Three O'Clock High (1987) Poster

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Marked for Destruction at Three PM
Bogmeister13 August 2005
You sense you're in for something a bit different when you hear the ticking of the clock in the first few seconds of the movie - a countdown to a personal doomsday for Jerry Mitchell (Siemaszko), in charge of the high school bookstore and a writer for the school paper. He's assigned to write an article on the new kid, Buddy Revell (Tyson). Only Revell is no kid; he's a hulking mass of unstoppable destruction and patently psychotic. As mentioned beforehand in the picture, he's also a 'touch-freak' so when Mitchell makes the fatal error in the bathroom, it's so foolish of him, you might think he deserves his fate. But no one deserves the amount of psychological torture he endures for the next few hours. Does all this sound like a comedy? Probably not, but it is - a dark satire on high school comedies. And it works like crazy.

As you watch Mitchell spiral downward further and further into an abyss, you begin to wonder where he'll end up. His many efforts to free himself, involving school security, robbery, pay-offs, and teacher seduction, only further entangle him in a nightmarish situation, heightened by various hints of how bloody his beating will be. You slowly realize, as the clock ticks towards an inevitable showdown, that Mitchell will get no sympathy, even from his friends; it's a stunning depiction of how necessary is an individual's self-reliance and self-direction of their own destiny. The whole thing would've fallen apart if there hadn't been a showdown, if Mitchell managed to avoid the confrontation. But there is a Showdown, with all the spectacle of a Roman coliseum and the roar of crowds - it's an exciting climax. The funniest scene for me was Mitchell in the office of 'Voytek Dolinsky', the school's gestapo disciplinarian.
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What's wrong with this film???
paulbrec20 April 2004
I have just discovered this film recently. It was never very popular, and I don't know why. I am surprised that a few people can't stand this film. After viewing the DVD a few times, I can honestly say that overall this is not a bad film. The directing is superb. I liked the way the director uses time...the passage of time...and shows its relationship and importance to the story. I also liked the camera blocking, and angles. My favorite shot is of the bully walking out of the school just before the fight: The camera zooms in and tilts up at a low level. A technique taught in film school to show a subject as "larger-than-life", or menacing over something. The acting was also excellent. Richard Tyson is great as the bully. His deep voice is well suited for this role, and is especially noted if you have a subwoofer. Yeah, I wouldn't want to fight him, either... Although the story is "typical", I like the plot-line. Throughout the whole story, the plot slowly builds to an amazing climax, then drops suddenly, and levels off. Its a perfect plot-line. Although, some parts of the story are "far-fetched". Such as, Jerry pretending to fall in love with his English teacher. One thing to remember, though, this is fiction. Sometimes in fiction, things happen that are unlikely in real life. That's why its called "fiction". Other than the bland "typical" story, I could not find anything wrong with this film. I have yet to even find so much as a continuity error. In conclusion, if you are looking for "content" you will be disappointed with this film. However, if you are looking for a well-directed film with good use of camera blocking and angles, and actor positioning, you will find this to be a very enjoyable film. ACTING: 9.1 / 10 DIRECTING: 9.4 / 10 STORY: 8.8 / 10

AVERAGE: 9.1 / 10 A lost Gem, and a must see for "film people".
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One of the best 80's High School teen movies that deserved better fate. Great combo of Joanou, Sonnenfeld, Tangerine Dream and the lead actors, Siemaszko & Tyson !!
DeuceWild_773 July 2018
The teen movies of the 80's decade were dominated by the cheesy / romantic / well-intentioned cinema of John Hughes; the "Lemon Popsicle" sex teen movies clones such as Bob Clark's "Porky's" trilogy, "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" or "The Last American Virgin" and the Spielberg's executive produced adventure / fantasy teen flicks such as "Back to the Future" or "The Goonies".

Phil Joanou's first venture as a director was an unconventional teen comedy for its time called "Three O'Clock High", set in an all american High School like the majority of Hughes' (and non-Hughes) flicks of this genre, inspired by the classic western "High Noon" starring Gary Cooper (in an Oscar winner role) and Grace Kelly and based in real life situations of the two screenwriters during their High School years.

Joanou, a fan of Scorsese's "After Hours", released 2 years prior and also an unusual comedy, but set in the adult world, based its directing style and fancy cinematography straight for the teen movie genre with the help of the inovator cinematographer, Barry Sonnenfeld (an usual collaborator of the Coen brothers at that time) to acquire a 'cartoon-ish' / comic book style through stylized camera angles and proper lightning effects resulting in a visually nifty film which also benefited from a skillful editing giving the movie its congruous frantic pace.

