Incredible Crew (TV Series 2012–2013) Poster

(I) (2012–2013)

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Not THAT incredible.
chrisminutolo8 October 2019
I still kinda like "Running Errands with my Mom" for some reason.


other than that, traaaash.
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Incredible Crew is incredibly stupid!
Z2170819 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There's been worse live action Cartoon Network shows, but none are more atrocious than Incredible Crew. In Cartoon Network's live action phase, they were throwing crappy game shows and reality TV. But the worst of the bunch are Level Up and Incredible Crew.

There's a bunch of these skits that are mostly meant to pander to children. Heck, I'm a kid. But that doesn't change my opinion of this show. You have a bunch of these kids who don't play the roles of hero, anti-hero or villain. The only role they play in any of these skits is simply just annoying. Stay very clear of this atrocity.
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Incredibly uncreative
isaiahralda20 February 2021
This show is a pure attempt from CN to be a random Nickelodeon live action show. The result is an awful show. While I do appreciate the effort, there's was little to nothing good in this show.

The comedy is unfunny. Maybe there's at least one laugh, but it's very rare. The stories are random, but they are very stupid. I do think the actors are fine, but I feel bad for them on how this show is purely dumb. Overall, the show was just a bad idea. It would've had a better chance on Nickelodeon since most live action shows there are hit or miss, but CN made a mistake by airing this. The show isn't the worst CN show, but it's the worst CN live action show in my opinion.I'm glad CN never made the mistake again, and I'm glad they stopped doing live action shows.
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just bad
mulchmonster2 April 2013
Setting aside the basic problem that this is a LIVE ACTION show on the CARTOON network-its just awful, period.

It is obviously attempting, poorly, to replicate the Hip Tongue-firmly-in-cheek paradigm/model of humor made famous by Adult Swim. I've seen, and unfortunately I cannot get that time back, 2 episodes of the show. Both made numerous attempts to copy Adult Swim's model without any of the intelligence and references that make it work. Garbage like "unfun party games", "oven mitt hi-five", etc isn't referencing anything, doesn't have the voice, and just plain doesn't WORK anything like Adult Swim's bumpers do.

Apart from that, the show doesn't seem to be written or edited by anyone who has any real comedy experience. The "Big Name" associated with it is Nick Cannon,a producer possibly best known for the "Wild'n Out" franchise-the only arguable success among a number of self-titled, aggrandizing-but-mediocre flops like "The Nick Cannon Show" (11 episodes) and "Nick Cannon Presents" (on for maybe 10 months). This is a guy whose total career spans about 9 years and has managed to average a failed show every 2. Other than the American Idol imitation "America's Got Talent" which manages to wow the American Television viewer with season after season of mediocrity and confusion with "the voice", "american idol", etc You have to assume he's being overpaid for his two minutes of throw away tokenisms like "you go girl" and "you know you got it G" or he's got deep pockets because otherwise he would have faded away by 09 and thankfully disappeared into the late-night reality show/infomercial black hole.

His lack of talent, and apparently, lack of ability to judge talent as a result, has led to this awful train wreck. Cartoon Network's best spin calls IC a "In-Your-Face New Comedy Experience". If you have the misfortune to watch it, you will almost certainly know that means exactly what is really says..nothing. The "sketches" vary so HUGELY in size from 2-3 seconds to ten minutes, in style from throw-aways like someone playing drums with broken violins for 2 seconds to 5 minute decent product value fake rap videos, and in production quality from decent to things that wouldn't get hits on youtube-that the viewer is ALMOST tricked into thinking he HAS changed the channel.

The above mentioned lack of experience and direction really is a glaring problem on a show which doesn't have much to balance it out with. As a result, the episodes have NO continuum, nothing to draw in the viewer, and nothing to keep him. Their best bet is to hope that whomever has the ratings boxes accidentally hits on the show while surfing and remains out of curiosity...sort of a "is that a car accident or have they pulled over to urinate" model of viewer retention.

