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"A murder in the house of Charlie Chan, now I've seen everything."
classicsoncall10 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
"The Chinese Ring" is a passable entry in the Monogram series of Charlie Chan films, notable for Roland Winters' first time portrayal of the Oriental Detective. In a strange departure from the usual strong continuity between films, Victor Sen Yung is presented as Number #2 Son named Tommy; he was Jimmy in all of his prior Chan films with Sidney Toler. Number #3 son Tommy was portrayed in earlier movies by Benson Fong. Mantan Moreland is on hand as Birmingham Brown.

The intrigue involves the murder of Chinese Princess Mei Ling (Barbara Jean Wong) and her servant; the ring she uses to introduce herself to Charlie Chan is inscribed in Chinese - "Long life and happiness". Stunned by a poisonous dart, she manages to write the name of "Capt K" on a scrap of paper in Chan's study. The clue leads Chan and Sergeant Bill Davidson (Warren Douglas) of the San Francisco PD in two directions. Captain Kong of the S.S. Shanghai Maid brought the princess to this country, while Captain James Kelso is the owner of the Kelso Aviation Company. Both are in league with banker Armstrong, eventually revealed as the mastermind of a plot to sell, but not deliver airplanes to Mei Ling's brother, a field marshal for the Chinese Army.

This is a reasonably paced entry in the Chan series, particularly for Winters' first turn as the Oriental Detective. Louise Currie provides great support as reporter Peggy Cartwright, although she's embarrassingly pushed around by romantic interest Sergeant Davidson. The mystery is a lot easier to follow than prior Chan films, many of which had up to a dozen characters to keep track of; here it's all wrapped up pretty neatly by film's end.

***Added on 11/12/08 - Monogram Pictures originally made this film in 1939 as "Mr. Wong in Chinatown", with Boris Karloff in the role of the title detective. In that story, the 'Captain K' clue differed by one letter - 'Captain J'. Otherwise, it's pretty much the same story, even including a variation of my summary line above, citing a 'murder in the house of Mr. Wong'!
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Not a bad movie
Panamint18 April 2015
I cannot say that "The Chinese Ring" is a bad mystery movie, because it isn't. The production values are good enough, especially considering the studio that made it. Although the story and some of the dialog is literally a remake of an older Monogram "Mr. Wong" film, the producers seem to be trying to put forth a dignified continuation of the established Chan series; I do not believe that this is a "take the money and run" fast-buck ripoff (like say Jaws 4,5, 9 etc). It is a legit effort and William Beaudine was probably as fine and established a director as Monogram could afford to hire.

Roland Winters was a good actor who had a long and distinguished career. He was the studio's choice to continue the Chan character and probably wasn't the best choice but I guess he is adequate. Winters seems tentative here but has the thankless task of following up his two beloved and deceased predecessors in the ongoing role of Charlie Chan. His acting approach here is too careful and very deliberate but doesn't lack skill, and he manages to avoid what could have been career suicide. He does become a little more forceful and lively in his subsequent Chan films.

Moreland and Sen Yung are capable in support and manage to avoid the outright buffoonery that was required of them in previous Chan outings. Phillip Ahn is a very recognizable actor in a villain role. He does a good job and he is another example of the studio's commitment to the Chan project, since they could have used a much cheaper unknown actor if so inclined.

