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A Love Letter to Italy
garboventures17 October 2005
I have a problem with this film. I know it's schmaltzy, silly, OTT Romcom at its most cynically heart-tugging but I am simply a sucker for it - it gets me every time, most especially the last scenes at the airport (without wanting to give too much away) which always, and I mean always, squeeze a tear out of me.

I have to give it an 8/10 because the film holds a quasi-gravitational pull on me - the moment I catch a tinsy glimpse of it if channel-hopping I am compelled to watch the film in its entirety - again. And while in this confessional mode, Robert Downey Jr is incredible in this film; how was he ever so cute? Marisa Tomei is also a feast for the eyes and their chemistry is sensational. But Bonnie Hunt steals the show - she is immaculate in this role and demonstrates a keen sense for deadpan humour.

Best of all though is the scenery, the setting - Italy itself. The photography is sumptuous, idealised and mixed with a frothy Rachel Portman score we are being seduced by a 'fake' Italy if truth be told - it is impossible for somewhere to be so universally charming in every single shot. Even so, Italy is my favourite country in the world - the way it works its enchantments on the characters is totally true: Rome is gorgeous, the Tuscan landscape is stunning, the road trip to Positano and the town itself are breath-taking, a genuine evocation of the wonders and ambiance of those places. It gets me every time.

In sum - this film is lovely, heart-warming, escapist nonsense: a genuine guilty pleasure.
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Chick's Flick
kjwinston22 November 2004
Well It was great on a date! ( even married) So Get some popcorn, bring some Kleenex and wait...My wife loves this movie!!!!

It's silly and predictable, but she loves it and will watch it anytime! Good cast and Downey might not be on drugs. I would even buy it for the wife if I could find it on DVD.

The mystery to it is the real, guy she is looking for. Brown is the best thing about this movie trying to get her Husband to add some romance back into the marriage. I like the way the husband comes to find her and bring her back but, falls for her again. Nice 2nd story.

I would recommend this for all ladies! I would recommend this for guys if they are in need to add a little romance to their life.
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A Throwback to the Romantic Comedies of the 40's and 50's
Isaac585520 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
ONLY YOU is a charming romantic comedy that reminded me of a comedy that Katharine Hepburn or Audrey Hepburn might have made back in the day. Marisa Tomei, in one of her most enchanting performances, plays an engaged woman, who, as a child, learned through a Ouija board and a psychic that her soul mate is a man named Damon Bradley. One day she gets a call from a friend of her fiancée who says he can't make the wedding and that his name is Damon Bradley. She learns he is on his way to Italy and drops everything and gets on a plane to hunt him down. Upon arrival she meets another American (Robert Downey Jr.), who, in order to get to know her, tells her that he is Damon Bradley but by the time she finds out he's lying, he's already madly in love with her. I don't know what it was about this movie, but it completely sucked me in and made me care about these people. Downey gives his usual slick and charming performance and Bonnie Hunt shines in the Thelma Ritter role as Tomei's best friend. If you're a sucker for movie romance, this is one of the best.
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Sweet, grab a pizza and a bottle of wine...
stepwallace5 August 2006
If you want a nice night in with a lady (or just someone who fits that special romantic niche for you - whatever that is), this is a great choice.

The acting is endearing, the story is simple straightforward and sweet. It steers clear of sickeningly romantic and sweet which tends to eliminate the male half of the audience when it comes to your classic "chick flick".

It's easy to see Downey Jnr's talent in this film, a friendly charming drug free character. A wonderful cameo by Billy Zane adds some wonderful moments.

I guarantee, you show up with roses, a pizza, a bottle of nice wine and this on DVD - and you'll have a wonderfully sweet night in.
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More travelogue than movie
smatysia3 January 2000
What a beautifully photographed travelogue of Italy! Cinematographer Sven Nykvist captured gorgeous shot after gorgeous shot. Oh, yes, the movie. Pure fluff. Marisa Tomei is pretty, and carries off her part well. Robert Downey, Jr., while apparently a low-quality individual, is nonetheless a high-quality actor. I found Bonnie Hunt particularly charming. The film did have a certain amount of charm, and the actors did a good job given the limitations of the script. Worth catching on cable.
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A silly yet enjoyable film to watch on a lazy afternoon
lisafordeay9 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Only You is a romantic comedy and tells the story of a young woman named Faith (Marisa Tomei)who plays a board game as a kid and it spells out the name of her potential partner Damon Bradley. Fast forward a few years later and Faith(Marisa Tomei) is about to get married when she finds out that her potential partner is in Italy. So she packs her stuff and goes to Italy where she bumps into a very young looking Robert Downey Jr from Iron Man and he makes out that his name is Damon Bradley(even though his name is Peter Wright). So Faith falls for Downey Jr's charms but when he tells her out straight that his name is Peter,she gets furious and another person comes forward and makes out they are Damon Bradley(Billy Zane from Titanic).But could Peter be Faith's soulmate and was there ever a man named Damon Bradley?

