The Emperor's New Groove (2000) Poster

David Spade: Kuzco



  • Kuzco : Okay, I admit it. Maybe I wasn't as nice as I should have been. But, Yzma, do you really want to kill me?

    Yzma : Just think of it as you're being let go, that your life's going in a different direction, that your body's part of a permanent outplacement.

    Kronk : Hey, that's kinda like what he said to you when you got fired.

    Yzma : I know. It's called a "cruel irony", like my dependence on you.

  • [Kuzco and Pacha are tied to a tree branch floating in a river] 

    Pacha : Uh-oh.

    Kuzco : Don't tell me. We're about to go over a huge waterfall.

    Pacha : Yep.

    Kuzco : Sharp rocks at the bottom?

    Pacha : Most likely.

    Kuzco : Bring it on.

  • [Yzma and Kuzco never see each other. When one exits, the other enters] 

    Yzma : Make me the special. And hold the gravy!

    Kronk : Check. Pickup!

    Kuzco : You know what? On second thought, make my omelette a meat pie.

    Kronk : Meat pie. Check.

    Yzma : Kronk! Can I order the potatoes as a side dish?

    Kronk : I'll have to charge you full price.

    Yzma : [annoyed]  Ooh.

    Kuzco : Hey, how about a side of potatoes, my buddy?

    Kronk : You got it. Want cheese on those potatoes?

    Yzma : Thank you, Kronk. Cheddar will be fine.

    Kronk : Cheddar spuds coming up.

    Kuzco : Spuds yes, cheese no.

    Kronk : Hold the cheese.

    Yzma : No, I want the cheese.

    Kronk : Cheese it is.

    Kuzco : Cheese me no "likee."

    Kronk : Cheese out.

    Yzma : Cheese in!

    Kronk : Ah, come on. Make up your mind!

    Kuzco : Okay, okay, on second thought...

    Yzma , Kuzco : ...make my potatoes a salad.

  • [after falling into the alligator pit] 

    Kuzco : Okay, why does she even *have* that lever?

  • Kuzco : This is Yzma, the emperor's advisor. Living proof that dinosaurs once roamed the Earth.

  • [while Kuzco and Pacha are trying out all of Yzma's potions] 

    Kuzco : Yay. I'm a llama again!


    Kuzco : Wait...

  • Yzma : Looking for this?

    Yzma : [holds up the vial of human extract] 

    [Kuzco and Pacha gasp] 

    Kuzco : No! It can't be! How did you get back here before us?

    Yzma : Uh...


    Yzma : *did* we, Kronk?

    Kronk : Well, ya got me. By all accounts, it doesn't make sense.

    [Kronk holds up a map of the two parties' trails, showing Yzma's and Kronk's falling down a canyon halfway through] 

    Yzma : Oh, well. Back to business.

  • Kuzco : You know, it's a good thing you're not a big, fat guy or this would be really difficult.

  • Kuzco : Oh, and by the way, you're fired.

    Yzma : Fired? W-W-What do you mean, "fired"?

    [Kuzco snaps his finger and a servant comes in and writes down Yzma's "pink slip"] 

    Kuzco : Um, how else can I say it? "You're being let go." "Your department's being downsized." "You're part of an outplacement." "We're going in a different direction." "We're not picking up your option." Take your pick. I got more.

  • Old Man : Now you stop being hard on yourself; all is forgiven.

    Kuzco : You sure?

    Old Man : Oh, it's not the first time I was tossed out of a window, and it won't be the last. What can I say? I'm a rebel.

  • Kuzco : I can't believe this is happening!

    Yzma : Then I bet you weren't expecting *this*.

    [Yzma pulls up her dress. Kuzco and Pacha scream] 

    Yzma : [revealing a knife strapped to her thigh]  Aha!

    [Kuzco and Pacha sigh with relief] 

    Kuzco : Oh, okay.

  • [Kuzko collides with an old man while dancing] 

    Kuzco : D'oh! You threw off my groove!

    Guard : I'm sorry, but you've thrown off the Emperor's groove.

    [the old man is thrown out of the palace window] 

    Old Man : Sooooorry!

  • Kuzco : So, you lied to me.

    Pacha : I did?

