Johnny Be Good (1988) Poster

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So Disappointing
atlasmb3 September 2014
Just three years after "The Breakfast Club", this film reunites Michael Anthony Hall and Paul Gleason. It aims to achieve the irreverent humor of a film like "Stripes" combined with the titillation of "Porky's". Almost every character in this film is a caricature. You can tell a lot of people put a lot of work into this film, so where does it go wrong?

First, the film's primary story--about a football phenom who is unscrupulously recruited by every powerhouse program in the country--is a serious drag on the humor. There is nothing funny about the sacrifice of educational values to the football money machine.

Secondly, the film tries to include every standard feature of every youth comedy film--the clueless adults, the topless scenes, the humor centering on sex and alcohol--and in so doing, becomes a parody of itself.

I am deducting one point just for the colossal waste of talent.

Robert Downey Jr. is wasted here, playing the wacky sidekick. Uma Thurman's performance as the hometown girlfriend is lost in the silliness.

The entire film is predictable, sometimes cringe-worthy, and boring.

In a scene near the end of the film Hall, Downey and Thurman drive off in a convertible to begin their post-high school lives and there is a sense of what this film could have been: an interesting exploration of the lives of three kids who have issues to face and things to learn. It might even have been funny, too.
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unfunny comedy
SnoopyStyle13 April 2015
Johnny Walker (Anthony Michael Hall) is the star high school football quarterback and punter. Backup quarterback Leo Wiggins (Robert Downey Jr.) is his best friend that never gets into the game. Wayne Hisler (Paul Gleason) is the hated coach. They win the championship and Johnny is recruited by everybody. His girlfriend Georgia Elkans (Uma Thurman) wants him to follow her to State college for a solid education.

There are nobody to like in this movie. This is trying to be a comedy but it's not funny. This subject could allow for a dark gritty realistic tale of bad recruitment practices but it's so fake. The writing is nowhere near sharp enough. It's always fascinating to see a young star and this one has Uma Thurman. Hall isn't convincing or likable. Downey is mugging for the camera too much without getting any laughs. This is Bud S. Smith's one and only directing credit. There's a reason for that.
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Lots of problems here
photoe1 March 2019
This film has two main things going for it - nostalgia and the ability to fantasize about having Uma Thurmann as your girlfriend in 1988. There are many fantastic shots of her in all measure of garb, including a wonderful body-length pajamas. Lots of nice white tops and jeans. Phew and Rowrrrrr.....

Anthony Michael Hall is an actor I decided I liked after all in his later career when he played Bill Gates in Pirates of Silicon Valley. He's got a measured confidence mixed with some menace underneath that all-american blonde facade. Despite what some might some might say about Hall's depth, he is about the only thing saving this movie from absolute disaster.

I actually found Robert Downey Jr to be mostly insufferable in this film, and its very early for him, but he isn't given a lot to work with. He does have a few good lines, though.

Structurally, this movie has a lot of problems. The plot is insanely thin, and it sort of purports to a certain amount of morality, but then it does not a lot to support that assumption. It lays out Hall's character compromise of his character in such an extreme, laughable manner, it's pretty hard to take it seriously. It's a movie that is sort of making fun of itself, or maybe the director and actors are mocking the script. It's got that feel of not being taken super seriously, something that happened quite a bit in the 80s and made for some charming fare, but also made for some not cogent films. The production values and soundtrack are good, however. The music is period, and well curated, but featuring lesser known tracks, not all well-known hits. I also always like seeing the uncluttered life of the 1980s, no cel phones, still a certain amount of neon, nice 1970s and 1980s cars, and the general party atmosphere of the time.

As I said, however, the number one reason to watch this is for Uma Thurmann. The one realistic thing about this movie is that in real life, this guy probably would be stupid enough to lose Uma Thurmann. Of course in real life, he never would have been dating her in the first place.
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Are We Supposed to Feel Sorry For This Jerk? (SPOILERS)
vertigo_142 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
There is so much wrong with Johnny Be Good, I can't believe there was one viewer that actually had something good to say about it. And I'm an idiot for having bought this garbage.

