Tribes (1970) Poster


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Very good portrayal of boot camp
danmcn6116 April 2004
As an ex-Marine, I was keenly interested in seeing this movie of the week rerun when it aired, I think at 2 am, but what the heck I was on night shift anyway.

First off, I liked it, I really liked it and not because it "took sides" because frankly I don't think it did. A VERY young Jan-Michael Vincent played the part of a spacy draftee quite well and Darren McGavin was his usual excellent self. Parts of the film were filmed at MCRD (Marine Corps Recruit Depot) in San Diego, with real recruits going through drill training on the grinder. Even though it was filmed at the height of the Vietnam war, politics was left out of the film, but they did manage to show the conflict between the hippie and the more conventional recruits.

The best performance though was from Earl Holliman in my opinion. He played the hard-ass DI to the hilt and provided the strongest contrast to the hippie's live-and-let-live anarchy, even stronger than McGavin's character.

The movie didn't offer answers, nor did it preach about who was right and who wasn't (maybe that was the point anyway, nobody is really 100% "right" in any conflict).
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A well-written and performed counter-culture-conflict film.
tiwannae21 May 2005
I am usually not a fan of war films or war-themed films, but this one was reely (I meant the spelling) good. It was a fine character study of opposites, with Darren McGavin and Jan-Michael Vincent in stand-out performances. One day I have to try the meditation tricks that Vincent's character uses to mentally take himself away from the unpleasantries he had to deal with at the boot camp.

On the note of the cast, can someone tell me where is Bud Cort in this film? He's listed as a 'draftee nerd,' but I don't see him. I am wondering if he has been mistaken for Danny Goldman, who was in a lot of Bud's early films ("M*A*S*H" and "The Strawberry Statement" come to mind), and if you didn't look well enough, could have been mistaken for him. (I made that mistake regarding one dramatic scene that takes place in the men's room at the barracks. I had to watch it twice to correct myself that it wasn't Bud Cort).
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What was that Marine recruit spotter thinking?
bkoganbing14 April 2017
Just to get it accurate I found out back in the day that the US Marines actually did take draftees during part of Vietnam at least. Apparently they would send recruiters to army induction centers like Whitehall Street in New York City and at big places like that would select four or five and say you lucky ones are part of the Marines as opposed to the army. Around the time I was doing my basic training at Fort Polk, Louisiana, Tribes was popular, so popular this made for TV film actually got a theatrical release.

I was not the most military of trainees, but I was Sergeant York next to Jan-Michael Vincent. I have to ask myself what was that Marine Corps spotter thinking when he picked him? There he was with that adorable long blond hair and that unforgivable fashion faux pas socks and sandals, looking every inch like he belonged at Woodstock.

I'd have had the same reaction that gunnery sergeant Darren McGavin did, someone is playing a joke on me. But it's for real and Vincent with his meditation, his yoga starts undermining the whole platoon except for a few gung ho recruits. He drives McGavin batty, but he intrigues him nevertheless. Neither can understand what makes the other tick.

The one Jan-Michael really drives nuts is the sergeant just above him in rank Earl Holliman. He's got special plans for this hippie freak that McGavin thinks are not appropriate.

The draft is gone now and the Marines probably for their own good as an elite fighting force dropped it on their own years earlier. It was a Vietnam experiment that could really go wrong if a Jan-Michael Vincent got in the mix in a few places.

