Graffiti Bridge (1990) Poster

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Celebrations in full swing! Luv yer movie, Mann!
Incense_And_Candles19 April 2024
In 1991, Prince was quoted as saying:

"Graffiti Bridge was one of the purest, most spiritual, uplifting things I've ever done. It was non-violent, positive and had no blatant sex scenes. Maybe it will take people 30 years to get it. They trashed The Wizard of Oz at first, too."

That quote has stuck with us over the years, so we decided to let three decades pass before bringing Prince's "Purple Rain" sequel, "Graffiti Bridge" back to the big screen. The follow-up to my all-time favorite movie remains a surreal viewing experience. If you never experienced this forgotten gem on the big screen, now's your chance. Limited run in select theatres or catch it at private function screenings by itself or with a movie thats purple.
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What exactly is going on in this movie?
Vigilante-40730 June 2001
That's the question I was asking myself as I watched it. Now, I know that it is a pseudo-sequel to the much-better and more coherent Purple Rain and it showed, especially with all the motorcycle trips out to the "graffiti bridge" (very similar in appearance to some of the lake sequences in the previous movie). And Morris Day and the Time are around again. That's really where any comparision ends.

Prince's character is hyped-up on spirituality (which of course, isn't popular with the club crowds in the film). But ever other spiritually-themed song is followed by one that is much more sexually-charged and with little if no connection to the theme the character is trying to get past. The phrase "in the Temple" is used way too often in way too many of the songs, and is often the only religious link in any of the tunes.

This movie seems to reflect the quagmire that was inside Prince himself at the time...He was trying new things but very disjointedly. The New Power Generation had replaced the Revolution, and there are many occurences of the symbol that would become his name (at least early forms of it).

The highlights of the film for me were the performances of Morris Day and the Time, Mavis Staples, George Clinton (even though he seemed to be performing a Prince tune instead of his own work) and the short dance number by Tevin Campbell.

If you like Prince, take a gander at the film...just don't expect Purple Rain. If you don't like Prince, don't bother.
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Not that bad. The music is great, anyway.
zetes21 September 2014
The movie that put an abrupt stop to Prince's movie career. Oh, it's a bad movie, all right, but I don't quite get that it's one of the worst movies ever, or even that it's significantly worse than Purple Rain. Honestly, I think I prefer it, just a bit, to the 1984 film. It's far shorter and it's way goofier - doesn't take itself as seriously. Sure, Purple Rain - the album - is Prince's masterpiece, but the soundtrack to Graffiti Bridge, while more stuck in the late 80s/early 90s and less timeless, is pretty great, too. Plot-wise, the two films are pretty similar. Prince is the good guy, Morris Day is the bad guy. They both fight over a girl (here it's Ingrid Chavez, who is beautiful but lacks the charisma of Apollonia; she's most famous for co-writing the Madonna song "Justify My Love"). There are a lot of songs. The set design here is pretty fantastic, and gives the film a surreal feel. I'm surprised the film isn't more beloved by cult audiences. It's very weird. And laughable, but in a fun way. Morris Day threatened to be more interesting in Purple Rain, and he succeeds in being so here. Prince has far less presence.
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Yes, it's a mess, but I do like watching it on occasion.
San Franciscan24 February 2003
Okay, okay, it's a mess, but it makes me feel good and I like watching it, okay? ;)

It's not bias, you understand: I am willing to admit that it's just as muddled as anyone else. And it took at least three viewings for me to understand what it was attempting to say. But I finally got the basic idea, and somehow it comforts me.

I'll try to explain since so many have grown confused by it in hopes of helping understanding.

The basic plot: Prince and Morris Day are co-owners of a club called Glam Slam. Prince represents good with flaws, Morris Day represents evil with potential good. It's a battle of good vs. evil for Glam Slam. Prince at first attempts to win with a wildly sexual song (after quite a few wildly sexual songs), but fails to do any good. But finally, he realizes that love and God's grace is the real way and wins with a heartfelt spiritual ballad called "Still Would Stand All Time". And he embraces Morris Day, who realizes the error of his ways, and everyone lives happily ever after.

Seriously, that's the basic idea. It's botched in its attempt, but that's what Prince was attempting to do: make a musical pop parable. And somehow, even with all its muddled attempts, the movie makes me smile and feel good about myself, the world and life in general. So to that end, I'm pleased to own it.

