Double Jeopardy (1999) Poster

Tommy Lee Jones: Travis



  • [Nick threatens Libby as Libby threatens him with the law of double jeopardy] 

    Nick Parsons : They're tough in Louisiana, Libby. You shoot me, they'll give you the gas chamber.

    Libby Parsons : No they won't. It's called double jeopardy. I learned a few things in prison, Nick. I could shoot you in the middle of Mardi Gras and they can't touch me.

    Travis Lehman : As an ex-law professor, I can assure you she is right.

  • [Libby shoots the painting behind Nick's head] 

    Libby Parsons : [Libby smiles]  I haven't felt that good in six years. I don't want to kill you, Nick. I just want you to suffer like I suffered.

    Travis Lehman : What she means, Nick, is you're going to prison, for murder.

    Nick Parsons : Who did I supposedly murder?

    Libby Parsons : Me.

    Nick Parsons : All you've got is an old fax photo.

    Libby Parsons : Which supplies the motive. Your wife, whom you had framed, tracks you down, and to keep her from exposing you, you kill her.

    Nick Parsons : You won't get away with it.

    [Travis reveals he's been recording their conversation] 

    Nick Parsons : Well, I think I've solved that problem.

    Travis Lehman : What do you mean?

    Nick Parsons : Let's just say the problem has been buried.

    Travis Lehman : Really?

    Nick Parsons : She's gone, I promise you,.

    Travis Lehman : [turning the tape off]  Taped confessions are very persuasive in court, Nick, and of course, there is the physical evidence that we're gonna put in the trunk of your car.

    Libby Parsons : A shovel, hair, my fingerprints, a little blood.

    Travis Lehman : Yeah, don't forget the gasoline.

    Libby Parsons : It'll look like you burned and buried my body, just like you say on the tape.

  • [Libby talks to Travis outside of the ambulance] 

    Libby Parsons : I guess I'm gonna take off now.

    Travis Lehman : No. No, you're not. You're a parole violator. You're in my c-custody. You're going with me to Seattle, where I will demand a full pardon and a parade... and a little pink poodle... on a keychain.

    [the two laugh and smile] 

  • [Travis asks Jim Mangold for his assistance in finding Libby in New Orleans] 

    Mangold : [Travis shows Jim a prison photo of Libby]  Pretty girl.

    Travis Lehman : Oh, yeah. She's very pretty, for a convicted murderer. She jumped parole on me.

    Mangold : Mr. Lehman, I'd love to be able to help you, sir.

    Travis Lehman : No, I don't want you guys to go to any trouble. I can handle matters. I just came down as a professional courtesy, since she's in New Orleans, and came here to kill one of your prominent citizens.

    Mangold : And just how is she planning on doing that?

    Travis Lehman : I don't know. She'll probably use the .38 Special she stole from me.

  • [Libby walks to Nick holding a pistol at him, as Nick talks to Travis who's watching from the chair] 

    Nick Parsons : Well, aren't you gonna do something?

    Travis Lehman : What are you talkin' to me for? She's the one with the gun.

  • [Travis visits one of his former parolee's to look up information on Angela Green] 

    Travis Lehman : What I need is a search on a lady named Angela Green. I got her social security number here. I'd like you to...

    Orbe : Please. You know I'm not allowed to give out personal information.

    Travis Lehman : Oh, I'm sorry - I shouldn't ask you that.

    Orbe : Uh-huh.

    Travis Lehman : [Travis begins to talk in a higher voice]  Speaking of giving out personal information does your employer know that you used to perform the art of fellatio for a living.

    Orbe : Okay. Okay.

    Travis Lehman : [Travis continues]  Went to prison for it, and now you're out on parole.

    Orbe : Shut up.

    Travis Lehman : You're required by law to tell him.

    Orbe : [Orbe takes the paper from Travis]  All right. Okay.

    Travis Lehman : [Orbe begins looking up the information as Travis checks Orbe out]  You're looking good, Orbe.

    Orbe : [Orbe responds back]  I know.

  • [Libby nervously talks to Travis outside of Matty's school] 

    Libby Parsons : I don't know if I've ever been so scared in my whole life. I think a big part of me never thought I'd really find him. What if he doesn't recognize me? I mean, maybe after all this time...

    Travis Lehman : Dammit, woman! Because of you, I have lost a perfectly good used car, and a not-so-good job. If you don't go to this kid right now, I'm gonna have you arrested for stupidity. Go on.

    Libby Parsons : [Libby smiles]  Thanks, Lehman. You saved my life.

    Travis Lehman : You saved mine, too.