Vincent, McGavin, and Holliman and the rest do some of their best work in Tribes. One of the best made for TV movies ever done.
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An excellent TV film
chris-6369 May 2005
I was a mere 12 years old when I first viewed this film back in 1970 and I loved it. It now reminds me of a future "Full Metal Jacket" without the profanity and violence that that film carried some 17 years later. All the performers, Vincent, McGavin and Holliman were simply all superb. Being a retired military man now, I can highly appreciate military films and "Tribes" will always be amongst those that stand out. This was one truly superb film and I highly recommend it. Although Vincent went on to become a big star in major motion pictures and the TV series "Airwolf", it was shameful that his career was cut short due to his addiction to drugs and alcohol. Nevertheless, this film will always be a memorable one for me indeed. It would be interesting to have this film come out on DVD with comments from all three leading actors and the director.
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Very, very well-done
Skragg7 November 2005
I gave it a 10, not because it's perfect, but I'm pretty prejudiced about it. "Tribes" is really part of a long tradition in the movies (the misfit becomes a model soldier because of the tough but decent sergeant), but of course it plays around with all the rules - in the first place, you're practically certain that the misfit WON'T be influenced all that much (or that he SHOULD BE), and in the second place, HE begins to influence the SERGEANT! Against his will, of course ("It's not my drawing!"). In spite of being made in 1970, it's far from being strictly a Vietnam-oriented movie. And it's even more than a "hippie vs. the Establishment" movie (though those are fine with me), but a lot more general (I've heard that it was endorsed by the Marine Corps, I guess because it they considered it pretty "balanced".) I don't know much about meditation, but one of the best scenes in this film has Private Adrian describing it to the other recruits, while they listen with "rapt attention", including Scrunch Gordon, the "jock" who hated him at first. Which is another thing - it does without genuine stereotypes, except for Earl Holliman's DePayster, who's nice enough in other scenes, but becomes an over-the-top redneck at the sight of Adrian. (And Holliman is completely entertaining doing those scenes.) Of course, it does have "stock characters", ones that work - like John Gruber as the tragic character, Danny Goldman as the completely comical one. (According to this listing, Bud Cort was in it, though I've never recognized him.) As far as the completely funny scenes, Darrin McGavin is really great in them, giving almost an Oliver Hardy kind of look sometimes (a little like his wonderful character in "A Christmas Story"). And he's never less than great in the other scenes (he and Vincent seemed to work perfectly together). And Jan-Michael Vincent is completely believable as Adrian (because of that, I've always "typecast" him as that kind of character, even though I've hardly ever SEEN him play a similar one).
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mind over matter
cineman7772 November 2005
I saw this movie when it came out 35 years ago (has it really been that long?). Most memorable scene was the one in which free spirit hippie Jan-Michael Vincent was forced to hold up two full buckets of water (one in each hand) shoulder high as punishment by taskmaster Darrin McGavin. Vincent turned the tables by meditating on a carefree afternoon spent frolicking on a sun-dappled hillside with a comely young miss. His blissed-out state enabled him to maintain the buckets aloft indefinitely. This naturally drove the by-the-book McGavin to distraction. Enjoyed the culture clash theme. Exemplary writing, directing, and especially acting (McGavin superb as the grizzled DI, and Vincent at his charismatic best).
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Triumph of Individualism over Conformity
thomaspkanell18 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've read all of the reviews for this movie, and I'm not convinced that any of them address its major theme: the triumph of individuality over conformity (although the Storyline alludes to this.)

Entering into the Marines, everyone is reduced to the status of "maggots." Everyone's hair is shorn. Everyone is reminded that they do not have their mothers' apron strings to clutch. Everyone is questioned as to the propriety of their sexual orientation, whether they are really men or something less than men. Everyone is reduced to their naked bodies standing in the showers, with their bars of soap, toothbrushes and towels. Everyone has the same buzz cut, the same cots, the same clothes, and their behavior scrutinized and reinforced from morning until evening, and again the following day. All of this is done to ensure conformity, obedience and willingness to fight in the name of country.

In the midst of this overt dehumanization, Adrian stands out, not as a rebellious spirit, but as a sensitive and intelligent thinking man. In one scene, Adrian asks his DI, "Sir, do we dig ditches in order to build up our morale and sense of pride?" To which the drill sergeant replies, "You do not need to know why I ask you to do anything. Simply the fact that I ask it should be sufficient for you to comply." That type of reply, it should be noted, is not persuasive to the sensitive man who can think for himself, as it appeals only to a spirit of authority, not reason.

Notwithstanding, Adrian excels in all of his activities as a Marine. He can run faster, fight better, endure more pain and suffering than anyone else in his outfit, and moreover he demonstrates a peace and strength that comes from his own spiritual convictions. He also helps those who are weaker than he is and he shows himself wiser than the men who are trying to instruct him.

And yet, despite the fact that he outwardly shows himself more than capable of everything the Marines throw at him, the senior drill instructor notices that Adrian's serene and peaceable spirit remains unbroken and undiminished. This observation becomes a sadistic blood-lust to the senior instructor, to break the man down and to destroy Adrian's sense of individuality at all costs, even to the point of having him repeat basic training all over again until he conforms to the Marine ideal of the "unthinking obedient killing machine."

