

Kevin Bacon is really know for being the biggest Hollywood lead and he normally plays supporting roles, especially before this movie. This movie is perhaps the first one that truly allows Bacon to shine and show his skill as an actor and proof to the world that he can really carry a movie. It was nice and refreshing to see Kathryn Erbe in something different than "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" for a change. She plays such a different character. It shows how good as an actress she actually is.

The movie is well directed by David Koepp himself and he knows how to bring his own story to the screen. The movie further more features some nice special effects, that are used only in the right places. The movie is still definitely much better and more refreshing than most genre movies being released today.

Deserves to become a real genre-classic!

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Suspenseful and horrifying story, well written and directed by David Koepp
ma-cortes31 October 2007
This creepy thriller concerns about a family, when the marriage goes to a party into a calmed neighboring, happen weird events. Tom (Kevin Bacon, Sleepers) being hypnotized by his sister in law(Ileana Douglas), then, he winds up with clairvoyant abilities that link to disappeared teen girl(Jennifer Morrison, today famous by House). These faculties also have traumatized his young boy( similarly to kid in ¨The sixth sense, he isn't only one seeing dead), carrying the fear under his frail shoulders, but he can communicate with the deceased adolescent and presumed missing. Tom and son's visions lead to have problems with his wife(Kathryn Erbe, Law and Order) and friends(Kevin Dunn, secondary in Gozzilla). It leads to unexpected and breakthrough twist ending about what's happened before.

The movie packs suspense, tension, shocks, grisly horror and eerie scenes when the ghoul appear. The film takes accent as the suspense as well as the terror. Provides an imaginative, highly original and well-knit screenplay by David Koepp, also director, and based on novel by Richard Matheson. Sinister and mysterious atmosphere is finely made by cameraman Fred Murphy. Creepy music score fitting to the horror film by James Newton Howard, he's habitual maker of frightening atmospheres such as ¨Sixth sense, Devil's advocate¨ and composer of all films by Night Shyamalan. The motion picture is well directed by David Koepp, a famous screenwriter(Zathura, War of the worlds, Spiderman, Mission impossible) and occasionally director(Secret window,The trigger effect). The flick will like to terror fans because gets decent scares and intense sequences of horror.
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Average at best
basrutten1 April 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Contains spoilers

"Stir of Echoes" is a run-of-the-mill thriller that features a very good performance by Kevin Bacon. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

The story, for once, makes sense (there are no huge plot-holes common to this kind of movie), but it's very basic and just about anybody can "guess" what's going on after watching maybe half an hour of this movie. That leaves one hour to be impressed by Kevin's performance, but also to be bored by the predictable plot. I'm sure I've seen this kind of movie before, it's all very standard with the missing girl, the rape etc. This movie is also seriously lacking in scary moments.

Well acted, well made, but very predictable and a little bit boring

** out of **** stars
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Echos All Right
tedg23 November 2000
This is just a rehash, echos, of other minor films. The only interesting thing here is Kevin Bacon. Seems like he's the only extended Brat Packer to survive as an actor.

Filmmakers like him because he shows up and delivers without getting in the way. He is without pretense and understands his role as the instrument of someone else's composition. How refreshing -- especially compared to so many of his peers. The disease of celebrity convinces them that they are somehow at the beginning of the creative food chain instead of at the end. problem is that many of these folks are dumb, dumb, dumb. And they sully everything they work on.

