Hercules in New York (1970) Poster

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culwin4 September 1999
Wow, this movie has to be seen to be believed! I can't believe that Arnold "Pretzie" Stang was overlooked AGAIN by the Academy! A finer piece of work I have not seen! Except perhaps by that guy in the bear suit. Now that was some great acting as well.

Of course, this is all from the perspective of being drunk, which is what you would have to be to like this movie! :P
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Might actually be fun, but Arnold Stang hangs around like a wretched fart and ruins everything
zetes12 July 2015
Over a decade before his movie career exploded and eight years before even Pumping Iron, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this cheapie B comedy playing the Greek demigod Hercules, who has been banned from Olympus by Zeus. Schwarzenegger can barely speak a line of coherent English at this point (the film is probably more commonly seen with his performance dubbed, but his original voice is available nowadays). Funny thing is, he's by far the best actor in the picture. Everyone else is just cringe-inducingly awful. The movie as a whole might have actually been watchable, if it weren't for the painfully stereotypical Jew performance by Arnold Stang, who dominates much of it. The film has Schwarzenegger (dubbed Arnold Strong) doing Schwarzenegger-ish activities like weightlifting, throwing cars around and getting into various fights. What would you do if you ran into a 22 year-old Arnold Schwarzenegger and he was annoying you? Start a fight? Well, if you're in this movie, that's what you do. It happens like ten times.
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Great for a laugh...
planktonrules26 September 2009
This is a very bad film--there's no denying this. Imagine having a young Arnold Schwarzenegger (whose command of English was MUCH worse than when he did his movies in the 1980s) playing a Greek god who comes to New York for a few laughs! Now the concept COULD have actually worked--if the leading man hadn't been barely cognizant of the English language. And, had the writers not been chimpanzees, the story could have been turned into a cute little tongue-in-cheek tale. But, in the end, through total incompetence, it's a dreadful movie. BUT, for people who like watching stupid films and laughing at them, then they are in for a treat with HERCULES IN NEW YORK!

The film begins in a very minimalistic Mount Olympian headquarters for the gods. Including the cost of the pillars, I think the set was created for about $47.50. Well, in this sketchy looking layout, the gods are all standing around when Hercules announces he's bored and wants to go back to Earth. Zeus forbids him and they argue. Ultimately, Zeus tosses him out of the sky onto the earth and from here on Hercules has a lot of adventures. For the most part, Schwarzenegger plays the role like he's a lovable moron...goofy and looking a bit like Jethro Bodine when he first went to the big city! Among the exciting(?) adventures he has are various wrasslin' matches, fighting an escaped bear (a guy in one of the worst bear suits I've ever seen) and hanging out with Arnold Stang--a man who has somehow learned to talk entirely through his nose. I'd tell you more about the story, but really don't think it's all that important. Suffice to say, Jethro runs around New York (often with no shirt) and gets into wacky trouble.

As far as the research for the writers goes, I think they'd have been better off if they'd read a few comic books or asked the average high school student for advice. When it comes to knowing even the basic information about the Greek gods, they often got is completely wrong--mixing Greek and Roman names for the gods again and again (for example, Juno, Venus and Hercules are Roman names and Zeus and Nemesis are Greek) as well as having little understanding (or care) about the gods themselves (Mercury was NOT Hercules' brother, Pluto was NOT the Devil nor did he live in Hell, etc., etc.). In addition, at the end of the film, Samson (from the Old Testament) and Atlas (whose job it is to hold the Earth) come to the rescue!

There are also two versions of this film. Traditionally, the version most have seen has a dubbed voice for Arnold, as he's occasionally barely comprehensible. But, this is also really silly as the voice is very robotic and obviously not his. This is the case with the version posted on IMDb (though, oddly, this version also lacks music and many basic sound effects). For those wanting to see and hear Arnold, the DVD has the original restored voice--but won't give you the option to hear either one. Additionally, at the end, when he talks to Stang from the radio, it's NOT Arnold's voice but that of the robot-dude.