It's a mess and easily the weakest of the movies Prince made, and I don't watch it as much as his other ones by a long shot, but its good intentions and cheerful tone somehow entertain me. So hey, I like it, and I can think of a lot of other crummy films out there which I would diss any day to watch this instead.
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Pretty Bad and Offbeat
gator11107 April 2008
This was not a good idea to say the least. This was a pretty atrocious movie from start to finish. The major problem was Prince tried to have his hands in everything in this film and it doesn't work. He wrote, produced, directed, and starred in this movie. This was a bad move. Now the music in the movie was slamming because Prince is always on point when it comes to music, but the rest doesn't make a lot of sense. It's very offbeat. Many times in the movie for no apparent reason Prince would lift up his girl and they would just stare at each other for minutes at a time with no dialog. There's a lot of weird and pointless situations that happen like this throughout the movie. Because of this the movie crashes and burns.

Now I'm a fan of Prince's music. He's definitely a brilliant artist but he honestly should have had someone else write the script. He's always gonna come correct with the music, but the rest he might not wanna work in. Purple Rain was cool and so was Under the Cherry Moon, but this one shouldn't of been given the green light. If there's anything good that comes from this movie it's the soundtrack.
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"Awful" doesn't even BEGIN to describe this . . .
BrianG18 April 2000
Where do you start? I would rather sit through a nonstop marathon of Madonna's movies; I would rather be chained to a stake and have to fight off a horde of ravenous crocodiles while watching Richard Simmons and 300 fat women sweating to the oldies; I would rather listen to a recording of Fran Drescher singing the aria from "The Barber of Seville" in SurroundSound than ever have to sit through this thing again. Absolutely everything about this film is absolutely awful. The ultimate vanity project. Even if you like his music, forcing yourself to submit to this boring, pretentious, disjointed tribute by an egomaniac to himself isn't worth it. Buy the album if you must. Avoid this steaming pile of offal at all costs.
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God, what in the hell was Prince thinking???
2freaky4church-221 August 2000
A mumbling, pandering piece of fluff. Touched by an angel before it was sheik. Great music wasted in bad plot about a spiritual rivalry. A spiritual movie is hard to make without being preachy, but this movie doesn't say a thing. Prince sleeps and mumbles. His acting is like he was reading from a teleprompter in his crotch. The stage bits are all right but the idea that people are all turned off by Princes' wonderful music is laughable at best. Morris Day is good as usual, but he doesn't have much of a script to work with. The angel plot point would make more sense if we actually knew why she was there in the first damn place. Was she trying to save Morris or Prince? Also, didn't realize that a wanton jeep could kill an angel, I thought they didn't die. The sets look like a game show backdrop and you don't feel like this is a movie with much brains. Prince gloated in an interview that the film didn't have sex or violence. Guess what Prince, it doesn't have brains either. A glam, throw away. Great music wasted..Once again, "why was this movie made"?
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Oh dear.
Filboid_Studge15 September 2004
This is a hideously, embarrassingly bad film. Prince spends much of it sliming about attempting to look enticing, wearing a truly disgusting beard and what looks like some kind of toddler's romper suit which gives him the appearance of just having arrived from a special needs pageant. Finding a spider in your bed would be sexier.

As for the story, what story? This was an extended pop video for some shockingly bad music made by someone whose talent seems to have melted away faster than the polar ice caps. The sets looked fake; the spiritual aspect of the babble spouted by the characters was utterly ridiculous and the in-jokes and the feel of vanity on show was suffocating.

I watched until the end, yes, but I enjoy car crashes.
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If the estate leaked it today, it'd be #1
Purple_Rayne7 April 2024
Can you imagine if this film was leaked from the estates vault now?! I think we would have a different opinion of the film. I suspect that any Prince movie that might be released in the future will be favoured regardless of content. His genius needs intuitive moviegoers to take the time to understand what he was trying to convey. Keeping an open mind is key. Acting aside the music makes it watchable. Graffiti Bridge could have been great, but IMO most of the faults come down to bad sequencing and editing.