Bottom line this is a very contrived movie. Its so predicable,and so mushy you just want to say to yourself why am I watching this corny contrived film for. But hey I thought parts of it were cute and I think Robert & Maria had great chemistry together yet the whole premise was a bit stupid. I mean this woman goes on a wild goosechase over some man that she was given the name of as a kid,she's already married but hey she would rather ditch her fiancé for someone else.

It was an alright movie but still though I wouldn't mind watching it on a lazy afternoon.

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The best tourism advertisment Italy could have hoped for.
Ben_Cheshire17 July 2004
Faith (Marisa Tomei) has believed all her life she was destined to be with a man named Damon Bradley, based on nothing more than a weegee-board game and a fortune teller in her youth. She is, to put it politely, superstitious. When, on the eve of her wedding, a man called Damon Bradley calls her up and tells her he's on his way to Italy, she can't stop herself from chasing him all the way to Europe.

The result is the best tourism advertisement Italy could have hoped for. It is a hugely enjoyable piece of romance and escapist enterainment first time through.

This is my favourite Robert Downey Jr movie. He's never been more charming.

Watching it is like the Italian holiday you always dream of; or, if you've already been, how you wished your own holiday had gone. The main thing in all our minds on our recent trip to Italy was going to all the places where certain scenes happen. It was great fun.

Italy is indeed beautifully photographed by famed swedish Bergman collaborator Sven Nykvist.

Highlight: surely one of the best scenes in any movie, is the one where Marisa Tomei is getting dressed and Downey Jr reads her mind as to which article of clothing she'd like handed to her. Billy Zane's scenes as the Amalfi Coast Mimbo are smarmy but very funny. For me, though, Downey Jr steals every scene he's in.


A sweet, beautiful and successful romantic comedy. Tomei's character is a little too corny for my tastes. Her performance is way over the top, also. Its what they were going for, that larger than life tone, so its not a failing of the film, but i personally find it painful to watch.
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The script holds its best surprises until it's almost too late to make a difference... !
Howlin Wolf16 August 2004
The most rewarding scenes come when the farcical nature of the plot really kicks in; and as our intrepid heroines don't even get a SNIFF of the man they're looking for until about 30 minutes or so down the track, some viewers may well have given up hope before things start to get going. It's a real shame if that's the case, too; because there's an old-style 'cute' movie here, buried at times under lots of unnecessary padding. If I wanted to see how gorgeous Venice looks - I'd either go there or buy a brochure, travelogue is a genre that's pretty unedifying in cinematic terms...

Downey manages the trick of making his character enormously likeable, thus rescuing the script from the hole the scriptwriters and Tomei have dug themselves into with their female lead. OK, so the somewhat 'outlandish' plot necessarily REQUIRES a character of an 'impulsive' nature to make it work, but Faith is so annoyingly pigheaded and shrewish at times that it really becomes difficult to harbour sympathetic feelings toward her. Thankfully though, the sheer understated charm of Downey's performance gradually begins to counteract this. In grateful debt to those 'surprises' I mentioned earlier, what ultimately emerges therefore is a charming romantic trifle with a couple of serious flaws. These niggles unfortunately prevented the movie from putting an even WIDER smile on my face - but it nevertheless concludes as being a jolly good show!

