Rubin and Ed (1991) Poster


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Quirky, weird, and utterly delightful
illusoryjane29 July 2004
This movie is a story of two failures who get thrown into each other's worlds for one of the most bizarre journeys ever captured on film. As an avid lover of truly weird films, I find Rubin and Ed to be an irresistible comedy.

Crispin Glover is, as always, wonderful. He portrays Rubin, a social outcast and complete shut-in who's forced to go out into the world to prove to his mother that he is making friends, so she'll give him back his stereo.

He comes across Ed (Hessman), who is a "fraud failure" trying his hand as a member of "the organization," which is portrayed as some sort of real estate cult. The two wind up traveling into the Utah West Desert to bury Rubin's recently murdered cat, and come to hate each other entirely as they become the most unlikely pair of friends.

This movie is not for everyone, and indeed it is not easy to find even in Utah (where it is set, and from whence director Trent Harris hails). Rubin and Ed is a remarkably strange and offbeat film. It's the epitome of a cult classic, and as such will inevitably leave you thinking, "huh?" However, if you're tired of Hollywood's sanitized story lines and obvious repetition, I highly recommend trying to find a copy of this movie.
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For those with a strange sense of humor
Volstag2 May 2002
Rubin & Ed is an odd movie. It's a funny movie. There are one-liners in this flick that my friends and I still use to this day ("How do we make money!?" "Work?" "NO!!! REAL ESTATE!!!"). Is it a movie for everyone? Definitely not.

For starters, it's not a movie that many people would call "good" or "funny". You have to have a specific sense of humor to find this movie entertaining. I can easily see how some would think this movie was terrible, or at the very least bewildering.

In the end, this is nothing more than a "buddy movie". The only reason it works (for some) is the interplay between Rubin (Glover) and Ed (Hesseman). Rubin is, quite simply, a complete odd-ball. Ed is the quintessential middle-aged dork trying desperately to be something more than he really is.

The plot, if you could call it that, centers around Rubin attempting to find a suitable place to bury his dead cat, and Ed's pathetic attempts to win his ex-wife back (sort of). All of this is strung together with the strange conversations and "adventures" the two manage to get in.

In closing, if you're a person who enjoys "odd-ball" comedies, this movie is definitely worth a viewing.

I gave it 8/10
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ruskin-462-30415128 August 2012
This is a must for a Crispin Glover fan. I have no idea why it is difficult to find. It is a gem. Great story and very funny. If you don't think it's funny then you must not get it. You know; one of those. My review did not contain 10 lines of text so I must add more. I really really think you should see this movie. Dahhhhhhhh. It is still not long enough. What a stupid requirement that IMDb has. Why? Okay, I will type more meaningless praddle. are you happy now>? No? Still not enough. They want more and more and more. Okay, this is really great! Thanks for listineing Please show your appreciation at the offering plate. Gem stone
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Pure Chewing Satisfaction
sxoidmal22 February 2001
This was a hilarious, hilarious movie. The humor in here is very bizarre and dry and clearly isn't for everyone, but films like this are a staple in the collections of cult intelligentsia.

The premise is not unrealistic, and the characters are not unbelievable. What happens once the action starts is surreal and fantastic, but the story really does start here on Earth and I think that may be an effective hook to make the audience sit and watch the whole thing: how could such a reasonable situation go so incredibly far off course? And it's not just outlandish for the sake of seeing how weird they could possibly get, it's not just arbitrary freak-you-out material, the story is a more or less logical progression of events. Some of the jokes (especially the desperate passage of events in the desert) may churn the casual viewer's stomach, and I think that these contributed to its less than widespread popularity in the States, but anyone with an active imagination and a sense of humor other people don't "get" is going to dig this film. And by gods, is it quotable: you too will find yourself interrupting discussions and social events to announce, "My cat can eat a whole watermelon," or "I am the king of the Echo People," for years - yes, years - afterward.
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Superb Display of Acting
Oskado31 January 2003
I presume this film to have been a "work of love" for Crispin Glover and Howard Hessman - two actors reveling in their trade just for the fun of it and for the personal challenge. The result is both hilarious (I don't use that word lightly) and gratifying, as the two never let us down, but sustain their wonderful best to the end. The budget must have been super-lean, yet the work is crafted to fit within it, resulting in a piece of comic theater that should even provide the two actors themselves with nostalgic sidesplits in years to come.