This is an OK mystery story (after all, its a tried-and-true story from a good prior film). It works as a mystery and moves along at a brisk enough clip for the most part. Overall not a great film, but not a bad one.
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A fun, entertaining Charlie Chan movie
shakspryn7 July 2019
This is exactly the kind of movie that used to get shown late at night on local TV stations, or on weekend afternoons, in the 1970's. I watched all the Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes movies that way. This was the first time that Roland Winters played Chan. I think he was probably trying to decide how to play the character, and didn't want to come off as attempting to Imitate Sidney Toler. He underplays the humor, but it is still there. I think he was trying to be a bit more subtle and low-key about it than Toler was. Mantan Moreland is in this one; he's in all the Roland Winter Chan movies, and he's in 9 of the 11 Toler-Monogram films. He's a fine comic actor and his presence is always an asset. There were so many B-movies of the late 1940's that tried and failed to mix in humor successfully. This is a relaxing way to spend an hour. Nice period clothes, and at one point, I think I saw a beautiful Pierce Arrow sedan, pre-WWII. The movie is well worth seeing. Monogram gets a bad rap from viewers who are always pining for the higher-budget Fox film period. Charlie Chan is always worth watching.
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Maybe They Should Close Their Windows
Hitchcoc22 January 2016
Blow darts and air rifles seem to abound in the Charlie Chan series. It seems that those most vulnerable are not protected very well. So often, someone dies with a cop standing guard outside the door. People are able to shoot through windows or off balconies without any trouble. They then escape without a trace. Even if they are caught, the person lies dead. In this one, a Chinese princess has come to see Charlie with what appears to be important information. Birmingham goes to get Charlie and while they are putzing around, the unfortunate lady gets shot with a dart. It turns out that there is some big money involved with airplane contracts. A Chinese ship and some banking mishaps are at the center. Enter another of those dull 1940's policemen and an overly aggressive female beat reporter who has the hots for him and Chan is left having to handle the situation. As usual, Mantan Moreland and Tommy Chan get in the way for the most part. Roland Winters has replaced the late Sidney Toler and doesn't seem to have any chemistry with the secondary characters. Several people die as a result of carelessness. One thing I have noted before is the general insensitivity of Charlie and the gang. But then it's not Shakespeare.
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Roland Winters takes his turn as Charlie Chan
blanche-223 March 2020
After the death of Sidney Toler, Monogram kept going with the Charlie Chan series, and Roland Winters became the third Chan, Warner Oland being the first.

The Charlie I am most familiar with is Toler, with his dry delivery and his annoyance with Jimmy. Oland was much more energetic and cheerful. Both brought something to the role.

"The Chinese Ring" is actually a do-over of a Mr. Wong script, and here, Sen Yung is not Jimmy Chan but Tommy for some reason. Mantan Moreland is on hand as Birmingham.

The story concerns a Chinese princess who comes to the US to purchase planes for her brother's army. She has a one million dollar check to deliver to a ban. Unfortunately, she is murdered by a poison dart that comes through the open window of Charlie Chan's home as she waits for him. She is able to write a partial message before she dies. Amazing that this Chinese woman, in the throes of death, writes in English.

This is an okay entry into the series. Winters is a serious but charming Charlie. Since this is a Wong story, "Tommy" and Birmingham, usually good for some humor, don't have much to do.

Winters made six Chan films in all. The Charlie Chan films are the absolute opposite of politically correct, but they were made in a different time and enjoyable for what they are.
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A Princess dies in Charlie Chan's den.
michaelRokeefe5 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Princess Mei Ling(Jean Wong)goes to the San Francisco apartment of Charlie Chan(Roland Winters). After she is led to the den by manservant Birmingham(Mantan Moreland), she is murdered via poison dart gun. She manages to leave a written clue on a note pad that leads to Captain Kong(Philip Ahn), whom she has made a million American dollar deal to ship airplanes to Chinese freedom fighters. But Kong is not the only Captain K involved in this deal. However, who would be better off that the princess is dead? Chan is aided by police Sergeant Davidson(Warren Douglas)in spite of the pest of a newspaper reporter Peggy Carpenter(Louise Currie), who wants the exclusive story of the murder of the princess. Not real fond of Winters playing the lead role. He is the palest Chinese/Hawaiian detective Chan ever. Also in the cast: Byron Foulger, Thayer Roberts and Cha Bing. And not understandable to Chan fans is that Victor Sen Young in this flick has changed his name from Jimmy to Tommy(who used to be #3 Son played by Benson Fong). Change is not easy to accept. But a Charlie Chan mystery seems always to be worthwhile.
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Not bad considering it's Roland Winters....
planktonrules15 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
To most fans, Warner Oland is THE Charlie Chan. He was the first and in many ways, the best. However, when he died, the series picked up pretty well with Sidney Toler. While to me he wasn't quite as good, I did like his attitude. He tended to be a lot more sarcastic and perhaps a bit surly--and I liked hearing the creative ways he insulted his dopey son. However, when Toler died, things really started to go down hill quickly. Roland Winters, to put it bluntly, just wasn't very good as Chan. His characterization wasn't as good as either of his predecessors and the films were getting a bit tired. After all, there'd been more than 40 for the series already and so they couldn't help but seem a tad old. Fortunately, while this film IS one of these lesser ones, it is the best of the three I've so far seen--and may see, as I don't think any more are available at this time on DVD, video or on television.