Overall, the film was a shoddy and silly mess. But there was a certain goofiness that make it fun to watch despite its many, many obvious shortcomings. Not a good film at all, but fun to watch if you need a laugh.
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Arnold VS. The Bear in Central Park.
DarthVSith13 September 2004
That scene is by far the funniest yet horrible scene in film legacy. Arnold is in a chariot with his date when somehow a bear is on the loose in Central Park. For no apparent reason he runs off to fight it. They cut to the bear, And it stands up. Clearly, you can imagine the trainer behind the camera saying "BEAR UP" and it stands up. Now when Arnold fights the bear, It is a man in a costume which looks like it was purchased in Harlem. The back of the mans neck is showing as clear as day while him (the bear) and arnold duke it out. The man is swinging his fists like a MILL. You just cant take your eyes off it. And if you do, you are missing out on the funniest man vs. man (in a animal costume) fight in Film PERIOD.
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"How dare you strike Hercules"
NoeMan30 December 2004
If I feel down, all I need to do is think of Arnie fighting the grizzly bear in Hercules in New York and it cracks me up. The grizzly bear is actually just some big guy wearing a Halloween costume, he even moves like a human. But thats not the silliest scene. Arnold also fights a group of sailors with a plank and throws them in the sea, the sound effects and horrible choreography in that scene is hilarious. I've got the version of this movie with Arnies real voice, and just hearing that makes this movie worth getting. But Arnold is not the worst actor in this movie, his partner, Arnold Stang is much worse. The Mafia is even this movie, well, three guys...played by actors who probably auditioned for The Godfather but didn't make it. Yeeeaaahhhh....

The "brilliant" theme song in this movie is played about 500 times.

I would give this movie a one, but it made me laugh...so I guess it deserves a 2. Hoo-Ya.
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Goofy comedy with very early Arnie appearance
funkyfry15 February 2003
A film of at times incredible and hilarious ineptitude (scenes of the "gods" on Mount Olympus are interrupted constantly by the sounds of honking horns, which are often louder than the heavenly dialogue) saved to some extent by the sincere starring duo of Stang and Schwartzenneger (whose voice is dubbed in the theatrical version, perhaps unintentionally making this film funnier for those like myself who've seen more than a few Italian "pec epics").

Not a true action picture, more of an attempt at comedy that is more often funny against its intentions. Try to count how many times Arnie says "I am Hercules" (as if to convince HIMSELF that he's truly acting), and if you can make it to the end I'll give you a cracker or something.

You gotta love this film.
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The horror...
Dave-43019 February 2006
This is one of the worst movies of all time. The four-hundred-and-something witless souls who awarded this a 10 should be permanently banned from voting.

Forget that it was made on a shoe-string budget, and that at one point Arnold fights the worst bear costume in movie history; forget that he takes his shirt off in every other scene, often with zero motivation; forget that the Mount Olympus scenes are obviously shot in New York; forget even that the acting is of such monumental ineptitude that James Karen (one of the worst actors in "Return of the Living Dead") is far and away the finest thespian in sight. The fact that anybody invested as much as a nickel in a script that one monkey working for one hour could easily have done better is what really blows my mind. The premise is painfully stupid, and the execution of it is as heavy-handed and amateurish as anything you're likely to see. Most porn movies are produced with more consideration for plot.

I recommend "Hercules in New York" to anyone who likes to go to the dentist or enjoys a hard punch in the nose. This is an hour and a half of pure agony.
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What a goofy film!
gridoon31 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Clumsy comedy with cheesy "special effects" (if you want to call them that) and a dumb storyline. Still, this could be considered something of a cult item today, because it feautures Arnold Schwarzenegger in his movie debut; he is already impressive-looking, and his voice is dubbed throughout by a man who sounds nothing like him! What saves this movie from the lowest possible rating is its lack of pretension; the people involved in it must have known that they were making a bad movie and didn't try to hide it at all. For example, when Hercules fights a bear, there is no attempt to make the bear look even slightly real; it's all-too-obviously a man in a bear suit. (*1/2)
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An awful film - but still great to watch
StevieBaby0519 January 2008
The title itself sums this film up in a nutshell. "Hercules in New York" just screams cheese, low budget and ludicrousy. And that's exactly what you get.

As far as the film is concerned, there's probably more goofs than words. The sound is all over the place, and so is the camera! The acting is abysmal (apart from Pluto, he was alright) and Arnie is as stiff as a board.