Have you seen the terrific outtakes? The "Can't Stop This Feeling I Got" video which would have started the movie is absolutely brilliant and could have set a different tone to the movie. Bring that back, cut out Tevin whose part wasn't needed, sequence the story a bit better and you have a way more popular film. I enjoy the film as is, and I think a lot of the criticism it gets is hugely exaggerated...With all due respect, I would put forth that anyone who claims GB is "the worst film ever made" has never seen a truly crappy movie. Hardcore Prince fans will love every minute of it.
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Borrowed the dvd from the library and aced my schoolwork for once lol. Thanks Prince!
Blackberry_Jam19 April 2024
After binge-watching Prince concerts I decided to check this movie out from the library for a school project. I think this is a profound movie. It has a message behind it versus Purple Rain. Not that I am putting Purple Rain down, I personally loved both movies. But this movie reflects on the previous movie and shows how The Kid has grown and continues to grow, while Morris and his crew are only concerned about money, sex and winning when it comes to The Kid. He still brings up low down things like the fact that The Kid's mother went crazy after the father passed. Prince shows a more spiritual side of himself on the "Graffiti Bridge" album and his singing and choreography is sure to please. Thanks Prince for helping me ace my schoolwork for once!! Lol.
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At least I liked it
supacoolmario15 January 2005
There can't be more than a few hundred people on earth who really dug this movie, but I have it and I think it's the bomb. True, it's like a hip-hop-gospel musical in which no one has bothered to learn how to act. And the forget the set, because it doesn't even try to look real. This is strictly for the die-hard Prince fans.

Thankfully, PRince found it in his heart to make room on his soundtrack for other musical acts besides himself, except for the unfortunate Ingrid Chavez.

My biggest problem is that it is clear in this movie how much whiter he looks than he did in Purple Rain. Since then and to this day, he looks whiter than he did in the 80's. He can't blame it on vitiligo(or whatever it's called) like Michael Jackson did, so it must be the makeup. Also, one has to notice that he promotes interracial relationships, but not equally. Just like in Purple Rain, there are lots of black men with white women, but no black women with white men.

Anyway, the soundtrack's cool, and fans should enjoy it.
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W1gger-Approved lol
on_the_couch_25 April 2024
Guys, I in the 90's I, too wanted to have flattop hair and ONLY have black girlfriends who listened to Michael Jackson or Prince. THEY KNOW WHAT TO DO LOL. This one time, my buddy Josh, he said Graffiti Bridge is the go-to rental for FIRST or even SECOND BASE. :) Usually he lies ALOT, but lemme just say that this time he was in fact correct. First, it gots romantic looking backgrounds, not gritty or so dimly lit you can't see nothing. Nobody wants to switch to another movie partway through. The movie goes at a relaxed pace and there a few hot conversation starters there too! If a date don't like what Jill did, they are DUMB! Jills the best! The deleted scene that happened after the thing Jill did was like whoa. If you see Josh you could ask him about it.
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Splurge on a big popcorn for this one
Cinnamon_Gurl_18 April 2024
Prince's direction, interestingly enough, is actually pretty good! The plot centers on a group of nightclubs, all left to Day and The Kid in a will, being run by Day, one run by The Kid. Day is attempting to monopolize the whole area so that he can make as much money as possible and guarantee that all money and traffic is coming to him in the end. The Kid is defiantly using his club for the spiritual message that, by this time, was becoming a lot more important to Prince himself. They reference the fact, repeatedly, that no one at The Kid's club is drinking and so on. He insists that this message is the important thing, the message of love, and Morris insists there is no money in it. The set design is actually pretty interesting, a very obviously studio streetcorner, but with that wonderful appeal of the unrealistically close but detailed building façades, as well as those carefully placed cars in the street. I don't know what it is that I so like about those sets--usually indicative of something stagey like a musical, but I suppose somehow comfortable for their reduced size.

The showcase of the film, obviously, is Prince's music, and the performances put on by him and a handful of others. This soundtrack, overall, is not as strong as his previous film, though. Aura is the main vehicle for the message of the film, a seeming angel, encouraging the Kid to follow spiritual principles in his battle of wills with Morris. She is actually pretty decent at conveying this impression, I feel it's worth noting. And on the same note of performance, His Purple Majesty deserves some recognition for the first time he's writing a letter to his father. Surprisingly well played by the feisty musical virtuoso, and sort of lost in the awkward and amateurish acting of most of the supporting cast behind the three or four main stars. Still, not nearly as awful as it's usually claimed. Splurge on the big popcorn and try Fandango for tickets.
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"Who am I to judge?"
The_Movie_Cat22 February 2001
Maybe I'm not the best person to judge a Prince film as I am partial to his music. And, while he's no De Niro, with his expressive face, I don't think he's that terrible an actor either. I wouldn't particularly want to see him taking on "straight" roles, but he gives a performance that can carry a well-meaning musical, as indeed this is.