In short, the story goes like this. Senior football player is the highlight of recruiters all over, and they all want Johnny to play for their school. He spends time, though, going to two schools who promise the most crap--money, girls, beer, whatever he wants. His coach, on the other hand, is going to blackball him if Johnny doesn't go to the school that his coach tells him because he's expecting a coaching job out of it. Meanwhile, there's an NCAA investigation going on into recruitment procedures. Blah...blah...blah...Johnny realizes what a jerk he's been (in reality, I don't think a guy like that would ever say no to incredulous amounts of material pampering) and says no way. Then, he gets some sense. The end.

First of all, we have the lame story of some stud high school football player enjoying the cut throat recruitment of some hot shot colleges who promises every kind of material incentive to get him to go to school. Perhaps the film is making a valid point about the disgusting lengths colleges go to to get players on their team (a cost allocated to the rest of the students, no less). However, the movie, which plays out like a baffling unrealistic boyish fantasy of wild romps and beer busts, absorbs any sort of validity the story might have.

And my copy of the video is sure to notify viewers that more sexually suggestive footage had been added than was in the original release, like any of it is worth watching anyways.

Not only is the story boring watching Johnny Walker go from school to school to be pampered, but the "hero" of the story is unbearably obnoxious. It figures. Somewhere after his great performances in John Hughes's movies, Anthony Michael Hall seemed to turn into an unlikeable teenager, and one that never really looked like he enjoyed acting in any of the movies he was in (see Out of Bounds). Johnny Walker is some jerk kid who expects everyone to just fall in love with him. One of those characters where, no matter what he does, everything will work out his way. (Just look at the sequence where he takes revenge on his coach--what the hell are we supposed to make of that? Especially when everyone's attitude is so apathetic).

Robert Downey, Jr. is an even bigger waste, and also a confusion, babbling the most idiotic lines throughout the movie. He's hardly interesting, much less funny. And, Uma Thurman, who plays Johnny's girlfriend, Georgia, doesn't seem to get anything but crap from her boyfriend.

Johnny Walker epitomizes the kind of kids I hated in high school. Jocks who always got a free ride, and walked around with a holier than thou attitude like the rest of the world should kiss their feet because they knew how to toss around a football. And he's supposed to be our hero?

I can learn to like 80s teen trash, but this movie is just god awful.
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Almost the worst...
jomidi18 December 2003
I'm astounded that anyone has anything positive to say about this thing. It's almost the worst movie I've ever seen (Doom Generation still holds the title for me). This thing has nothing going for it. The storyline doesn't progress, it bounces all over the place. I'm not even sure the scenes were put together in the correct order. Johnny's above the recruitment tactics, then he's suckered by them, then he's above them, and then he's falling for them again. Nothing seems to follow from what comes immediately before it. It's a mess.

If any gag in the thing were funny, I wouldn't mind the fact that it's a very poorly made movie, but there's not a laugh to be found in it. It's garbage. Precious few movies can claim to be worse.
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Well, I finally made it all the way through this garbage
Jordan_Haelend24 July 2005
Well, I did it. I had heard about how bad this movie was and I went down to the Borders Books & Music and bought it. After having turned it on and shut it off on at least 10 successive occasions, I finally made it to the end tonight. You see, every time I fired it up I thought, "The rest of it can't possibly be as awful as the part I just watched. They can't possibly insult the viewer's intelligence any more than they have." The filmmakers proved me wrong each time.

The script was clunky, the photography is badly framed and poorly shot, and much of the film just doesn't make any sense. Also, there isn't a single sequence the conclusion of which you can't see coming from a mile away- come on, of COURSE Johhny's "side" was going to win the impromptu football game when he has one hand shackled behind his back- and his girl is the prize! And Johnny Walker strutting down the Main street of his staid, middle-American town dressed like he's on his way to a Gay bar on Cowboy Night?! How ELSE would his straight-laced family react than with shock, indignation and disgust? As to the actors, Uma is lovely, Downey is Downey (and I admit is pretty good in his standard hopped-up sidekick role, especially in the motel scenes,) but Hall seems completely uninterested in what he's doing. He really acts as if he didn't really want to do this film, in spite of the fact that he DID want a vehicle that would break his Brat Pack Geek-in-Chief image. I felt sorry for him. He was really cute, but that was it. His character, Johnny Walker, speaks to a crowd of having embarrassed himself towards the end of the picture. To me, it seemed that Hall delivered those lines with utter conviction, and I'm not surprised. If this were on my resume, I'd deny it. Hall has, of course, gone on to a viable and even admirable career. I guess it's really true that you can't keep a good man down, even if he makes such a potentially suicidal career choice as this film. It's a testament to the man's drive and determination to succeed that he left trash like this far behind him and kept working.

