The Emperor's New Groove (2000) Poster

Patrick Warburton: Kronk



  • Yzma : So, is everything ready for tonight?

    Kronk : Oh, yeah. I thought we'd start off with soup and a light salad, and then see how we feel after that.

    Yzma : Not the dinner. You know...

    Kronk : Oh, right. The poison. The poison for Kuzco, the poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison. That poison?

    Yzma : Yes! That poison.

    Kronk : Got you covered.

    Yzma : Excellent. A few drops in his drink, and then I'll propose a toast, and he will be dead before dessert.

    Kronk : Which is a real shame, because it's gonna be delicious.

  • Kuzco : Okay, I admit it. Maybe I wasn't as nice as I should have been. But, Yzma, do you really want to kill me?

    Yzma : Just think of it as you're being let go, that your life's going in a different direction, that your body's part of a permanent outplacement.

    Kronk : Hey, that's kinda like what he said to you when you got fired.

    Yzma : I know. It's called a "cruel irony", like my dependence on you.

  • Waitress : Ordering. Three pork combos, extra bacon on the side, two chili cheese samplers, a basket of liver and onion rings, a catch of the day, and a steak cut in the shape of a trout. You got all that, honey?

    Kronk : Three oinkers wearing pants, plate of hot air, basket of Grandma's breakfast and change the bull to a gill, got it.

  • [Yzma and Kuzco never see each other. When one exits, the other enters] 

    Yzma : Make me the special. And hold the gravy!

    Kronk : Check. Pickup!

    Kuzco : You know what? On second thought, make my omelette a meat pie.

    Kronk : Meat pie. Check.

    Yzma : Kronk! Can I order the potatoes as a side dish?

    Kronk : I'll have to charge you full price.

    Yzma : [annoyed]  Ooh.

    Kuzco : Hey, how about a side of potatoes, my buddy?

    Kronk : You got it. Want cheese on those potatoes?

    Yzma : Thank you, Kronk. Cheddar will be fine.

    Kronk : Cheddar spuds coming up.

    Kuzco : Spuds yes, cheese no.

    Kronk : Hold the cheese.

    Yzma : No, I want the cheese.

    Kronk : Cheese it is.

    Kuzco : Cheese me no "likee."

    Kronk : Cheese out.

    Yzma : Cheese in!

    Kronk : Ah, come on. Make up your mind!

    Kuzco : Okay, okay, on second thought...

    Yzma , Kuzco : ...make my potatoes a salad.

  • [Having accidentally turned Kuzco into a Llama instead of having him assassinated as planned] 

    Yzma : Take him out of town and finish the job now!

    Kronk : What about dinner?

    Yzma : Kronk, this is kind of important.

    Kronk : How about dessert?

    Yzma : Well, I suppose there's time for dessert.

    Kronk : And coffee?

    Yzma : All right. A quick cup of coffee. THEN TAKE HIM OUT OF TOWN AND FINISH THE JOB!

  • [Kronk's Shoulder Angel and Devil debate saving Kuzco] 

    Kronk's Shoulder Devil : Listen up, big guy. I got three good reasons why you should just walk away. Number one. Look at that guy! He's got that sissy stringy music thing.

    Kronk's Shoulder Angel : We've been through this. It's a harp, and you know it.

    Kronk's Shoulder Devil : Oh, right. That's a harp, and that's a dress.

    Kronk's Shoulder Angel : Robe!

    Kronk's Shoulder Devil : Reason number two. Look what I can do. Ha-ha, ha!

    [does one-armed handstand] 

    Kronk : But what does that have to do with anything?

    Kronk's Shoulder Angel : No, no. He's got a point.

    Kronk : Listen, you guys. You're sort of confusing me, so, uh, begone... or, uh, y'know, however I get rid of you guys.

    Kronk's Shoulder Devil , Kronk's Shoulder Angel : That'll work.

    [Angel and devil disappear] 

  • Yzma : Kronk! Why did I think you could do this? This one simple thing! It's like I'm talking to a monkey.

    Kronk's Shoulder Angel : Whoa now!

    Yzma : A really, really big stupid monkey named Kronk!

    Kronk's Shoulder Devil : Ouch.

    Yzma : And do you want to know something else? I've never liked your spinach puffs!