At the end of the movie, Adrian has to decide to which "tribe" he will give his ultimate allegiance. His immediate drill instructor tries to give him his best advice, but of course, he has to do so while remaining loyal to the Corp himself. In the end, who is more loyal to his ideals, Adrian or his instructor?

I found this movie to be a favorite of mine, embodying the "hero" (or "antihero") theme of retaining one's essential identity in the midst of outside demoralizing and dehumanizing influences. In my opinion, the movie is as instructive and inspiring as it is entertaining!
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Incredible TV Movie Of Peace At War
happipuppi137 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I had the fortunate luck to see this on a 1989 Saturday afternoon showing on Phoenix's,then,independent station KPHO channel 5 (now a CBS affiliate.) I had read the brief description in TV Guide and decided to give it a look. Being that movies shown this way then,were always scratchy faded and the sound somewhat muffled,it still didn't take anything away from this (for 1970) daring storyline.

Jan Michael's character is the ultimate anti-war,peace loving '60s hippie who'd like to be anywhere but in the military. He shows it by doing all he can to prove he's not soldier material. Jan should have stayed with movies and skipped doing a TV series,he's too good for that!

Earl Holliman (miles away from his co-starring role in "Police Woman"),is a great drill Sgt. who is at his wits end in trying to get this young man to "conform" to a military role. In one scene he is finally driven to bend down to Jan Michael and whisper,"You have to shoot etc..." in a way like an understanding father to his son.

It's often said of TV movies that they are badly acted,directed and come off with less depth than a theatrical release. "Tribes" is one of the handful of 1970's TV Movies that escapes that description,if these two main leads didn't win an Emmy,then that's too bad,their performances sure seem Emmy caliber. Buy it on DVD?...You bet I would! (END)
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Good, but a lot of YELLING
stevenfallonnyc772 May 2021
Don't watch late at night when the kiddies are asleep because this flick is a yell-fest virtually from start to finish. The first twenty minutes especially is virtually all yells, and it doesn't get much better from there. Everyone is yelling, the sergeant, the recruits, everyone. Sir, yes sir!

That being said, I didn't find the film as good as most others but it is good. I'm a big Jan-Michael Vincent fan so that helps if you like him. He's fine as the hippie Adrian who is drafted and reluctantly reports to boot camp.

Sgt. Thomas Drake (Darren McGavin) who is leading his group of recruits immediately doesn't like Adrian, but comes to later like and respect him a bit. It's never really clear why this happens, and kind of happens out of the blue without much reason.

For a TV-movie it's decent, but there are a lot of scenes of recruits doing their thing which seem to accomplish nothing more than extend the running time. There's an attempt at some additional drama with a troubled recruit who befriends Adrian but this really goes nowhere. We never really get to know any of the recruits that well. Even Adrian, as he is so low-key it's difficult to make such a character too enthralling. Earl Holliman does a decent job as Master Sgt. Frank DePayster, who takes a particular dislike to Adrian.

Not a bad movie at all, just a bit on the thin side with, of course, lots and lots of yelling.
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great movie
furbishlousewort19 May 2016
I saw this when I was 14 in 1970 and it had a big impact on me. Everything about it was excellent. Special kudos to Vincent for insisting they shave his actual hair for realism. (I read about that in one of the teen magazines of the time, lol)

Anyone interested in the late 60s early 70s "hippie" movement should watch this, and anyone who wonders about the military's methods of transforming ordinary citizens into military personnel. As other reviewers have noted, this film doesn't take sides, but presents a sympathetic view to both the DI and the drafted hippie, and protrays them both as willing and able to see other points of view. A good film for parents to watch with teens; it will lead to interesting discussions.
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Decent Story of Culture Conflict.
rmax30482318 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The clashing cultures of the title are the U. S. Marine Corps and the flower children whose suns were turning into moons in 1970. The confused and pacifistic draftee, Jan-Michael Vincent, tells his equally confused but thoroughly committed Drill Instructor, "We belong to different tribes." He is SO right. But the title could have as easily been taken from John Ciardi's poem, "My Tribe" -- "Our boys hone knives in their dreams of you." Ciardi wasn't thinking of Vietnam but of the Cold War, but the sentiment applies to all of human conflict, the darker part of human nature that exalts US while demonizing THEM.

The movie is properly done -- a TV effort with good acting and directing and modest production values. If Jan-Michael Vincent is a bit weak as the reluctant boot, that's more than made up for by Darren McGavin's subtle portrayal of a bellowing but fundamentally humane DI.