This film brought to my mind visions of "Rozmarné Léto" (Capricious Summer, by Jiri Menzel) for its humanist humor, and, less obviously, Ataque Verbal, by Albaladejo and crew, for its acting virtuosity - though by Albaladejo, I would sooner recommend Cielo Abierto to anyone unfamiliar with his work.

At first viewing, though I felt the acting good, I considered it narrow in scope. On second viewing, the depth of the characters' problems struck me: one a virtual agoraphobic recluse with little future ahead, the other a whimsical business misfit whose wife's left him. Neither has a clear view of how to escape his predicament, but both see through - or have no choice but to wrestle with - much of the phoneyness of Americana materialism and mercenary dreams.

I just wish this film were more available - and on DVD - I'd like to buy several copies to send to friends.
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Weirdest move ever. No, seriously.
garbuhj17 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I definitely enjoyed the weirdness and quirkiness of the movie... but... jeez, even for a person who enjoys weirdness and quirkiness like me, even for me this movie was pushing my limits. I thought that the non-desert scenes were MUCH better than the desert scenes. Unfortunately, the desert scenes make up the majority of the movie. For people who enjoy odd movies, I'd recommend that they watch this movie, but I'd tell them to hit the pause button and take a few breaks in the middle. It's a very fun and interesting movie, but it gets to be a bit too much for one sitting.

Seriously, this is the weirdest movie ever.
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ralyin2 August 2001
I first saw this movie with friends 5 or six years ago, and to this day the images are as crystal clear as they were that first viewing (and I have watched this movie many, many times since). The premise is wacky, but if that's what you're looking for (unadulterated enjoyment) definitely check this baby out. As another member commented, the lines are quotable, we constantly interjected "My cat can eat a whole watermelon" and, "rub it in your hair and stick it up your butt" into everyday converstaion...every line is a winner!! Crispin Glover and Howard Hessman were perfect for this movie, they could not have cast it better! I highly, highly recommend this movie!!
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Doesn't suck a big one
frankiefan471120 July 2002
As a studier of the human mind, no movie has shown such truth as Rubin and Ed. This film is an eye-opener to the comedic tragedy of human nature, as well as a sign of hope for the seemingly hopeless. Rubin and Ed are classic characters, who surprisingly find help from each other when no one else can help them. This is the movie to see for anyone who wants to laugh, be moved, or be truly enlightened. Definitely weird, absolutely original, positively funny.
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The most interesting cat in the world ........
merklekranz29 August 2015
Is dead, frozen in an ice chest, yet in life could water ski and eat a whole watermelon. Crispin Glover's quest to find the perfect burial spot for his beloved feline is a hilarious trip through the Utah Desert. This dark comedy demands multiple viewings to fully appreciate all the dialog driven drivel. "Rubin and Ed" is the quirky type of cult movie very few people are willing to "put eyeballs on", however the few that do will be richly rewarded. The film revels in it's strangeness, being a plethora of useless information. I mean how often do you wonder how many cats are injured by fan blades each year? Watch "Rubin and Ed" to illuminate yourself to this and dozens of other "never needed to know" answers. The Utah desert vistas are amazing, as Crispin Glover and Howard Hesseman form their symbiotic relationship, trudging towards burial utopia, for the most interesting cat in the world. - MERK
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I would like you to meet my Mother---4/10.
highclark25 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Before there was 'Dumb and Dumber' there was 'Rubin and Ed'. The plot lines between the two movies have striking similarities. Both movies feature two male characters embarking upon a long road trip. In 'Dumb and Dumber' the road trip that Harry and Lloyd take centers around their quest to return a suitcase filled with money to its rightful owner, a beautiful girl living in Aspen, Colorado. In 'Rubin and Ed' things work pretty much the same as they do in 'Dumb and Dumber', except that you would have to obviously replace Harry and Lloyd with Rubin and Ed, then you would have to substitute the suitcase full of money with a frozen dead cat in a green 1960's Coleman Cooler. Oh yes, and then change the beautiful girl living in Aspen, Colorado into the mysterious 'Echo People' not living in a cave somewhere in the Utah desert. Well, perhaps those examples are not striking similarities, but really, what's the point in trying to explain 'Rubin and Ed'?