The film begins with Birmingham (Mantan Moreland) working at the Chan residence. There's a knock on the door and in rushes a woman who won't identify herself and insists she MUST see Mr. Chan immediately. The only identification she provides is a ring. When Chan sees the ring, he's able to read its Chinese writing and sees the woman is a princess. But, when Birmingham and Chan return to the room to see the princess, she is dead--killed by some sort of poison dart! Leave it to a Charlie Chan movie to come up with completely atypical ways of killing people! Just once, I want someone to be shot--something that actually doesn't happen all that often in one of these films.

The rest of the film involves Chan and a really, really, really stupid local detective trying to solve the murders. In addition, a stereotypically pushy female reporter is on hand as well--a standard cliché of the day. The only thing I really liked about this female character was when she belted the dumb detective--he really had it coming. However, in spite of these less than stellar characters, the film had a reasonably involved plot and the end kept you guessing. Plus, for once, Chan's son wasn't all that dumb--other than letting a prisoner escape! All in all, not exactly a glowing endorsement, but a decent little time-passer.
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OK Chan
jonfrum200025 August 2010
As Chans go, not the best, but the story itself is fine. Roland Winters is a perfectly good Chan - the role was defined by the time this episode in the series was made, so he basically just had to show up and recite the lines to get the job done. Although Victor Sen Young shows up as Tommy, he plays a very small part in the film - a good thing in my opinion. Birmingham Brown is present as comic relief, but doesn't shine in this one. Sargent Bill Davidson and plucky girl reporter Peggy Cartwright play the clichéd role of battling couple with unfortunate results. After the third or fourth exclamation of "Bill Davidson!" by our intrepid girl reporter, I was ready to strangle her. By the sixth or seventh time, I was ready to strangle myself. You'd think the writers were paid to keep the word count down. Worse, while the two argue in Davidson's office, he grabs her and shakes her in a rage, nearly knocking her off her feet. Of course, that's what men do to women they love, right? Don't worry, it all ends up in a kiss. Good God.

That's what you have to deal with when watching sixty year old movies - sometimes there's a real culture shock.
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Classic Charlie Chan....almost.
brechan23 January 2020
As Charlie Chan, Roland Winters seems to be struggling to get a handle on the character. His delivery of the Pidgin English seems really forced, even more so when most the Chinese actors in the movie speak English fluently.

As others on here have said, this movie is basically a cookie cutter version of "Mr. Wong in Chinatown", a better movie, in my opinion. All in all it's an OK Charlie Chan movie. It doesn't compare well with some of the early Chan movies.....but it's still Charlie Chan and therefore definitely worth watching.
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Okay entry in deteriorating Chan series.
Steve-1718 June 1999
Okay entry for Winters in his debut as Chan, following Sidney Toler's death. Plot is almost line-for-line copy of MR WONG IN CHINATOWN. Byron Foulger nearly steals show as nervous banker, and Louise Currie is gorgeous, but material and pedestrian direction sink production. Watchable, but the nap monster will probably get you.
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The show must go on - and so must Charlie Chan
binapiraeus27 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
So this is the first Charlie Chan movie after Sidney Toler's death (if you've watched all the Charlie Chan films in chronological order, you can REALLY feel the grief the series' fans felt back then when that great actor whom they'd seen in so many wonderful adventures as the Chinese detective had passed away)- but the show must go on; and we mustn't be in ANY way prejudiced against Roland Winters, who took over the role. In fact, even from his first appearance, he won our hearts with his REALLY good attempts to make a good, new Charlie Chan. He wasn't copying Sidney Toler; he was just the humble, polite, sometimes tough, sometimes humorous Chinese master detective he was supposed to be.

Perhaps in order to give a 'new' appearance to the 'old' cast that had worked with Toler for years, Sen Yung, Charlie's former 'number two son' Jimmy, now becomes 'number three son' Tommy, and 'Birmingham' Mantan Moreland is now acting not only as chauffeur, but also as butler. And the movie begins right in Charlie's own home: a mysterious Chinese lady comes to visit him; she doesn't give any name, she just hands a ring over to Birmingham to give to Charlie. And when Charlie sees it, he understands immediately from the inscription that the lady must be something like a princess - only, in the meantime, she's shot next door from outside the window by a poisoned dart from a noiseless air rifle; the last thing she manages to do is to write on a piece of paper: 'Captain K'...