Yet despite all this, Graffiti Bridge is a movie I had low expectations of after poor reviews and a straight-to-video release in the UK. Not only that, but the soundtrack album, an eclectic collection of songs at best, was perhaps Prince's only faux pas in his strong 1980-1991 period. While Controversy may have been indulgent and Batman/Diamonds and Pearls more progressively mainstream, none of the albums contained anything as truly terrible as this film's title song, arguably the worst Prince song of all time.

Yet the film – an unofficial sequel to Purple Rain - is surprisingly entertaining. The direction by Prince himself is remarkably assured, and while the performances by fellow musicians aren't quite so polished, they are fun, Morris Day particularly. Only Ingrid Chavez really disappoints with a slightly wooden diction. The script isn't all that hot, though Prince shows noted self-effacement in the dialogue on occasion. (He's alternately described as a "little cricket" and a "little prick" at various stages). As he himself said around the time, he wasn't trying to be Francis Ford Coppola.

The deliberately cartoonish, pseudo-noir sets evoke memories of the Tim Burton Batman movies, while the variable song material works far better within the film's framework than as a stand-alone CD spin-off. All are present and correct from said album, except the opener "Can't Stop This Feeling I Got". The movie also contains four songs not on the soundtrack – "Seven Corners", "Blondie", "Jerk Out" and "Number 1". In the case of the latter, a trite ditty performed by Robin Power, this is perhaps fortunate. The tracks are arguably more derivative than usual – the funky "Shake!" has a chord line more than a little similar to "96 Tears". Though that said, while not first-rate Prince, songs like New Power Generation, Thieves in the Temple and Still Would Stand All Time are above standard. Even weaker efforts like The Question of U and Elephants & Flowers seem improved within this context, even if the miming doesn't always convince.

Some of the dance sequences – The Time performing Release It and, in particular, prodigiously talented Tevin Campbell with Round and Round - are excellent. Some of the dialogue passages ("Abandoned on the street at the tender age of seven, how could I ever learn the real meaning of Heaven?") indicate the artist's increasing pretension and loss of irony, however. While the repetitious drama inherent – Prince as noble romantic underdog hero; Day as all-powerful, lecherous villain – doesn't really go anywhere, but this is by no means the turkey it's trumped up to be. Admittedly more of a film for aficionados of Prince and his music, as a light-hearted showcase of said subject it succeeds admirably.