I have no idea if the 'talent' has talent or not, but they certainly aren't demonstrating it here. They may or may not be acting as if they are bad actors-(see above poor-attempt-at-hip-comedy)-and they may or may not be poorly directed or acting as if they are not being directed at all. It's impossible to judge anything when its so immersed in mediocrity and plain awful narrative/presentation. The thing is-these clean-cut, bleached-teeth glaring smiler, bright-clown-like-color kids aren't going to pull off "hip" or "cynical" or even "sarcastic". So their attempts to do so just leave the viewer wondering what they are meant to be in: "IS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY?....OR IS CARTOON NETWORK JUST JOKING ABOUT THIS SHOW" I THINK its supposed to be the former...but, after seeing two of the might just be the latter.
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Bad, But Not the Worst
slimer848918 May 2015
When I first saw commercials for this show, I had a hard time trying to figure out the premise of this show. Going by the title, it sounded like a show about a group of superheroes. Then, I saw that dumb "Incredible Crew Year's Eve" commercial. My God, what an annoyance that was. I still didn't know what the premise was. I soon figured out that it was a sketch show. Oh, joy.

This show is awful. I almost didn't watch it because of that annoying commercial where the African-American kid keeps saying "It's Incredible Crew Year's Eve!" When I saw the show, I found it bad. The whole Power Rangers spoof skit had such great potential, but what do they waste it on? Oh, just the Not-Power Rangers asking Not-Zordon about the logic behind him only being a disembodied head. Are you kidding me? That's what you call "humor"? You could have done so much more. You could have made fun of the traditional Power Rangers use of cheap stock footage from their Japanese counterparts, you could have made fun of the bad dubbing of the villain's voice, but no. You just use this skit to ask questions concerning a guy who only has a head, and no body. Such a shame.

The rest of the show is like AwesomenessTV, but no bad acting or annoyances, just them saying random garbage and expecting it to get a laugh out of us. I remember after I saw the show and hated it, I saw an Incredible Crew comic in my MAD Magazine. Thank God it was only in an advertisement. I thought I'd give the show a second chance by taking a look at the comic. It was random and non- sensical, but not funny. What a shock, right?

Yeah, that's Incredible Crew, and while it may be bad, at least it's not the worst. It's at least BETTER than the aforementioned AwesomenessTV and that abomination called Nick Studio 10. Unlike that show, Incredible Crew has (well, had) their own time slot, and didn't waste food, abuse dogs, or interrupt CN's other shows. The actors at least try, unlike AwfulnessTV. Thank goodness it's cancelled. I also gotta mention, after the show's decline, the crew came back. This time, trying to get "respect" by being "the voice of reason" for that CN bullying campaign. That's the funniest thing I've ever seen.

I don't recommend it all that much, unless you're curious.
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Cartoon Network bomb!
gporcelli-412356 July 2018
Man...this show is bad. It's painfully bad! I mean it; writers, actors, producers... none of these guys took some efforts while creating this garbage. The stories are ridicolous, the humor painfully unfunny, the acting is extremely poor and the direction is awkward. If "The amazing world of Gumball" would be a live action show it would be this one. Avoid at all costs!