Besides the greatness of its technical aspects, the movie is also clever in its storytelling, the rivalry between the nerd, Jerry Mitchell and the "new kid on the block", the bad boy, Buddy Revell changes stereotypes through the course of the action with Mitchell being accused of theft, illegal weapon possession and even for cheating at the exam and Buddy, the long-haired' black leather jacket outsider being more smart & sensitive than people would give him credit for.

Casey Siemaszko, after a string of good supporting roles in famous teen movies such as "Back to the Future", "Secret Admirer" and "Stand by Me" was given the lead role of Jerry Mitchell and he's perfectly cast giving life to his character, a nervous, unpopular & nerdy high schooler about to face his rite of passage to becoming a confident young man after his feud with the troubled misfit, played here by Richard Tyson, in his debut role, who delivered an interesting (and imposing) performance as Buddy Revell, even if his screentime is kind of short.

The supporting players are filled with great character actors such as the always sinister, the late John P. Ryan ("Runaway Train", "Avenging Force", "Class of 1999"); Jeffrey Tambor and Mitch Pileggi (future Wes Craven's "Shocker" and better known as Skinner in the hit TV show, "The X-Files").

Some may say, including the late Roger Ebert in his review, that this movie resembles a lot of an early teen movie starring Chris Makepeace, Adam Baldwin & Matt Dillon called "My Bodyguard", which is a great (and earlier) entry on the High School genre, but ultimately, "Three O'Clock High" is way more creative, memorable and well paced and much more worthy in the rewatchable factor.

Steven Spielberg, who executive produced this movie, ordered to get his name removed from the credits after he watched a rough cut of this. Apparently, the big bearded wanted another "The Karate Kid" or a more conventional / cheesy High School teen flick and this kind of offbeat comedy startled him. He had already done the same two years before with "Fandango", the debut movie of director Kevin Reynolds which featured a young Kevin Costner in his first leading role.

In my point of view, Spielberg made a big mistake of disowned both films, because they're way original and inventive and still hold up well today and maybe with the Spielberg name envolved, they could have had more chances at the box office, instead of being flops that ran into obscurity (only cinephiles know the existence).

Also worthy of a mention is the memorable music score by Tangerine Dream and the additional music provided by Sylvester Levay.

In short, "Three O'Clock High" deserves to be in the Top 10 of the best High School teen movies from the 80's, it's a great watch and one of the last breath of a genre that started the downfall in popularity at the same time as the end of the decade was approaching...

On a side note, the hit TV Show for Fox Network that premiered in '90, "Parker Lewis Can't Lose" stole the concept, ideas, the cinematography and directing style of this one. Universal Pictures and Joanou should have sued Columbia Pictures Television for producing such a blatant rip-off.
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A great film that was never given a fair chance.
RT Firefly22 June 2005
Another little known, rarely mentioned film that for unknown reasons fell between the cracks. When atrocities like The Wild Wild West and Men In Black I & II make hundreds of millions, it is an enigma that great films such as Three O'clock High languish in obscurity. I am an avid film buff but have no recollection of this movie ever being released. It only made 3.7 mil. at the box office, I wonder if the director stepped on the wrong toes and someone intentionally tanked the project? IMDb trivia says Stephen Spielberg executive produced it, but had his name removed from the credits. That is always a negative thing in Hollywood, something done in protest. Joanou's trivia says he once punched out a studio executive on the set, could this be that set? Very strange, and what a pity, because this is a very good film. I gave it a 10 to up it's IMDb rating, though it is probably more like an 8. It has it's moments, however, that are well worth checking out, that occasionally make it worthy of a 10.

One of the more enjoyable elements of this film is the photography. Director Joanou, who started in music videos, teams up with Barry Sonnenfeld, of Coen brothers fame, and makes for some highly stylized cinematography. Though some of it might seem passé today, keep in mind at the time it was made (1987) nobody was doing anything like it. Guy Ritchie seems to have been influenced by it... 13 years later.

Superb performances by the two leads, Casey Siemaszko and especially Richard Tyson as the bully. The only time I have seen Tyson match his caliber here was in, of all things, Something About Mary, but I still think he has it in him. He plays a great heavy. The film is a bit slow now and then. Certain bits could be completely removed and the film would be better off without it. Overall it is a good film and, save a little language, safe for kids. Also, great soundtrack by Tangerine Dream. Check it out.
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Fans of Rushmore and Election should check out a hip high school predecessor!
ice_nine19714 April 2000
This is a consistently overlooked and under-rated film. Fans of movies like Rushmore and Election may be surprised to learn that even during the John Hughes (Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, etc.) era there were still hip, funny movies being made about the high school experience.