    Kuzco : Yeah. You said when the sun hits this ridge just right, these hills sing. Well, pal, I was dragged all over those hills and I did not hear any singing.

    [takes Kuzcotopia] 

    Kuzco : So, I'll be building my summer home on a more *magical* hill. Thank you.

    Pacha : Heh. Couldn't pull the wool over your eyes, huh?

    Kuzco : No, no, I'm sharp. I'm on it.

    [puts the model of Pacha's house back on the hilltop] 

    Kuzco : Looks like you and your family are stuck on the tuneless hilltop forever, pal.

    [Kuzco and Pacha sit in silence] 

    Pacha : You know, I'm pretty sure I heard some singing on the hill next to us. In case you're interested.

  • Pacha : Why did I risk my life for a selfish brat like you? I was always taught that there was some good in everyone, but, oh, you proved me wrong.

    Kuzco : Oh, boo-hoo. Now I feel really bad. Bad llama.

    Pacha : I could've let you die out there in that jungle, and then all my problems would be over.

    Kuzco : Well, that makes you ugly *and* stupid.

    Pacha : Let's end this.

    Kuzco : Ladies first.

  • [after firing Yzma] 

    Kuzco : [sing-song]  So... who's in my chaaaaaair?

    Kronk : Oh, oh! I know! Yzma. Yzma's in your chair, right?

    Kuzco : Very good, Kronk! Here. Get the snack.

  • [first lines] 

    Kuzco : [Narrating]  Will you take a look at that? Pretty pathetic, huh? Well, you'll never believe this, but that llama you're looking at was once a human being. And not just any human being. That guy was an emperor. A rich, powerful ball of charisma. Oh, yeah! This is his story. Well, actually, my story. That's right... I'm that llama. The name is Kuzco... Emperor Kuzco. I was the world's nicest guy and they ruined my life for no reason. Oh, is that hard to believe? Look, I'll tell you what. You go back a ways, you know, before I was a llama, and this will all make sense.

    [cut to Kuzco as an infant] 

    Kuzco : All right, now see. That's a little too far back. Ooh! Look at me! That's me as a baby.

    [breaks doll and begins to cry, immediately, all nearby servants offer him replacement dolls] 

    Kuzco : Ahem! All right, let's move ahead.

  • Kuzco : Wait a minute. I remember you. I remember telling you that I was building my pool where your house was, and then you got mad at me. Oh! And you turned me into a llama!

    Pacha : What? No, I did not.

    Kuzco : Yes, and then you kidnapped me!

    Pacha : Why would I kidnap a llama?

    Kuzco : I have no idea. You're the criminal mastermind, not me.

    Pacha : What?

    Kuzco : You're right. That's giving you way too much credit.

  • Kuzco : [voiceover]  So this is where you came in. See, just like I said, I'm the victim here! I didn't do anything, and they ruined my life and took everything I had.

    Kuzco : Hey, give it a rest up there, will ya?

    Kuzco : [voiceover]  What? I'm just telling them what happened.

    Kuzco : Who are you kidding, pal? They saw the whole thing. They *know* what happened.

    Kuzco : [voiceover]  Well, yeah, but... but...

    Kuzco : Just leave me alone.

    [There are no more voiceovers for the remainder of the film] 

  • Kuzco : It's my birthday gift to me. I'm so happy.

  • Kuzco : And let's not forget Yzma's right-hand man. Every decade or so she gets a new one. This year's model is called Kronk.

  • Pacha : Where'd you come from, little guy?

    Kuzco : No... touchy.

    Pacha : Demon llama!

    Kuzco : Demon llama? Where?

    [Turns around and sees Misty, a real llama] 

    Misty : Maaah.

    Kuzco : Aaah!

  • Pacha : Emperor Kuzco?

    Kuzco : Yeah. Who did you think you were talking to?

    Pacha : Um... How did... uh... you don't... *look* like the emperor.

    Kuzco : What do you mean I don't look like the emperor?

    Pacha : Um... do this.

    [wiggles fingers] 

    Kuzco : What is this, some little game you country folk like to play?

    [sees his hoofed hand, gasps] 

    Kuzco : It can't be! I...

