What About Bob? (1991) Poster

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Great comedy
kneiss128 September 2010
l wasn't sure if I wanted to give this movie 7 or 8 points till seeing the last 20 minutes. There Richard Dreyfuss has been in full cry. I needed to laugh so hard, that I am forced to give this movie 8 points. As a movie itself, if I use all criteria I use on other films, this movie would not deserve 8 points. The story is predictable (I knew exactly how it was going to end from the very beginning), camera work, music and characters are not actually special. All has been there before, and was copied again and again afterward. But as a comedy, this movie totally did what it was supposed to do. It was absolutely hilarious!

Sometimes the humor was a bit too silly, and Bill Murray has been overdoing it from time to time - and I still needed to laugh my butt off. Watching the way smaller Dreyfuss beside the tall, dumb looking Bill, screaming and shouting like an angry dwarf, was a way too funny image.
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Great odd couple pairing
SnoopyStyle16 April 2014
Bob Wiley (Bill Murray) is a wacky oddball. Doctor Leo Marvin (Richard Dreyfuss) is a confident NY psychotherapist who is looking forward to a "Good Morning America" appearance to push his book. A colleague pawns Bob off to Leo as a new patient. Bob is immediately attached to Leo and his book's advise of Baby Steps. When Leo tells Bob that he's going on vacation with his family, Bob can't take it and tracks him down. Leo thinks his life is great, but not everything is going as well as he supposes. His townie neighbors hate him. His son is afraid to dive. His daughter hates to be over-analyzed and has normal boy troubles. His wife could do with more consideration from Leo. And worst of all, everybody loves Bob.

Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfuss make for a great odd couple. They are both doing something within their skill sets. Bill Murray is especially wacky in this, and Dreyfuss plays annoyed very well without being completely unlikeable. One could certainly understand Leo's point of view, but it's also obvious how wrong he is.
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What About Leo?
AaronCapenBanner9 December 2013
Frank Oz directed this comedy that stars Bill Murray as Bob Wiley, a neurotic, needy and lonely man who has seen many psychiatrists, but feels most comfortable with egotistical Leo Marvin(played by Richard Dreyfuss). However, after Dr. Marvin takes a month-long vacation with his family in rural New Hampshire(where he expects to be interviewed by a network morning show) he is stunned to find that Bob has somehow followed him there, and refuses to leave, even ingratiating himself with his wife and children, and that's just the beginning... Amusing comedy with terrific performances, and a most sly premise, which could easily have been turned into a suspense thriller involving stalking!
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canadiancinderella13 February 2008
I loved this movie. I am sure most people would disagree with me but I would probably put it in my list of the ten best comedies I have ever seen, all time.

This is Bill Murray's best work since Ghostbusters, at least as far as comedy goes. I also liked him in Broken Flowers and Lost in Translation but those were more dramatic roles.

I loved the way that Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfuss played off of each other. I don't want to say too much or I'll give away what happens between them through the movie but I thought they did a fantastic job at creating comedic moments. The scenes where Bob horned in on Leo's family moments and right into their home were incredible. I laughed out loud through the entire movie. And it's a good family movie anyone can enjoy.

Ten out of ten from me.
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Two richly comic performances from Murray and Dreyfuss...
Doylenf19 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Not since Jack Nicholson played a manipulative, obsessive-compulsive, germ free freak in "As Good As It Gets", has any actor shown such ability as BILL MURRAY does in WHAT ABOUT BOB? to play a neurotic man from the city who has to talk himself into having enough courage to leave his apartment. He's a lovable enough guy, though, who talks to his goldfish and has an otherwise amiable disposition.

Murray is able to draw a fine line between being obnoxious (which he certainly is to Dr. Marvin, played by RICHARD DREYFUSS), to being a charming oaf who wins the approval of the doctor's vacationing family after faking his own suicide with the man's answering service in order to learn where the doctor's vacation spot is.

Of course, all of its grossly exaggerated--as any story would be that deals with a man who drives his own psychiatrist crazy, or at least over the edge, as Murray does. By film's end, Dreyfuss is a wreck of a man who even goes so far as to attach explosives to Murray to get rid of him! And naturally, all of his schemes to rid himself of this clinging neurotic are useless. Murray turns up like a bad penny even after the doctor has assumed him dead--and the vacation home is reduced to zero in an explosion.