The movie is shot in a mildly surreal "Coen brothers-esque" fashion that makes it a joy to look at, while the script is sharp and inventive. Despite its abstract nature, the script is very true to the realism of adolescent intimidation. Also not to be overlooked are some very clever performances by some lesser known performers which come off as very convincing.

Don't get me wrong, this is not a great film, very few are. If you consider Rushmore a 10 in this genre than Three O'clock High is about a 6 1/2 or a seven, but still well worth viewing.
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Very good, sadly ignored, teen movie of the 1980s.
el_nickster3 September 2004
This is a teen comedy from the 1980s, every bit as good as anything made by John Hughes in those days (Breakfast Club, 16 Candles, etc.).

The plot: our hero, Jerry, is assigned by the school newspaper to interview the new kid at school. The new kid, Buddy, is a big thug with an attitude. To make his reputation, Buddy bullies and intimidates Jerry, and tells Jerry that, come three o'clock, he is going to beat him up. Jerry spends the rest of the day trying to get out of participating in the fight.

The story is full of the usual parodies of teen-aged stereotypes, but they are somehow more believable and human than the characters in most films of this genre. The protagonist, for example, suffers from under-confidence resulting from being hypoglycemic. The story is all about him overcoming his under-confidence (a process we all go through in high school), which is a really common plot in teen movies. What comes through in this film is that *all* of the students are going through the same process. The cool, spooky girl next door turns out not to be so cool, underneath. The hero's buddy tries to help in the struggle, but gets sick of him and abandons him. The villainous tough ends up feeling ashamed of himself. These comic characters stick with you because they are so much like real teenagers: naive, under-confident, and overreaching.
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Distinguishes itself from other teen movies by having a very different type of plot-not a great movie but far from bad.
triple89 March 2004
I remember this movie from so long ago, it had a pretty fun storyline and will hold your attention. I don't think it's by any means a classic although it IS funny. The main problem is the casting of richard tyson as the bully, I saw him in "two moon junction" and he was great in that but I didn't buy him as a bullying nut, although it was fun to see him in another movie(saw it after 2 moon).

Three o' clock is a good "lost gem" type of movie to dig out when viewing old teen movies or to be seen by today's fans of teen movies. I would give this about a 5 on the casting, 7 on laughs and 8 for originality. Good for any fan of 80's teen movies to check out.
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Vastly underrated / unnoticed film
shino3 August 2005
3 O'Clock High is a wonderful film. It bears little resemblance to the 80's teen archetypes, such as _Fast Times at Ridgemond High_ or the Hughes films, excellent as those films may be. 3 O'Clock is purely plot-based; a sensitive view of teenage angst can be found elsewhere.

The basic plot: Jerry Mitchell, everyman adolescent, manages to get himself into an after-school fight with the school psychopath Buddy Revell by 8:00 am, and spends the next 7 hours contriving every scheme to escape the certain flogging which awaits him at 3pm. The film opens with a clicking alarm clock (peculiar for an electric clock) and ends with an image of the school clock; in between, clock dials, and class bells serve as symbolic death watch beetles.

Jerry's gradual disintegration amongst his friends, the school administration, and the school store manager as well as his physical and moral decline as the day wears on is very amusing.

What's memorable about the film is its radical cinematography which we presume is the contribution of long-time Coen collaborator cinematographer Barry Sonenfeld. Extreme wide-angle shots, and a clever technique of high-speed crane shots make for a very distinctive look (which I have never seen duplicated). While clever technique this could create a ponderous over-theatrical look (like some of Spielberg's 80's work as viewed today) or a vapid MTV look, Joanou uses the showy technique to great effect and the film looks as fresh today as it did nearly 20 years ago.

The enigmatic Buddy Revell is a wonderful creation, masterfully introduced by a continuous moving shot following, in succession, three sets of exchanges between students recounting Buddy's legendary reputation for psychotic violence. The roving camera threads through each group of students as deftly as if in a Fellini film, (at the risk of being bombastic).

As well as a sharp plot and dialog, and an innovative technique and excellent production values, the assembled cast is uniformly superb. Casey Siemaszko is perfect for the role, and Richard Tyson gives an absolutely straight interpretation of Buddy Revell. Seconday roles are played by character actors Jeffrey Tambor, John P. Ryan, Mitch Pileggi among others.