The abusive drill instructor is of course a cliché. Can anyone make a movie about Marine Corps boot camp without have a sadistic and vulgar DI knocking some maggot's ears off? There are one or two other stereotypes. Vincent himself is a hippie who has lived on a commune. Remember them? Ahsrams for the common man? Along the way he's picked up certain mental tricks resembling self-guided imagery that enable him to endure pain and humiliation not only without protest but with a big smile. He chants. He sits in the full lotus position. He teaches others in his platoon how to do it. All this drives McGavin crazy with fear, anger, and admiration. All he's lacking is curiosity. To him, it's all "double talk." He's reduced to issuing orders such as, "There will be no more chanting in my barracks." And it IS double talk. You just can't make yourself a tower of strength by imagining that you're in some other, happier realm. It doesn't work. I hate to do this but I have to use another quote to illustrate how common sensical this observation is, what historical depth it has. Sir John Falstaff in one of Billy Shakespeare's plays (I forget which), has a hilarious comment: "There never was philosopher/ could bear the tooth ache patiently." I'm tempted to add another highbrow allusion -- Edgar Allan Poe's tale, "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar," in which a man is hypnotized at the moment of death and forced to remain alive until, when brought out of the trance, he turns to a rotting corpse. But, upon thinking it over, I don't believe I will.

Anyway, the point is -- What was the point anyway? Oh, yes. "Recondital meditation" doesn't work when somebody is hitting you over the head with a crowbar. That was a popular cliché at the time. Another stereotype in the film is the Chief Drill Instructor, played by Earl Holliman as a lunatic redneck who hates hippies and, presumably, everybody else who admits to having feelings other than pride, loyalty, and an unquenchable desire to kill -- the last stashed away somewhere in his cognitive hibernaculum. Values aside, it's a poor performance. Earl Holliman may be one of the nicest guys in the world for all I know, but his virtue as an actor has always eluded me.

Other, equally easy stereotypes, are deftly avoided by the writers. McGavin has no wife to take out his frustration on, so there can't be any conjugal arguments. In fact he has no home life at all. He has a small room in the same barracks as his platoon, which must be like a corrections officer living in a rather nicer cell than the other inmates at San Quentin.

The direction is by Joseph Sargent, who had a long if not especially distinguished career in both TV and feature films. He has one memorable shot. McGavin, to teach Vincent a lesson, has him pitted against one man after another, Cool Hand Luke fashion, in a pugilstick contest until he drops from exhaustion. Then there is a crane shot as the camera lifts skyward and shows us the wide ring of boots at rigid attention while McGavin stands over the prostrate Vincent, looking around defiantly, like a dog who has just won the fight without realizing the victory was pretty empty.

The theme song is dumb -- some would-be gumbaya folk ditty about a lonesome soldier who is a victim. I don't believe the composer and lyricist realized that the victims included McGavin as well as the sympathetic hippie.