Bacon is not a great actor. But he is a very good one, and that is rare enough. He doesn't quite save this movie, but it is reassuring to watch him work.
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A Forgettable Supernatural Thriller
brando64725 June 2012
Good or bad, I hate to say that the most prominent thing I can say about David Koepp's STIR OF ECHOES is that it left me with no impression whatsoever. It's not necessarily that the movie was horrible or incredibly boring; it's just that I find it to be one of the most forgettable film's I've ever seen. I've watched it a few times and for some reason I never remember much about it. I remember the premise of the film and that it stars Kevin Bacon, and that's about it. So I gave it another chance to see if maybe I just hadn't paid attention in the past and…nope. It's just forgettable. It's enjoyable enough while you're watching it thought. It's not a bad little ghost tale, with a few moments of decent suspense. In the movie, Kevin Bacon is Tom Witzky, a phone line maintenance tech that isn't content with the direction his life has taken. He lives with his wife and son in a small Chicago suburb where everyone knows everyone. One night at a party, Tom is hypnotized by his sister-in-law as a gag, but the fun is over when Tom finds himself plagued with terrifying hallucinations. He is haunted by visions of a teenage girl and feels the need to dig. His flashes lead him to believe that the hypnosis has opened a new door to his mind, and his investigations might lead him to uncover a secret that would shatter his peaceful neighborhood.

I guess it just might've been overshadowed by some of the bigger titles released in 1999, but I just don't remember STIR OF ECHOES getting much attention. I hadn't even remembered it myself until I grabbed it on DVD as part of a two-DVD set. It's a fine little thriller with some moments of genuine creepiness buffered by a bunch of scenes with Kevin Bacon and a shovel. There aren't a lot of big names in the film, with the obvious exception of course being Bacon. Illeana Douglas (who was slightly more popular at the time of the film's release than she is now) is in the movie as Lisa Well, the protagonist's sister-in-law/amateur hypnotist. Douglas is a cute face but I've never seen her as much of a dramatic actor and her scenes in the movie don't feel too genuine. The rest of the film is filled out with recognizable faces and forgettable names (including the father from the TRANSFORMERS series) that normally would relegate a film of this stature to direct-to-DVD status. Everyone does a fine job but I feel some blame falls on director David Koepp, an accomplished screenwriter with limited directing experience. Bacon provides the strongest performance while others falter, and I wish the scares had been a little stronger. Granted, this is just as much a mystery as a supernatural thriller but it felt cheap. The thrills are pretty barren and I would have liked a little more torment from the tortured soul of the teenage girl (played by a young and almost unrecognizable Jennifer Morrison).