(7/10 or ***/***** in profile ratings system.)
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Wonderful Romantic Comedy
darwin0126 May 2003
Over the past 9 years, this has been what of my guilty pleasures. The story is obviously romantic fluff, but the performances of Marisa Tomei, Robert Downey Jr., and Bonnie Hunt are great and make what would normally be a prosaic love story into a true romantic treasure. Just remember to be prepared to suspend your rational side for a couple of hours. Marisa Tomei is so beautiful in this film, it's understandable why Robert Downey Jr's character falls in love with her at first sight. The Italian scenery is incredible and would make anyone fall in love with Italy. I have since visited this beautiful country and can attest to its romantic atmosphere. It is a great date film and comes highly recommended.
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Beautiful Scenery and Stellar Co-Stars Overshadow Tomei's Intended Audrey Wannabe Vehicle
EUyeshima14 September 2006
Poor Marisa Tomei. She made the fastest career beeline from the B-List to the A-List and back to B thanks to this overly formulaic 1994 romantic comedy. Directed by Norman Jewison in a dreamy manner that seems designed to repeat the unexpected success of "Moonstruck", the movie is placed squarely on Tomei's shoulders to carry right after her questionable Oscar win for "My Cousin Vinny", and she is unfortunately given a petulant, irritating character to play here. As Faith Corvatch, she is a Pittsburgh schoolteacher about to get married when destiny seems to interject with the appearance of a man whose name, Damon Bradley, was predestined to be the identity of his soul mate. A chance phone call leads her impulsively to Italy where she leads a bumbling Clouseau-like chase to find him. Accompanied by her sensible but supportive sister Kate, she misses him in Venice but thinks she lands him in Rome. He instead turns out to be a designer show salesman named Peter Wright. Smitten with Faith, Wright decides to help her find Damon but only to make her realize that he is her soul mate.

Tomei has obviously been positioned as an Audrey Hepburn-type gamine, but her persona is too jittery and agitating to make the ruse work. She is also unfortunately overshadowed by her co-stars. Robert Downey, Jr. shows genuine comic élan as Wright, and it's unfortunate that it takes nearly 45 minutes before his character even shows up to complicate matters. The sharp-tongued Bonnie Hunt is almost too good as Kate as her character goes through her own sketchily-written marital trauma at the same time. She comes across as so clever, likable and well-grounded that she takes the focus off Tomei. The rest of the cast seem to play up their respective stereotypes - Joaquin de Almeida as a Roman lothario chasing Kate, Fisher Stevens as Kate's lunk-headed contractor husband and Billy Zane in surfer-dude mode as Faith's possible love interest. What does work is the beautiful cinematography by Ingmar Bergman's great cameraman, Sven Nykvist. Venice, Rome and especially Positano on the Amalfi Coast rarely have looked more inviting on screen. The 2004 DVD has no extras other than the original theatrical trailer.
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TheProteanGirl27 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Let me preface this saying I like all genres of movies including the occasional chck-flicks/Romcoms. I have indulged in almost all these types of movies out there; the warm feeling ones, the quirky ones, the funny ones, you name it. But this was a mess in character development and plot.

Marisa's character is so unlikable that the word doesn't do the meaning justice. So this girl has a wedding coming up, is getting MARRIED and just then decides to remember the destiny because of a phone call. Other than the ouji and fortune teller not making any sense whatsoever (unless this movie is somehow a fantasy movie or something...) and being thrown in there just for the sake of plot development, how do you just rush to conclusions like that? The amount of people with the name "Damon Bradley" it's like how does she even know who is "the destiny" she's searching for? We weren't given any info on the conditions of that destiny so it's all fair game, anyone with that name counts...

Her character is also super self-absorbed and rude. Her friend that comes with her on the trip is caring and wants the best for her and she abuses her kindness all along the film not giving a damn about her at any point, it's all about her. Other than that she seems like a stupid, whimsical mess just ladidada anywhere the wind takes her in her super desperate looking attempt to find this guy in Italy. Obviously it's a movie and its not real, but in real life if you wanted that SO bad then why not postpone the wedding wait until the guy gets back and then meet him?!

She's also super rude to Robert Downey Jr's character when he ran all that way for the shoe and she's acting all entitled to him until she thinks his name is the name of the guy she's looking for. It's really all a big mess and so badly done. Like you realize this movie is just saying cheating is fine as long as destiny is the cause for it? What kind of message is that?! And Marisa's character SURE doesn't even blink at that matter. She runs straight after the guy after she finds out the name on the phone. It's pathetic and sad really, not romantic. I don't know if it's the execution of the character or just in itself but it's horrible.