Post-script, August 2016: When I reviewed this 15 years ago I said "Maybe I'm not the best person to judge a Prince film"... how right I was. Somehow managing to give it 6/10, I watched what is a sub-par movie through Purple tinted glasses. Prince fans might enjoy this film... but only once.
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Understanding (possible spoiler)
burke218222 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
First off I will say that I am not a prince fan. I have nothing bad to say about him or his music or his movies, I am just not into it. However I love this movie. I've read a lot of horrible reviews about it, and all I can say to them is that most of them are due to the fact that you are trying to compare movies. On its own this movie is beautiful, the schematics of it, the scenery and set design, and the use of music to tell the story. To watch this movie on its own without a mind bias of assuming that because you liked and understood the previous movies, you will like and understand this find many elements of it that do appeal. The fact that there was very little speaking and more body language is beautiful, The total distinction between all of the characters is beautiful. The total distinction in each and every song being unique is beautiful. When I first saw this movie the one thing that outright attracted me was "Aura". Ingrid Chavez's use of body language, in particular her facial expressions throughout this film are amazing. Each character had a very clear role and very clearly expressed what that role is. The set designs are both nostalgic and creative without being too overly artistic, there is no exact time and place for this film, sometimes you think you're in the 1920's in a back alley of a speakeasy, sometimes you think you're in the 1980's dreaming about the 1990's. I believe the main thing that causes people to dislike this movie so much is a misunderstanding of the roles and the purposes in it. yes it is a battle between good and evil in a sense, but good(the kid) and evil(morris day) are NOT the focus points of it. The focus is Aura. In a chess game it is necessary to protect the king, however the queen is the most powerful player on the board and it is very difficult to win a game if she is lost unless her sacrifice is so that the king or the other players are in position to check mate. she can move in any direct and any amount of spaces. Ingrid Chavez did that very well. Aura was quiet yet not silenced, she only spoke when necessary and all the rest was expressed in her face. she did just what anyone else would do in her situation, knowing what the outcome would be, she still attempted to get there in other ways. Along side of the character of Aura, is the music. People are forgetting that this is NOT just a movie but a musical. Musicals are meant to be expressive and theatrical, they are not meant to WOW you like other films by visuals and plots. They are meant to open your mind and make you think and possibly find answers to things you don't know. Does anyone know if angels exist? Would you know an angel if you saw one? Could someones heart really truly be bad? Can people change? Is all music good or just the kind that makes us dance? Do actions speak louder than words? Do sinners have souls? All these questions can be pondered by watching this movie. But most people don't see that, all they see is that this movie isn't like Purple Rain, or Under the Cherry Moon, all they can see is that they have to think a little bit in order to enjoy it and since it isn't spelled out for them or so overly artistic that it must have reason then it must be the "worst prince movie ever". For Prince fans they don't see that, all they see is that Prince is not the main point, he is not as involved in it as he was in the other films, there are even less scenes with him even in it, and to them the music doesn't compare to the outright served up on a silver platter music of the others. it must be the "worst prince movie ever". Loose all of your biases, and this movie becomes one of the classic good movies. The main bias to loose is that this is not a Prince Movie...It's a Movie/Musical from the mind of Prince.
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A ghastly film with some amazing songs
cliffordx20004 August 2005
Graffitti Bridge is a ghastly film. Too much style. In fact the film is all style and absolutely no substance. The "plot" seems to have been thrown in at the last minute. Ingrid Chavez and her acting is a site to behold. Her lines are read as if she memorized them and has no idea what she is saying. The relationship between Morris Day and Jerome is SOO homo-erotic, and then when they 'accidentally' touch each other in the dark and are repulsed to the point of vomiting is truly a homophobe highpoint....AND YET the songs "A Question Of You" and "Joy In Repetition" are amazing gems lost in the crud. Prince spends the entire film looking like Courtney Cox with a beard. A weird dud.
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bad sequel
SnoopyStyle10 June 2016
Billy has left the Glam Slam Club to both The Kid (Prince) and Morris Day. The Kid runs the club day-to-day but Morris wants to take it over. Morris also runs the rival Pandemonium Club and wants to control every club in the area. Glam Slam isn't doing so well and The Kid doesn't seem to care. Aura is a mysterious girl who often writes on a Graffiti Bridge in the park.

This is the 'Batman & Robin' of 'Purple Rain'. The original Purple Rain has an indie charm to it and an amazing soundtrack. This sequel is a lot of flashy neon, Morris Day being a crazy villain, and a brooding Prince. The charm is almost all gone. There are a couple of passable songs but otherwise, it's a hopeless endeavor.
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A must for Prince fans --- and no one else
deam5 February 2000
As vibrant, creative and joyfully tuneful as the soundtrack is, it's almost a violation of the laws of physics that the film itself is so unspeakably awful. Plodding, plotless, static, a terrible, terrible mistake. It's enough to make a man change his name to an unpronouncable symbol! But by all means, get that soundtrack.
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Prince is incredible in this movie!!! NEW JACK SWING IS HERE TO STAY!:D
farida_jackson4 April 2024
"Cleverly done" is the psychically channelled review I got for Graffiti Bridge. I LOVED Prince in this movie. The music and high energy dancing is incredible, and its refreshing to pick a movie you don't have to prescreen first. Purchasing on youtube was simple and quick...I highly recommend this award-winning film to anyone wanting to have a good time. Perfect for screening parties or date night. Lets see, what to randomly say without giving away any spoilers...the jittery movie title font is very cute...the animated letters seem nervous you'll know its made by a gemeni with a great sense of humer- Prince!