Hilariously funny material is given a real boost by the performances of Murray and Dreyfuss, who play off each other with goofy insolence and, at times, in touching and poignant ways. Murray hasn't given this fine a comic performance since GHOSTBUSTERS and Dreyfuss matches him every step of the way.

Julie Hagerty is fun as Dreyfuss' feather-brained wife who enjoys the amiable side of Murray's personality and his utter unpredictability--the very qualities that drive Dreyfuss further and further off his rocker.

I found myself laughing out loud at some of the shenanigans--and all of it is very worthwhile to watch and totally unpredictable.
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Stressful, yet funny
cricketbat19 June 2019
What About Bob features very entertaining performances from both Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfuss, but I can't help but sympathize with Dr. Leo Marvin. After all, an unstable patient he barely met is entering his home, but everyone else acts as if it's totally fine. It stressed me out a bit. Nevertheless, I was still able to laugh at the absurdity of it all.
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Putting crazy on the cover.
mark.waltz19 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Today, it's not considered polite (or "politically correct") to use the term crazy, but call Bob what he is, and that is nuts. Not in a Glenn Close "Fatal Attraction" way), but a off the beam, funny, lovable, pain in the butt nuts. Bill Murray continues his run of off the beam characters in black comedies, here playing an OCD patient who badgers his therapist Richard Dreyfuss to the point of insanity, eveb following him to his secret vacation spot, and basically stealing the spotlight with his family.

Murray is likable; lovable, even although if I was in Dreyfuss's position, I might want to liquidate Murray and dump the fluid in an abandoned pond. I like comedies like this that go beyond what's considered respectable, because how are we going to handle the eccentrics in life if we don't get to experience what we might encounter in real life?

This has a great cast of comics and New York stage actors, all either amused by Murray's off the wall charms or trying to keep Dreyfuss from killing Murray or a padded cell. "Airplane" stewardess Julie Hagerty is very funny as Dreyfuss's charming wife, but the balance of the conflict between Murray and Dreyfeuss is what makes this amusing, if not pee your pants, funny, although a few moments come close. Along with "Planes, Trains and Automobiles", I consider films like this modern "Road" pictures, with Murray as Hope and Dreyfuss as Crosby, albeit high on caffeine. Call this "Road to Bellevue".
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What about Bill!
KUAlum2625 September 2007
It might be a little simplistic to call this "Bill Murray's Movie",because in truth,this film works just as well because it has a fantastic support from Richard Dreyfuss,Julie Haggerty,Charlie Korsmo,KAthryn Erbe and director Frank Oz. Still,you cannot watch this film without feeling like Murray's complete abandon in this film is what gives this film its pep,spark and life. This might be one of the more energized performances of his long and well-padded career.

Dr.Leo Marvin(Dreyfuss,who has settled into being the 'Uptight fuddy-dudd' roles from here,as opposed to the more restive,youthful roles of past movies like "Jaws" and "Goodbye Girl")seems to have it all. Loving wife,healthy,normal kids and a career that is on the verge of taking off:a comfortable private practice in New York and a self-help book about to be published nationwide. At the last minute,he accepts another colleague's patient(for whom he does not wonder as to why his peer is so breathlessly trying to pass this patient off to him):one Bob Wiley(Murray). Bob doesn't have anything wrong with him;he has MANY things wrong with him. Multiphobic,clingy and more than a little under-developed in his sense of emotional attachment,Bob misreads the good doctor's brush off(As the doctor gets ready for a Labor Day getaway with his famille)as being a cure-all,and is immediately smitten with the doctor's methods,approach,diagnosis and treatment. He decides he's going to insinuate himself into Dr.Marvin's life(in somewhat of a mixture of gratitude and need),and follows him to the rural,New England lakeside vacation where the Marvins are staying.