However, I really enjoyed this film. It's silly, it's fun and it's Arnie! If anything it's great to see just how far you think he's come over the years. The unnecessary moments that all Arnie fans are used to, in which he'll decide for no good reason to reveal his phenomenal body structure are as prominent as ever, and this is another plus point for me.

It's a bad film, but you cant come away feeling cheated, watch it for what it is.

2* for the film. And 3* for Arnie.

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So Bad...It's Spaghetti!
meddlecore11 August 2020
Having met his mother while on vacation, Zeus fathered the mighty Hercules (played here by Arnold Schwartzenegger as Arnold Strong aka Mr Universe, though, with a more tolerable voiceover for American audiences), who gives him nothing but trouble up on Mount Olympus.

So he smites him into the sea on Earth, where he is picked up by a ship from America.

They bring him into New York, where they try to force him to work in the port...but all they get are knuckle sandwhiches.

After fighting his way to freedom, he tries to steal a chariot (in the form of a forklift), before being whisked away by, Pretzy, a local bagel and pretzel hustler.

He takes Hercules to Central Park, where he exhibits a number of feats of strength- showing up anyone who dare challenge him.

A college recruiter has his eye on Hercules, and invites him over for drinks, where he becomes infatuated with his daughter.

Inevitably, he gets into a fight with her boyfriend, and wins himself a chance to take her out.

They go for a carriage ride in Cenral Park, just as a grizzly bear escapes from the zoo.

So, of course, he fights and subdues the beast...which is actually just a dude in a poorly designed bear costume.

The newspapers pick up on the story, so to exploit his newfound fame...they throw him into the (American) wrestling ring.

The mafia sees this and strongarms their way in to "sign him" so that they can cash in off his back.

Zeus, however, feels this brings him shame, and thus seeks to punish him further.

But the Goddesses of Olympus intervene in his favour.

So Mercury is sent to bring him back to the realm of the Gods.

Hercules, meanwhile, is living the tourist life...checking out the sights, sounds and tastes of the big apple.

Thus, when Mercury comes to fetch him, he refuses to return, as he's become accustomed to his new life on Earth.

Now, he risks the almighty wrath of Zeus' rage.

Zeus plans to send Hercules to hell with Pluto for 100 years as punishment, but Juno overrules him and tells his interlopers to leave Hercules down on Earth- where she plans to render him fully mortal...while sending Pluto to murder him.

But Pluto doesn't like to murder, so he concocts a scheme instead.

Knowing Hercules is set to face off against Monstro the Magnificent in a weightlifting competition on a tv variety show, while backed by the mafia, Pluto sets him up to take the fall, after placing a large bet against him.

Cue the chariot chase...and let hilarity ensue...

No divine intervation required (ok, well...maybe a little).

An absolute cheesefest from start to finish.

So bad...it's spaghetti!!!

5.5 out of 10.
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An Awkward Children's Movie
As a child, I have seen movies that really grab the viewer's attention and have lovable characters that make a lasting impression. Children's movies like Gumby: The Movie (1995), Thomas and the Magic Railroad (2000), and Space Jam (1996) all have the things a child could ask for. As for Hercules in New York, the film definitely made a lasting impression but on the weird side of things. Sponsored by the Tooniversal Company, this piece of cinema is fun to watch for nostalgia purposes only.

This is Arnold Schwarzenegger's first film debut as the man who is part god, and part human. The story starts off when he is up in Olympus where he wants to be sent down to Earth because he is tired of hanging around with the Gods. So he argues with his father Zeus, who gets so livid that he sends him down to New York. Wait a minute, Zeus didn't want Hercules mingling with humans, so why was he sent down to New York in the first place? Why was there even an argument? Whatever.

Along with Schwarzenegger is Arnold Stang, who plays a character called Pretzie, a wimpy man who carries a basket of pretzels in the first part of the film that he's seen. From there, he no longer holds a bag of pretzels, what a surprise. I will say, the actors picked for the roles of each character were picked accurately, but I'm not saying their acting is good. Stang plays as good wimpy character, and is funny to see his eyes bulge. Even Schwarzenegger is good as Hercules, but that's because of his physique and I assume that's really all he needed. That is one of the nostalgic points in this movie; Schwarzenegger's muscles. It's amazing to see how big he really was in the 70s. The other part that is nostalgic about this film is to see what SOME of New York looked like back then, but that's about all the viewer will get.

