Double Jeopardy (1999) Poster

Bruce Greenwood: Nick



  • [Nick threatens Libby as Libby threatens him with the law of double jeopardy] 

    Nick Parsons : They're tough in Louisiana, Libby. You shoot me, they'll give you the gas chamber.

    Libby Parsons : No they won't. It's called double jeopardy. I learned a few things in prison, Nick. I could shoot you in the middle of Mardi Gras and they can't touch me.

    Travis Lehman : As an ex-law professor, I can assure you she is right.

  • [Libby shoots the painting behind Nick's head] 

    Libby Parsons : [Libby smiles]  I haven't felt that good in six years. I don't want to kill you, Nick. I just want you to suffer like I suffered.

    Travis Lehman : What she means, Nick, is you're going to prison, for murder.

    Nick Parsons : Who did I supposedly murder?

    Libby Parsons : Me.

    Nick Parsons : All you've got is an old fax photo.

    Libby Parsons : Which supplies the motive. Your wife, whom you had framed, tracks you down, and to keep her from exposing you, you kill her.

    Nick Parsons : You won't get away with it.

    [Travis reveals he's been recording their conversation] 

    Nick Parsons : Well, I think I've solved that problem.

    Travis Lehman : What do you mean?

    Nick Parsons : Let's just say the problem has been buried.

    Travis Lehman : Really?

    Nick Parsons : She's gone, I promise you,.

    Travis Lehman : [turning the tape off]  Taped confessions are very persuasive in court, Nick, and of course, there is the physical evidence that we're gonna put in the trunk of your car.

    Libby Parsons : A shovel, hair, my fingerprints, a little blood.

    Travis Lehman : Yeah, don't forget the gasoline.

    Libby Parsons : It'll look like you burned and buried my body, just like you say on the tape.

  • [Libby walks to Nick holding a pistol at him, as Nick talks to Travis who's watching from the chair] 

    Nick Parsons : Well, aren't you gonna do something?

    Travis Lehman : What are you talkin' to me for? She's the one with the gun.

  • [Suzanne Monroe introduces herself to Libby at the Hotel auction] 

    Suzanne Monroe : I don't believe we've met. I'm Suzanne Monroe.

    Libby Parsons : I'm Libby. I'm his wife.

    Suzanne Monroe : Well, Jonathan! A minute ago a bachelor, and now you're married. You don't waste any time. You been in New Orleans long?

    Nick Parsons : She's, uh...

    Libby Parsons : I'm just passing through town to pick up my child. I'll be leaving very soon.

    Suzanne Monroe : How nice.

    Libby Parsons : We're finally putting the past behind us and moving on with our lives, aren't we, Jonathan?

    Nick Parsons : Sure.

    Libby Parsons : I do have one question, though. How long were you and Angie fucking before you decided to get rid of me?

    [the conversation goes silent as Suzanne Monroe clears her throat] 

  • [Travis questions Nick, who is going by the new identity Jonathan Devereaux] 

    Travis Lehman : Do you have any idea why she's fixated her lunacy on you?

    Nick Parsons : Well, the world's full of crazy people, am I right?

    Travis Lehman : [Travis laughs while responding]  Oh, yes, you are right. Truer words were never spoken.

    Travis Lehman : [Travis comments on the picture behind Jonathan's desk]  Those are nice pictures there. Did your kids do them?

    Nick Parsons : [Nick chuckles]  Uh, no. Those pictures are by a very great artist named Kandinsky.

    Travis Lehman : Oh.

    Nick Parsons : But why do I think you already knew that?

  • Nick Parsons : Morning, darlin'. I hope you had a nice night.

    Libby Parsons : I want you to bring Matty to Lafayette Cemetery number three.

    Nick Parsons : A cemetery? That's, uh... that's an odd choice for a reunion.

    Libby Parsons : It's a big tourist place, Nick. Lot of people around.

    Nick Parsons : Well, you're a smart girl. I can have him there by 4:00.

  • Travis Lehman : Turns out I owe you an apology, Mr. Devereaux. After our last conversation, I started thinking maybe that Parsons woman was telling the truth about who you used to be. So I asked the Washington State Department of Motor Vehicles to send me a driver's license photograph of Nicholas Parsons.

    Nick Parsons : And?

    Travis Lehman : And this is what came up.

    Nick Parsons : [taking a fax printout with a laugh]  Well... well, we all make mistakes. I mean, there's no harm done.

    Travis Lehman : Then I thought about it some more, and it occurred to me what a common name Nicholas Parsons is. You know, it turns out there were six. And this...

    [showing him another printout] 

    Travis Lehman : Was number three.

    Nick Parsons : I never liked that picture. So, Mr. Lehman, you came here to make a deal. Otherwise, I guess you would have gone straight to the police. So, question is, what's your price?

    Travis Lehman : $1 million. It's a nice, round figure, right?

    Nick Parsons : Uh... all right. But you're gonna have to give me a couple of days.

    Travis Lehman : No way. $1 million, right now.

    Nick Parsons : Mr. Lehman, it's 9:00 at night. I can't just...