The whole movie seem's like its rushing to go go go but it feels forced. I especially hated the scene where she JUST met Robert's character and already cozying up to him, kissing him and then when he says "because I love you" when she tried to leave it's full cringe, you JUST met. It feels like they asked a child what they thought romance in terms of destiny means because the amount of stuff that is rushed to be said in the movie is way out there!

There is the few romantic aspects that are nice: the Italian setting is nice, the characters other than Marisa's are all great, towards the end the story gettings nicer and nice to see Robert Downey Jr in a romance movie for once.
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A great way to spend a cold winter night
ppdjean4 March 2005
What a great romantic comedy set in beautiful Italy, not only are the actors Robert Downey Jr (so handsome and such a talented actor) and the beautiful Marissa Tomei amazing but watching these actors play out such a romantic story and doing things that we would never dream of, to find your one true love. All with her best friend by her side. Brings me back to being 13, dreaming of who I would marry and the romantic innocence of those times.

Its not only the romance but the friendships that give you that warm feeling inside, both the men and women in this film have a quiet kind ship with each other as when you see the three men sitting in the boat sharing wine, feeling rejected by women. ( I won't spoil that scene with anyones names) and the kindness of the hotel staff in later scenes.

These days so many movies and the reality of the news is full of war, violence and betrayal. Why not put all of that behind you?.. So sit back with your favorite snack, some hot chocolate & maybe your best friend and escape into love, romance, zany impulsiveness and disappear into.... Only You.
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Damon Bradley or the 'Keyser Soze' of Romantic Comedies
ElMaruecan8211 August 2017
At the age of eleven, little Faith trusts a Ouija board to give her the name of the man destined to love and cherish her, her soul-mate, her Charming Prince, her alpha-male and omega. A few years later, she goes to a fortune teller and the name pops up again, this time, there can't be any coincidence. I saw the film almost twenty years ago and I never forgot the mysterious and unreachable 'Damon Bradley' less a name than a powerful MacGuffin on which Norman Jewison hang countless gags but also some surprisingly powerful moments that would have been remembered a little more if 1994 wasn't such an exceptional year for films.

But let's get back to that Damon Bradley guy, a Keyser Soze of rom-com, whoever he is, the name plays almost like a ticket for Faith' heart, which would be silly if it wasn't played with such tenderness and let's drop the word, romantic way. And there's just something about Marisa Tomei's childish smile and innocent idealism that is immune to cynical comments, when she smiles, we want to pinch her cheeks, when she cries, we just want to hug her. She's too cute for words and when we see her for the first time and when we see her for the first time, as a young teacher about to marry a podiatrist, the film makes it clear that a Damon Bradley, he isn't and happy, she is but it's not all fireworks and moonlights. But while she's trying her wedding dress with her friend Kate (Bonnie Hunt), a mysterious caller announces that he won't come to the wedding, guess his name?

The temptation is too big to resist, Faith has the name and of all the places to have an appointment, it had to be Venice. Faith is convinced that destiny is on march, she takes her first plane to Venice, looking for Damon Bradley, surely destiny won't defeat her this time. Again, the film contains one of the craziest premises at first stance but who ever said romantic comedies had to be dependent on logic or common sense, as long as the players convey enough sympathy and charm to make us for long for the inevitable and definite kiss. But it will be a long way to that kiss and it will be paved by many encounters, and not the least being a cute American played by Robert Downey Jr. Downey, the perfect co-player with Tomei, cute and quirky, you can't believe these two guys aren't meant for each other, especially since he says he's Damon Bradley.

We know it can be true or false but the trick of romantic comedies is that they rely on the unpredictability of both humor and emotions, but humor is something that appeals to the intellect, more than emotions. As a viewer, we're torn between the childishness of Faith who wants everything to happen according to what she believes in and the moments where her faith is shaken and she seems more entrapped than exhilarated in her 'idealistic' persona, the same premise can either be a source of gags or sadness. In other words, the film is funny and makes you think, not that it has any sophisticated pretension or make any statement but it powerfully distorts this notion of 'destiny' and our obsession with finding 'signs' everywhere.