Interesting to follow the ritualized procedures of a Marine boot camp. They left us with shorn skulls too. What I remember most about it, is being surprised that so many of us had hairless scars forming arcs across our scalps. Somebody from one of the other tribes, probably.
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Tribes-36 years later
lockwood-106 June 2006
I served over 8 years in the active Army and also the Guard and am a veteran of Desert Storm. I watched 'Tribes' recently and regard the movie with unusual interest. The movie does not make a blanket statement as being anti-war, but more focuses on the military machine (this being the Marine Corps) trying to indoctrinate a young man who opposes war. Was this movie believable? Yes, I rubbed elbows with men who became pacifists and later refused service when called back to duty. The conflict between Mr McGavin and Mr. Vincent is seen as being very realistic going through basic training with the assumption that being 'we can break and mold you in our image'. That was the reality for all of us in the military and I found the ending to this movie quite different than what I expected it to be. I highly recommend this for all ages.
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Indecisive Film Gets indecisive Rating - Tribes
arthur_tafero21 August 2021
Some parts of Tribes are very good, and other parts are very indecisive. Parts of the film were obviously a model for the later, and much better, Full Metal Jacket. That film had Lee Ermey, the immortal Sergeant of Basic Training "Is that a donut I see, Private Pyle?". Holliman and McGAvin don't quite stack up against him. Vincent is pretty good and the equal of Modine's performance in Full Metal Jacket, but the production values of the latter are far better. This film tries to become touchy-feely and political, instead of just sticking to the rigors of basic like FMJ did. That almost never works. Did the hippie think the Marines would not require him to qualify for a rifle or accept his duty to defend his country? If he thought it out beforehand, he should have just gone directly to Canada and saved himself a couple of months of aggravation. I found the conclusion of the film to be disappointing and very indecisive; so I giving it an indecisive rating.
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zog-327 October 1998
In 1970 the United States Marine Corps did for the first time in its 194 year old history draft men for the corp. That's how come a long haired hippie wound up at the training base with long hair and a poncho. This counter-cultural chap Adrian comes face to face with a tough but honest DI played by Darren McGavin who has a softer, more human side under his " I'm a Marine and that's all I am" hardshell leatherneck persona Adrian doesn't conform and uses yoga (which he teaches to the other men) to deal with marine corp training. The made for tv movie has an interesting ending I would give this movie **** four stars
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Enjoyable twist on military basic training movie
Bejtlich21 November 1998
I am an Air Force officer. I appreciated this movie's adherence to depicting basic training in a fairly accurate light. Placed in the context of early 1970's America, "Tribes" strikes a realistic balance between "hippie culture" and military regimentation. I partly expected the movie to take a sappy turn, whereby the entire platoon converted to flower-power and refused to fight. Thankfully, the ending is far more original, although saddening.

Jan-Michael Vincent acted superbly. Besides the classic 1980s Airwolf TV series, I was never really impressed by his acting ability, until now. Darren McGavin of "The Christmas Story" fame was excellent also, and the two interacted well on screen.

This movie is a fun Saturday afternoon commentary on the tension between the desensitization of military training and the desire to preserve individual values. I voted a 9 out of 10.

Richard Bejtlich
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This movie helped me survive!
cherokeecfg15 June 2007
I saw this movie in 1970 when it was on TV. Eleven years later at the tender age of 29 I joined the Utah National Guard and went to basic training at Ft. Jackson, SC. The memory of this movie helped me to survive basic training. I remembered that the drill sergeants really wanted to yell at the hippie all the time, but as long as he did what he was told the drill sergeants had a hard time finding something to yell at him about. So when I was in basic training I tried hard to do everything I was told so that the drill sergeants wouldn't find a reason to yell at me. It helped a lot. Now I have a son who just went through basic training and I told him about the movie before he left and how it helped me. I consider the movie "Tribes" my key to getting through basic training.
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There's power if you seek it
Wuchakk11 February 2014
"Tribes" came out in 1970, months after the Kent State shootings at the height of the protest against the Vietnam war. It was released on TV in America but theatrically overseas as "The Soldier Who Declared Peace." The film features an interesting culture clash between two Marine drill instructors and a hippie draftee. One drill instructor, Drake (Darren McGavin), starts to see the merits of the hippie, Adrian (Jan-Michael Vincent), but the senior drill instructor refuses to budge an inch.

Adrian opens up a whole new world for Drake, one that he never considered. What turns Drake's head is that Adrian isn't some stereotypical drugged-out hippie; he's the most intelligent and fit recruit in his platoon, but how can this be since he dropped out of school and is a hippie? Through a learning attitude and meditational practices Adrian has tapped into a power source that gives him the edge over the rest of the recruits. Drake SEES it and can't deny it, especially since Adrian's techniques start working with the other recruits as well.

This shakens Drake because he had pegged all hippies as drug-addled vagabonds. But the evidence is undeniable and he can't help but develop respect for the hippie. It also rattles him because he comes to realize that Adrian, despite being only 19 years-old or so, is superior to him in some ways. In other words, the mentor could learn a thing or two from the mentee, which isn't the way it's supposed to be in boot camp. The good thing is that Drake is humble enough -- teachable enough -- to receive from Adrian whereas the senior drill instructor (Earl Holliman) is too arrogant and ape-ish to do anything but spurn him.