And very soon we get to know TWO 'Captain Ks': one is Captain Kong, governor of the cargo ship 'Shanghai Maid', which allegedly ships valuable goods to China (but as we find out, they're airplanes intended for princess Mei Ling's brother, a Field Marshall), and the other one's Captain Kelso, manager of the aviation company that builds the planes for Mei Ling. We also learn from Armstrong, the director of the bank through which Mei Ling had made her transactions, that on her arrival, she'd put a million dollars on her account, and the money had slowly been withdrawn by Kelso...

Then Mei Ling's maid is killed, too, in the same way as her mistress, and a little Chinese boy whom the princess had befriended disappears - and all the time, Charlie is being assisted not only by Sgt. Davidson, but also by cheeky reporter Peggy Cartwright (Louise Curry), Davidson's girlfriend (during the few moments they're not quarreling...) - a fabulous specimen of that so popular character of the nosy, snippy 40s girl reporter! Charlie visits Armstrong, who denies knowing anything; and incidentally, we learn that he's preparing a grave for one of his big watchdogs... But then, the two 'Captain Ks' force their way into Armstrong's house, presenting him with the fact that the princess' signature on the checks was forged, and asking them what became of the money; and they drag Armstrong and Charlie on board the 'Shanghai Maid' - but both Davidson and Peggy and Birmingham and Tommy are on their trail, and so we can prepare for a big clash as the final highlight!

As we said before, Roland Winters REALLY does his best to do justice to the heavy burden of his first portrayal of Charlie Chan; and the movie itself is in NO way of a lesser quality than the previous ones - in fact, in style it moves away somewhat from the hilarious comedy and returns to the 'Noir' style of the first Monogram Charlie Chans: hard-boiled characters, bleak, dark settings, and a PRETTY tough, not to say at some points cruel plot. But there's always room for some comedy, at which the first and best is this time the reporter girl - but also Roland Winters, the new Charlie Chan, displays some wise humor with a mild smile; so he DOES find a place in the fans' hearts right from the beginning...
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Fleecing the princess
bkoganbing5 October 2012
During all the time I was watching The Chinese Ring I kept thinking I saw it before and then I learn that this was indeed the plot of an old Mr. Wong film also put out by Monogram. As the Wong series was before World War II started in Europe only the politics were changed and they got a little vague in this one.

Barbara Jean Wong, a Chinese princess who is in America to purchase war airplanes for what I presume is the Kuomintang air force against the Communists is shot and killed by a dart fired from an air rifle almost immediately after entering Charlie Chan's home. With a murder right in his own home Roland Winters in his first film as Charlie Chan is kind of forced to help the authorities who in this case are represented by homicide detective Warren Douglas. Tagging along is Louise Currie who is a reporter looking to scoop her rivals on who killed the princess.

The Occidentals who the princess had to deal with are one scurvy lot who saw a cash cow and were milking it for all it was worth. But one of them is scurvier than the rest that one murders the princes, her maid and a small mute Chinese boy who's only crime was that he was a witness.

The story did not translate that good to a post World War II political situation. Still the players do their best with it and Roland Winters slips nicely into the tradition of Warner Oland and Sidney Toler as our fortune cookie aphorism speaking Charlie Chan.
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Acceptable outing
Leofwine_draca21 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
THE CHINESE RING is another acceptable Charlie Chan outing from Monogram. It's a cheap and cheerful kind of misadventure, getting off to an arresting opening when a Chinese heiress arrives at Chan's place, looking for help but dead before it arrives. The usual conspiracy plot unfolds, including mucho in the way of Mantan Moreland's laboured comic relief and the usual inept cops.
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Acceptable but uninspired
gridoon202420 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Roland Winters makes an unenthusiastic debut as the inscrutable Chinese detective in this acceptable but uninspired Charlie Chan outing. It begins fairly well, with the murder happening almost immediately and inside Chan's apartment no less, and has a good if typically out-of-the-blue twist at the end, but the rest is business as usual. Number Two Son's role is significantly reduced in this, in favor of a Torchy Blane-like female reporter and her detective boyfriend (who, in true 1947 fashion, even cuffs her to a chair at one point to keep her out of his way). ** out of 4.
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Roland Winters first outing as Charlie Chan
vampire_hounddog12 August 2020
A Chinese princess (Barbara Jean Wong) visits Charlie Chan (Roland Winters) on a matter of urgency where she says her life is in danger. She is then murdered by a blow dart.