Another gripe I have: screenwriters Zacharias and Buhai wrote the original "Revenge of the Nerds," so they ought to have known what would work in a Youth comedy. Apparently they forgot.

The two worst aspects of this film, however, were these: first, it was unbelievably boring (and a bad movie that is boring is the worst bad movie of all); secondly, the lampooning of corruption in collegiate football is a viable topic and it could have worked if the script had been decent, the story been told in a logically plotted arc, Bud Smith hadn't directed and Hall had acted like he cared (and not mumbled his lines as if he were auditioning for the first time at a Junior High School's offering of Romeo and Juliet.) I give this ludicrous waste of my time a 1.
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Just Awful
Bneidl30 July 2003
Honestly, this is probably one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It's certainly one of the least-competently made studio releases ever. There are entire scenes in this movie in which the sound is so poorly handled that you can barely hear what characters are saying. This isn't helped by Anthony Michael Hall's decision to mumble all of his lines. He seemed very unenthusiastic about this role--like he could barely work up the energy even to say the words.

There is a scene in the film in which Hall's character and some friends have an impromptu football game on his girlfriend's front lawn, against her father (who hates Hall for some reason that is never explained) and some other boobs, that is so badly edited that you simply cannot tell what is happening. Characters come in and out of that scene without rhyme or reason--continuity errors abound. There are also many scenes in which weird dialog was looped in during post-production to bridge awkward narrative gaps. This is a sure sign that the director didn't really know what he was doing, and just failed to capture footage that made sense on its own.

Also, Robert Downey, Jr. is unbelievably obnoxious in this movie. I mean really disgusting.
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Pretty much what I expected
dboyd-6536217 January 2020
Just a run of the mill 80's try hard comedy, a few funny scenes...nothing to get excited about (one and done)
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Clichéd and Unfunny
utgard1430 July 2014
Lame sports comedy with a miscast Anthony Michael Hall as the hottest high school football prospect who ever lived. It's really a vanity project for Hall, who had been playing nerd characters his whole career. Here he's trying to buff up and be taken seriously as something more than a geek. He fails. Robert Downey, Jr. plays the wacky best friend, as he often did back then. Downey's the most entertaining part of this, which isn't saying much. Decent support from Paul Gleason and Jennifer Tilly. Early role by Uma Thurman. She's beautiful and does fine in a worthless part in a worthless movie. I pretty much hated every minute of this. Almost every character is unlikable, especially the lead. The satire about college sports and other things is heavy-handed and never funny. Oh, and the music is dreadful. Avoid this unless you are a massive fan of Hall, Downey, or Thurman.
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Not that bad
danluttrell200215 September 2006
Not the best movie I've ever seen but a good coming of age comedy. Repeat comedy. Some people might not like this movie but I thought it was good. If you like movies in general and can deal or like the 1980's and early 1990's era movies you'll enjoy this.

If you like the Breakfast Club or any of the Brat Pack era movies you'll like this. It also has some good football scenes but only a few short ones so those that hate football can manage through them.

Basically this movie is about college recruiting of a star high school football quarterback. He struggles with the moral question of does he go to the flashy money schools or the one where he might get an education. In the mean time his family, coach and friends all fall victim to college recruiters.

Not a good movie for young children due to sexual overtones, drinking, etc. Men and women should both enjoy this movie.