The film is smart in that it doesn't paint Adrian as omnipotent or wholly wise, nor is Drake the opposite. They both have valuable perspectives, intelligence & skills and can learn from each other, if they're open. For instance, Adrian is extraordinary when it comes to mental discipline and the power to overcome the physical and mental challenges of boot camp, but he fails miserable on the rifle range because his indoctrination cripples him from merely shooting a rifle, let alone shooting a human being. Adrian obviously adheres to absolute pacifism, which refuses to ever turn to violence in response to opposition or evil. Clearly Adrian could learn a thing or two about the necessity of self-defense and opposing people who reject the grace of peace and are bent on destruction or evil. It's called limited pacifism, which is what Jesus Christ advocated -- a peaceable attitude that only resorts to violence when necessary. See my review of "Billy Jack" for more details, if interested.

The film was shot at the Marine Corps depot in San Diego; I went to boot camp at the one in Parris Island, SC. I bring up my experience because of some parallels with the movie. For instance, a spiritual leader rose up in my platoon, much as Adrian does in "Tribes," although he was older than Adrain and he adhered to a different spiritual discipline, Christianity. As the weeks wore on he proved himself over and over -- his mental/spiritual stamina -- and he attracted a formidable following, who hanged around him during free time, much like the recruits do with Adrian. One similarity of these two is that they both led through humble, gentle wisdom rather than a domineering, bloviating spirit, like the drill instructors. In other words, they led without putting on the puke-inducing airs of conventional "leadership." They led simply by influencing people positively by their undeniable wisdom and the power they've obviously tapped into. This is true leadership.

I mention this because there are other ways to tap into extraordinary power than Transcedental Meditation, like Adrian, even superior ways. The Christian recruit I mentioned did it too, although it wasn't as unrealistically overdone as it was in the film with Adrian. Of course I realize it's a film and the filmmakers had to exaggerate some things to keep it interesting for its 90-minute runtime. What was unrealistic? Well, for one, the idea that Adrian was able to win over the ENTIRE platoon and, secondly, that every recruit was able to enter into such a deep state of meditation that Drake had a hard time waking them out of their inner bliss one morning, including Quentin who's taking drugs and is clearly unstable -- unstable enough to attempt suicide.

I bring the above up because "Tribes" shouldn't be pigeonholed as TM propaganda (although it may have that effect on some) anymore than the Christian's actions in my platoon could be construed as Christian propaganda. (By the way, I didn't hang around this guy, the things I mentioned above were just things I noticed and it somewhat influenced me years later. So I guess he did positively influence me, huh?). The film simply shows that there's more for you -- more power, knowledge, wisdom -- if you seek it, but this treasure exists outside conventional training and educational structures.

What's interesting is that both the drill instructors in the film are probably Christian, at least nominally. And it shows how sterile and powerless Christianity has become in the West, at least in some ways. Believe it or not, the Bible actually supports meditation, as Psalm 119:15-16 shows, not to mention the incredible power available through spiritual rebirth and the baptism of the Spirit. These dynamic aspects of Christianity are generally written off, ignored or mocked by most denominations and blockheaded pastors, which is shameful. Is it any wonder that people -- even professing believers -- can be intrigued by TM and other such disciplines to the point that they think Christianity is somehow a lesser belief system? Actually, it's far more than a mere belief system or spiritual discipline; I'd elaborate but I don't want this review to turn into Christian propaganda, lol.
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"Tribes" tells the story of a 1960s American hippy flower child who fails to adjust to the grimness of military life.
red_valsen20 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Tribes" tells the story of a 1960s American hippy flower child who fails to adjust to the grimness of military life after being drafted into the U.S. Marine Corps. A very young Jan Michael-Vincent stars as Adrian, the flower child. Darren McGavin plays the role of Gunnery Sergeant Drake, the hard-as-nails veteran platoon drill instructor.

Adrian proves himself to be a superior recruit, dealing with the stresses of military training by resorting to his inner self. He eventually teaches the rest of his platoon (clandestinely, of course, to avoid the ever-watchful and disapproving eye of the DI) meditative techniques such as yoga. In one hilarious scene, Sgt. Drake walks into the barracks to find Adrian meditating while leaning against the wall, standing on his head -- naked. In an instant, Adrian is locked at attention, explaining to the drill instructor that he was naked because, "I like the freedom, sir!" Drake's head nearly explodes as he nears to within an inch of the boot's face and screams, "THERE WILL BE NO FREEDOM IN MY PLATOON!"

Even though the finest boot in the group, Adrian eventually desserts before completing boot camp. Drake, frustrated at his platoon's finest member, nevertheless doesn't give up and tracks Adrian down. Adrian tells Drake he'll never use a weapon against another human being; Drake replies that he's had to do just that for the mere privilege of being able to sit and talk to Adrian.