Screenwriter Scott Darling re-cycles his own script from MR WONG IN CHINATOWN (1939) here. This was Winters first of five outings as the famous Chinese detective and is an okay end of franchise addition.
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stylish whodunit
Cristi_Ciopron12 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This remake is very good, much better than the 1st movie; it has Winters, Moreland, Louise Currie, Ahn, W. Douglas, and it's directed by Beaudine. It's a regular whodunit. It also has the good look of many others made in the 2nd half of the '40s.

Louise Currie and W. Douglas are better than their precursors in these roles, but by the late '40s the roughness of her treating by the disrespectful sergeant had already become indigestible; she punches him, yet it doesn't become her, as the coarseness doesn't become the mild sergeant.

Ahn and Roberts are the two Ks.

Barbara Jean Wong has a bit part as the princess.

The dumb dwarf from the 1st movie is replaced by a dumb boy, which enhances the drama.

Winters is great in the scene of the denouement. He certainly enjoyed the role. This was his 1st time as Chan, he doesn't overplay his part, and has a dependable idea of the character, the player isn't as much cautious, as assured and confident.

This whodunit is one of the director's best.
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Okay entry in series
Steve-1717 June 1999
Winters' debut as Chan is okay, but film is a near line-by-line remake of MR. WONG IN CHINATOWN, and the story wasn't great then. Foulger has meaty part as nervous banker, Ahn looks inscrutable, Moreland rolls his eyes, and Louise Currie is gorgeous, but pedestrian direction and cheapo production sink this for all but Chan fans.
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Winters Is the Winter of Our Discontent
JohnHowardReid10 July 2008
A mysterious princess arrives at the Chan home, where she is shot. Collapsing, she manages to write, "Captain K," on the desk pad. "Are you sure she's dead, Pop?" Tommy asks. "Death, my son, is the reckoning of heaven. In this case, most complicated reckoning," states philosophical Charlie, lifting a line from Biggers' Behind That Curtain.

This one, Number 42 in the series and the first with Roland Winters in the title role, does not augur well for the remainder of the Monogram efforts in this inept re-make of Mr Wong in Chinatown. Mr Winters is a poor substitute for Sidney Toler (not to mention Boris Karloff). He moves stiffly, and his accent is poor stuff indeed. A less inspired actor to play the part of Chan could not possibly be imagined, although I should mention that Winters was to improve considerably in his later Chan characterizations.

Scott Darling has done very little to update his Wong script and changing the dwarf to a small boy is just about the last straw. Also, Beaudine's direction does not compare well with Nigh's. Admittedly, this entry has obviously been made on an extremely tight budget.
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Winter's first Chan is okay as Monogram Chan films go.
admjtk170120 April 2000
This was the first Chan film with Roland Winters in the title role. It is a remake of Monogram's "Mr. Wong in Chinatown". This is okay as Monogram Chans go. The supporting cast is pretty good for this studio with Philip Ahn standing out. An interesting search for a mysterious "Captain K" makes it fun.
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Recycled Script
slohand6242 March 2019
I love the Charlie Chan (Sidney Toler) series with Mantan Moreland. But was really disappointed to find that this film (1947) was a Charlie Chan version of "Mr Wong Chinatown" (1939).
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Nothing Special About Winters' First Chan
Mike-76413 October 2005
Princess Mei Ling visits Charlie Chan's house with need of the great detective's help. Before she can meet with him she is killed by an air gun, but is able to scrawl "Capt K" on a sheet of paper in hoping to give Chan a clue to her killer. Chan, teaming up with police sergeant, Bill Davidson, finds the apartment where the princess is residing and finds that her trip to America was to purchase a fleet of airplanes to aid in China's defense from invaders. Captain Kong, who was captain of the ship that the princess traveled on, and Captain Kelso, who was the supplier of the planes for the princess, are both determined to see that Chan and Davidson make no further progress on the murder case, which has also added the princess' maid and a mute Chinese boy who may have seen the killer. Obviously by the time the Monogram Chan films were at this stage they were pretty routine and boring and this film is no exception, despite being Roland Winters debut as Chan. The film really lacks a mystery aura as seen in any other Chan film with a storyline that does little in the way of entertain. Victor Sen-Yung last the least to do of any son in any Chan film and Moreland lacks much of the humor he usually does, but does seem more involved with solving the case. Rating, 3.
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Not Too Good
TheHighlandWolf28 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen every Charlie Chan movie and this just didnt add up. Roland Winters just is not a good Chan. The plot, used in a Shadow movie, was weak as was the acting. Warner Oland was so much better.
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Familiar murder mystery lacks spark
csteidler9 July 2018
The doorbell rings. A woman wants to see Mr. Chan. She gives no name but hands an ornate ring to the butler and says, "Take this to him." While waiting for Chan in his study, she is shot through the window with a poison dart. Who was she and why was she killed? Charlie Chan investigates.