I don't know where to start, but I think the strongest appeal of this movie is that it offers without any apology, a vastly different movie watching experience, more different and bizarre than any you may ever see. I think at its heart, it really tries to convey the story of two misfits from society, who are equally different from one another, teaming up together, though at times literally miles apart, on a journey to put something that is blocking their progress in life behind them or under them, and thereby getting ahead to the next level. In this case, Rubin needs to bury his cat and make a new friend, while Ed needs to confront the powerful forces of his own failures in life: his wife and through his miserable job, his boss.

The movie features many disturbing and strange images that will most certainly resonate inside your head for weeks after you've watched the movie. Two that come immediately to mind is when Rubin's cat is water skiing during a dream sequence, and of course any scene where Rubin is drinking from a Coleman Cooler. The movie also has its fair share of memorable lines, mostly bizarre observations from Rubin like, "My cat can eat a whole watermelon", or "I am king of the Echo People".

Yes, there are a few things to like about 'Rubin and Ed', for one it is a movie that features Howard Hesseman farting intermittently, it's also a movie that is not at all ashamed in its use of wigs for its principal stars, and most importantly it's a movie that is dedicated to Peter Boyle.

Although it has its share of chuckles and grins along with the many moments of bizarre yuk ups throughout, the movie is ultimately dogged down with an interminable pacing. 'Rubin and Ed' may have fared better if it was pared down to an hour. Even at its current length, coming in a little less than 90 minutes, 'Rubin and Ed' feels like it's easily two hours long. I believe this is in part why Rubin and Ed became box office road kill upon its release in 1991 and why it still is not released on DVD to this day, despite its small cult following. Perhaps when the college kids of today begin to realize that the 'Goonies' is a crap movie, it can make way for the likes or 'Rubin and Ed' on the midnight movie circuit?

That being said, I have to admit that I didn't like this film. I really didn't think it was very funny. And I was bored through most of it.

If you want to see a better film that is almost as slow, a little bit funnier, that also stars two men who spend an entire movie wandering through the desert, try watching 'Ishtar'. Or you can watch the very under-appreciated, 'Withnail and I'. It also features two guys bantering at each other for most of the movie and it has funnier lines and much better acting. Or you can try watching 'Midnight Run'. That movie features great back and forth repartee from Robert DeNiro and Charles Grodin. It's not nearly as bizarre as 'Rubin and Ed', but it's surprisingly hilarious and it has something in its title that someday even Rubin and Ed may have to look forward to; a 'Midnight Run'.

4/10. Clark Richards
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If you like weird movies.
michaelaustin8 April 1999
With so many cookie cutter movies out there with the same characters, plot, and predictability, this film is truly fresh.

You never know where it is going, and when you think you do it goes off in another direction again. It is a bizarre, and quite weird movie so if you like the cult classics and fresh new ideas you have never seen'll love Rubin and Ed.
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Car's back, everything's cool.
jbax4411 October 2004
My memories of this movie date to when Crispin appeared on the Letterman show dressed as Rubin. Totally in character, he attempted to kick Dave in the head with his four inch shoes and I believe has never been invited back.

This movie truly is more quotable than Caddyshack. "Who's the biggest loser in this room?" Rubin: "Raise your hand, Ed." But my favorite line has got to be when Ed finally drags Rubin to that stupid seminar and claims "Car's back, everything's cool."