Can Drake convince Adrian to return?

But that's not the end of the story.

"Tribes" (in spite of its anachronisms, readily identifiable by those who've been there) is one of the most faithful efforts of depicting the U.S. Marine Corps -- especially boot camp -- in a movie. It is invariably compared to Kubrick's much more profane, and ultimately more realistic, "Full Metal Jacket". But its message (and audience) is completely different. One should keep in mind that at the time the film was produced, every U.S. draftee was virtually guaranteed to be sent to the still raging war in Vietnam.

"Tribes" is an astonishing achievement for a made-for-TV movie.
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An interesting look at America in 1970...
planktonrules1 December 2016
When this film began, I wondered if it was originally intended for theatrical release. While I know it was a made for television picture for "The ABC Movie of the Week", the opening titles sure looked like a non-television film...and most of these made for TV films are only about 75 minutes while this one clocks in at 90. Who knows...?

The script for "Tribes" won a Prime Time Emmy Award and was written by Tracy Keenan Wynn, Keenan Wynn's son. He also wrote scripts for some high profile projects like "The Longest Yard" and "The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman".

The film follows a group of young Marine draftees through boot camp with their tough Drill Instructor, Sgt. Drake (Darren McGavin). Of all the guys in the platoon, the one that seems to rub Drake wrong the most often is Pvt. Adrian (Jan-Michael Vincent), as Adrian is a hippie---with long hair and sandals. However, in many ways Adrian is a great recruit...but he doesn't quite fit in all the time (particularly when it comes to the rifle range). He uses meditation to excel at physical training and soon is teaching it to the rest of the recruits...much to the annoyance and confusion of Drake! This movie focuses on this relationship between Adrian and Drake...and you wonder throughout which one will win this battle of wills. Oddly, however, towards the end of the picture, Drake takes on a rather paternal attitude towards Adrian...and another Drill Instructor doesn't like this.

Not surprisingly, McGavin is exceptional...and the script one that keeps your interest throughout. It's also a wonderful time capsule for the period...a look back into America circa 1970. The negative, and it didn't bother me, is the ending...which I am pretty sure left many viewers disappointed at its vagueness. Still, well worth seeing.

By the way, I wonder where this film is supposed to take place. After all, you see Adrian walking along the beach...and you assume it's perhaps in San Diego (and this IS where it was filmed). But in a scene with the Chaplain, he and Drake talk about going to the Snake River to do some fishing on their day off (Sunday)...and the Snake River is rather far from the coast--mostly running in Wyoming and Idaho but also into Southwest Washington. This would be about a 19 hour drive!
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Marines in the Lotus position? Only in 1970s Hollywood...
moonspinner551 March 2010
Jan-Michael Vincent plays a Marine recruit with a free spirit and a will of his own who clashes with his superiors while in Boot Camp; seems his strange-but-successful meditation techniques have intrigued his fellow soldiers and now have the barracks in a state of orderly calm. Highly-regarded drama for television boasts some good sequences and a fine performance from Vincent, but Darren McGavin's drill sergeant is a wheeze (the role probably looked moldy in 1970 as well). The humiliation tactics taken by the Marines (calling the soldiers "ladies" and so on) likely haven't changed much in the ensuing years, yet this particular training-day tale hasn't been sharpened for much impact. Vincent is an individualist whose body can be broken but not his mind--once we understand this, there isn't much more in the teleplay to surprise us. Production values solid, though several of the supporting performances are flimsy and the finale is highly unsatisfactory.
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It's us against them
mml-515 November 2003
I haven't seen this since my first viewing in 1970 but I remember the reactions of my peers ( I was 16) very well. We thought it was great! It was wonderful to see "one of our own" succeed against the military that threatened all of us at that time. It may be hard to understand today, but in those times of the draft, the Kent State shootings, and the war in Viet Nam, those of us with long hair or alternative views took pleasure in seeing those reflected in the popular media of the day which was anything but "alternative".
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flemingd-2499221 April 2018
Friday Night AtThe Movies, Nov.10,1970 was my last official day in USAF boot camp in San Antonio, Tx. The barracks dayroom was packed and this aired for the first time. DAJA VUE all over again.
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Wonderfully acted, superb 70's TV movie
robespierre924 April 2008
I just found this to rent at my local library. This is as timeless as a boot-camp movie as you will ever see. Jan Michael Vincent, as a hippie draftee named Adrian, comes to Marine boot-camp during the Vietnam War. He uses some of his 'yoga' skills to become a better, more well-fit solider, both mentally and physically, than the rest of the troops. His inability to 'shoot to kill' is the only thing that seems to hold him back from becoming the ultimate marine. He battles wills with his Sgt. Thomas Drake (Darren McGavin) throughout the movie. Adrian also wins over the hearts of his fellow marines. The drill sergeant has a little 'inner hippie' in him also it seems (he sketches birds, etc.) and he's immediately connected to the Jan Michael character. Eventually he tries to protect him like a father from the other sadistic drill sergeant. There could also be some underlying sexual tension here as Drake seems to want to protect Adrian from the aggressively hostile Sgt. DePayster. It's a great movie! If you like Biloxi Blues, you'll love this! Also, for any Jan Michael fan, this is a must see. Jan really seems to become Adrian after getting his lovely blond hair shaved off (for real!) at the start of the movie. Jan has such a natural way of acting - the shaved hear transforms him beautifully into this young, sensitive marine. It's fascinating to watch. It's one of his superior performances.
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Your undermining my entire unit!
sol-kay19 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Made some 17 before the far more popular "Full Metal Jacket" the made for TV movie "Tribes" still packs the same kind of wallop now as it did back then, in 1970, at the very hight of the Vietnam War.