What makes this movie so awkward are how the scenes are done. There are moments where Hercules is supposed to be doing something extraordinary. Instead what he does looks cheaply done and the sound effects don't help. Hercules knocks (more like love-taps) a man into a bay, and the splashing water makes it sound like a pebble was tossed. What? Who would have thought these brutes were made of confetti? There's even a scene where Hercules fights a bear. Yes a bear, and it doesn't even look like a bear. The viewer will be able to tell that this is not a bear, but a person inside a bear suit. To make matters worse, Hercules attacks the bear by slapping it; yes slapping it. Schwarzenegger slapping? It's really ridiculous to see The Terminator (1984) beat up a bear so poorly.

As for the damsel in distress, Deborah Loomis, I have never heard so much screaming, almost as much as Kirsten Dunst in Spiderman (2002), if not more. My ears were ringing after hearing her. She even faints in once scene, and it didn't even look real. As for the music, which was composed by John Balamos, is not a whole lot better. I can't even tell what kind of instrument is used but it's not an orchestra I'll say that much. A lot of the music is the same and it sounds really corny. I'm really surprised Schwarzenegger has become such a box office hit by starting from this movie. This film obviously did not get him famous but if he had not auditioned for the role, we may not have any of the Terminator movies or Total Recall (1990), whatever. When the film finished, I was barely entertained and shocked to how bad the film was compared to its trailer. What shocks me even more is that the director of this film is still making movies today!

Hercules in New York is a very silly kid's movie that may not even entertain the smallest of ages. Much of the scenes in this film are stupid and the only thing that may catch the viewer's attention is Arnold Schwarzenegger's bulging biceps.
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Arnold's First
superman00210015 August 2003
I don't know if it wasn't meant to be but this movie is hilarious. How can you downgrade a movie that offers Arnold in his true form, no facial expressions, an accent that can hardly be understood, and muscles on top of muscles. If you have seen the DVD version you can watch the movie with his voice, which makes all the difference in the world, if you're an Arnold fan that is. My personal favorite is, "I do nots care abouts ze zundaboats." I don't think that line can ever be topped. And who can not laugh at the New York traffic sounds on Mt. Olympus. This movie may be the most underbudget, worst film of all time, but it's Arnold and it's great for a laugh. If stupid things make you laugh then this movie is a must.
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Honestly, it is kinda funny at points
EasternZZ1 April 2019
This movie honestly is kinda funny. The acting is okay, but silly. The dialogue is bad, but at the same time funny. The story is silly, and random things just sort of happens. Hercules wants to come to earth, his father refuses, he pisses his father off and he send Hercules to Earth, and because Arnold speaks with such a thick accent, all the characters in the movie can't really understand him. Lots of random stuff happens, and then all ends good.

Funny scenes: 1. Arnold waves at an old lady from outside a plane and she overacts afterwards 2. Arnold fights with a bunch of sailors with a block of wood 3. Arnold refuses to pay a taxi driver for his services and destroys his taxi 4. Arnold fights a guy he just met inside a house 5. Arnold goes on a date with a girl and takes his shirt off and starts flexing in public 6. Arnold fights with a grizzly bear who happens to be at Central Park 7. Arnold becomes a wrestler and his manager signs him to a bunch of mobsters 8. Arnold walks around destroying a bunch of college athlete's records

7/10 "It is really not THAT bad. It is bad, but not THAT bad."
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Herc and Pretzie Forever
MyOpinionIsFact3 July 1999
This film is God-awful and as goofy as they get. Be glad that Arnie's career survived it! It's one of those rare movies that are so bad that they gain something from it. I love the ridiculous scenes where Hercules picks fights for no reason which adds to any campy fun that might be had. And Pretzie has to be the weakest lamest film buddy/costar ever put on film. Everyone has to see this movie at least once. I found the DVD in a bargain bin and now own it. For a few bucks its worth helping to complete an Arnold fan's collection. One warning: hopefully you won't get the movie's soundtrack stuck in your head because it can drive you insane. Enjoy!
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My god...What were they zhinking?
Pldn11 March 2006
Oh my god, this movie was horrible.. Possibly the worst I've ever seen. But at the same time, it was the greatest comedy ever.