    [Kronk, Shoulder Angel, and Shoulder Devil all simultaneously gasp] 

    Yzma : Never!

    [Kronk begins to cry] 

    Kronk's Shoulder Devil : That's it.

    [cocks pitchfork like a gun] 

    Kronk's Shoulder Devil : She's goin' down.

    Kronk's Shoulder Angel : Now, now, remember, guys. From above, the wicked shall receive their just reward.

    [they look up at the chandelier which is illuminated with heavenly light while angelic music plays] 

    Kronk's Shoulder Angel , Kronk's Shoulder Devil , Kronk : That'll work.

    [Kronk cuts the rope to the chandelier, but it falls around Yzma, instead of on her] 

    Kronk : Strange. That usually works.

    Yzma : And so does *this*!

    [pulls lever for trap door] 

    Kronk : Ah. Should've seen that coming. Whoa!

  • Yzma : Looking for this?

    Yzma : [holds up the vial of human extract] 

    [Kuzco and Pacha gasp] 

    Kuzco : No! It can't be! How did you get back here before us?

    Yzma : Uh...


    Yzma : *did* we, Kronk?

    Kronk : Well, ya got me. By all accounts, it doesn't make sense.

    [Kronk holds up a map of the two parties' trails, showing Yzma's and Kronk's falling down a canyon halfway through] 

    Yzma : Oh, well. Back to business.

  • [last lines] 

    Kronk : My acorn is missing.

    Junior Chipmunk Class : Squeak, squeakin', squeak, squeakity.

    Kronk : Did you eat the acorn?

    Junior Chipmunk Class : Squeaker, squeak, squeak, squeakin'?

    Kronk : You owe me a new acorn.

    Junior Chipmunk Class : Squeak squeak squeak, squeak, squeaker...

    [one boy nudges Yzma] 

    Yzma Kitty : [sulky]  Squeakin'.

    Kronk : I'm so proud of you guys.

  • Yzma : That's it, Kronk! Break the door down!

    Kronk : Break it down? Are ya kidding me? This is hand-carved mahogany.

  • Yzma : [after knocking Kuzco out unconscious, having turned into a Llama]  A llama? He's supposed to be *dead*.

    Kronk : Yeah, weird.

  • [after firing Yzma] 

    Kuzco : [sing-song]  So... who's in my chaaaaaair?

    Kronk : Oh, oh! I know! Yzma. Yzma's in your chair, right?

    Kuzco : Very good, Kronk! Here. Get the snack.

  • [Yzma, fired by Kuzco, smashes stone carvings of his head with a mallet] 

    Yzma : Why, I practically raised him.

    Kronk : Yeah, you'd think he would've turned out better.

    Yzma : Yeah, go figure.

  • [Yzma is sleeping in a huge tent, while Kronk is in a tent so small it only covers his waist. Suddenly Kronk jerks awake] 

    Kronk : The peasant, at the diner!


    Kronk : He didn't pay his check.

    [falls back asleep, but then jerks back up] 

    Kronk : It's the peasant who I saw leaving the city who disappeared into the crowd with Kuzco in the back of his cart. He must have taken him back to his village, so if we find the village, we find him, and if we find him, we find Kuzco. Oh, yeah, it's all comin' together. Yzma!

    [runs into her tent] 

    Yzma : What?

    [Yzma sits up with cold cream on her face and cucumbers on her eyes] 

    Kronk : [recoiling]  Aah!

    Yzma : This had better be good!

  • Yzma : [about the potion they used on Kuzco]  Let me see that vial.

    [the Death Label was actually that of a Llama folded up slightly, causing confusion] 

    Yzma : This isn't poison. This is extract of... llama!

    Kronk : You know, in my defense, your poisons all look alike. You might think about relabeling some of them.

  • ChiCha : So, remind me again how you're related to Pacha?

    Yzma : Why, I'm his third cousin's brother's wife's step-niece's great aunt. Twice removed.

    ChiCha : Uh-huh.

    Yzma : Isn't that right, Kronk?

    [Kronk is playing jump rope with Chaca and Tipo] 

    Chaca : Ninety-nine monkeys jumping on the bed.

    Kronk : One fell off and bumped his head.

  • Yzma : Kuzco is dead, right? Tell me Kuzco's dead. I need to hear these words.