Alvin Sargent and Laura Ziskin's story and script make the actors' moves and lines so easy you'd almost think there were elements of improvisation. But Murray and Dreyfuss are(and not to belabor a point here but...)the key here. Murray's socially oblivious and free sense of bonding clashes DRAMATICALLY with the button-down professionalism of Dreyfuss' doctor,and as Muray thinks himself "Better",Dreyfuss' shrink seems to be getting worse,confounded by his unwanted patient's persistence and loyalty. While the unabashed enthusiasm of Murray's character might drive away some viewers who might see this as "annoying" or "too much", Murray fans and,I think,fans of sort of odd,non-formula comedies will DEFINITELY appreciate the whole story and rhythm of this film. Perhaps it's a bit too early to state this(though this film,which I first caught in the theaters in first release sixteen years ago,has had more than a decade to simmer in the memories of moviegoers),I feel this is something of a modern comedy classic. I've seen this film no less than three times and,to chime in with an IMDb message board poster,this IS a truly re-watchable movie.
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Funny And Nice
kylehodgdon12 November 2009
"What About Bob?" is a great, good hearted film with a lot of laughs.

Bob is a great character in how he endlessly annoys and irritates Leo. Murray does a great job with his role. The Bob character brings a lot of laughs to the film. A personal highlight of mine is the shirt that he adorns and his reaction to the idea of it.

On the downside, there is nothing that really feels new with this movie. Don't get me wrong, it is a very good story, but it just felt like something I have seen a dozen times before.

This movie is definitely a nice watch and will leave you feeling good and happy. Worth a watch, especially for the brilliance of Murray.
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Hysterical! A film that can be watched over and over.
jaysilentbob375 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I personally think that this irresistible film is one of the best comedies of the 90's, though with this one, I can safely say that that's just my opinion. This is a movie that is so funny, that it never loses it's ability to make you lose control of your motor functions, even after the 15th viewing.

Bob Wiley (Bill Murray) is a lovable, but deeply troubled man who has probably the biggest multi-phobic personality you could imagine. He also has a habit of getting really attached to people within the first few minutes of meeting them, and it's heavily implied that he's driven multiple therapists out of business due to his annoying dependency. And the successful therapist/best-selling author Dr. Leo Marvin (Richard Dreyfuss) is about to be the next victim. After his first interview with Dr. Marvin, Bob is immediately attached, and is worried when the doctor leaves for a month long family vacation, preparing for a promotional interview on Good Morning America. Bob cleverly tracks down Dr. Marvin at his lake house, and instantly becomes good friends with the rest of the family, while the doctor doesn't approve. Bob soon becomes a house guest who acts like a part of the family, and is 100% oblivious to Dr. Marvin's sinister hatred of him...

Totally brilliant premise, that is very well executed. I still do think the ending, while still funny, could have used some work. Bill Murray is at his absolute best here. He's such an over-the-top, yet believable character, who you just wouldn't be able to resist how friendly he is. Richard Dreyfuss is in my opinion the funnier of the two. His facial expressions just scream "repressed rage," and his loss of sanity, slowly occurring throughout the movie, is perfectly timed. You barely notice his personality change. It just happens. One minute, he seems like the ideal therapist, but before you even realize it, he's a sinister maniac, who now requires more therapy than Bob. Bob on the other hand, goes the opposite way. By driving him crazy, he unwittingly manages to become saner, and conquer many of his fears. And has absolutely no clue how much Dr. Marvin hates him, even when Dr. Marvin has extreme outbursts at him right. Dr. Marvin couldn't possibly express his annoyance more clearly, and the idea of his rage never crosses Bob's mind once.

That is where the movie gets it's humor. Even as he unwittingly humiliates someone on national TV, Bob never loses his charm. The interview scene is in my opinion, one of the all time classic comedy moments, and director Frank Oz just nails it. In the hands of any other filmmaker, the scene could have deteriorated into mindless slapstick. Bob humiliates the subject of the interview just by being Bob. And believe me, he is not someone you would want to be guest interviewing with. It's amazing how funny it can be just by watching a family grow to love someone who the man of the house hates with a passion, and getting mad when the dad acknowledges his annoyance. I highly recommend this laugh-a-minute comedy, and give it 8/10.