Not all the gags and sad moments work the same, there's also a subplot involving Kate's relationship with her husband and a little affair she has with an Italian played by Joaquim de Almeida, and a nice role for Billy Zane before he was that bastard from "Titanic", but "Only You" is another occasion to marvel at the Italian landscape and its propensity to awake the most intense feelings. The film doesn't make a nod, it is a beautiful tribute to "Roman Holiday" and offers a nice twist on the iconic hand-biting scene and also the Cinderella moment where Audrey Hepburn loses her show. "Only You" resuscitates the charm of these old Hollywood romantic comedies where a clever and sensitive script played the part of destiny and all we had to do was to succumb to the charm of a leading couple, coming from the director "Moonstruck", I'm not surprised.

In the end, it's not much about Damon Bradley, we all have a Damon Bradley, a mark in the treasure map of our life, a goal that define and determine us, but maybe real destiny is whatever happens to us when we're seeking this, and maybe it'll lead to more valuable treasures. "Only You" is a real little treat to savor as if you were tasting nipples from Venice, it's light and tasty, and if it hasn't the perfect plot or story it has at least the perfect casting and the perfect setting, that's enough.
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SamAndJoon13 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is an incredibly annoying film. I'm a fan of romantic comedies if the actors and story are likable. The first 15 or 20 minutes of this movie were good, and I wanted to like it, but honestly...Marisa Tomei is such a bimbo, I can't see what Robert Downey Jr. even finds attractive about her, other than her pretty face. Honestly, I felt bad for him and thought he deserved someone better. Tomei's character is driven by what she believes is her destiny, but she just strikes me as superficial. In the last five minutes of the film, she magically realizes that Downey Jr. is her true soul mate...? If I were him, I wouldn't have wanted her by then. And it's pretty unrealistic that he seems to know exactly which shoes, earrings, etc would suit her. Even if they are supposed to be soul mates, he barely knows her for a few hours and already they're making out? This is unrealistic, folks. The only good thing about this movie is Bonnie Hunt who is good in everything, and the beautiful cinematography. If you want to see a romantic comedy that is also not very realistic but MUCH better on a whole, watch While You Were Sleeping-- a truly sweet and heartfelt film. Don't waste your time on this one.
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Be kind, I love this movie!!
Psyche-810 January 2001
How did I love this movie? Let me count the ways. The locations were beautiful, and I have always thought that Italy was the place for romance - Venice, Rome etc. look gorgeous. It was romantic, so much so that if you didn't believe in destiny before this movie, you will afterwards. Robert Downey Jr and Marisa Tomei's characters seem so suited to one another, except for the slight problem that he has the wrong name! Any fool could see that they were in love from the moment they met! Love the scene when Downey Jr's character reads Tomei's mind about what she is to wear for her date. Audience are practically cursing the screen in hope that Faith and Peter will finally get together. Awesome, magical, glorious!!
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A regular romantic movie
brunorezendesouza14 December 2020
It's a cute romantic movie from 90's. But today it's more like "how to be toxic and insistent" film.
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Marisa Tomei
viejoterrible7 September 2021
That's all: Marisa Tomei.

She looks so beautiful in this movie...
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Charming Little Movie
slightlymad226 November 2014
Teaming up for the second time (after Chaplin) Robert Downey Jr teams up with Marisa Tomei, although this time it's Tomei who is the star, with Downey Jr taking second billing in this charming movie about destiny

Plot In A Paragraph: Apropriatley named Faith (Marisa Tomei) believes that two soul- mates can be united if they find each other. From the Ouija board, she has found the name of her missing half, and it is Damon Bradley. Later, at a carnival, the fortune teller sees the name Damon Bradley in the Crystal Ball and Faith is convinced.14 years later, she is engaged to a podiatrist and plans to marry him until she gets a call from one of his classmates who is on his way to Venice, Italy. The classmate is called Damon Bradley. So Faith and her sister-in-law Kate both board the next plane for Italy hoping to find her destiny.

Both stars were nominated for Oscars at the previous years awards show. A pre his first run of drug problems Downey Jr was nominated for Best Actor for Chaplin (losing out to Al Pacino for "Scent Of A Woman" coincidently the one year I don't believe Pacino should have won. He lost out with better performances, in better movies than that year. Alongside Downey Jr, Clint Eastwood in "Unforgiven" Stephen Rea in "Crying Game" and Denzel Washington "Malcolm X" made it the hardest to call Best Actor category in years) whilst Tomei won Best Supporting Actress for "My Cousin Vinny".