    [looks at his reflection in the water] 

    Kuzco : [Gasps]  My face! My beautiful, beautiful face! I'm an ugly, stinky llama! Wah-hah-hah! Llama face!

  • [the drink is poisoned] 

    Yzma : Kronk, the emperor needs his... drink!

    Kronk : Right. Oh...

    [winks at Yzma] 

    Kronk : ...riiiiiiggghhht.

    [goes to grab drink and realizes that he doesn't know which one it is; takes the drinks away to pour the poison again] 

    Kuzco : Hey, Kronky, everything okay back there?

    Kronk : [mixing the drinks together before refilling all the cups]  Oh, uh, the drinks were a bit on the, uh...

    [small explosion from each of the cups] 

    Kronk : ...warm side. Hehe. Hey, did ya see that sky today? Talk about blue.

    Yzma : Yes, Kronk. Riveting. A toast, to the emperor! Long live Kuzco!

    Kronk : [to Yzma trying to make it sound like he's coughing]  Don't drink the wine. Poison.

  • Kuzco : [about Kronk]  Oh, he's doing his own theme music?

    [Kronk stops in his tracks, trying to blend in with the wall decorations while imitating the crickets as two people pass by. Of course they notice him, but disregard him anyway. When they leave, the camera pans out to reveal giant wall carvings were pointing straight at Kronk] 

    Kuzco : [Narrating]  Big, dumb, *and* tone deaf. I am *so glad* I was unconscious for all of this.

  • Kuzko : [after throwing a rock at Pacha's head, acting innocent]  Huh? What? I didn't do anything. I didn't... Somebody's throwin' stuff. You gonna build a fire or what?

  • Kuzco : Oh, yeah. This is the real me.

    [cut to llama] 

    Kuzco : Not this.

    [back to Kuzco] 

    Kuzco : This...

    [back to llama] 

    Kuzco : Not this.

    [back to Kuzco] 

    Kuzco : Winner...

    [back to llama] 

    Kuzco : Loser!

  • [after getting hit in the head with a frying pan] 

    Kuzco : You have a lovely wife. They're both very pretty.

  • Kuzco : [walking back to his palace, alone, in the jungle]  Scary jungle. Right.

    [in mocking voice] 

    Kuzco : Oh, a leaf! Oh, it might attack me. Oh, it's a scary tree! I'm afraid. Please. Never find my way? I'm the Emperor, and as such, I'm born with an innate sense of direction. Okay, where am I?

    [a fly buzzes nearby and gets caught in spiderweb] 

    Bug in jungle : Help me! Help me!

    [Spider comes and eats the fly off-screen] 

    Bug in jungle : Too late...

    Kuzco : Ok... that's the freakiest thing I've ever seen...

  • Kuzco : Woo-yeah! Look at me and my bad self! I snatched you right out of the air! "Ooh, I'm a crumbly canyon wall, and I'm taking you with me." Well, not today, pal! Uh-huh! Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!

    Pacha : You just saved my life!

  • [Pacha has gotten himself and Kuzco tied to a dead tree branch] 

    Kuzco : Maybe I'm just new to this whole rescuing thing, but this, to me, might be considered kind of a step backwards, wouldn't you say?

    Pacha : No, no, no. It's... It's okay. This is all right. We can figure this out.

    [the branch cracks] 

    Kuzco : I hate you.

  • Yzma : But... but Your Highness, I have been nothing if not loyal to the empire for... for many, many years.

    Kuzco : Hey, everyone hits their stride. You just hit yours fifty years ago.

  • Kuzco : Boo-yeah.

  • Kuzko : Um, what's with the chimp and the bug? Can we get back to *me*?

  • Kuzco : What is this guy babbling about? He's like the thing that wouldn't shut up.

  • [Film stops, Llama Kuzco appears on screen] 

    Kuzco : Uh, excuse me. Two seconds here. I'm the one in the cart, remember? This story is about me.

    [Circles the bag on the cart where he is] 

    Kuzco : Not him.

    [Crosses out Pacha] 

    Kuzco : Okay, we're clear? All right, we're gonna move ahead. Sorry to keep you waiting.