    Kronk : [nervously]  Uh, do you need to hear all those words exactly?

    Yzma : [angry]  He's still *alive*?

    Kronk : Well, he's not as dead as we would have hoped.

    Yzma : Kronk!

    Kronk : Just thought I'd give you a heads-up in case Kuzco ever came back.

    Yzma : He can't come back!

    Kronk : Yeah, that would be kinda awkward, especially after that lovely eulogy.

    Yzma : You think? You and I are going out to find him. If he talks, we're through. Now let's move!

  • [Yzma and Kronk are trapped in a dark locked room in Pacha's house] 

    ChiCha : What do you mean the door's stuck? Try jiggling the handle.

    Yzma : There is no handle in here.

    ChiCha : [holding the door handle]  There's not? Are you sure?

    Yzma : All right, I've had enough of this. Tell us where the talking llama is and we'll burn your house to the ground.

    Kronk : Er, don't you mean or?

    Yzma : [even more angrily]  Grr, tell us where the talking llama is *or* we'll burn your house to the ground.

    Chaca : Well, which is it? That sounds like a pretty crucial conjunction.

  • Yzma : Are you talking to that squirrel?

    Kronk : I was a junior chipmunk, uh, and I had to be versed in all the woodland creatures.

    [to squirrel] 

    Kronk : Please continue.

    [squirrel talks to Kronk] 

    Yzma : [walking away]  Why me? Why me? Why me? Why...?

    Kronk : Hey, it doesn't always have to be about you. This poor little guy's had it rough. Seems a talking llama gave him a hard time the other day.

    [Yzma rushes over to them] 

    Yzma : Oh, a talking llama? Do tell.

    [squirrel whispers to Kronk] 

    Kronk : Uh, he doesn't really wanna talk to you.

    Yzma : Well, then *you* ask him.

    Kronk : [sigh]  Hate being in the middle.

    Kronk : [speaking squirrel]  Squeaky, uh, squeak, squeaker, squeakin'.

  • [the drink is poisoned] 

    Yzma : Kronk, the emperor needs his... drink!

    Kronk : Right. Oh...

    [winks at Yzma] 

    Kronk : ...riiiiiiggghhht.

    [goes to grab drink and realizes that he doesn't know which one it is; takes the drinks away to pour the poison again] 

    Kuzco : Hey, Kronky, everything okay back there?

    Kronk : [mixing the drinks together before refilling all the cups]  Oh, uh, the drinks were a bit on the, uh...

    [small explosion from each of the cups] 

    Kronk : ...warm side. Hehe. Hey, did ya see that sky today? Talk about blue.

    Yzma : Yes, Kronk. Riveting. A toast, to the emperor! Long live Kuzco!

    Kronk : [to Yzma trying to make it sound like he's coughing]  Don't drink the wine. Poison.

  • Yzma : [handing him a bottle of poison]  Take it, Kronk. Oh ho ho! Feel the power.

    Kronk : Oh... I can feel it.

    Yzma : Our moment of triumph approaches! Ha ha ha ha ha! It's dinner time!

  • Kronk's Shoulder Angel : You're not just gonna let him die like that, are you?

    Kronk : My shoulder angel.

    Kronk's Shoulder Devil : Don't listen to that guy. He's trying to lead you down the path of righteousness. I'm gonna lead you down the path that *rocks*.

    Kronk's Shoulder Angel : Oh, come off it.

    Kronk's Shoulder Devil : *You* come off it.

    Kronk's Shoulder Angel : You.

    Kronk's Shoulder Devil : You.

    Kronk's Shoulder Angel : You.

    Kronk's Shoulder Devil : You infinity.

    [Shoulder Angel grrs] 

  • Yzma : [Believing Kuzco is dead, telling the others in the palace]  And so, it is with great sadness that we mourn the sudden departure of our beloved prince, taken from us so tragically on the very eve of his eighteenth birthday.

    Kronk : [sobbing]  Poor little guy.

    Yzma : His legacy will live in our hearts...

    Kronk : He never had a chance.

    Yzma : ...for all eternity.


    Yzma : Well, he ain't getting any deader! Back to work.

    [the palace guards begin to change the palace theming from Kuzco to Yzma] 

  • Kronk : Oh, look. A golden-throated small-winged warbler. Just one more for exotic bird bingo. I am loving this.