My favorite scene is early in the movie with Johnny in his room playing the drums with the TV and stereo going. I could really relate to this scene from my high school years. I measure movies by the question of, would I be disappointed if I had paid $10 to see it at the movie theater. This one exceeds the grade. Enjoy.
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The worst of all films
blackcircles27 April 2000
Despite the presence of Robert Downey Jr. and Uma Thurman, this could very well be the worst movie I have ever seen. (It's a toss-up between this and Mixed Nuts). It embodies everything that was wrong with movies during the 80s, the worst decade for cinema ever. MTV film technique, vapid scripts, no story depth, cornball happy endings and the typical, irresponsible "Let's pander to teens by portraying the parents as wrong when they're really not all wrong" attitude. I hate this movie.
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Fun 80's film, if you enjoy Hall and Downey, Jr having fun
wally_g2222 February 2006
One of my favs of all time. I enjoy it every time I watch it. No, it's not Oscar material, but it is fun. And it has Uma, who looks better in this movie than anything she has ever been in. If you looking for a serious movie dealing with college recruiting, then this is not for you..but it is entertaining to watch Downey and Hall act retarded, they're probably drunk the entire movie, but it is still fun..And Gleason is great as usual. He seems to still scenes in every movie he's in.. The strip club scene, which is cut out on TNT and comedy central is pretty good. Plus, it has a cameo by the punky QB..Lighten up. It's just a goofy 80's movie. Beside, Hall passed up on Farris Bueller and Full Metal Jacket for this..So it must be good, Right..
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Underrated 80's comedy
stacekar13 June 2009
I'm surprised at the negativity. It's a great dumb comedy with a tiny bit of morality thrown in. The recruitment tactics may not be an exaggeration of reality - trying to schmooze the all-American QB.

How is it possible that Yes Man averages a 7 out of 10 and this movie is a 4.? Yes Man was barely watchable.

The cast was perfect and the movie probably wouldn't have worked without them. Robert Downey Jr.'s character is so disturbed and hilarious. It seems to be a carryover from his role in Back to School. Which is another great 80's comedy. Uma Thurman is so cute in one of her first acting roles. Paul Gleason plays is a-hole character to perfection.

Maybe I am just old enough to still love the John Hughes-style high school comedies of the 1980's. This isn't the best of breed, but definitely worth enjoying.
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Johnny Be Poo: D
ptb-83 February 2009
A catatonic-ally awful jock-ball pic form the late 80s seems to have been made as a vanity project by some BOOGIE NIGHTS style producers clearly in love with the cute twink looks of Anthiony Michael Hall. He is very desired apparently but all his charm and HOME ALONE star style looks were lost on me. JBG also stars the gorgeous Uma Thurman in a practice role to get a casting reel together, and the great Robert Downey Jnr scoring some easy money before becoming less than zero for a few years. Even Meg Tilly appears for a few squawks. The same three scriptwriters are the three producers and I would bet any money you like there was three big posters of AMH in each of their studio lockers. JBG is terrible, an embarrassment and a fawning leer at a teen actor disguised as a footy comedy. No wonder Orion Pictures went broke. It looks like a subterfuge gay movie pretending to be a mid-west college comedy. Perhaps a gay remake would be better. It would have to be.
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One good scene in a sea of mediocrity
stills-68 October 1999
There is one good scene in this movie, and it's pretty good. Anthony Michael Hall has just been on a recruitment tour of private colleges who want to give him football scholarships and he has come back to his hometown to negotiate a deal with the athletic director of a public university. The interplay between the two, especially the unspoken lines, is done beautifully.

Other than that, this is a pretty standard (sub-standard) teen flick posing as a cautionary tale. I think this movie wanted to be a comedic version of "All the Right Moves", but didn't have the guts to tell a real story.
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A comedy with some heart and a good message but gets hung up on frivolities
Life lessons are not always the most prevalent in coming of age genre films. Sometimes they're real obvious, while others are more obscure and look to have their viewers find the deeper meaning themselves. It's also hard to say how significant a coming of age film can be when it is a Rated R comedy. Some have worked brilliantly - The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005) is one. This on the other hand is a strange mix of elements that plays its cards right in some respects, while at other moments it's questionable to what the crew was thinking here. This is the story of Johnny Walker (Anthony Michael Hall), a high school athlete who has quite a fan club. After winning the last football game of the season (by cheating no less), Walker is approached by recruiter upon recruiter to play for their college team.

There are also other people who want Johnny to go with their opinion. Wayne Hisler (Paul Gleason), the high school coach wants him to attend a college of his choice so he can acquire special benefits and he'll do anything to make sure it happens. Johnny's mom and grandpa want him to get an education more than a sports scholarship and his girlfriend Georgia (Uma Thurman) wants him to attend State with her. So many opinions, which one will he choose?! Well, Johnny ends up attending mostly all of their open houses. This ends up having him being bribed with things that seem almost unrealistic or things that have nothing to do with getting an education or playing football. Of course fame grants several of these things but at a high school level? The kid and his team didn't even play fairly winning the last game so how does that even qualify? Are the refs that blind?