    [Exits; returns to scribble over Pacha; realizes he's still on screen, chuckles, then leaves; film starts up again] 

  • Pacha : Okay, once we cross this bridge, it's just an hour to your palace.

    Kuzco : Good, because believe it or not, I think I need a bath.

    Pacha : I believe it.

    Kuzco : What's that?

    Pacha : Nothing.

  • Kuzco : [Repeated Line]  Boom, baby!

  • Pacha : [after Kuzco quickly betrays him on their way back to Kuzco's Palace]  We shook hands on it!

    Kuzko : You know, the funny thing about shaking hands is...

    [wiggles hoofs] 

    Kuzko : need hands.

  • [Kuzco considers seven potential brides who all look remarkably alike] 

    Kuzco : Let's take a look-see. Hate your hair. Not likely. Yikes. Yikes. Yikes. And, let me guess, you have a great personality.

  • Kuzco : There's two people in there looking for you.

    Kuzco : Who?

    Pacha : A big guy and a skinny old woman.

    Kuzco : Wait, was this woman scary beyond all reason?

    Pacha : Oh, yeah!

    Kuzco : That's Yzma and Kronk! I'm saved!

  • Kuzco : When will you learn that all my ideas are good ones?

    Pacha : Well, that's funny. Because I thought that you going into the jungle by yourself, being chased by jaguars, lying to me to take you back to the palace were all really *bad* ideas.

    Kuzco : Oh, yeah. Anything sounds bad when you say it with that attitude.

  • Pacha : [hanging off the bridge]  Kuzco!

    Kuzco : Yeah?

    Pacha : Quick, pull me up!

    Kuzco : No, I don't think I will.

    Pacha : You're gonna leave me here?

    Kuzco : Well, I was gonna have you imprisoned for life, but I kinda like this better.

    Pacha : I thought you were a changed man.

    Kuzco : Come on, I had to say *something* to get you to take me back to the palace.

    Pacha : So all of it was a lie?

    Kuzco : Well yeah. No, wait... Oh, yeah, it all was a lie. Toodles!

  • Pacha : [Both hanging from a bridge, Pacha hits Kuzco in anger]  That's for going back on your promise!

    Kuzco : [Kuzco hits Pacha]  Yeah! And that's for kidnapping me and taking me back to your village! Which I'm still gonna destroy, by the way. Hehehe. No touchy!

    [Pacha hits him back] 

  • Kuzco : No, no! Don't drop it!

    Yzma Kitty : I'm not going to drop it, you fool! I'm going to drink it! And once I turn back into my beautiful self I'm going to *kill* you.

  • Kuzco : [as he turns into a Llama from the "drink" he just had]  Hey, Kronk, can you top me off, pal, be a friend?

  • Kuzco : [as a parrot, whilst testing out each of the potions]  We're not getting anywhere with you picking the vials. I'm picking the next one.

    Pacha : Fine by me!

    Kuzco : Give me that one.

    [drinks a potion and turns into a whale] 

    Kuzco : Not a word...

  • Kuzco : [watching Yzma talk]  Whoa! Look at those wrinkles. What is holding this woman together? What the...

    [sees a bit of spinach on Yzma's teeth] 

    Kuzco : How long has that been there?

  • Kuzco : [bumps into the old man while dancing]  Gah! You threw off my groove,

    Guard : I'm sorry but you've thrown off the Emperor's groove.

    Old Man : [getting thrown out the window]  Sorry!

  • Pacha : You know what? Someday, you're gonna wind up all alone, and you'll have no one to blame but yourself.

    Kuzko : [sarcastically rolls his eyes]  Thanks for that. I'll log *that* away. Now, for the final time, I order you to take me back to the palace!

    Pacha : Looks to me like you're stuck out here, because unless you change your mind, I'm not taking you back.

  • [after telling Pacha that he intends to destroy Pacha's villiage and build "Kuzcotopia"] 

    Pacha : But, but, um, where will *we* live?

    Kuzco : Hmm. Don't know, don't care. How's that?

  • Kuzco : Boo-yah! Welcome to Kuzcotopia, my ultimate summer getaway, complete with water slide.

  • Theme Song Guy : He's the sovereign lord of the nation / He's the hippest cat in creation / He's the Alpha, the Omega, A to Z / And this perfect world will spin / Around his every little whim / 'Cause this perfect world begins and ends with...