In "Tribes" we have the freedom loving flower child Adrian Stone, Jan-Michael Vincent, passively refusing to conform to the US Marine Code of becoming a blood and guts American fighting man. Adrian's Marine Drill Sargent Thomas Drake, Darren McGavin,is mortified at Adrian's attitude and tries everything he can to mold him into the US Marine that he, the Sarge, is. In admiring his sense of independence as well as taking everything that he can dish on him leads the men of Sgt. Drake's Marine company to gravitate to Adrian not him in looking for both advice and guidance in getting through boot camp.

Not only is Sgt. Drake disturbed in Adrian's Buddhist like meditation and mind altering tactics that enables him, among other things, to do feats of strength like holding up two 10 pond buckets of sands, in the broiling sun, for over an hour but that he's by far, without a formal education, the smartest man in the unit with the highest aptitude scores!

It's not that long that the Sargent himself starts to admire Adrian and also sees what Adrian so tactfully brought out about his own, what he thought was, mindless doodling. Adrian tells the Neanderthal-like Drake that he has real artistic and creative talents that are just yarning to be released! This makes the hard as nails Marine Drill Sargent seriously feel that it's the sensitive artist, not blood thirsty killer,in him that's really the real Thomas Drake! Seeing that his good friend and fellow Marine Drill Sargent is getting a bit soft in the head, and becoming the laughing stock at the Marine Boot Camp, Sgt. Frank DePayster, Earl Holliman, starts to put the screws on Adrian by going out of his way in breaking his chops at every opportunity. This in spite of the fact that Adrian isn't even in his Marine unit!

***SPOILER ALERT*** I did have mixed feeling about the end of the film with Adrian after taking everything, in spite of Sargent's Drake who had now come to his side, that the overly gong-ho and obnoxious Sgt. DePayster could dish out on him ends up going over the hill, or AWOL, and checks out of the Marine Corps for good. What Adrian went though at Marine Boot Camp was horrible but that's what was to condition him for where he, and his fellow US Marine recruits, were to face on the Vietnam battlefront. With Adrian's pacifist attitude in not wanting to shoot or even hold a weapon he would have in the end not only jeopardized himself but his fellow Marines in "Nam". Who were facing an enemy-the Vietcong and North Vietnamese troops-who were anything but the peace loving flower children that Adrian was!
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When will Tribes be available on DVD?!
kbreenbo30 August 2008
I was a mere 8 years old when I saw this made-for-TV movie and began my life-long crush on Jan-Michael Vincent. It is almost incomprehensible now to imagine a riveting made-for-TV movie with the entire family gathered around to watch. Not only was this the case for this movie, but "movies of the week" were part of regular programming for each of the three networks.

Anyone and everyone who sees this movie remembers the water bucket scene and of course getting sheered. Too young to understand the politics of war, I did comprehend the message.

The only negative comment I have about this movie is that it isn't available on DVD.
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