In conclusion, you know it's a special film because so many of the images and the dialog stick in one's mind. The cheerleaders tearing apart the effigy and skull as the horrified Jerry watches, the library shelves toppling like dominoes to reveal Jerry and Vince cowering in the corner, all of the scenes with "The Duker", the Dean of Discipline's dungeon of an office, the educational 8mm insect film, the sinister retelling of the Iliad, Jerry frantically attempting to break open a cash register using a world globe and fire extinguisher.

The film probably didn't make it big because no big names were connected to it. Joanou would go on to do a curiously unrelated string of projects, some music videos, television documentaries, and even sitcom work. He did do another mainstream film _State of Grace_ (1990) with Sean Penn, another excellent and underrated film.
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Buddy Revell is a righteous dude
dworldeater31 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Three O'Clock High is a entertaining and dated teen comedy from the 80's. This movie I can relate to pretty easily, as I got into a few fights in my youth that went down at the end of the school day. I like the film, but I can't stand the main character of the film Jerry, who is an annoying, unlikeable dweeb of which I would like to flush his face down the toilet bowl. Jerry provokes a new student Buddy Revell by trying to have a creepy, awkward conversation when the guy is trying to pee and grabbing his shoulder as well. Jerry did'nt even wash his hands before he grabbed Buddy's jacket. Buddy responds in kind by flushing Jerry's sneaker in the urinal and lets him know that after school they are going to have a fight in the parking lot. Jerry, being the spineless turd that he is tries in vain to get out of the fight and when he does "win" the fight with Buddy, he does not fight fair and has a lot of help. Buddy Revell is not a bully, but a misunderstood guy that likes to keep to himself and needs his own space. It is not his fault that people constantly challenge him and he beats them up, especially when people can't keep their hands to themselves. Jerry is a character that the audience is supposed to like and somehow this superdork is God's gift to women and is irressistble to the hot Goth girl, the popular 80's babe and the hot teacher. I found myself rooting for Buddy Revell, a guy with integrity, the real hero of the film. Three O'Clock High is very 80's and a pretty campy comedy, it does not hold up as well as some other movies from this time period, but is fairly entertaining as a whole, even though I absolutely cannot stand Jerry and would like to beat him senseless .
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How 'Three O'Clock High' ever escaped through the 80's crack is beyond me
g-man-2227 May 1999
This is one of the best movies I've ever seen. Should I be ashamed to say this? Probably. And let me just say by 'best', that's about 50 or so odd films, at least, all of varying genres. So, let's just say in terms of comedies, it's one of teh best. As far as 80's films? Totally underrated. I've watched this film about 30 times, several of them in my teens on Showtime or whatever, and the theme song, "Something to Remember Me By" is no top 40 hit by any stretch of the imagination, yet I used to hum it all the time (until finally tracking down the soundtrack CD). What is the lasting appeal of this film? Beats me. Technically, it's brilliant: lots of fluid camera work, music video-y filming that's somehow less MTVish than the current crop of teen films, and an amazingly zippy pace that careens one from plot point to plot point while somehow never seeming rushed or jumbled. As for the film itself, it's typical teen stuff (a teenage 'hell day,' essentially), but done with so much panache that any child of the 80's can't help not loving it. 'Don't ---- this one up, Mitchell!' Jerry's unorthodox book report. The Tangerine Dream score. Cooking pop-tarts in the microwave with fresh-from-the-washer clothing. 'At 3:00, you and I are gonna fight out in that parking lot and there's nothing you can do about it'... Long live this film!
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Before the Three O'Clock Bell
claudio_carvalho2 April 2019
The nerd Jerry Mitchell (Casey Siemaszko) is responsible for the student store at the Weaver High-School. When the troublemaker delinquent Buddy Revell (Richard Tyson) is transferred from a continuation high-school, one teacher assigns Jerry to write an article about the notorious Buddy Revell to the school newspaper. Jerry stumbles upon Buddy in the bathroom and touches the shoulder of the bad boy that schedules a fight with Jerry at three o´clock at the parking lot. Along the day, Jerry tries to find a means to avoid the fight. Will he succeed?

"Three O'Clock High" is a silly comedy about a nerd that spends the day of class trying to avoid a fight with a bully delinquent. The plot has funny moments but is also stupid many times. In the end, entertains without being special. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Te Pego Lá Fora" ("I Catch You Outside")
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Suburban High School Masterpiece -- 10 (classic)
jimboduck9 May 2005
Three O' Clock High Suburban High School Masterpiece - 10 (classic)

At age thirteen, I was beginning to question my place in the flux of society. Did I belong to that group or that group? Little did I know that I was to hit puberty soon, whereupon a new cocktail of hormones would knock my brain out of childhood and into the world of minimum wages, TV, and weapons of mass destruction.