P.s. Prince is so fine. :)
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DIEHARD FANS HAVE TO WATCH THIS MOVIE (see you at the Prince fan meetups!)
C-O-N-T-R-A-V-E-R-S-Y18 April 2024
An interesting concept that breaks out of the conventions of cinematic reality and brushes lightly on surrealism. Graffiti Bridge was a good album. An unofficial sequel to Purple Rain, The Kid (Prince) & Morris Day are once again pitted against one another, only this time both are club owners, with The Kid in hock to Day & struggling to make ends meat. Refusing to sign over his club to his archrival, The Kid attempts to settle his debts through a song-writing contest. If he loses, the club goes to Day. The film has its moments - notably musical highlights such as Thieves In The Temple, Shake! & New Power Generation; & Morris Day gives a highly entertaining performance. DIE HARD FANS MUST WATCH THIS RAD MOVIE LOL (see you at the fan meetups!)
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Under the Graffiti Bridge
buzznzipp199522 July 2006
With such potential to be major and yet, with such manner of 'pooch-screwin'' going on. Who am I to judge? Well la dee dah, who in the Hell do I have to be? I paid to see this one, that's who I am.

The only reason I gave it a '1' was because Morris Day was in it. Although the director really sucked and then Sucked, and sucked some more. Sorry Prince old' boy.

From the 'sets' and decor to the story or lack there of, this goofy feature was just spinning out of reason, plot, goodness, sense, creativity and sanity. Was this musical 'sewer-pickle' supposed to be a serious work? Or was it just the boys from Minneapolis getting together for a screen party? Funny thing is, Prince has a super creative mind in music, apparently that doesn't translate well to film...unfortunately. I mean...I'm not pickin'on Mr. Nelson, but take a look at 'Purple rain'. It won awards, but was not directed by Prince.

Now I should clarify the only directing of his that was okay, was 'Under The Cherry Moon' (1986) In contrast thought I don't believe the numbers at the box office were sustaining for that movie project.

Good news is, the sound track was a 'seller' from what I understood. I don't know if I'll ever figure what he was attempting to convey, other than to bring about the glory days of a sequel to 'Rain'. Next time get a better writer/director combo and take a little more time on the development of the story and it's characters. Go back to 'real' locations, not fake-looking set-ups. Try a documentary, maybe.(*)
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Audiophiles, this ones for you
dirty_mind_12 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Graffiti Bridge dvd is pure treats . The anamorphic video transfer (again letterboxed at 1.85:1), is largely clear and sharp, rendering some beautifully-saturated colours and maintaining definition, even under soft-focus conditions. The Dolby Surround audio is what you want it to be-impressive during the dialogue scenes, and really jumps to life during the lively and carefully-crafted musical numbers. As 2024 stoned moviegoing drunk audiences became the norm, we are given less excellence, and its only when revisiting production standards of a time when filmmakers pulled out all the stops in hope of being "Michael-calibre", that we recognize the level of skill needed to impress a saavy crowd. Prince and his team clearly put the effort in. As for extras, in addition to the film's trailer, we have videos for "New Power Generation," the top 10 hit "Thieves in the Temple," and "Round and Round" (all of which are heavily dependant upon clips from the film), as well as one for "The Question of U," as an in-concert segment.

This would make a cool birthday gift paired with:

a) a rockstar lookin leather jacket b) big V-necked shirt à la Prince, c) a book that "The Kid" wouldn't want to to pelt down lol or d) a pad of novelty shaped sticky-notes (for automatic writing/jotting down psychic messages which are cool or funny).
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great to watch in mixed company
NudeTourJunkie18 April 2024
I own this movie and have watched it several times throughout the years since it was released. Prince stuns us with his phenomenal acting style, he's an accomplished musician, and I feel like that is what he displayed here, he's just the best one to tell this story through influence. Most of this movie is straightforward and teenish but that is not the directors/writers fault, its rated PG-13 and thats better, nobody gon be traumatized when they chillin in front their tv, mild suspense is there, you can just have it randomly playing in the background and people are really receptive to this movie when you have mixed company over. Still it is a great movie with even better music. The principals and moral convictions in Graffiti Bridge are quite strong, and if more movies would rely on the basics we are taught as young children we would have a better all around environment seeing that art reflects life which reflects art.
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Dougie C18 February 1999
Prince hasn't made a movie since this one (Thank God!) The thing that scares me the most, is that I am a Prince fan. Buy the soundtrack, because it is the only thing good about this movie.
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