It is Tomei who carries most of the movie, I don't think Downey Jr is in the first thirty minutes, but when he does he is as charming as you'd expect. The leads have a nice chemistry and the supporting cast is all good too, stand outs including Billy Zane and Bonny Hunt, but Siobhan Fallon isn't given much to do which is a shame.

The movie looks gorgeous with some beautiful settings and even if a tad predictable it's a nice enjoyable movie.
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RDJ shines in otherwise an decently average film!!
sauravjoshi8523 April 2022
Only You is a romantic comedy film directed by Norman Jewison and starring Marisa Tomei, Robert Downey Jr., Bonnie Hunt, Joaquim de Almeida, Fisher Stevens and Billy Zane.

A Teen was told that her destiny is to marry a man named Damon Bradley, now grown up she is all set to marry another man when she gets a call from a man named Damon Bradley the friend of her fiancé. She cancels her wedding and flows to Italy with her friend in search of Damon Bradley.

The film is indeed a good love story and could be an eye candy for lovers but somehow the film doesn't convince much. Everything happens too fast and in an unbelievable way.

The plot of the film is weak and the execution is half cooked although the screenplay of the film is decent but the climax of the film is little absurd and doesn't gives a perfect closure to the film.

Acting is good and although the film is based on Marisa Tomei and she was impressive in her character but RDJ hijacks the entire film as soon as he enters the screen, his presence keeps the film lively. Bonnie Hunt and Joaquim de Almeida were also impressive.

For me this film will be typically for hard core lovers rest can just watch and enjoy the film. Can be watched once.
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Oh, soooo romantic...
Starbuck-132 June 1999
What a wonderful movie...

It is rather a fairy tale than a romantic comedy. The story is developed nicely and gives us some lessons about love and life and things in between.

The actors, especially Marisa Tomei, do a great job in telling us this beautiful story. The finale is exceptional: I will always hope for this kind of support when I am at an Italian airport...

Watch this movie when you are in a romantic mood and want to see a film which believes in true love. Or watch it to get into a romantic mood. And enjoy the various plot twists...
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Why did they fall in love?
qingxqing9 June 2023
I know this is supposed to be a star crossed lovers / soul mate movie, which I quite like BUT only if it's obvious why the couple fell in love. This movie is also quite fast paced and by the time they're kissing on the first day they met, I don't even understand how they fell in love, or how the male lead ever fell so deeply in love with her.

Also this movie has a lot of CHEATING which for me makes it everything else than romantic. Like the Female Lead cheats on her fiance with 2 other men! And her sister in law (whom I cared more about her marriage with larry) cheats on her husband (faith's brother) with some random italian playboy.

Also cal from titanic is in this and lol I can't take him seriously haha.

I do like the production quality and the actors suit their roles, but as for the story..meh. The sights in italy are pretty.

But if you're in the mood for a romance then maybe you'll agree with the good reviews on here.
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feeble fable
onepotato29 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
'Only You' is the type of movie that makes anyone with a Y chromosome shudder in bewilderment. It embodies everything that romance-craving women want from a movie, and nothing a thoughtful viewer does. Marissa Tomei is told as a child that she will marry someone named Damon Bradley, and as an adult (I use the word generously) she decides to fly to Italy with one hours notice in pursuit of a stranger with that name. The crew at the airport accepts her idiotic reasoning for reopening the flight she missed ("The man I'll marry is on that plane." ?) and off she goes to Italy. When a man does this it's called 'stalking' or 'a security situation.' In the movie's grotesquely stereotypical idea of Italy, she improbably locates Damon after being completely boorish with a hotel clerk. The hotel clerk, who's old enough to give this girl an earful, instead instantly becomes cooperative, because he has no life, pride, story or values of his own. Bad writing is like that. Oh and her sister comes along too. I can only recount that much of the plot because this was so phenomenally stupid after 40 minutes that my attention drifted.

Most people, I find, appreciate 'common sense' both in life and in movies. Nothing in this remotely resembles life as you know it. For the length of the movie, Tomei and Hunt sit in judgment of men and their perceived failings, without ever once acknowledging Tomei is at best a complete flake, and at worst... a fickle, developmentally-delayed lunatic. In the end, after a similar plane-boarding crisis is overcome and true love bursts out on the plane, a crowd of Italian airport personnel stands on the tarmac waving bye-bye (to a jumbo-jet?). When one thinks of the painstaking care and artistry on display in old film noirs, this movie looks like garbage.
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Incredibly Sweet and Engaging
Spiffy-Tiffy9 October 1999
I loved this movie.