No other movie I can think of captures that sense of stark naked individuality as poignantly as THREE O'CLOCK HIGH. This brilliant film features a hero and a villain, both of whom are loners. The hero, played by Casey Siemaszko, is a born loser, the one who realizes that his fly is open during public speaking class and faces the laughter of all the normal kids. The villain, a young and fresh Richard Tyson, who was born to play this role, is the psychotic biker thug who never says a word and never allows anyone to touch him. The two loners have an unlucky encounter one morning, and as Jerry Mitchell apologizes he accidentally touches Buddy Revell's jacket. That's where the shat goes down, and soon the whole school is abuzz with the latest news: fight at three o' clock. Buddy Revell vs. Jerry Mitchell.

THREE O' CLOCK HIGH is directed and edited with supreme wit. Every second of the day is stretched to darkly humorous extremes. Each tick of the clock brings the audience closer to doom and a zoom closer into Jerry's sweaty forehead. Anyone who's set foot in an American school will be up in stitches suffering from that kind of uncontrollable laughter that bubbles up from the sternum. As he over-interprets the things he sees around him, Jerry Mitchell's fear reaches out through the screen and tickles your stomach. No other pathetic loser role has been played as well ever or since in my opinion.

I don't think that any of the cast & crew of this classic film have had the industry standard "illustrious" career, but who cares? They all came together in 1987 to make a movie that changed the course of my life. Stephen Spielberg was involved in THREE 'O CLOCK HIGH's production, but I don't know exactly where. Anne Ryan did a stellar job as Jerry's proto-goth girlfriend. Who knows what she's doing now? By now the children of 1987 are all grown up and running the rat race in a gerbil wheel.

THREE O' CLOCK HIGH will resurface all of the high school emotions that you want to forget. Do you remember wetting your pants, the puppy dog love, or being abandoned by your close friends? One thing is for sure. Watching this movie will evoke those emotions, including the deepest of thrills - overcoming the odds and getting that half-assed paper in on time.

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Good for what it's trying to be
Superunknovvn9 May 2006
"Three O' Clock High" is a good, if naive high school movie about taking responsibility and making a stand. The guy who needs to make a stand in this story is Jerry, a completely innocent and defenseless guy who gets into trouble with a high school bully that swears he's going to beat him up after school. Over the course of the movie Jerry is trying to get out of this situation badly but in the end he is coming to the conclusion that sometimes you have to face your problems instead of running away. The moral of the story is a nice one, although it's not to be taken too seriously. "Solving problems" here means winning a fist fight and becoming the most popular guy in school. After all this is only a high school fairy tale, and a very enjoyable for that matter. "Three O' Clock High" is better in many aspects than you might realize at first. The direction and editing are more than solid, the score complements every scene nicely and scriptwise the very ending displays a clever counterpoint to an earlier scene in the movie, that shows how high school myths come into existence. All in all it's the perfect movie for a Sunday afternoon.
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JasparLamarCrabb13 May 2007
What a botch! THREE O'CLOCK HIGH had all the makings to be the anti-John Hughes film during the decade of Hughes teen fantasy films. But despite the directorial pyrotechnics of Phil Joanou and a mostly appealing cast headed by Casey Siemaszko, it stagnates about half way through. Yes, all the standard clichés are here: the geeks (headed by Siemaszko); the jocks; the popular girls; the freaky girl (who consults a spiritual adviser!); the class psycho, etc. A real shame considering the extra touches the filmmakers insert throughout(when's the last time you saw cult favorite Shirley Stoler playing it straight?). Mostly, however, it's over-directed, under-scripted and predictable. One is left with a sad feeling of "is that all there is?" Seek out BETTER OFF DEAD or ONE CRAZY SUMMER for similar, though far funnier and more subversive, teen comedies of the 80s.
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"Looks like it's going to be one of those days."
Backlash00715 January 2003
When I think of the eighties teen genre, I think about John Hughes and John Cusack...and a little movie called Three O'Clock High. Three O'Clock High is the greatest eighties movie that no one knows about. It does, in fact, blow The Breakfast Club out of the water. Casey Siemaszko is perfect in the lead as Jerry Mitchell and he is the ultimate underdog. You can't help but love his character. He definitely has a large degree of untapped talent. The most unforgettable character however, is Richard Tyson's infamous Buddy Revell. I won't say that he completely steals the show, but he does come close to it. Revell has many a one-liner and I quote him on a weekly basis. And who could forget Tangerine Dream's score. They are also an integral ingredient of the eighties flick. This is a truly brilliant piece of comedy. Three O'Clock High is a comic gem as well as a must see.