It is rated PG for Language, and Thematic Elements. It would easily be rated PG-13 today, even without the language.
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Very funny or very irritating, depending on the viewer
GTeixeira16 March 2014
This relatively simple, good Frank Oz comedy is to me one of Bill Murray's best. In here, the former 'Ghostbuster' star is Bob Wiley, a good-hearted obsessive-compulsive who tracks down his new psychiatrist when he goes on vacation with his family; his annoying but good-hearted actions, coupled with the doctor's upcoming TV interview, cause the man to slowly go crazy himself.

I find this film rather polarizing, exactly because of Murray; or, to be more precise, his character. Bob Wiley is good-hearted and enthusiastic to a fault, to the point of being obnoxious. You can't help feeling sorry for the psychiatrist (a very good Richard Dreyfuss) for having to put up with him. And Murray, himself, does a great job; he is not obnoxious in an overly cheerful/clownish way (like Robin Williams, for example), but rather in the comedic OCD way his character is supposed to be. His is merely great acting; a bit TOO good acting, though, as sometimes I myself felt irritated with Bob.

Richard Dreyfuss does a very good job too. His character, an overly-uptight and arrogant 'genius' psychiatrist, is shown in a way that we should feel he deserves the hell Bob inadvertently brought him; yet, because of Bill Murray, we can't help sympathize with him. Still, his breakdown moments are hilarious and the interactions between Dreyfuss and Murray are perfect.

The supporting cast exists, but it is really Murray's and Dreyfuss' show.

In the end, it comes down to how you cope with Murray's character. Whether you can stand him and laugh, or whether you find him so irritating to the point of being unbearable. I certainly found it quite funny and liked it, and would not hesitate to recommend.
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better than anyone might expect
lee_eisenberg14 November 2006
Bill Murray really does his best when playing outright wacky characters like the one in "What About Bob?". In this case, he's a mentally unstable psychiatric patient who follows his psychiatrist (Richard Dreyfuss) on vacation and practically takes over. In a way, the whole movie's sort of silly, but it shows how the psychiatrist is basically a pompous dweeb and Bob is the world's most lovable person, if not quite all there. It's really neat towards the end, how the psychiatrist starts losing his mind in frustration. All in all, it shows that Frank Oz is quite capable as a director, and that Murray and Dreyfuss are two of the greatest actors of our era. Also starring Julie Hagerty, Charlie Korsmo and Roger Bowen in his final role.
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Very decent considering the difficult task at hand
Horror-yo5 July 2017
'What About Bob' is one of those early 90's comedies that had a point but made an effort to feel genuine. Comedies nowadays in the 2010's feel so distant and over-produced, and formulaic, it's very refreshing to watch one of those older generation flicks every once in a while.

There's much...much to be done in what the film means to achieve, in so little time, just under 1hr40min. It's pretty remarkable they managed to squeeze in about enough that the film and ending in particular don't feel completely rushed to the point of reaching random levels.

It's very good with some details, for e.g. how annoying and realistically annoying they made Bill Murray (I want, I need I need I need !) and the sense of pure antipathy established in the very first seconds the two protagonists meet. Dreyfuss certainly does well and anyone would remember his facial expression of pure disgust for another person, but perhaps it would've been desirable he would completely leave a rather conventional acting style, however fine, and gone totally headfirst deep into the role.

It's a pretty good comedy. Again, it's really fairly ambitious. It's no masterpiece, but it's very memorable, it's fun, and it's got a very interesting moral to it too.

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It's a comedy really for Murray fans,..not much else
There have been movies released before about crazy or uncontrollable characters let loose to follow a certain somebody and drive them up a wall. The most recognizable of comedies that had this kind of set up were films like Ben Stiller's dark comedy The Cable Guy (1996), Duplex (2003) or Kurt Russell's Captain Ron (1992). Both of which were about main characters' mental issues that somehow were able to get away with everything, meanwhile simultaneously annoying the living crap out of the person they cling on to. This is no different on a narrative level; the formula is all there. The only change are the leads, their positions on the social ladder and the location. The real element that will win over its viewers will be Bill Murray - if you're a big fan of him.