And for all the stupid mistakes he's made, you have to admit that Robert Downey Jr. can turn in some pretty amazing performances. Marisa Tomei also shines in this incredible fairy tale about looking everywhere to find your one true love.

Light, sweet, and absolutely beautiful, "Only You" will show that at the most unexpected times (or with the most unexpected people) love can show up. You should be ready for it. Don't let the love of your life slip through your fingers in an Italian airport.

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Only You
jboothmillard27 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
From director Norman Jewison (In the Heat of the Night, The Thomas Crown Affair, Fiddler on the Roof, Moonstruck), I spotted this pretty much out of nowhere and noticed the two leading stars, so I just to give it a try. Basically when she was a child Faith Corvatch (Marisa Tomei) used a Ouija Board that spelled out, in individual letters, the name "Damon Bradley", and this is supposedly the name of her soul mate. Now grown up she goes to a carnival and has a fortune teller using her Crystal Ball sees this name as well as the man she will marry, and then, on the verge of getting married, she overhears a phone call from her future husband's friend, it is Damon Bradley calling from Venice, Italy. Faith is determined to track him down, so she and her sister in law Kate (Jumanji's Bonnie Hunt) travel from New York to the Italian countryside and streets of Rome in search of the man they only know by name. They are following his trail with any information people can give from his last known whereabouts, but they seem to keep missing him by small amounts of time, even once by seconds and inches. Then Faith meets a young American man (Robert Downey Jr.), but has no interest in him until he hears the name and identifies himself as Damon Bradley, and after a spending a night together they have both fallen hopelessly in love. It only falls apart when he confesses that he is not Damon Bradley, his real name is Peter Wright, and she angrily walks out wanting to go home, but Kate finding attraction for her from Giovanni (Joaquim De Almeida) the Italian businessman might make that difficult. Peter comes back to her though and says that he has been looking for a Damon Bradley, and found out he has apparently moved to Positano, so Giovanni drives Peter, Faith and Kate there to find her at a posh hotel. Then they find this "Damon Bradley" (Billy Zane), a playboy with long hair and many women lapping him up, and confident she should try and see how things go she invites him to go. Of course it turns out this "Damon" is actually Peter's friend Harry and the whole thing was staged, and meanwhile Kate's husband Larry (Fisher Stevens) has travelled to find them and make up with his wife, but they planned to come home now anyway. Larry reveals to Faith that when he did the Ouiji board as a child and spelled the name out, it was all a prank, and he paid the fortune teller too, he didn't tell her because he was worried she would never talk to him again. Getting to the airport Peter is there to see off Faith, and they both overhear a real Damon Bradley (Adam LeFevre) at the information desk, so they can truly meet him, he is a reasonably good looking man, Peter explains the whole situation to him and he is perplexed, and of course he mentions being in love with her. In the end this Damon asks Faith if she loves Peter, and that if she truly does then she should embrace it, and she manages to catch him on his plane to Boston in time, and they kiss, with all the other passengers applauding, and they fly off into the sunset. Also starring John Benjamin Hickey as Dwayne and Men in Black's Siobhan Fallon as Leslie. Tomei is obviously attractive and she is also charming as the woman searching for the supposed man she has a destiny with, and Downey Jr. is likable as the man she actually should be with, their scenes together are great, and the supporting cast, including sleazy Zane works well too, I can see what the critics mean by a Cinderella style story, it certainly has that quality, and it makes you laugh in the right places, a good fun romantic comedy. Very good!
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Not a classy love story!
sunny_girl_8814 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand the high rating of this movie. After I watched it I am quite disappointed. Why people think that love is something superficial? It is not love when you are ready 10 days before marrige to jump in other men beds only because of their name. Also, it is not love when you see sombody handsome and without knowing his character to say it is fate, but when the man with the specific name is not so handsome to decide it is not fate. In my opinion the story is not a classy one, neigher the level of acting. The only reason I gave 3 points rating is because of the music and some nice places.
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