"You and me, we're gonna have a fight-today-after school-3 O'Clock-in the parking lot. You try and run, I'm gonna track you down. You go to a teacher, it's only gonna get worse. You sneak home, I'll be under your bed. You and me...3 O'Clock."
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A special film...
mmintz12 August 2001
Okay, I know this movie is not, like, good. Nevertheless, I sure do love it. This is basically all Phil J. had done when U2 said, "Okay, you can make our movie." While the two have virtually nothing in common, I can see why they trusted him. This film is easy to miss but so worth your time.

There are so many little bits of dialogue and several memorable scenes that will always be with me. The library scene (repeated in "The Mummy Returns" with falling domino-like book shelves) comes to mind. The scene where the student store is demolished and then when the teacher takes Jerry through it are wonderful too. "Whoever did this should be plucked out of our school's system like a burgeoning cancerous growth deep within the colon!" "I couldn't agree with you more, sir."

I guess Spielburg oversaw this and be sure to listen for some of the Jaws soundtrack during the science class film sequence. Interestingly, this little upbeat section is also used in the intro of my favourite Madonna song, "Oh Father."

This movie so adequately captures the terror and the excitement of high school. It's characters are not charicatured but straight out of the real world (definitely not brat-pack material)...Buddy Rivell is terrifying and yet pretty damn cool, too. (Love that semi-smile in the final student store scene).

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
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An underrated gem that should be as revered as "The Breakfast Club"
KB-2110 March 1999
Why is this movie not up there with 'The Breakfast Club,' 'Heathers,' and other teen rite-of-passage classics? 'Three O'Clock High' is hilarious. The cinematography is as well-executed as the script, and laughs appear at just about every turn. The mixed nuts in the cast give great deadpan performances (Jeffrey Tambor kills me every time as he heartbrokenly surveys the vandalized school supply store -- 'what kind of animals would DO this?' he almost weeps), playing up the comic absurdity of the script. A wonderful farce that hasn't lost a bit of its charm in 12 years. Why Anne Ryan, the hero's girlfriend, disappeared after this movie is a mystery to me -- she should have become another Winona Ryder. Don't pass this one up if your local video store has bothered to keep it on the shelf. You can thank me later. And if you're leery because the movie tanked at the box office, remember, Milli Vanilli's record sold seven million copies, so trusting the mainstream public is not always the best idea...
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long live the little guy!
moneil2818 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
***Possible spoilers*** There aren't too many films that I can watch every time they're on, but this hidden gem is one of them. Much in the same vein as My Bodyguard, Three O'Clock High gives the little guy the upper hand in the end. Anyone who was ever in the predicament that Jerry got himself into knows that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you know that your days might be numbered. Unfortunately, more times than not, the smaller guy ended up on the losing end. This film contains some of the best cinematography in a film of this nature and some of the lines are all too memorable. A must see for anyone going through their teens, Three O'Clock High is an uncomplicated feel good movie that the 80's should be remembered for.
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One of the top ten high school movies ever
kriley8224 March 2005
This movie has it all. A great premise, a slow build-up (with constant shots of the clock ticking toward the dreaded 3 o' clock), and a satisfying conclusion. I loved the opening sequence as Jerry has to rush to get to school on time (that groovy track "Something to Remember Me By" is on the soundtrack currently available on CD) and the movie just builds from there. This movie has a lot going for it, most notably Casey Siemaszko in the lead role as Jerry. I love this guy! I would have definitely hung with his crowd back in my high school days. Richard Tyson is the perfect school bully although he looks like he's much too old, he was probably around 30 in 1987. I love the use of exaggerated camera angles to heighten the effect of impending doom. Not surprising since Phil Joanou was a video director (he followed this up with U2: Rattle and Hum) Everyone looked like actual people and not perfect Hollywood actors. Really, if you have an afternoon to kill, I would check out this gem, currently available on DVD.
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The bully
jotix10014 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Never saw this 1987 comedy, but when it showed up on cable recently, we decided to take a look. Expecting the worse, but laughing while viewing it, we were sorry of not having seen it before. Director Phil Joanou's tale about a high school bully that is dead set into tormenting a frightened teen, had a lot to like and the right length to keep us interested in what the creators prepared from us.

Basically Jimmy Mitchell, the teenager at the center of the story, is a good kid. He's neither a nerd, nor is he a jock, he falls into an in between category. His encounter with the brutish Buddy Revell gets him in such a state that he spends the whole day trying to get out of a fight he didn't provoke, or wanted, to begin with. At the end, Jimmy realizes his fears, although founded, disappear, as he takes Buddy and becomes a figure of admiration by his high school peers, something that most of us would rather try to face.