If you consider the movie as a serious piece of some directors pie, it truly earns it's place at the bottom 100. Most of the time during this movie, a thought was knocking in the back of my head: "Were they seriously trying to make a movie?" I guess they were. The directing, acting, special effects.. mein gott! The acting is so bad, that it makes you squirm in your seat. Arnold is trying soo hard to remember his lines, that most of the time it shows on his face. I guess they just needed a big muscular dude to walk around NY and reading a few lines.

And the banjo... Ooooh the banjo.. My god make it stop! The banjo is played during all of the action scenes, and it's almost always the same tune. In the beginning it makes you laugh when you hear it, but when the movie is halfway through, you start to tear your hair out because of it.

But when not watched seriously, this movie is so hilarious, that I almost crapped my pants in many of the scenes. One of the first lines that Aahnuld says always gets me:

"Let me be ze judge of dat, I am tired of ze zame old facez, ze zame old zings!" - Dear Christ Jesus help me Lord that accent is damn thick. Sometimes you can't even totally understand what he's saying.

If you are to watch this movie, don't watch it seriously. I also recommend to watch it with friends, and maybe a couple of cold ones, and I'll bet that it'll crack you up.

For the crew's serious intentions to make a good movie, and utterly failing., I'll give this movie 1/10.

But, because the movie is so bad that it actually becomes good, I'll give this one 10/10.
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Awful. But Unintentionally Hilarious
Ricky-Roma4 October 2005
Now, there can be no real doubt when you watch this movie that it is absolutely awful. Bad as bad can be. Because it is. "So why oh why have you given it a score of three as opposed to a score of one or two?" you might ask. Well, the reason is that it is the most unintentionally hilarious movie that I have ever seen. It is listed as being an "Action/Comedy/Fantasy" which would lead one to believe that it is meant to be funny. I saw the version in which the mighty Arnold speaks for himself in his customary Austrian brogue. I have not seen the dubbed version so I don't know how much of the comedic value the movie loses based on Schwarzenegger and his dialogue being the funniest part of the movie.

It's the parts that are supposed to be serious that are the really funny bits of this movie. Such as Arnold regularly proclaiming (with an even thicker Austrian accent due to him not yet mastering the English language) "I am Hercules". Having a weightlifting contest with Arnold Stang and pushing over N.Y taxis.

I'm a huge Schwarzenegger fan. I always have been. But the irony is that in the late-1980's he felt the need to display "range" as an actor by trying to branch out from his heavy-hitting actioners into comedy with movies such as "Twins" and "Kindergarten Cop" but the fact of the matter is that Arnold for all his trying was at his funniest right back at the start of his movie career.

If you are a fan of Arnold and love his inimitable manner of delivering lines. You need to see this. Ignore the non-existent plot and acting and just roll along on the river of cheese in a film that is so bad it is hilarious.