    [snapping to indicate the money magically appearing; Lehman takes out a flip phone] 

    Nick Parsons : Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait. I have $100,000 in the safe here. And you can have that now. I'll get you the rest tomorrow.

    Travis Lehman : [putting the phone away]  You got a deal. We do have one other problem, and that's Mrs. Parsons. She could still make a lot of trouble for us, even from prison, and I really don't need that.

    Nick Parsons : Well, I think I've solved that problem.

    Travis Lehman : What do you mean?

    Nick Parsons : Let's just say the problem has been buried.

    Travis Lehman : Really?

    Nick Parsons : She's gone, I promise you.

    Libby Parsons : [coming in and taking out her revolver]  You're not very good at keeping promises, Nick.

  • [Travis visits Jonathan Devereaux one last time at his hotel] 

    Travis Lehman : Mr. Devereaux?

    Nick Parsons : Mr. Lehman. I'm sorry. This is really not a good time.

    Travis Lehman : I understand. A lot of people feel that way about me. But I have good news.

    Travis Lehman : [Jonathan pauses]  It won't take long.

  • [a yuppie man tries to impress his date while at Nick and Libby's house party] 

    Yuppie Man : [a yuppie man looks closer on the Parsons wall]  Hmm, yes. Picasso. Blue period.

    Nick Parsons : [Nick walks into the conversation]  The artist's name is Kandinsky. Wassily Kandinsky. He was German, of Russian extraction, 1866 to 1944. And by the way, Picasso's blue period was figurative, and ended in 1904. And these watercolors are abstract, done in 1911.

    Yuppie Man : [Nick leaves the conversation, as the yuppie man scoffs looking back to his date]  Picasso.

  • [Libby sails the boat as Nick joins her on the deck, noticing that they're in the middle of the ocean] 

    Nick Parsons : Wait. I don't see land. So where is it?

    Libby Parsons : [Libby points with her hand]  Alaska's over that way, Japan is straight ahead, and Australia's somewhere to the left. Where would you like to go?

    Nick Parsons : Bed.

    Libby Parsons : That can be arranged.

  • Libby Parsons : You destroyed my life, and I will destroy yours unless you give me Matty. That's all I want.

    Nick Parsons : Listen. Let me explain something to you. You have to understand something. We were going under. We were gonna lose everything. And if I'd had any guts, I would have killed myself, but I was trying to protect you. That's why I got the life insurance. So I would be out of the picture and you and Matty would be okay. And I... I-I just never believed they would convict you.

    Libby Parsons : They did, Nick.

    Nick Parsons : And-And the thing with Angie happened later. It was just... it was a nightmare. And the worst part of it was being away from youl.

    Libby Parsons : So is that why you killed her?

    Nick Parsons : That was an accident.

    Libby Parsons : Nice try, Nick. I'm not buying. It's bullshit.

    Nick Parsons : I will swear on the life of our son.

    Libby Parsons : Oh, don't you fucking dare.

  • Nick Parsons : Now, then, ladies, uh, what you see before you is a moderately presentable man in his 30s, given, uh, unhealthy thoughts and a dissipated lifestyle... with, and this is what's gonna cost you the really big money...

    [laughter and applause as he removes his coat] 

    Nick Parsons : ...absolutely no redeeming moral virtue.

    Bidder : 500.

    Nick Parsons : Dear woman, my cuff links cost more than that. Now, do I hear $1,000?

    Bidder : 1,000.

    Nick Parsons : Thank you.

    Suzanne Monroe : 2,000.

    Nick Parsons : All right, now did I just hear the voice of the charming Miss Monroe? 'Cause I was just starting to worry, beginning to think you didn't care.

    Libby Parsons : 2,500.

    Nick Parsons : 2,500. We have a new bidder. 2,500.

    Suzanne Monroe : 3,000.

    Libby Parsons : 5,000.

    Suzanne Monroe : 5,500.

    Nick Parsons : Well, we have 5,500. Will, uh... will the lady take us to six?

    Libby Parsons : $10,000.

    Nick Parsons : Well, see, I mean, at last, someone who knows my true value. Now, Miss Monroe, I believe the bid is to you at $10,500.

    Suzanne Monroe : Well, you can have him, honey. Believe me, he ain't worth that much. I know from personal experience.

  • [Libby joins Nick out on the patio] 

    Libby Parsons : What are you thinking about?

    Nick Parsons : Was I always as rude as I am now?

    Libby Parsons : [Libby chuckles]  Absolutely.

    [as the two kiss each other] 

  • [Angela and Nick surprise Libby with a rental boat for the weekend] 

    Angie : Now, Libby, what is your favorite thing?

    Nick Parsons : Me?

    Libby Parsons : Not even close.

    Nick Parsons : [Nick makes a frown]  All right, open.

    Nick Parsons : [Libby opens her eyes to see a sail boat on the water]  I heard Sean Gittman was thinking of selling. So I made him an offer, and he agreed to let us take her out for the weekend. And if you like it, it's yours.

    Libby Parsons : If I like it?

    [Libby chuckles] 

See also

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