  • [Libby and Travis talk on the drive to the boat after Libby's parole violation] 

    Libby Parsons : Okay. I killed my husband. I chopped him up into little bits, and I dumped him piece by piece into the Pacific. Are you satisfied?

    Travis Lehman : No. No. You were a hell of a lot closer to your kid three days ago than you are today. All you had to do was wait three years. That's all. You fucking idiot!

    Libby Parsons : You cannot know what it is like to sit in prison for six years and think of nothing else in the world but your son. Did I make the right choice? You asked the wrong question, Lehman, I didn't have a choice. Fuck your curfew!

    Libby Parsons : [Libby sees a picture of a girl on Lehman's sun visor]  Who's that? Your daughter?

    Libby Parsons : [Travis closes the visor without responding]  Is that a problem for you, Lehman?

  • [Travis shows up to the New Orleans police station and meets Jim Mangold] 

    Travis Lehman : [Jim sees Travis admiring his fish on the wall]  Did you catch that thing?

    Travis Lehman : [Jim nods up and down]  What did you use for bait?

    Mangold : I caught that big bucket-mouth son of a bitch off an old rebel lure my daddy left me. 'Course there's buzz bombs, poppers, jigs - All kinds of things work back in these waters.

  • [Travis continues to get frustrated when he can't find the correct Nicholas Parsons' driver's license photo] 

    Mangold : See, Lehman, the thing is, every now and again, we all want to believe in something, but we just keep forgetting that 99.9 percent of the time, life just flat don't work out.

    Travis Lehman : [Travis sarcastically replies]  I hadn't thought of that, Mangold. Thanks. I feel a lot better now.

    Mangold : Any time, Hoss. Any time.

  • [Libby sits in her jail cell after being arrested for evading police on the beach] 

    Travis Lehman : [Travis walks into her cell]  Did you have a nice day on the beach?

  • [Travis questions Nick, who is going by the new identity Jonathan Devereaux] 

    Travis Lehman : Do you have any idea why she's fixated her lunacy on you?

    Nick Parsons : Well, the world's full of crazy people, am I right?

    Travis Lehman : [Travis laughs while responding]  Oh, yes, you are right. Truer words were never spoken.

    Travis Lehman : [Travis comments on the picture behind Jonathan's desk]  Those are nice pictures there. Did your kids do them?

    Nick Parsons : [Nick chuckles]  Uh, no. Those pictures are by a very great artist named Kandinsky.

    Travis Lehman : Oh.

    Nick Parsons : But why do I think you already knew that?

  • [Travis talks on the phone to his boss Karl Carruthers] 

    Travis Lehman : Listen to me, Karl. I think maybe this Parsons woman has been telling the truth.

    Karl Carruthers : You're not a law professor anymore, Travis. You're barely even a parole officer. So stop playing Mission Impossible.

    Travis Lehman : All I need... is a D.M.V. driver's license photograph of Nicholas Parsons.

    Karl Carruthers : You get back here today... because tomorrow, you're going in front of the Commission.

    Travis Lehman : Karl, I know I'm right. Give me a chance, okay? Now, I'm asking you politely...

    Travis Lehman : [Travis quietly whispers before screaming out]  You send me that goddamn picture!

  • [Libby sees Travis kick one of the other girls out of the house] 

    Travis Lehman : [Travis looks to Libby]  You think I'm a mean son of a bitch?

    Libby Parsons : I think you could have given her a second chance.

    Travis Lehman : There are no second chances in this house, baby. This is the last chance house! You try to understand that.

  • [Libby meets Travis with her box of personal belongings] 

    Travis Lehman : [Travis holds up a photo of Libby's son, Matty]  Is this a problem for you?

    Libby Parsons : No.

    Travis Lehman : Yes, it is. Do you want to tell me about him?

    Libby Parsons : [scoffs]  No.

    Travis Lehman : [Travis drops the photo back into her box]  I'm gonna have trouble with you, Parsons.

    Libby Parsons : No, sir. No, you're not. I learned my lesson. I just want to...

    Travis Lehman : I'm not interested in your goddamn contrition. I'm interested in your behavior. Get out of here and behave yourself. You're in room eight on the second floor.

  • Travis Lehman : Turns out I owe you an apology, Mr. Devereaux. After our last conversation, I started thinking maybe that Parsons woman was telling the truth about who you used to be. So I asked the Washington State Department of Motor Vehicles to send me a driver's license photograph of Nicholas Parsons.

    Nick Parsons : And?

    Travis Lehman : And this is what came up.

    Nick Parsons : [taking a fax printout with a laugh]  Well... well, we all make mistakes. I mean, there's no harm done.