I would recommend STIR OF ECHOES as a decent viewing option on a rainy day when it's playing on cable. It's not really worth spending any cash on but, if you catch it for free, it doesn't disappoint. It's tense at times with a mystery that keeps your interest engaged until the final reveal. I wish they would've built more upon the whole "psychic" abilities the movie hints at with Bacon and his son. I wonder if these elements were built upon further in the novel the movie is based upon. I should also mention that, while I normally hate child actors, the one in this movie isn't as aggravating bad as most. So kudos to Zachary David Cope for that. Overall, the movie has a heavy vibe of a made-for-cable piece, and it's a shame because I think in the capable hands of a director with a real vision this movie could've rivaled THE SIXTH SENSE. Instead we're treated to a mildly entertaining one-off film that most people probably don't remember. I barely did.
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A great Hypnotizing movie!
mcca-6205113 September 2020
I was quite impressed that the movie delivered so well being a hypnotizing theme. At first based on the title I figured that it would deal with more noises. Yet the once into the movie, and Tom gets Hypnotized, it gets interesting. It sure delivers on the story. We enjoyed it very much. Slightly felt had that teenage party vibe with mid age adult bodies. Kevin Bacon does a great job as well do the supporting cast.
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Thrilling and interesting
jangu16 May 2001
Actually, I found this movie more satisfying than "Sixth sense". It doesn't have a stunning payoff like "sixth sense" (what film does?), but until the, in some ways hasty, conclusion, it's well made, scary and, since I have a knowledge of occult things through a good friend, rather believable. Kevin Bacon is credible in his part and so do Illeana Douglas. Kathryn Erbe however is stuck with nothing to do for large chunks of the movie. Effectively and atmosphericly shot, with some effective jolts that made me jump. To some, the conclusion may be a little simple and drawn-out, but I thought it was satisfying and filled to the brim with suspense. I find that the digging in the cellar/garden is a nice build-up for the finale, not that it goes on forever as a previous reviewer stated. It's only one thing that bothers me about the ending, and it is that too little is explained and a few threads of the story are totally abandoned. But that's only a minor complaint. For the most part, this is a creepy, interesting, well-made, scary and well played little thriller.
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Always like Kevin Bacon. But the movie needed a tighter plot and better direction
dsharman19688 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This has a very interesting plot that did not come off as well as it could. It seemed to amble on too much,to struggle at times, and did not offer any "high shocking" moments like 6th Sense and Dead Zone. Possibly a better use of camera angles, more "ghost" scenes, more spooky interaction between father and son, and a deeper role for Katie Erbe would have helped. Katie Erbe's talents were definitely under utilized. If it wasn't for Kevin Bacon, the movie would have really struggled. I am a Kevin Bacon fan and have enjoyed his acting since "Footloose". I have "Stir of Echoes" on BluRay HD DVD. The sound is great!!! Just like being in a theater.
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Shut the door! You're letting in a draft!
dfranzen7022 February 2000
Tom (Kevin Bacon) has hypnotized by his sister-in-law, played by Illeana Douglas, and from then on his life's a little....well, weird. He sees a ghost of a disappeared girl, and he's not the only one - his young son's been seeing the spectre for weeks. What unfolds after that is that Tom slips further and further into imminent madness. His wife Maggie (Kathryn Erbe) can't fathom his insanity, and it's driving her up the wall, as both of the men in her life are increasingly distant and non-communicative. So what happened to Tom when he was under hypnosis? His sister-in-law claims there's a door in everyone's mind that's never been opened, and it sure looks like Tom's door is wide open, with a big neon sign over it, inviting him to run through with abandon. What's behind all of this freakiness? There's a mystery afoot, but it turns out to be a little more standard and predictable than one would hope with the solid premise. Can't fault the actors, though - this is an unusual role for Bacon, who here comes off as a tough, strong, blue-collar kind of guy - he and his family are close to what one might call white trash, but they're never portrayed as being mean-spirited or hateful. This is just one of those cases where weird stuff happens to nice folk, kind of like the clan in "Poltergeist."

So this is a stylish psychological/supernatural thriller with game performances by a capable cast. It's watchable and full of chills, but the ending's a little pat.
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Well worth the watch
jb057914 May 2017
When I review a movie I don't go into plot; you can read that anywhere. I'm a screenwriter myself so I tend to write about idiosyncratic things that you'd not look for, but your mind sees. The film has a fresh story, is beautifully lit, artistically shot, and is worth the watch. In the trivia section, one of the contributors has it exactly correct: what they would do is slow the film speed down as much as possible and have the actress walk as normally as she can. Then they speed the film up to regular speed and all the little mannerisms come out in an eerie sort of ghostly ethereal way. It's not used much - Hitchcock would have loved this technique. Lots of fortuitous things happen, like when Bacon kicks a bucket through a window which was accidental but Bacon had the presence of mind to stay in character thus the shot made the movie. The direction was better than average the acting better than average. Ileana Douglas is always good Bacon is usually good or Erbe is underrated and too seldom cast so you had the makings already of a film that you knew had potential. Add the weird twist and Jennifer Morrison, AKA Doctor Cameron from the show "House", and you have a movie that is great to watch on a rainy Sunday afternoon. I recommend it.
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Will cont. to watch at least once a year
amandanassif23 May 2021
This movie is just amazing. It also satisfies my off favorite and love for movies based around crime/murder flashbacks.
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A good film lost in the shadow of The Sixth Sense
SmileysWorld20 May 2005
It came out the same year,and basically,although with differences,has the same plot as a certain other film about a young child who saw dead people,Stir of Echoes,in my opinion,is a very good film.Kevin Bacon is excellent as a man tormented by the visions of a murdered girl,shortly after being hypnotized.It has become popular,with new technology,to make the dead move somewhat faster in films,which is effective,I suppose,but to me,the dead can be just as scary moving at a normal pace.This was an excellent leading role for Kevin Bacon,and I consider this film amongst his best work.Sadly,since it's release came so closely to that certain other film and had more or less the same story line,it will probably be overlooked for years to come.
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Very Predictable Mystery Thriller
Luigi Di Pilla11 July 2004
It is perhaps David Koepps and Kevin Bacons worst movie. I mean you wait and wait until something happens and then you know already what comes next. It´s no doubt a waste of time because only the last ten minutes of the film develops some tension and twists. This movie tries very hard to create creepy and scary moments but it´s far away from suspense. Okay there were some scenes to remember that this movie should be a scary thriller. I expected simply more from the writer, the director and even Kevin Bacon couldn´t save this disaster. I had the impression to watch a normal creepy cable movie. My wife and me vote 4/10. Too overrated. See instead "THE GIFT" or "WHAT LIES BENEATH".
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Great title, shame about the movie!
uds32 April 2002
Now here's a flick I could certainly avoid seeing again and one of the few that (for me at least) worsen with each viewing. Maybe I just see more things wrong with it!