The plot of this late series entry is about as original as that opening scene. Clues include an inscription on the ring and an unfinished note scrawled by the dying woman.

Mr. Chan is assisted by handsome young police sergeant Warren Douglas, who chews gum all the time. Also on the case is perky newspaper reporter Louise Curry, who climbs in Chan's study window looking for clues. Douglas spends most of his time trying to keep Curry out of his way...and of course they have one of those love-hate romances that is totally nauseating.

Roland Winters makes his debut as Charlie Chan and he is not bad, though he takes some getting used to. He moves more quickly than poor Sidney Toler did in his last few pictures; this Chan is more vigorous, less grandfatherly, and ultimately less interesting, too, since unfortunately his stock of wise old sayings in this picture is practically nil.

Mantan Moreland is fine as Birmingham Brown. The one-time chauffeur seems to have taken on butler duties as well. Sen Yung helps out as number two son Tommy Chan--he's energetic as always but for some reason he is absent (and missed) during a long middle section.

The story moves at a decent pace but it's really just too predictable, and generally weak dialog probably makes the familiar plot seem worse. Interesting for Chan fans but not one of the series' highlights.
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A Complete Stinker
utgard1421 March 2014
The original Fox Charlie Chan movies with Warner Oland were the best but the Sidney Toler Fox movies were pretty good, too. When the series (and Toler) moved to Monogram in 1944, it resulted in a sharp drop in quality. There were still a few watchable movies left but nothing to brag about. As it went on, Toler's performance got worse along with the general quality of the movies themselves. It got to the point where all he did was show up, half-remember the poorly-written lines of dialogue, and occasionally throw in one of the irritating feces-eating grins of his that were so commonplace in the Monogram films. After Toler died, Roland Winters took over for the remainder of the series. This is the first of the Roland Winters Chans and, yes, it is terrible. All of the Winters films are garbage and the worst of the entire Charlie Chan series from Fox to Monogram. It's truly sad that several early Warner Oland Chan films have been lost to time but these have survived.

The plot here is a remake of Mr. Wong in Chinatown with few changes. Roland Winters is a dull, lifeless Charlie Chan. He seems to be trying to emulate Oland more than Toler. He fails more than any person has ever failed at anything ever. Mantan Moreland is still in the series as comic relief Birmingham Brown. As there are no "spooks" for him to be afraid of in this one, he serves no purpose. He appears to have lost some weight and looks older since his last appearance. Victor Sen Yung returns but, for some bizarre reason, he's now Tommy Chan instead of Jimmy! Tommy, for those who know the series, was the terribly dull son played by Benson Fong in most of the Toler Monogram films.

The writing had been crap for the entirety of the Monogram years but here it's at an all-time low. So don't expect any witty Chan aphorisms from Winters. Here we have this gem: "Strange events permit themselves the luxury of occurring in strange places." Just stupid. There's nothing about this I can or would recommend. Avoid at all costs.
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Fresh Chan, Tired Film
zsenorsock23 July 2011
Roland Winters steps into the role of Charlie Chan for the last of the great detective's final six outings. First we see the now familiar Chan home in San Francisco (has he separated from his wife? Where are all those little kids we used to see?) then the familiar Birmingham Brown who then goes to the new Charlie and tells him he has a mysterious visitor. Soon after they are joined by Victor Sen Young, still playing number two son but now called Tommy (the name of Benson Fong's number three son) instead of Jimmy. This film is a lot more atmospheric than Toler's last outing in "The Trap" and the script makes a bit more sense but there's a sense that the party is over and they're just playing out the string here. Roland Winters doesn't contribute much as Chan and fails to make any impression other than that of a road show Charlie Chan. This film is more interesting as a curiosity than as a film. It is only interesting if you're watching to see what the new Chan is like. The answer: not too good. And the next five were pretty much downhill from here.
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