Plus, what's even more shocking is to how this production was able to gather now famous actors when they were starting off and the chemistry feels almost nonexistent. And, the screenplay was completed by three writers, all of which worked on Revenge of the Nerds (1984). How is that barely any charm are given to these characters? There are only a couple of moments that Johnny goes through that actually develop him as a character. Other than that he's placed in silly events that should trigger his conscience saying he shouldn't be there. The best parts of the film are when Johnny's family is on screen. Somehow they seem to have the best lines and character arcs. My favorite family member was the grandfather (George Hall). Such a nice old man.

Uma Thurman's character has a very typical character arc, loves her boyfriend - finds him as a jerk briefly - then resorts back to him. Possibly the strangest of all is Robert Downey Jr.'s character. Either he tries too hard to be funny or his jokes don't make any sense. It's baffling, I guess Downey Jr. didn't realize how much funnier he is when he says his lines deadpan than actually trying to be comical. Fans might also get a kick out of actor Marshal Bell's performance as Uma Thurman's dad, also the chief of police. He has some funny one liners at times too. All right enough of the characters. Jay Ferguson's music to the film is appropriately set but doesn't have anything to remember about it. Was it a comedy that had laughs galore? Not so much. Does it feel like a coming of age movie? Not really.

The cast contains famous actors of today in their youth and has a moral somewhere in its story but its delivery is overshadowed by hit and miss comedy. Much of the events that take place feel impossible too, decreasing its believability.
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This is the WORST
shiznit23 September 1999
movie that i have ever seen in my life, besides BMX Bandits and Jaws: The Revenge. I don't even think it's worth commenting further, but I have to. Are we to believe that the guy from the Breakfast Club's scrawny ass would even MAKE a high school football team, much less be a star? Oh, and the colleges offering cars and stuff it is just horrible.
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Good ol' boy comedy tailor-made for the emotionally-stunted...
moonspinner5527 July 2011
Dreadful would-be vehicle for Anthony Michael Hall has a high school football star--unable to decide where he wants to play college ball--catered to by slavering University recruiters, each of whom are offering the kid a lucrative scholarship. What makes this young man so incredibly special? Judging from Hall's extra-bland demeanor, he certainly isn't capable of arousing a large crowd with his enthusiasm for the sport. The three screenwriters (who also served as co-producers!) do charmless work; they cannot wait to get the leading character out of town in order to incorporate wild parties and strip-joints into the mix. The raunch is most likely what sold the movie to Orion Pictures, who were obviously hoping to tap into the then-popular John Hughes market (the company later added more sex to the home-video version after the film did modest business in theaters). Unfortunately, writers Steve Zacharias, Jeff Buhai, and David Obst show absolutely none of Hughes' comic sensibility or sensitivity, and Bud Smith directs with a leaden touch. True to form in '80s teen flicks, all the adults are ignorant, money-grubbing whores while our well-scrubbed hero stands head-and-shoulders above the chaos. Sports announcer Howard Cosell and real-life athletes make cameos, Uma Thurman is attractive in one of her earliest roles, but Hall and smutty buddy Robert Downey Jr. Are one-dimensional. * from ****
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Mostly Silly.
rmax30482324 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Uma Thurman, in her movie debut at the age of 17 or 18, is as gangly and succulent as ever, and maybe more so. She's awfully easy on the eyes. Too bad there isn't more of her.

That's about it, as far as I'm concerned. I can imagine others getting more out of this noisy and ridiculous flick about a high-school football hero being courted by various colleges who offer him money, bribes, margaritas, and of course sexy women.

I can imagine most of those others being adolescents because the film illustrates and endorses all the adolescent virtues. That wouldn't in itself be the kiss of death. Some very amusing movies have been made about adolescence.

But -- well, let me give two examples of humor in this movie. You're supposed to laugh at both of them.

The story opens with a football game. One of the cheer leaders on our side has removed her pants. The two rival teams line up. The quarterback on our team shouts, "Hey, that cheerleader has no pants on!" The rival team glances over and our side bursts through their line.