Three is a low score, yes. But when you consider that this movie should have a score of one you know that those additional points are on comedic merit alone.
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Hercules in New York was a pretty bad movie though the actual Schwarzenegger's voice-dubbed version was the most interesting of the two
tavm1 July 2011
With today the day Maria Shriver officially files for divorce from Arnold Schwarzenegger (serves him right too since he betrayed her by cheating on her with the maid and had a baby with her, to boot!), I thought I'd watch the former Governator's first movie that he made way back in 1969-Hercules in New York. I saw two versions: the first that I watched on Hulu had no music score and Arnold's voice was badly dubbed by another though compared to his real one, you could hear each word clearly and the second one I saw on YouTube which had his accented voice not always easy to understand (which made his confused mix-up on "bucks" and "dough" with "bucs" and "doe" not as funny) though it had a good Greek-like score. The rating for the first version is above while the other take gets a 4 from me. Arnold is credited as Arnold Strong since, I guess, his co-star happens to be Arnold Stang. Stang is such a one-of-a-kind presence that he brightens most scenes he's in. The only other player I recognized was James Karen who I knew from Poltergeist as well from a guest spot on "The Golden Girls". By the way, when Stang died in December '09, I couldn't help but think of his other roles like the voice of Herman the mouse in those Herman and Katnip cartoons, his role as Frank Sinatra's friend in The Man with the Golden Arm, and his recent roles in "The Cosby Show" and Dennis the Menace. Oh, and while I knew one player couldn't be John Candy since this guy was much older but Abe Holiday on that dock sure looked like him. So on that note, Hercules in New York is interesting for the early role of Mr. Schwarzenegger, not to mention his thick accent, and not much else though one can't completely hate a movie where Hercules fights an obviously bear-suited man. P.S. It was disappointing to hear that dubbed actor again instead of Arnold on the radio at the end of the second version especially since it was much softer this time around.
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Hercules in New York
CinemaSerf30 May 2023
Ha! This is hilarious. Arnold Schwarzenegger - going by the name of "Strong" on the titles, is the demigod son of Zeus (Ernest Graves) and he's bored hanging around Olympus keeping out of trouble. Finally his father loses his temper, hurls a thunder bolt at him and he ends up down on earth befriending the weedy "Pretzie" (Arnold Stang doing a vaguely Phil Silvers impersonation) and getting involved with some crooks who see his might as a meal ticket. What now ensues is just harmless, witless, fun with a confused mythology - Roman and Greek names for the gods are interchangeable; an Olympus that looks like the herb garden of an English stately home and luckily Arnie doesn't have to wrestle with ancient Greek, just with 1970s English. There can't have been much budget so don't be looking for visual effects or a tangy script - nope, none of that, just the future Governor of California looking almost cherubic in his spray-on shorts demonstrating the truthful nature of the American dream. Anyone can make it, however humble the beginnings.
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Started from the bottom now we here
Is it really that bad? Yes. It is.

The version they currently have streaming on Amazon Prime (it's April 2020, one month into the global quarantine) is the version that was otherwise unavailable throughout history. It is the version with the original audio with Arnold's voice. Now, I don't want to have to watch this movie again, but I at least need to see some of the version with the voice dubs at some point - all of the 10/10 reviews I've seen are of people being stoked about how bad the voiceovers are. I feel like I've missed out.

That aside, this movie fully sucks. I found it quite endearing for the first 20-30 minutes. It was quirky and cute, and fun to see Arnold give his acting debut, but after 30 minutes... there's almost no cohesive story at all, and the co-star ARNOLD STANG as PRETZY THE PRETZEL GUY, who is in almost every scene, is UNBEARABLE. He's like a cartoon version of Woody Allen who tries to be funny but isn't, ever. There are a couple standout scenes, like when Hercules fights "a bear" in Central Park, LOL.... but, The last hour is VERY difficult to enjoy. It just meanders and even Arnold can't save it. I guess I understand why Arnold wouldn't allow this movie to be played on broadcast television, ever.
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Terrible but strangely watchable.
trevorwomble17 May 2019
If you haven't seen Arnies first film, made when he was 21, you haven't lived.

Playing the titular hero, Hercules descends on New York and that's about it. But the fun is watching inept direction, some truly awful acting, a terrible script and on existent production values.

Pitched as a comedy, I didn't laugh once such is the puerile nature of this film. The low budget is obvious (such as the scenes supposedly set in Olympus complete with the sound of New York traffic in background due to the fact they filmed it in Central Park) . And there are two versions of the film, one with Arnold's real voice and one with it dubbed into an American accent.

This film is a real curio, like a prototype Crocodile Dundee tale of a fish out of water, but missing that films quality. However its still entertaining but harmless kiddie friendly trash and worth a watch.

Oh, and if Arnold Stang, who plays Pretzie, sounds familiar thats because he's the voice of Top Cat from television.

Enjoy yourself.
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Just an above average film.
sauravjoshi8514 May 2023
Hercules in New York is a fantasy-comedy film directed by Arthur Allan Seidelman. The film stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, Late Arnold Stang, Deborah Loomis, Late James Karen and Late Ernest Graves.

Adventure ensues after Hercules moves to New York and learns that his ancient Greek lifestyle is not compatible with the modern life. To add to the woes, his father sends a few gods to bring him back.

The film is a cheesy and gets clumsy sometime but still the film entertains and apart from the poorly executed climax the major part of the film will not disappoint you.