If you like to laugh, see this movie. It's an all-time cult classic.
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a wonderful find
sellfreelions10 March 2005
imagine a young lad stumbling upon the 99 cent bin in the local video store. a movie that he had never heard of, starring crispin glover, catches his eye. "this looks pretty crappy" he thinks to himself, "but if it stars crispin glover, i suppose i could shell out a buck". the transaction was finalized and the goods were brought home. no one was around to revel in the movie that is rubin and ed, but there was never a need. the movie turned into one of the lad's favorites and he could be heard commenting "dr. scholl's never tasted so good!!!" now even his friends and brothers and brothers of friends can be heard shouting "my cat can eat a whole watermelon" and "why don't you keep your hands off of other people's ?!?" trent harris, i thank you for that young lad, was in fact, emmanuel lewis.
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You have to admit this was a good movie
Captain-4115 April 1999
My cat can't even eat a wedge of watermelon. Rubin and Ed is a superb adventure of Rubin and his dead cat. This may be the best storyline I've seen in a movie in a long time. Rubin's cat dies, he wants to bury it so they go to the desert and get lost. It's genius! This is the funniest movie I've ever seen. Rubin will always have you guessing what strange thing he'll be doing next, and Ed is the perfect portrayal of an unsuccess. Superb!!
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You really need this movie
Lucky-6320 January 2001
Now and then, despite any reservations your brain might have, a movie gotcha. Sometimes you have to see it a dozen times first. Then various lines start to spring from your mouth and you can't and don't want to stop. It doesn't make any sense: the movie is *different* (like pet iguanas and Carmen Ghias), which isn't bad, and trivial (like Who was the Head of the Class? Who shoveled the coal on The Dead Man's train?), and just plain stupid (like Andy Warhol's art, or land so radioactive it'll kill you in 30 seconds, or expensive real estate seminars).

But Oh Lord! for some reason you're tickled pink to see it... every time, you're happy as a clam and pleased as punch. Never mind that when you watch it, everyone thinks you're a fraud failure. Never mind that your cat-loving friends find it repulsive. Why are some people compelled to reinact The Rocky Horror over and over? Why why why why why you may echo?

This movie is "cooler" than some. Cooler movies ask hard stuff, like Who Am I? Who was Mahler? Who was Dr. Scholl, anyways? Drink deep. And remember to be at Room 71 at 6 o'clock, if you want to climb higher and higher.
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Fresh and delightful
Emily_Baines26 December 2015
Tired of typical comedies that are all unfunny and similar? Rubin And Ed is a great solution! It is comedy that doesn't really differ from stuff we are used to see, but it contains new colours of humour.

Good things first. This comedy is quite original. Characters are strange, funny and interesting. As I've just mentioned, humour is subtle and fresh. The movie is weird and memorable. Perhaps the biggest surprise is that movie wasn't predictable! It's full of surprises and slaps (in a good way). Of course, there were some boring moments when I wanted to drink some tea or something, but I was to lazy to do that. But, I guess, the worst thing is quality. Smudgy and quite amateur movie. Sometimes this childish work can irritate a viewer.

So, film wasn't bad. If bad quality isn't problem for you, this comedy is a great choice for any cozy evening - I guess you will love this movie!
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Quirky character driven comedy. Maybe a little too low key, but amusing enough.
Infofreak11 February 2003
I really enjoyed Trent Harris' bizarre Mormon comedy 'Plan Ten From Outer Space' (no relation to Ed Wood by the way), so I was pleased when I finally managed to see this, his previous movie. Not available on DVD yet as far as I know, it's worth trying to find in the video racks. i can't say I enjoyed it as much as 'Plan Ten...' but it was still an amusing and quirky comedy. Extremely low key, not really belly laugh material, but funny. The more you like Crispin Glover ('River's Edge') and 60s veteran Howard Hesseman ('Billy Jack') the more you will enjoy 'Rubin And Ed', as the comedy is mainly generated from their relationship. Hesseman plays Ed, an unsuccessful salesman who latches on to a weird slacker Rubin (Glover), desperately trying to make a sale. Rubin's beloved cat has recently died and he is searching for just the right resting place. Ed reluctantly assists him on his quest, and before you know it they get lost in the desert. Then things start to go downhill. Glover and Hesseman are both in fine form throughout. The rest of the cast are largely unknowns, apart from Karen Black ('Five Easy Pieces') as Hesseman's estranged wife. (Black also appears in 'Plan Ten From Outer Space') I enjoyed seeing her again as she is a most underrated actress, and I also was amused by the movies running gag involving Andy Warhol. Humour is a very personal thing, and this movie may not appeal to everybody, but I liked it.
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bassplayer-9214722 August 2018
I wonder if this will qualify as a cult classic. It does require a specific sense of humor, like the book Life Seemed Good, But.... A collection of short quirky stories. Either you get it or you don't.
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Echo people....
The_Naked_Kiss5 January 2007
Crispin Glover is Rubin Farr, a long haired, cat loving recluse who spends his days listening to Mahler and squeaking his dead cats mouse. He lives in a motel room in a motel that his mother runs and owns.