Example number two. The happy family of the hero is seated around the family dinner table and chatting away. Even the little daughter with the missing front teeth asks impudent questions. The scene closes with the family members and the guest throwing pieces of food at each other and laughing.

If you find this funny, if you like loud electronic guitars and pounding percussion, if you find raunchy comments about genitals amusing in themselves, you will enjoy this movie.

I don't know how it ended because I couldn't watch it all the way through, but I imagine that Johnny the football hero gives up money, celebrity, beer, and girls, joins a monastery and becomes a contemplative monk.
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ichbin3226 October 2020
I felt I wasted 91 minutes of my life on a flick with awful acting, hardly any script and Robert trying to be funny while looking to be hooked on drugs. The only good was Uma and her screen time isnt big either.
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Not bad.
EmptyLeo4 March 1999
Finally Anthony Michael Hall doesn't play the geek/dork/nerd. He's the stud quarterback all the girls and college coaches wants, and he's good as good a stud as he is a nerd. Not a bad hour and a half, and oh... Uma! Gotta love Uma!
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Johnny Be Meh
mherrin-4325311 March 2018
Johnny Be Good: Directed by Bud Smith and written by Steve Zacharias, Jeff Buhai and David Obst.

Tomatometer rating is 0%. That's right folks this movie has absolutely no positive reviews out of 11. I didn't hate this movie. This reminded me a lot of the New Guy in the sense that it reeks of the era in which it was made. It has such an 80s feel that it can be made no other time.

This is an over the top comedy where every movement and line reading is cartoonishly inflated to grand proportions. It has non stop musical moments. It has montages out of the wazoo. It is taking the serious allegations of college trying lure high school athletes to certain colleges with deals meant to cater to their baser instincts and making it seem outlandish. It's not. It is something that happens and it's okay to lampoon it. This movie though just gave me a headache. It was a barrage of music and terrible unfunny comedy.

The performances were right on the edge. I liked Anthony Michael Hall and Paul Gleason but Robert Downey Jr was insufferable in this film. He was wild and crazy for every single thing he did and it became too much very quickly. Thankfully though the movie was very short. It clocks in at 82 minutes.

I wanted to like this movie. I really did but something felt off about the entire film from the very beginning. Nothing could be done to shake no matter how many lavish over the top mockery of Texas football there was. I give this movie a D.
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Great 80's Comedy
Yzerdan1615 February 2003
I don't know why there are so many bad comments from people about this movie, I laugh through the entire movie. Robert Downey Jr. gives one his funniest performances I have ever seen as Hall's sidekick oddball friend and Anthony Michael Hall is surprisingly good at playing the "super-jock" role. Paul Gleason, the principal from The Breakfast Club, is hilarious as the high school coach trying to get a college job and Uma Thurman isn't bad as Hall's girlfriend. The best parts of the movie happen when Hall and Downey Jr. are interacting, and the joke they play on Gleason when he is home is so funny. Don't take this movie seriously, it's not intended to have any deep theoretical meaning; it's just supposed to make you laugh.
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Not very good, but not as bad as some comments here!
dchristrev4 June 2004
Maybe you have to appreciate the type of humor that makes this movie funny for me. I sometimes enjoy the stupid, throw-away lines that are liberally sprinkled throughout this one. For example, when Robert Downey Jr. is talking to the two girls in the motel room, his description of a previous sexual encounter is hilarious and odd as only RDJ can make it.

There's a lot about this movie that doesn't work. But I choose to focus on what is funny. Over the years, I have repeated many a line from this stupid flick. Like "What's shaking', how do you feel" or "UCC is your only move, UCC is your ever most GROOVE!"

One thing that stands out for me is the use of footage from the 60's classic "Putney Swope" which happens to be a film written and directed by RDJ's father, Robert Downey Sr. But most people wouldn't even pick up on that! For those that did, or wondered where they had come across the scene at the drive-in before, that's what it was. Robert Downey Sr.'s character even makes a comment about how bad the movie is. An insider's joke, perhaps.
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The Music Video... Tells A Better Story
nitro7219 March 2022
The music video for the Judas Priest cover of the title song tells a better story than the film itself. A funny comedy (with integrity) could be made about the college recruitment of a high school athlete, but this ain't it. #nitrosMovieChallenge.
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