    Travis Lehman : Then I thought about it some more, and it occurred to me what a common name Nicholas Parsons is. You know, it turns out there were six. And this...

    [showing him another printout] 

    Travis Lehman : Was number three.

    Nick Parsons : I never liked that picture. So, Mr. Lehman, you came here to make a deal. Otherwise, I guess you would have gone straight to the police. So, question is, what's your price?

    Travis Lehman : $1 million. It's a nice, round figure, right?

    Nick Parsons : Uh... all right. But you're gonna have to give me a couple of days.

    Travis Lehman : No way. $1 million, right now.

    Nick Parsons : Mr. Lehman, it's 9:00 at night. I can't just...

    [snapping to indicate the money magically appearing; Lehman takes out a flip phone] 

    Nick Parsons : Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait. I have $100,000 in the safe here. And you can have that now. I'll get you the rest tomorrow.

    Travis Lehman : [putting the phone away]  You got a deal. We do have one other problem, and that's Mrs. Parsons. She could still make a lot of trouble for us, even from prison, and I really don't need that.

    Nick Parsons : Well, I think I've solved that problem.

    Travis Lehman : What do you mean?

    Nick Parsons : Let's just say the problem has been buried.

    Travis Lehman : Really?

    Nick Parsons : She's gone, I promise you.

    Libby Parsons : [coming in and taking out her revolver]  You're not very good at keeping promises, Nick.

  • [Travis visits Jonathan Devereaux one last time at his hotel] 

    Travis Lehman : Mr. Devereaux?

    Nick Parsons : Mr. Lehman. I'm sorry. This is really not a good time.

    Travis Lehman : I understand. A lot of people feel that way about me. But I have good news.

    Travis Lehman : [Jonathan pauses]  It won't take long.

  • Coed With Umbrella : [chasing Libby, Travis grabs her]  Hey!

    Travis Lehman : I'm sorry.

    Coed With Umbrella : What do you think you're doing?

    Travis Lehman : No, I'm very sorry, ma'am. I thought you were somebody else. It was a case of mistaken identity.

    Coed With Umbrella : Jerk.

    Travis Lehman : Have a good evening.

    Mangold : I take it that ain't her.

  • Karl Carruthers : [after Libby escapes Travis' custody]  Did you voluntarily give her the gun?

    Travis Lehman : Come on, Karl. What do you think?

    Karl Carruthers : Were you drinking?

    Travis Lehman : No, I wasn't drinking.

    Karl Carruthers : It's been known to happen. Do you have any idea where she's gone?

    Travis Lehman : No.

    Karl Carruthers : All right. Well, I think that's about all, then, isn't it?

    Travis Lehman : All what?

    Karl Carruthers : There'll be an investigation into your actions today. I wouldn't hold my breath about the prospect of keeping your job.

    Travis Lehman : Karl, give me a break. God damn.

  • Libby Parsons : I'm Elizabeth Parsons.

    Travis Lehman : What do you have in that box?

    [as she sets it on his desk, he sees it's her personal belongings] 

    Travis Lehman : Elizabeth Parsons. The State of Washington has granted you a conditional parole. For the next three years, you'll observe all the rules of this facility, which means no fighting, no fornicating, no drinking, no drugs, no exceptions, no excuses. Do you understand that?

    Libby Parsons : Yes.

    Travis Lehman : This is your Social Security card. You will find gainful and sustained employment. You are not to carry a firearm or a weapon of any kind, especially a knife. Curfew is at 8:30. This is my cell phone number. Do not lose it. If you think there is a chance you will be even five minutes late, you will call me, I will have you picked up. Do you understand that?

    [she nods] 

    Travis Lehman : Good. Any violation of these conditions, and your "get out of jail free" card will be revoked by me, and you will return to prison to serve the remainder of your sentence and maybe then some.

  • Travis Lehman : [boarding a ferry back to Washington]  I'm going up top.

    [handcuffing Libby to the car door] 

    Travis Lehman : Don't go anywhere.

  • Travis Lehman : You better get out of here. Nobody wants a dead woman walking around when the police are trying to arrest a guy for her murder.

  • Gallery Owner : [Libby barely manages to escape Lehman's grasp]  She seemed so refined.

    Travis Lehman : I would really like to know what that woman wanted in your gallery.

  • Mangold : Well, Lehman, you gonna live?

    Travis Lehman : [having been shot by Nick]  I doubt it.

    Mangold : Miss Parsons, since you are still legally his wife, I expect you just inherited yourself a right fine little hotel here.

    Libby Parsons : Not interested.

See also

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