Problematically, not that easy to pinpoint really. I have plenty of time for Kevin Bacon's work (Ok we'll forget WILD THINGS). The topic of paranormal phenomena is an interesting one and production wise A STIR OF ECHOES is up over the "average" mark. I merely find it tasteless! Perhaps having two daughters much the same age as the unfortunate character Samantha Kozac, doesn't help and indeed I find the film somewhat disturbing, the conclusion being totally and irredeemably nasty.

Somehow I cannot ever distance the actors from their roles here and at no stage does it seem to be anything other than a film set. The "regression scene" in the theater while Bacon is under hypnosis for example, I found neither scary or believable...merely contrived. Another death rattle for the flick is the total lack of any likeable character, especially young mega-wussy Zachary David Cope as Bacon's son. Surely one of the most uninteresting and irritating children ever foisted onto an audience.

Together with THE INVISIBLE MAN, two semi-voyeuristic Bacon outings we just don't need!
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Kevin Bacon's Second Sight
wes-connors11 November 2008
Blue-collar lineman Kevin Bacon (as Tom Witzky) would have rather become a rock musician. Instead, Mr. Bacon has settled for a more ordinary life. He has just moved to a modest Chicago house, in a "decent" neighborhood. Bacon, and sexily pregnant wife Kathryn Erbe (as Maggie Witzky) have a mildly creepy (but innocent looking) young son, Zachary David Cope (as Jake Witzky). Young Cope can see, and talk to, dead people. Ms. Erbe looks good in denim. She has a witchy sister, Illeana Douglas (as Lisa Weil), who gets the story going, after hypnotizing Bacon into seeing dead people, too…

David Koepp's "Stir of Echoes" is a mostly effective ghost story. Bacon and the cast are terrific. Thankfully, the focus is on Bacon's protagonist, rather than kid Cody, who does not (also, thankfully) portray the usual annoying devil movie tot. The story is intriguing, well-paced, and nicely detailed. The "aborted kidnapping" of Cody, and "foreshadowed suicide" of Chalon Williams (as Adam) are two highlights.

The story starts to falter when Erbe goes to find mysterious Eddie Bo Smith (as Neil); you expect the film to advance to a higher level, but the sequence ends up giving away too much. Dig it.

For the "Talk About Good Taste" department: Bacon searches for the lost chords of the Rolling Stones' "Paint it Black" (a great version is sound-tracked, by Gob). Cody can't get George Romero's "Night of the Living Dead" off of his television set. And, babysitter Liza Weil (as Debbie Kozac) reads dog-eared paperback writer Richard Matheson's incredible "Shrinking Man".

******* Stir of Echoes (7/28/99) David Koepp ~ Kevin Bacon, Kathryn Erbe, Zachary David Cope
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