The film which is the debut film of Arnie has a decent plot and more than an average execution, we know that the film is a B Grade film with budgetary constraints but still the film could've been made little better.

Acting is average to decent and apart from Arnold Stang all of them looked average to terrible.

Screenplay of the film is decent to average and has some of the entertaining moments. Climax of the film is terrible and if the climax would've been more refined the film could've been much better. Can be watched once.
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Hercules in New York is the ultimate comedy
poldemol2 April 2005
To me, it doesn't matter if things are intentionally or unintentionally funny. Intentions just don't matter that much in the real world. Hitler might have intended to make the world a better place, I don't think his intentions matter when you judge him. This is simply one of the most hilarious movies you'll ever see, it's filled with absurd scenes. And it's acted out to perfection. The combination of Arnie, and Pretzie, it's just magic. Pretzie overacts as badly as you can imagine, Arnie doesn't act and he does that as badly as you can imagine. But those aren't the only noteworthy performances in this movie. Check out the refinement of the screaming girl, in the infamous bear-attack scene. There are just so many little things in this movie, little details in every single aspect of this movie, that make this so extremely funny and entertaining. It just ignores even the most basic of things needed for a good movie, and it is exactly that, what makes this so good. Watch this movie, you won't be able to say that it is average, that's for sure. I've seen this movie 2 times, and I still regularly think about it. I would buy the DVD without a second thought if I would encounter it.
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Fine family entertainment for a rainy weekend afternoon!
QUASI-54 October 2020
I found this to be an affable and enjoyable film to watch, quite silly and good-natured overall. Both Arnolds (Schwarzenegger and Stang) are fun to watch, and the rest of the cast is okay if not particularly memorable. The original version of the film had another, un-credited actor providing the voice of Arnold's Hercules due to his thick accent, but the DVD version, as well as the version you can catch on TV these days, have restored Arnold's real voice to the soundtrack, which really helps. Overall, it's good fun and if you go into it not expecting too much, you'll emerge at the end having had a pleasant if not unforgettable experience.
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So crap it's great!!
dakki7811 May 2006
I didn't really know how to rate this movie. When it comes to the storyline I give it a 1, but when it comes to Arnie I give it a 10! I mean I thought Arnie was stupidly funny in Twins but this one definitely takes the prize!! I once heard that the makers of the movie had dubbed over Arnie's voice because his English was so utterly crap at the time, but I was pleasantly surprised when I bought the DVD because there was an option on whether you wanted Arnie's voice or the dubbed one. So if you haven't seen this one and you plan to see it on DVD, YOU MUST CHOOSE ARNIE'S VOICE! Or you will miss out on all the fun of the movie.

Oh, and try to spot Richard Herd who played Supreme Commander John in the sci-fi show "V", he is in there!
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The governators' craptacular romp through New York
furrd-229 August 2008
Consistently overlooked as one of cinema's greatest monstrosities Hercules in New York follows the curiously accented Greek god as he travels, or oafishly meanders, around 1970s Manhattan followed by faithful sidekick Pretzie, some gangsters, more Greek gods, angry sailors and, of course, a bear. This cinematic gem and precious relic of Arnie's first clumsy footsteps into film often goes unmentioned in "bottom 100 lists" which is strange as it seems easily comparable to Edward D Wood's "Plan 9 From Outerspace" and "Glen or Glenda?" the royalty of crap cinema. It's not that "Hercules in New York" is good, far from it, but it is so hideously bad that it becomes a lovable monstrosity, much like the Frankenstine's monster of cinema. The acting performances are ,for the most part, shambolic aside from maybe one or two more theatrical performances from Zeus and Hades respectively who are handicapped somewhat by a poor script and loud horn tootling in the background of the "Mount Olympus" scenes. The film also suffers at the hands of insesent mandolin playing repeated over and over again which seems aimed at making the audience's ears bleed. However, I would find it impossible to grant this film a 1 out of 10 as, simply, it is a comedy and it is genuinely funny allbeit at the wrong times for the wrong reasons. More importantly though I find it impossible to give any film which depicts the Governor of California fighting a bear in central park to the sound of creepy mandolin music a low rating.
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