Final score 1/10 (abysmal). Don't watch this show, don't watch this show, don't watch this show...
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"Incredible Idiots" Is More Like It!
azrex11 August 2014
Seriously CN Seriously? I have seen This. But This Is A HORRIBLE show! All there is Are A bunch of Stupid Animations From a 1st grader... Drew them And having Ideas. Like REALLY? Where's Your Creativity? I don't care About The Animations. I Don't REALLY CARE ABOUT THIS SHOW!! And Im Glad This Show Is Cancelled... Cause Its Very annoying, Very Awkward, And Very CRAPPY!!! It makes me want to Blow My Ears up! So Thanks you For No creativity Like Clarence, Teen Titans go, Well I don't care of Steven universe But still a good show, Tom and jerry show, And Even UNCLE GRANDPA! So if You will excuse me, I will Throw my TV Out of the window Until Uncle Grandpa is Cancelled.
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Three awful Cartoon Network live action shows: Out Of Jimmy's Head, Destroy Build Destroy and Dude What Would Happen
arielsiere3 June 2022
This is the most cringeworthy Cartoon Network live action show from 2012-2013 and i think that non of the characters are likable they are obnoxious, mean spirited, unlikable, annoying and hateful.
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Clean and funny show
livin_usmc_style1 March 2014
For the reviewers who don't like it have their opinions but my opinion is in favor of this show. Have you seen Disney lately? Sexual innuendos, bullying and display of disrespect towards peers and parents. If the negative reviews think those sites are better, they either use the TV as babysitters and aren't aware of the dialog or they walk with rose colored glasses thinking their kids are safe just because it's Disney. Incredible Crew is for kids that have a good sense of humor. Nothing inappropriate or vulgar about it. If you are uncomfortable about the word Fart or the fact that everyone does it then maybe you shouldn't watch LOL We've met a few of the kids from the show at Comic Con and they are great guys. We totally approve!
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It's a great show.
Stephgarcia38023 July 2014
Unfortunately the show got canceled after one season but I'm not really sure why. It's honestly a really great show and I find it funny and so do many of my friends. (I'm an 8th grader) We even bought the soundtracks on iTunes and still listen to them occasionally. I have no idea why people are saying it's a crappy show and it's somehow a 3.9 on IMDb, but let's think about it for a moment. This show was meant for kids. Not adults. So if kids had the option to rate it, I'm sure they would give it a 10/10. And I was reading a review on a 15 year old saying she thinks it's stupid show but then later admitted she said that because it makes teens her age look stupid. But that's the thing, it wasn't meant for them to watch. (Either way, I'm a teen and I love it. :) )
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i mean it wasn't that bad.
personguy-9974124 May 2021
When I was like 6 i thought this show was pretty funny honestly. It kept my attention and made me and my dad laugh a bit. I don't understand why people are like "This show is a terrible example for my kids" or "this show blows" I mean a lot of better shows were on the air at the time but this wasn't the worst to come out of cartoon network especially now.
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Incredible Stupidity
dakotawolfheart5 April 2013
My seven year old cousin isn't even entertained by this garbage. The jokes are poor, idiotic, and unfunny. It has never made me laugh, let alone the child who is the "intended audience" for Cartoon Network. I'm not one of these "nostalgia" lovers. I personally enjoy Adventure Time and even Regular Show among other new shows of theirs. This show is a poor rip-off of a good show, MadTV, or at least, that's how I view it. They have good shows. Like Adventure Time, which requires a bit of thinking, and even provides lessons and such. This show is just more proof parents are all too willing to shove their kid in front of a bright box and essentially hypnotize them. This is a show made for the people who don't care about anything other than a little bit of entertainment, or getting their child to shut up for awhile. It's above even Annoying Orange for it's sheer stupidity.
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Underrated off base humor show
dietrichs1028 June 2014
Non typical show. Not every skit is a winner but this show is under rated off center humor.

Too bad most people are looking for something 'normal'. Chanele Peloso is perfect at playing the roles. My son and his friends were disappointed it was canceled. Is everyone looking for another show with child actors who turn into pop stars? No love for 'Errands with my mom'? cm-on! Shows like Regular Show are not funny and just sucks kids in to watching the weirdness. At least this show tried to be different. Cartoon Network plays the same shows over and over and over. Incredible Crew budget should of been manageable. Perhaps parents who let their kids watch Adventure Time(not made for kids under 10!) and others complained to CN that this show did not have the weirdness underneath colorful cartoons.
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Can't get much worse than this. Seriously, what are they thinking?
honestjon216 April 2013
This show reminds me of every moment in my life when i was forced to witness some socially awkward kids attempt to get attention. Were everyone around is embarrassed for them and there inability to grasp the concept that being funny is intended to make other people laugh. We all had one of these kids in our class. The one that takes over acting to an extreme only a junior high school drama teacher could appreciate. The one who didn't care if people liked them or thought they were funny just as long as everyone was looking at them. Well if you know the type im talking about. Imagine taking a group of kids like this and giving them a show that's directed by the middle school drama teachers substitute.