  • Kronk : Hey, don't I know you?

    Pacha : I... I don't think so.

    Kronk : Wrestled you in high school.

    Pacha : I don't remember that, no.

    Kronk : Metal shop? Oh, I know, Miss Nalca's interpretive dance, two semesters. I was usually in the back because of my weak ankles. C'mon, you gotta help me out here.

    Pacha : Look, I don't think we've ever met, but... I gotta go.

    [Gets up] 

    Kronk : Don't worry, I'll think of it!

  • Kronk : [trying to ease the awkward tension]  Hey, d'you see that sky today? Talk about blue.

  • Yzma Kitty : [after successfully getting her paws on the potion to turn her back into a human before Kuzco]  I win.

    [Kronk suddenly opens up the nearby window nearby, slamming it onto Yzma, letting the potion fly into the hands of Pacha and Kuzco] 

    Kronk : What are the odds of that trap door leadin' me out here?

  • ChiCha : As I said before, you may remember, Pacha is not here. I'll be sure to tell him you stopped by.

    Yzma : Oh, would you please? That would be just great.

    [knocks her cup on the floor] 

    Yzma : Oops. Silly me.

    ChiCha : [annoyed]  No no, allow me.

    [very pregnant, tries to squat to pick up cup] 

    Yzma : [joins Kronk jumping rope]  She's hiding something. When I give the word we search the house.

    Kronk : Ok, but I still have 94 monkeys to go.

  • Kronk : Woohoo. Faster, faster! Yzma, put your hands in the air!

  • Kronk : [to the squirrel, about Yzma]  Yeah, tell me about it. No, no, it's not you - she's not the easiest person to get close to. There's a wall there. Trust me.

  • Kronk : [while falling down the stairs]  Back! Elbow! Shoulder!

  • Yzma : [after Kuzco has turned into a llama and Kronk has knocked him out]  What?, A llama? He's supposed to be dead!

    Kronk : Yeah, weird

    Yzma : Let me see that vial.

    [unfolds the sticker which looks like a skull but turns out to be in the shape of a llama] 

    Yzma : This isn't poison. This is extract of... . llama!

    [throws the vial at Kronk in anger] 

    Kronk : You know, in my defense, your poisons all look alike. You might think about relabeling some of them.

  • Kuzco : [drinks the potion Kronk served him]  Aah tasty!

    [passes out] 

    Yzma : [laughs]  Finally, good work Kronk!

    Kronk : [thinking she's talking about his cooking]  Oh, they're so easy to make, I'll get you the recipe.

    Yzma : Now to get rid of the body

    Kuzco : [suddenly regains consciousness]  Ok, what were we saying?

    Yzma : [shocked]  Uh... we were just making a toast to your long and...

    [Kuzco's ears become llama ears and he picks at them] 

    Yzma : healthy rule.

    Kuzco : Right. So what are you gonna do?

    [his neck grows long and hairy] 

    Kuzco : I mean, you've been around here a long time, and I really mean a long time. Um...

    [Yzma tries to signal to Kronk to knock him out] 

    Kuzco : It might be difficult for someone of your age

    [his hand becomes a hoof] 

    Kuzco : adjusting to life in the private sector. Hey, Kronk, can you top me off, pal? Be a friend?

    [his face becomes a llama's] 

    Yzma : [muttering to Kronk while hitting two pieces of broccoli together]  Hit him on the head!

    Kronk : [not understanding her]  More broccoli?

    [she pounds her palm with her fist and he understands] 

    Kuzco : Because you're... you know. Let's face it. You're no spring chicken, and I mean that in the best possible way.

    [Kronk hits him on the head with a salad bowl, knocking him out] 

  • Kuzco : Boom, bam, baby! Let's get to the grub. I am one hungry king of the world. So... no hard feelings about being let go.

    Yzma : None whatsoever.

    Kuzco : [Kuzco takes off his sandals, he putting his size-9 bare feet up in the table and he wiggling his toes]  These tootsies have been through a lot today.

    Yzma : Kronk, get the emperor a drink.

    Kronk : Drink. Right.

    Kronk : Your Highness.

    Kuzco : [Sniffs]  Is something burning?

    Kronk : [Gasps]  My spinach puffs!

See also

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