The film works because of the nervous energy Casey Siemanszko brings to the role of Jimmy Mitchell. In the process of evading his adversary his Jimmy gets into all kinds of mischief. Richard Tyson, the stone-faced bully, does good work, while veterans Phillip Baker Hall and Jeffrey Tambor are seen in adult roles.
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I love this movie!
hnt_dnl29 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Every now and again, you come across a movie that just makes you feel good about everything and alright with the world. That happens very rarely with me. But I remember seeing this unknown gem THREE O'CLOCK HIGH waaaay back in the late 80s (probably 88 or 89 since it came out in 1987) on TV. It was one of those Saturday afternoons when I was channel-flipping and looking for something good to watch for a couple of hours. And ever since I've been hooked on this film! I own the DVD now.

THREE O'CLOCK HIGH is (to me) one of the best high school movies of the 1980s because it is presented in a unique tone and style due to some amazing editing, shots, and cinematography. It is surreal film that has quite a few realistic moments and truths in it that it still fascinates me to this day. Basically, a David-versus-Goliath tale set in a typical, nondescript Utah high school in the late 80s, THREE O'CLOCK HIGH is not a typical film though.

The film tells the tale of one Jerry Mitchell (excellently portrayed by Casey Siemaszko), a slightly nerdish heretofore unknown senior who manages the student bookstore. It's the start of the spring semester and Jerry is expecting a regular, ho-hum, boring day at school. But as informed by his little sister Brei (a feisty, fresh, and engaging Stacey Glick), the school has a new inhabitant, a bully transferred from another high school named Buddy Revell (played to cold, frightening perfection by Richard Tyson). Buddy doesn't like to be touched and when Jerry does it (not knowing this fact), Buddy challenges Jerry to a fight after school at 3 o'clock (thus the film's title).

Revell is an uber-thug of the highest order, totally menacing and intimidating, yet strangely silent and deceptively smart. When I first saw the film, I was totally a Jerry Mitchell fan, but after seeing it many times, I find myself actually empathizing with Buddy Revell more and more. I love both characters equally and I think that's the purpose at the end of the film: to cheer for Jerry but to still see that there is more to Buddy than meets the eye. Their final 'confrontation' in the bookstore ALWAYS makes me feel good.

Jerry gets into lots of trouble trying to get out of the fight, including getting caught with a concealed weapon, cheating on an exam, stealing $500 from the bookstore, and trying to get thrown in detention by giving a rather salacious book report and actually seducing his English teacher (an utterly hilarious scene and my favorite of the film). But alas, in the end, Jerry finds that he must go through with the fight to save face and not be seen as a wimp. I won't spoil the ending, but I'll just say I was pleased.

In addition to little sis Brei, Jerry gets some big time assists from his best friend Vincent (Jonathan Pryce) and girlfriend Franny (Anne Ryan). The chemistry between Jerry and his tiny entourage of teens is really a joy to watch. They all are somewhat geeks and outcasts to an extent, but they aren't shown to be overly nerdy or annoying or cliché as similar characters in other teen movies. They are their own little clique and aren't really trying to do anything but get through high school unscathed. Jerry's interaction with his little sister is particularly fun to watch.

The film also boasts some memorable adult authority figures: Principal O'Rourke (played by 80s stalwart John P. Ryan from RUNAWAY TRAIN), bookstore owner Mr. Rice (played by the goofy-funny Jeffrey Tambor from ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT), school security guard "the Duker" (played by X-FILES Mitch Pileggi), repressed English teacher Miss Farmer (Caitlin O'Heaney, an 80s TV show stalwart), and Det. Mulvahill from the sheriff's department (played by character actor Philip Baker Hall). The adults are all played in a realistic, straight manner that totally reminded me of my teachers and principal when I was in high school! Much of the film's humor comes from the collision of the sillier teen shenanigans and the stern, serious adult reactions to them. In most cases the results go as expected (but in one case it doesn't and this is the most fun moment in the movie), but in all cases you'll find yourself laughing because it very much mimics real life all too well!