To be realistic it is not a bad performance and Bill Murray doesn't play the worst character. However, he's still not that likable. In fact, none of the characters any actor plays is that likable. The day before Dr. Leo Marvin (Richard Dreyfuss) leaves for vacation, a fellow psychiatrist transfers one of his patients, Bob Wiley (Bill Murray) to be checked out. After visiting Dr. Marvin, it is revealed to Bob that Dr. Marvin is going on vacation. With that, Bob does everything he can to see his Dr. again for psychiatric help. Tom Schulman best known for writing Dead Poets Society (1989) and Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (1989), penned the script for this comedy with the legendary Frank Oz directing.

The strange thing is, like stated before, the execution isn't anything new. The direction is too well known - crazy person introduced to potential host, host becomes victim of crazy person's antics while nobody else believes them. Unlike The Cable Guy (1996) and Duplex (2003) which were mean spirited comedies and Captain Ron (1992) being more dimwitted than anything else, this just plays out irritating. Thankfully, Bill Murray's character wasn't written to be mean spirited, in fact his role is more innocent by nature. The problem is he just doesn't take a hint when someone says leave. With that Bill Murray comes off as more obnoxious than anything else. He's not sick-minded or a jerk, so that kind of makes him acceptable but not likable really because there's little to sympathize for. Bob could be a likable character if he was written more as a character than knows he's causing trouble but can't help it. Instead, Bob causes pain to others and doesn't even notice it. Then again though, that may be due to his dumb surrounding characters.

It truly is amazing to how oblivious people can be. Since when are family members so accepting of a professional's patient to show up on vacation, sleep with them in the same room and eat at their table. Not to mention teaching their kids bad words. Doesn't that raise a couple, if not more than a couple red flags? Haven't they heard of the phrase, "don't bring your work home with you"? Dr. Marvin seems to be the only one who notices and understands that. It's weird because everyone else is so accepting of Bob and yet they don't deal with him in the same manner as Dr. Marvin. Plus, some of the smallest things Bob does everyone finds it hilarious, especially Mrs. Marvin (Julie Hagerty) who is quite annoying too. Saying "MmmmmmMMMMmmm" after every bite of food at the dinner table really stirs up that many chuckles ? It's because of their lack of concern and care for the victim that makes them unlikable as well and contain no charm. Clearly stated in the movie, one of the reasons why people like Bob is because he's fun and old man Dr. Marvin wasn't.

Maybe writer Tom Schulman was trying to get the message across; that you can't live life being a stick-in-the-mud all the time (meaning relax now and then). But aside from one subplot about Dr. Marvin's son trying to learn how to dive, there is no indication of Dr. Marvin being a father who can't have fun. The only reason why nobody finds Dr. Marvin fun is because he's trying to get rid of a patient that is following him and can't get rid of. Wouldn't that make you act rotten too? These supporting characters are so thickheaded. The only actor that is funny on occasion is Richard Dreyfuss. The reason for this being that even going back to the years of Jaws (1975), when Dreyfuss got frustrated, his yelling was more comical than it was dramatic. Nonetheless, since this is a comedy, Dreyfuss is funny in a number of areas because his character has no other way of dealing with the problem (being Bob). Cinematography this time by Michael Ballhaus wasn't anything important, it doesn't showcase much. The music however, composed by Miles Goodman is alright, although it does sound very close to that of his more popular score a year later from The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992). It's not terrible but it isn't good comedy either, unless you're a true Bill Murray fan.

Hardcore Bill Murray fans should have no problem with this but if you tire of formulaic host comedies where some crazy person makes everyone turn on the already label victim, it'll be a frustrating sit. It's not the worst because Richard Dreyfuss is funny and Bill Murray's role isn't mean spirited, but the whole play out is just annoying to sit through anyway.
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Great Fun
Michael_Elliott23 December 2008
What About Bob? (1991)