I don't care that its not educational or it dosn't make you think. That's the parents job to guide not a TV network. Its lacking at every single level. In all comedy shows its is common place to put the funniest parts of an episode in the commercial and if you've seen a ad then you've seen the best there is to offer. Violin Drum Solo and Three Course Field Goals is really the best this shows got. I wanted to be fair before i wrote this so i watched 3 full episodes and tuned in an out multiple other times. Im sure a very small percentage of people find this show funny and based on the reviews its probably a good ratio. 10 reviews for absolutely awful and 2 for funny. I hope Cartoon Network realizes that it was a huge flop and dons't keep it going in hopes of eventual success like they're doing with Level Up. If it wasn't for Adventure Time and Regular Show there would be zero decent comedy shows on this network and absolutely no reason to even watch.(of course excluding Adult Swim)
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Horrible Show. CN is out of ideas.
brookejune115 April 2013
I'm amazed that this show made it from the drawing board to the television screen. Not only does this show prove that Cartoon Network is out of ideas, they are imposing imbecile behavior onto children. The most annoying thing voted by the human race is a child screaming. That is all this show does. Nothing in this show is "funny" everything in the skits are super-imposed and is absent of any sort of depth, emotion, or complexity. This show promotes behavior that is not acceptable in social settings such as home or school.

I'm not saying Cartoon Network has done bad overall. I myself enjoy Adventure time and the Regular show, which were great additions to the station.


The Incredible Crew has got to go.
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Why is CN doing this to us?
jackrlove312 March 2013
Cartoon Network has gone nowhere but down over the last 5 or so years. This show is so ridiculously annoying. My brother won't stop watching it, and I have to hear it all the time. The things these kids say and do are not even remotely entertaining. They think they are being funny with the whole "Burping Grandma" bit, but they are just being so freaking annoying. None of the sketches are funny. They are all either really stupid or really annoying, or both! This is honestly no better than anything Disney has released over the past 5 years. If anything, it is worse than any of that "canned laughter" crap. I hope that Cartoon Network sees that this show is trash and gets rid of it.
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A sad day for Cartoon Network
kankels1028 March 2013
This is honestly such a sad show. By 'sad', I mean lame and cheesy. This show is essentially a compilation of idiotic acts performed by many people. Essentially, a ultra watered down version of Robot Chicken. Not only does this show lack creativity, it lacks good acting as well. The jokes they tell are so predictable that it hurts to watch this show. Overall, this show is neither funny nor entertaining. I mean, really Cartoon Network, REALLY?! Even if this show had a decent plot, the animation is so poor and lacking creativity that it isn't even worth you time to watch it. I honestly don't know how long this awful show will last. I mean, the attempt to create something good is there; I will give it that. However, if it is not entertaining, then there is no point in watching Incredible Crew.
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We are very disappointed
shelcaroll9924 March 2013
Our family gave "Incredible Crew" a fair shot, but among the consistent comedic shortcomings and the immensely sickening waste of food, we will no longer tune in. This show fails miserably and it is unfortunate for both the viewer base that will be lost, and the talented young actors of this show whose careers are likely to take a hit. Our family has always been pleased with Cartoon Network's programming for our children, as well as Adult Swim - until now. We hope that the powers that be at Cartoon Network are paying attention to the feedback, which is consistent with many others here. This is such a shame. - Michelle, mother of four children.
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vulgar manners, imbecile behavior
cactussavoy6 March 2013
This show is a terrible example of a comedy for kids. The behavior the actors exhibit is anti-social,rude,violent and there is not one example of anything I would want my kids to learn. I am encouraging my school district to view it and start a nation wide boycott of this garbage. The people writing obviously don't have kids, it shows in the mindless plots and characters. i have advised PTA members to view this and make up their minds. Its reprehensible to put this example of all bad behaviors we Don't want in our children on public T.V. Parents, watch this garbage for yourselves and you will see why I had to write this review.
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Silly, Bizarre, and Very Funny
nick-226614 March 2013
I was surprised to see all the negative reviews of this show. Sure, the show can be vulgar, occasionally annoying, and some of the skits are weak. But more often than not, it's really very funny, especially for a younger crowd, and it sports more originality than most sketch comedy shows, including SNL. Best of all, the actors look like they are having a great time doing it, and their enthusiasm is somehow infectious. The cast sells every sketch with enthusiasm and great comic timing, particularly Pasterick and Peloso.