The flick also has several other minor characters that leave an impression, such as those 2 film students following Jerry all day, the beret/combat boot-wearing dude, and the most popular girl in school Karen. I also love those "clique" groups that get to bookend film telling the tales of Buddy and Jerry. The army of extra student characters are important also as they make it seem like a real school day we are watching and they act as interested observers to Jerry's plight; it feels like the weight of the world is literally rest on Jerry's fate. They add to the satirical feel of the film. I don't think any other 80s teen movie is like this one. And believe me, that's a compliment in the direction of THREE O'CLOCK HIGH. I highly recommend it!
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Overlooked 1980's High School Gem
CitizenCaine7 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Few can argue that any decade produced more memorable teen comedies than the 1980's. However, this time around it's not about romance or overly serious in any way. Three O'clock High focuses on Jerry Mitchell, the school bookstore clerk, who unfortunately is given the unenviable assignment of interviewing one Buddy Revell, the school's new psycho, loser, reject. While trying to explain to Buddy about his assignment, Jerry is forced into a fight after school for the heinous offense of touching Buddy's well worn leather jacket on the shoulder. The rest of the film highlights the various methods Jerry attempts to get himself out of the fight, including paying a football player whom he once helped with 6th grade homework. Other desperate measures include planting a knife in Buddy's locker, cheating on an Algebra 2 quiz, and deliberately botching a book report in English class in outlandish, over-the-top fashion. All attempts fail of course, Jerry hits upon a successful gimmick near the end, but then he... Oh, I can't say anymore. Casey Siemaszko is perfect as the nervous nerd Jerry Mitchell. Richard Tyson is also dead-on as loser, Buddy Revell. The film contains some sly commentary about teen fantasies, motives, perspectives on adults, and gossip. Stylish direction by Phil Joanou, including a Film Noir look in an administrator's office, adds immensely to the film's enjoyment. *** of 4 stars.
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fct4nyi22 January 2005
This movie is not your ordinary geek vs. bully movie. It is one of the funniest movies of all time, and a joy to watch. To watch Jerry Mitchell's meltdown and subsequent boning up to the task at hand is hysterical as he goes to everything he can think of to get out of the fight with Buddy Ravelle. The movie is a perfect blend of humor, teen angst and cheer for the little guy action. Richard Tyson is in the role he was born to play as Buddy Ravelle and maintains a sense of menace delivering his notable lines. I don't understand why Steven Spielberg wanted his name taken off the Executive Producer LAbel. He should have been proud of this work.
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"That's what I call a book report"
PredragReviews10 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie portrays what many, many American males went through in high school. Being bullied. This movie's not only puts to rest old demons that still sometimes haunt grown men when they think about high school (by seeing Jerry beat up the bully instead of the other way around), but it was so funny that I can't resist watching it whenever it is on cable! The crazy antics that occur in every high school in America (and abroad), are displayed by the nutty teachers, the rabid dogs that sometimes pass for school security guards, and the crazy girl that likes you for who you are so much that she wants to "bond" with you on a display table in the school store. It is just excellent! The film is just plain funny and will really take you back to your high school years and all the uncertainty that came along with them. Casey Siemaszko was perfect for the role. The film's director, Phil Janou, essentially shot the film as a series of still photographs that had dialogue thrown in. That was perfect because to me that's how much of high school seemed.

Overall rating: 7 out of 10.
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It had potential
Mr-Fusion12 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The idea behind "Three O'Clock High" is an amusing one: "High Noon" in high school. And for the first 30 minutes or so, it has the makings of a great '80s teen movie. The character archetypes are there, there's a great score, and the lead actor is up to the task. But eventually, the humor in Jerry's attempts to get out of the fight (making out with the teacher to get detention, trying to break open the cash register to steal a payoff) wears off. By the time he's caught cheating on a test, the attempts become self-destructive to the point that I just wanted Jerry to flat-out tell someone there's a fight at three. Any adult that happens upon this melee on school grounds won't believe for a second that Jerry egged the hulking bully into a fistfight, and he'll finally get an adult to listen to him.

There is a climactic fight, and it's surprising that it actually goes down, given the tone of the preceding 90 minutes. But the unlikely happy ending for Jerry comes off extremely far-fetched, which honestly spoiled the entire thing for me. When that fight happens, the tone changes and it feels like a completely different movie. It's such a disjointed shift, that it runs counter to the movie that was the lead-up to afternoon throwdown. The main character goes through such hell all day, that you're constantly trying to figure out how he'll think his way out of this (or fate will deal him some kind of forfeit with a lesson involved). But he winds up chancing into a set of brass knuckles and magically wins the fight and the (entire) school's adoration. Seriously, it's like the ending to a different movie.

To Siemaszko's credit, he wears the look of tortured desperation well. And the movie features a terrifically atmospheric score by Tangerine Dream that's still in my head. But "Three O'Clock High" just has "what could've been" written all over it.

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