*** (out of 4)

Bill Murray plays the obsessive-compulsive Bob, who finally cracks and ends up following his new psychiatrist (Richard Dreyfuss) on vacation. Once at the vacation resort Bob finds himself getting better by getting closer to Dreyfuss' family but soon the psychiatrist is the one losing his mind. This film often gets overlooked and while it's far from a classic I can't help but find it mildly amusing in its own way due in large part to the two leads. This is certainly Murray's show from start to finish but all of the supporting characters set up the jokes for him but Murray is the one hitting them out of the park. Just take a look at the scene with Murray and the family around the dinner table when Murray keeps making annoying sounds. The viewer might find Murray annoying while doing this but the way the family reacts to him is the reason we see him so lovable. I think just about any actor in Hollywood, past or present, would have turned Bob into an annoying character so the credit has to go to Murray for never crossing a certain line that would turn the viewer off. Instead Murray makes him very lovable and most importantly makes him funny. Dreyfuss never really gets enough credit for his comic timing but he works very well with Murray here and the two make for some great laughs. The movie starts to run out of steam during the final fifteen-minutes and I've never been a fan of the ending but this is a nice entertainment for the family.
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Dreyfuss' movie more than Murray's
royu29 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
For starters this movie is so funny I was convinced I was having a heart-attack, but that's not the point I'm going to make.

Murray makes this movie funny, but Dreyfuss makes it hilarious. At the beginning Bob is the crazy one, but slowly the tables are turned and Dreyfuss becomes the crazy one. Dreyfuss aces the role of a completely sane guy descending into madness and his tantrums are gold.

I've seen this movie a few times, first time I laughed at Murray most, the second time Dreyfuss. Apparently the two didn't get along on set, but on screen the chemistry is almost perfect.

Bit of trivia to finish off, I read a book on psychology not long ago and it specifically references this movie to being a guide for teaching depressed people on how to change, using Bob as a model patient.
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Murray is great
billcr1219 April 2018
Bill Murray is a genius capable of both comedy or drama. Bob is an obsessive compulsive lunatic who finds a self absorbed shrink played by Richard Dreyfuss. The pair have perfect timing with a very strange doctor patient relationship. The doctor has just released a book and is spending his month long vacation on a peaceful lake with his family. Bob shows up and will not leave. The family just love the eccentric Bob, but the doctor-author is driven to insanity by the unwanted guest. The script is tight and the two actors mug for the camera and are terrific in this really funny film.
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Very funny
doomedmac15 June 2020
This film is very funny and entertaining, but it's not amazing.
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Only a 6.7?!
planktonrules30 May 2008
Gee,...considering this is probably Bill Murray's funniest comedy and it is rated so poorly, no wonder he's recently taken to making odd and very unfunny movies. After all, with WHAT ABOUT BOB?, GROUNDHOG DAY and THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO LITTLE, he was responsible for probably three of the top comedies of the 1990s...yet all are rated relatively low on IMDb. I just don't get it.

Bob is one of the most annoying and compulsive patients any psychiatrist can have. He's needy, histrionic and sneaky, so when his brand-new therapist goes on vacation, Bob connives to find Dr. Monroe and vacation with him and the family! Now this stalking behavior isn't particularly funny, but what makes this such a great comedy is that Dr. Monroe is a sanctimonious and pompous jerk and it's fun to watch Bob make Monroe's life miserable!! Plus, unlike some comedies that let up, in this film every time you think things can't get worse for Dr. Monroe--they do!! This makes for a funny and deliciously black film--one that can't help much make you chuckle.

By the way, I was a psychotherapist and now teach psychology instead of work with patients. When the film came out, many of my colleagues were scared to death by the film because it did hit close to home, while others thought it hilarious. Having never had a patient like Bob, I guess it was pretty easy for me to laugh at the whole thing!