Rubin's mother is sick of Rubin having no friends and threatens to takes away his music and return it only when he bring homes a friend. Enter Ed. A hopeless failure with a massive anger problem currently active in an organization that he has no idea is a pyramid scheme.The two meet up and the chaos begins.

Rubin hijacks Ed's car to in order to find the perfect place to bury his dead cat Simon. Deciding finally to bury the cat in the desert, they make the trip only to have the car break down,and end up stranded. Simon finally rests in the cave of the echo people.

Meanwhile back in civilization the police are after Ed . Ed finds himself in a right mess, liable for Grand theft auto and kidnapping.As Ed says.... "it's going to get weird now, isn't it?".

The casting, the sets and costumes are flawless. If you love movies with offbeat characters and wacky story lines, Rubin and Ed will indulge you to the fullest. Whilst the comedy might not be favored by all, the showdown scene where Rubin flings his shoe at Rula(Karen Black)will be guaranteed to give everyone a laugh
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Brilliant, whacky, funny!
RatedVforVinny10 September 2019
This movie coupled with the infamous interview on the David Letterman Show, has to go down as one of the all time funniest films. The story is suitably absurd (burying a dead cat miles away in the desert) but well within the bounds of 'mad cap' Crispin Glover's own persona and the 'out of his tree' character he plays. Sometimes you think there is something seriously wrong with this kid, though anyone who has viewed 'The Rivers Edge', will know what a unique and diverse talent he actually is. The 70's clothing, style and oddball coupling with an ultra conservative salesman, drives them both to the edge of sanity and then back to a realization of how the world really revolves. There are some delightful twists and turns (and a bundle of laughs) all the way through but also with a tinge of sadness (for two of the most hapless characters ever committed to film). Strange that in the end you are rooting for their success, as everyone loves the underdog.
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Who is the miserable failure in this room?
reverendtom30 November 2006
This is a really great, special little film. I'm very surprised that it is as obscure and scarce as it is. I think with a wider release on DVD, this movie would find an audience with Glover fans and people who like strange films. The appeal goes beyond just cult status, though, as it has genuine charm and even some warmth thrown in with the bizarreness of it all. Hesseman is great as Ed, the beaten, downtrodden sort of failed businessman character. And Glover, well, he's amazing as the demented Rubin. This film seems almost ahead of its time. I think people would "get it" today. There are some truly hilarious sequences, some food for thought, and overall the film is just a really good time. 10/10 for sure.
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An Absolutely Fantastic Film!
fogish18 June 2000
Great movie about 2 guys, a dead cat, a seminar with "the organization," their adventures in Utah's west desert and how friendship can blossom from this. you have to see it to understand it all, words do it no justice.
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My cat can eat a whole watermelon
lymphnode23 August 2001
This is one of my favorite movies EVER . . . and that is a bold statement. I have shown it to a few people who simply did not understand, so there is the chance that this film is not for everyone, though it should be. Crispin Glover is . . . well, he is Crispin Glover. If you like Crispin at all and have not seen this film, you should first apologize to yourself over and over again for about an hour, then run to a video store that might have this film. I would say, go out and buy this film, but for some WONDERFUL reason, they still want about $100 for the tape. I have already sent a bazillion email requests for the DVD to be made. . . but evidently they are too busy making sure Candyman II is made first. So rent it, watch it, love it, watch it some more and then tell all of your friends, because some day I want to say to someone, "Have you seen Rubin and Ed?" and they smile in recognition of the words that I speak . . . instead of going through a whole lot of "huh" "what" . . . "george mcfly?" . . .
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Four unforgettable scenes
donmule200310 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I was given this movie on a video cassette 15 years ago and watched it one time. I do not remember much, except for that it was a buddy movie, and the two main characters were doing each other a favor. Rubin promised to attend Ed's real estate seminar if Ed would help Rubin find a place to bury his cat.

But there were four scenes that have stuck with me forever: Two took place in the desert where they were looking for a proper burial site, and it had to do with quenching Rubin's thirst. These scenes will gross you out in ways you could never imagine. The other two scenes were hilarious, and took place towards the end of the movie. One took place at the real estate seminar; the other outside an ATM and involved Ed's first wife (Karen Black).

Well worth watching, if you can find it.
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