    Kuzco : Me!

  • [after Pacha attempted to breathe into Kuzco's mouth after saving him from drowning to see if he was still alive] 

    Pacha : For the last time, it was not a kiss.

    Kuzco : Well, whatever you call it, it was disgusting.

  • Kuzco : [referring to Kronk]  He's... what, in his late twenties?

    Yzma : Hehe... I'm... not sure.

  • Kuzco : When I give the word, your little town thingy will be bye-bye. Bye-bye!

  • Kuzco : Hey, tiny. I wanna get out of this body. Wouldn't you? Now let's go.

    Pacha : Build your summer house somewhere else.

    Kuzco : You wanna run that by me again?

    Pacha : I can't let you go back unless you change your mind and build your summer home somewhere else.

    Kuzco : I got a little secret for you. Come here. No, closer.

    [Pacha comes closer] 

    Kuzco : [loudly, in Pacha's ear]  I don't make deals with peasants!

  • Kuzco : If you had done what I ordered you to do in the first place, we all could have been spared your little "kiss of life".

  • Kuzco : [to a Squirrel he finds in the Jungle]  Hit the road, Bucky!

  • Kuzco : I am one hungry king of the world.

  • Pacha : [to ChiCha]  So we have to get back to the palace, find the lab, and change him back.

    Kuzco : [Appears outside of the window]  Hi there.

    [ChiCha hits him with a frying pan] 

    Kuzco : Aah!

    Pacha : That was him.

    ChiCha : Whoops.

  • Kuzco : [drinks the potion Kronk served him]  Aah tasty!

    [passes out] 

    Yzma : [laughs]  Finally, good work Kronk!

    Kronk : [thinking she's talking about his cooking]  Oh, they're so easy to make, I'll get you the recipe.

    Yzma : Now to get rid of the body

    Kuzco : [suddenly regains consciousness]  Ok, what were we saying?

    Yzma : [shocked]  Uh... we were just making a toast to your long and...

    [Kuzco's ears become llama ears and he picks at them] 

    Yzma : healthy rule.

    Kuzco : Right. So what are you gonna do?

    [his neck grows long and hairy] 

    Kuzco : I mean, you've been around here a long time, and I really mean a long time. Um...

    [Yzma tries to signal to Kronk to knock him out] 

    Kuzco : It might be difficult for someone of your age

    [his hand becomes a hoof] 

    Kuzco : adjusting to life in the private sector. Hey, Kronk, can you top me off, pal? Be a friend?

    [his face becomes a llama's] 

    Yzma : [muttering to Kronk while hitting two pieces of broccoli together]  Hit him on the head!

    Kronk : [not understanding her]  More broccoli?

    [she pounds her palm with her fist and he understands] 

    Kuzco : Because you're... you know. Let's face it. You're no spring chicken, and I mean that in the best possible way.

    [Kronk hits him on the head with a salad bowl, knocking him out] 

  • Kuzco : Boom, bam, baby! Let's get to the grub. I am one hungry king of the world. So... no hard feelings about being let go.

    Yzma : None whatsoever.

    Kuzco : [Kuzco takes off his sandals, he putting his size-9 bare feet up in the table and he wiggling his toes]  These tootsies have been through a lot today.

    Yzma : Kronk, get the emperor a drink.

    Kronk : Drink. Right.

    Kronk : Your Highness.

    Kuzco : [Sniffs]  Is something burning?

    Kronk : [Gasps]  My spinach puffs!

  • [Kuzco falls off the bridge, gets tangled up in vines and hangs next to Pacha] 

    Pacha : Are you OK? Are you all right?

    Kuzco : Yeah. Yeah, I think I'm all right.

    Pacha : [angrily]  Good!

    [punches Kuzco in the face] 

    Pacha : That's for going back on your promise!

    Kuzco : Hi-ya!

    [kicks Pacha in the stomach and swings on the vines] 

    Kuzco : That's for kidnapping me and taking me to your village, which I'm still gonna destroy, by the way!


    Kuzco : No touchy.

    [Pacha headbutts him in the chest] 

See also

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