I have to go now--I'm about to teach my class about "death therapy".
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Funny But Perhaps a Little Overrated
utgard1419 May 2014
Successful psychotherapist Dr. Leo Marvin (Richard Dreyfuss) goes on vacation with his family, only to be followed by a kooky patient named Bob (Bill Murray). Much to Leo's frustration, his family welcomes Bob with open arms. Amazing performance by Murray. Dreyfuss does well with a rather unlikable part. I have to admit some of the comments I've read here seem like hyperbole to me. I mean, I wouldn't say this is Bill Murray's best performance by a long shot nor would I say this is one of the funniest movies ever made. Unless we use "one of" in a very broad sense, in which case every good comedy is one of the funniest ever made. The point is that exaggerated praise can sometimes harm a perfectly good movie because people read these reviews and think this is going to be Airplane! or Duck Soup or something, only to find it's just a funny movie that is not the defining moment for anyone involved. It's good and it gets better as it goes along but please keep expectations reasonable. Nobody is reinventing the wheel here.
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Fabulous and fun!
summer1111dg6 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"What About Bob?" is one of my all time favorite movies. I never tire of watching this delightful comedy. It is Bill Murray's best performance. The dynamic between him and Richard Dreyfuss is perfect and makes the movie such fun to watch. Bill Murray's characterization of the neurotic Bob is on target. And as Bob becomes more whole in personality -- healing b/c of the interaction with Leo's family -- Leo descends into a jealous-madness. The dichotomy is so amusing to watch.

But it is Bob's relationship with Siggy, Leo's son, that is the sweetest unfolding - and is the main cause of friction with Leo. Bob's ability to effortlessly charm his whole family drives Leo to distraction. One of my favorite scenes is where Bob has Siggy teach him how to dive…priceless!
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Fruity psychiatric patient Bill Murray is stalking his stuckup psychiater Richard Dreyfuss. Both actors excell at acting. Funny.
imseeg6 July 2019
Psychiatric patient Bill Murray stalks his psychiatrist and his family while they are on a holiday. The family seems to like Bill Murray though, however crazy he gets, to great frustration of psychiatrist Richard Dreyfuss, who merely wants to get rid of this stalking patient.

Both actors truly act at their best, Bill Murray being over the top silly and Richard Dreyfuss acting as if he is constantly about to implode with anger. Never before has stalking been so funny and relaxed! Recommended for fans of these actors and for anyone who wants to see a comedy that makes fun of all the do's and dont's when one goes into therapy. Funny and charming comedy.
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Bill Murray at his best!
departed0715 January 2008
"What About Bob?" is a laugh-out riot with Bill Murray playing the title character of Bob Wiley, a somewhat neurotic nut ball who's in need of therapy in order to calm his nerves from all the fears he has from germs, elevators, and God knows what else. Richard Dreyfuss plays his psychiatrist Dr. Marvin, a pompous doctor who can't value time with his family until his book becomes a hit and has a chance to talk about it nationwide. It's when Bob and Dr. Marvin meet face-to-face where the barrel of laughs begin with the patient making his life upside down while winning the hearts of his family, enemies and everybody around him. I've been a fan of Bill Murray since his performances from Ghostbusters to Caddyshack and he never disappoints.
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Just wait, it gets better
Smells_Like_Cheese19 June 2006
Right when I began to watch "What about Bob?", I didn't think much of it and was getting kind of bored with it. But right at the end, it got much funnier, especially with Richard Dreyfus's character. Despite What about Bob being incredibly predictable, I wouldn't mind giving this movie another watch again. The movie is pretty funny and very heart touching. As silly as it may sound, it makes you question of who is truly insane and who is really normal? I just loved that all Bill Murray's character needed was just a family who loved him for him. He was a lonely, but such a lovable character. He and Richard together were just great and I would highly recommend this movie for a good laugh.

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Very bad farce
oddysseuss15 June 2011
Silly, cheesy, predictable, not funny farce with a stupid unrealistic plot, dreadful characters, acting terrible. I absolutely do not recommend to watch - I couldn't even finish the film!

Many people commented, that this was one of the worst films they have seen - and I must agree. From the beginning the plot was shabby, predictable, and unpleasant to watch. Bob gets attached to his doctor, who would like to have family privacy on holidays. Bob does some very bad things to find out where the doctor lives - but no one in the film reflects these bad things accordingly, and the family start to like Bob even though they know what Bob did and how he behaved. When he finally gets to meet the family, he behaves like a over-friendly weirdo, but the family like him nonetheless. Totally unrealistic with giant plot holes - classical farce, but not funny.

Oh and apart from the characters of Bob and the doctor, the film is badly casted with annoying actors.
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