Is it Emmy-Award winning material? No, but it's good for a laugh and isn't afraid to go weird and offbeat. I guess not every kid will like it, but my 8-year-old loves it, and most of his friends do too.
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Awesome Show!
truedirectioner434 May 2013
I think this show is freaking hilarious! Okay, I'm a tween and I have a little sister. We watch this show, and it's hilarious! It's all a kid could want! Well, If your the kind of kid that finds random things funny... But anyway! just when I thought it couldn't get better, It did! I thought CN's MAD and Disney's So Random! was funny, so this is right up my ally! "Running Errands With My Mom" Is the new "Socks With Sandals" and "Candy Deoderent" is the new "Bieber Bowl". Sure, there's some crude humor involved, but that's what the Y7 rating is for. And better yet: it's a Nick Cannon show. That guy's SO cool. and so are the actors. My mom thinks it's really annoying, especially "clothes on food", but I can see why, I mean adults are forever trying to get their children to watch educational and appropriate shows... but... I mean...It has no sexual content, or, bad language. It's funny. I don't care what you people think. Even if it does get canceled, It was still hilarious to people. You can't be so literal. The point of the show is to make people look stupid!

This show is better for 9-12 year olds.
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Good clean fun
bass-923 April 2013
So yes, It looked dumb at first, but my 9 1/2 year old son really seemed to like it, so I kept checking in.

And it definitely got better. In fact, there are some segments I've seen that had both me and my son laughing our asses off, together. ("Suzy Sewer Princess", "So What Song" come to mind immediately, but there are plenty more.) That already is a priceless thing.

The point of it is, I think, that's it's just plain old dumb humor, but usually well done. It's not intellectual, there are no life lessons, no double meanings, no fables - just dumb fun, sometimes poking fun at modern pop culture, other times just bizarre humor. A lot of it works, it's not offensive, the players are talented, have a lot of positive energy, and they clearly enjoy doing it.

Even better, no deleterious side effects, either! My kid hasn't suddenly gotten stupid, he still reads 3 years beyond his grade level, is even improving in math, and still loves playing piano and drums. Not everything has to "stimulate" or "challenge" your child. That's just plain boring.

So we approve! Looking forward to another season!
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My kids and I both love this show!
greatsommelier4 April 2013
You have to go into this show not expecting anything overly intellectually stimulating. You have to realize it is a goofy, just for fun show. Not everything has to be so dang serious all the time. We watch this and are guaranteed at least two or more laugh out loud moments per episode. It is a show my husband and I can watch with the kids and not want to rip our hair out. I would list this and Adventure Time in my top ten shows on TV right now in creativity. Everyone expects every show to have a moral lesson or be educational now. That gets old and boring fast. Remember when we were kids? We had Loony Toons, Animaniacs, Tom and Jerry, etc. None of those tried to teach us a thing, lol, and we loved them. Our kids are inundated all day, let them check out once in a while. Let them have some things that are just for fun. I'm not saying sit and have them watch TV all day, but after playing outside and doing other things after school, let them watch something fun! This show buries shows like iCarly, Jesse, Good Luck Charlie and the like. All of those shows main characters are just downright mean to each other. This one is obvious goofiness and playing. The thought that someone would not like this enough to think they had the right to take it to a school board blows my mind. If you don't like it, don't watch it or let YOUR kids watch it. Who are you to dictate what other people show their children? Who are you to decide what people should or shouldn't watch?
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